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Driven by desperation and propelled toward self-destruction, a wealthy young man named Daniel makes a decision that will alter his life forever. A day like any other, hardly. Sure, it started the same as most with an annoying alarm followed by a hearty breakfast, but it was definitely not a typical day. Truthfully, I couldn't even eat. The eggs just stared back at me while their heat dissipated into the air. No, it wasn't a day like the others, not even close. The pancakes practically taunted me while I considered what I was about to do. It was insane. It might not even work. We could all die. And not just a normal demise, a terribly horrific one. I don't even want to think about it, but I can't stop. I suppose that means I'm conflicted. To think, in a matter of a few days we're going to be in... "Daniel?" an irritatingly proper voice called out, interrupting the whirlwind of confusing thoughts. "Hurry up and finish. It is time to prepare. There is much we must do." Alongside an unlikely team of adventurers, Daniel travels to the most forbidden place in human history where each step is permeated with danger. The journey together will bring illumination to the darkest corners of their souls, but in the end, only one question remains: will Daniel's path bring resolution or damnation?

Release dateFeb 28, 2019

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    Alexine - Ryan D. Pensyl

    Chapter 1

    The guests have arrived, sir. The man by the window wrung his hands. He was well dressed in a full, finely pressed suit, right down to the polished shine of his shoes. His hair was sleek and gleamed like the edge of a sword. The color resembled steel as the man was well in his sixties. He turned from the large gothic window and adjusted his cuff and tie into pristine position.

    Thank you dearly, Victor. A younger man sat patiently on a plush leather chair conveniently placed adjacent to a massive marble fireplace. Remember, you needn’t call me sir.

    Of course not, Daniel, it is but a habit of mine…my apologies. Victor watched his master rise.

    Daniel, a man in his late thirties, exuded confidence with every word and gesture. Despite an average build, his presence demanded respect. Deep-blue eyes pierced beyond the dark blond hair that fell to the limit of his brow. Although not well kept or combed, every hair appeared perfect nonetheless, matching the stubble on his chin. His shoulders are wide, and a muscular frame hinted beneath his wrinkled dress shirt. He wrestled on a sports jacket and tightened his tie around the shirt’s unclasped top button.

    How do I look. He smirked. Can you tell?

    Victor shook his head and rolled his eyes.

    Glad you went to a lot of trouble making a presentable visage for our guests, Victor said with a furrowed brow. Maybe we shall get lucky, and the sight of you will chase them away.

    That’s enough of that, Daniel retorted. They’ll be too busy counting their dollars to worry about such details.

    That is it. I really do not believe this is a very good id— Victor tried to make a point.

    Look, we already had this discussion. he interrupted. I don’t have any other choice.

    Daniel stormed out of the room with a mix of rashness and aggravation while Victor watched, shaking his head with grief. Daniel popped his head around the doorframe. Well, you coming?

    Victor sighed.

    Always…God, help him, he muttered under his breath so Daniel would not hear.

    The two headed down the spiraling staircase. Their footsteps landing on the granite caused echoes throughout the large mansion. Their hands screeching on the mahogany banister created a symphony that filled the air. Perhaps a funeral dirge for a battalion en route to its final battle, at least that is how it played out in Victor’s mind. For Daniel, it was a victory anthem.

    Daniel jumped the last three steps, slamming to the ground. Victor’s eyes responded as usual. Daniel rushed to the door and grasped the bronze handle. Beginning to turn, he suddenly stopped as though hit with a jolt.

    My God, what am I doing? I have more important business than this…Victor, attend to our guests. He rushed up the stairs opposite of the one recently descended.

    Victor, still shaking his head, bellowed loudly, Of course, sir.

    Don’t call me sir. Daniel’s voice resounded back from the floor above.

    Victor slowly opened the door to the front drive. Multiple limousines filled the grand turnabout outside the mansion. His hands were behind his back, wringing with nerves. The display on his face betrayed him. The limo doors opened, and the invitees stepped forth. His eyes widened, and his throat narrowed. As they approached the mansion, they stared up at the mighty fortress before them. They gawked with amazement and awe and did not notice the expression on Victor’s face. All but one that is—one of the guests noticed immediately, as did Victor when their glances met. Breaking their locked trance, he managed to utter forth, Please do come in. I am here to show you the way. Master Christianson will be with you shortly.

    As they walked the long hallway toward their destination, Victor relived the selection process in his head. He remembered it all vividly—the feeling that he had in the pit of his stomach with the turn of each page. For months, he tried to convince Daniel to reconsider, but to no avail. Victor knew every detail in each guest’s file. He could not help but recount it all while he made what seemed the longest walk of his life.

    Jurious Creed, one of the least alarming of the lot, is a world-renowned archeological anthropologist. He is a rather tall and lanky man. His long platinum hair pulled back in a tail, looked rather odd in comparison to his otherwise clean-cut appearance. Round lenses rest gently upon his nose, giving him an air of intelligence. Victor could not help but wonder, Is that the reason he wears them? Typically, he peers over the frames. On his shoulder, he carried a burlap satchel, which he guarded well. A hurricane likely couldn’t steal it from his relentless grasp. Dr. Creed has been commissioned by Daniel’s family business over the years. The Christianson Museum of Holy Artifacts in Pittsburgh contains many items discovered by Creed himself. The doctor also helped locate several pyramids buried deep beneath the African sands ages ago. His extensive knowledge of all religion is well documented and is considered the authority. For this reason, Daniel chose him.

    Following him was the most attractive attendee by far. The only female companion, Sierra Higgins, is an up-and-coming botanist. She has the most brilliant green eyes, resembling the emerald isles of Ireland, which coincidentally is her country of origin. Chin-length strawberry hair frames her slender cheerful face. Despite her many obvious aesthetic qualities, Daniel has more concern with her studies in ancient plant life. Among other accomplishments, she gathered and analyzed samples unearthed by none other than Jurious Creed, yielding various interesting results. These extrapolations created an uproar among her peers. Mostly driven by jealousy, her peers call her insane and delusional. Sadly enough, these are the kindest monikers. However, where most see insanity, Daniel sees opportunity.

    Eagerly behind Ms. Higgins, looking more at her than the direction, walked Brian Lexington. Not to be blamed, he spends more time with his computer than (how does he put it?) the human interface. She very well may be his first object of admiration as he is barely two decades old. He graduated from MIT at fifteen and has patented a plethora of inventions since. Victor recalled how Daniel learned of the self-proclaimed Brain. What a clever reorganization of letters from his actual first name. Brain was caught hacking into Christianson Engineering and Computer Industries. Did Daniel prosecute? Of course not. The master is far more cunning; he hired the infiltrator. Needless to say, there have not been any further breaches in security. To this day, Brian claims that he did it as an interview process. Personally, Victor believed he just got bored. However, the reason for his invitation was strapped to his right arm. A device called Bill. Supposedly, he named it after his hero, a programmer beyond Victor’s comprehension. Most viewed the device as eccentricity, but Daniel knew better.

    Several steps behind these three follow those that gave Victor the most concern. They are what you might call the muscle to offset the minds of the previous three.

    Azar Zade, mercenary for hire, a skilled marksman, tracker, and tactician. His hands have been in every major conflict in recent US history. He is a large scruffy man towering over them all. His face and arms adorn the scars from battles waged. One would imagine by his appearance there are many more scars he carries, but they are obscured from Victor’s sight. His camouflage uniform is covered in harnessed guns and ammo clips. Most of his file has been sealed and classified. What little they have on this man of many strengths is that he played football for Notre Dame. Through college, he excelled but gave no consideration to turning professional. He felt that the sport was too soft for his taste. So he skipped on fame and enlisted into the marines. In no time at all he carved a path straight through Special Forces. The only other data is his love for fine cigars, money, and trouble. Naturally, his love for trouble made him a must-have for the master’s plans.

    The next man waddling behind Zade may be their most peculiar guest. Truth be told, Victor had a difficult time associating his classification of muscle with his actual appearance. Standing at an unimpressive five feet tall and undoubtedly five feet around, he would not be close to a first choice. He is a Nazirite, a member of a holy sect living in an undisclosed location that appears on no map. He is a lifelong Nazirite just as Samson, John the Baptist, and Samuel. Most of his brothers and sisters intermittently take the vow. His hair is woven into seven long cords and then bound together as one, which swayed behind him as he walked. His birth name is Solomon Mungo, but the other Nazirites call him Brother Bulk. As Victor thought about it, he cannot help but chuckle. Can you imagine why they call him that? Despite his portly physique, he is quite quick and nimble. One should guess there is more to this young man than appears. If nothing else, perhaps his faith will empower Daniel’s own.

    Lastly is he, the one that met Victor’s gaze on the front step, outside the mansion. This man is by far the most enigmatic of the whole lot. His presence chilled Victor to the core. He must have sent shivers down the spine of his own mother, for she gave him no name, or at least not one any has heard. This man of mystery has but a codename: Onyx. From head to toe, he is cloaked in darkness, in raven black. His physical dimensions are meager, but by no means does it diminish the aura of pure power emanating around him. Adorning his head is a mask that completely covers all the features of his face. It is truly an eerie and terrifying sight to behold. His face shows no eyes, no nose, and no mouth from behind that ominous mask. He is the personification of a dark void whose stare draws in one’s soul. Around his torso is a harness lined with pouches. He also displays two swords on his back. One sword appears to be a full-length katana, the other is a wakizashi, or a short sword. Both of them have an obsidian black handle in a sable sheath. This man carries about him a visage of death itself. His file is only a list of accomplishments. Origin, race, and affiliation are blank, unknown to the world. He is an uncanny shadow from the underworld. Honestly, Victor was unsure how Daniel happened upon this one. As his history dictates, he has truly come from out of nowhere.

    As the various memories rewind through Victor’s head, the long walk has finally come to an end. In front of Victor’s outstretched arms are two massive glass doors with ornate etchings and designs. Victor opened the doors to reveal an extravagant dining hall. Suits of armor from across the ages line the walls. The beautiful stained glass ceiling depicts Heaven’s angels worshiping a risen Christ. Opposite the entrance is a stone fireplace with a large wooden cross hanging above the mantle.

    The guests could not help but to survey the room, attempting to digest the awesome display all around them. Even the one clad in black seemed impressed. A thought entered Victor’s mind, Maybe, just maybe, he is human.

    Please eat, drink, and make yourselves at home, Victor relayed a welcoming message. I shall go and retrieve the master. He has been awaiting your arrival. As he backed out of the room the large glass doors closed with a resonating sound, sealing in the guests.

    Zade whistled shrilly as he spun about. This is quite the place, who is this guy?

    Mr. Christianson is heir to quite a powerful family, Creed announced. His grandfather was a successful physician who taught his son how to save and invest. He in turn passed the knowledge on to his son. The family has continuously made prosperous investments in technology and pharmaceuticals for generations. I have heard on several accounts that the current Mr. Christianson is to be the brightest of his family and the most savvy when it comes to business. Midas would be envious.

    His family even offers multiple scholarship opportunities, Sierra chimed in. I could never have made it as far as I have without the generosity of the Christianson Foundation.

    Agreed, Brian spoke up. I might have been incarcerated for life if not for Mr. Christianson’s benevolence.

    You? Sierra raised an eyebrow as she examined the boy brainiac.

    Yes, I actually am quite the mischievous bad boy, he said with a smirk. Do you like bad boys?

    Sierra scoffed, rolled her eyes, and then continued to look about the room.

    How ’bout you? Zade motioned with a nod toward Solomon. What’s yer story, do ya know the boss too?

    Solomon gazed straight through Zade and let out a shriek in the most unusual voice. I’m hungry.

    With that, Solomon shuffled over to the feast laid upon the table directly behind Zade. He did not waste any time, almost as if he were drawn to it. Solomon grabbed a chicken leg in one hand and a large pear in the other hand and began to scarf down the food.

    I’ll take that as a no then, Zade puzzled under his breath. Don’t forget to chew yer food though, I doubt any of us could reach our arms around ya to perform the Heimlich. Solomon shoved a large piece of bread in his mouth and turned his head toward Zade. Cheeks bulging, he smiled broadly then continued his onslaught on the feast. Zade just chuckled and shook his head in amazement.

    How ’bout you, sunshine. Zade turned his attention toward the one in black. What’s yer deal?

    The shadowy figure just slowly turned his head and yielded no response. He locked his gaze on Zade.

    Hmph. The mercenary paused awkwardly. This is gunna be quite a party.

    He reached into the top pocket of his jacket and pulled out a large Cuban cigar.

    Time for my premeal smoke, I gotta warm up the ol’ palate. With that, he slid open the small matchbox to find it empty. Seriously… Anyone got a light?

    He searched the room for an answer. Everyone simply shrugged. Solomon even stopped eating precisely long enough to shake his head, ensuring he owned no match. Onyx unsnapped a pouch on his harness, and immediately everyone locked their eyes on him. He walked casually and silently toward the merc and placed his thumb into the pocket. When Onyx’s thumb resurfaced, its tip was covered with a deep-red powder. The dark assassin stretched out his arm in the direction of Zade’s cigar. Zade looked on warily, ready for what action may come next. Onyx snapped his fingers; a crackling rush of air produced a flame on the edge of his thumb.

    Everyone in the room, enthralled by the moment, jumped back with a gasp. The massive mountain of a monk even ceased eating. After Zade had a moment to collect his thoughts, he puffed his cigar amidst the miniature dancing flame. The tip of his cigar burned with brilliance as everyone looked on in disbelief.

    Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about, yer my new best bud, kid. Waving his cigar in his left hand, he placed his right hand on Onyx’s shoulder. He more or less forced Onyx over toward the table with him. Zade began to share his numerous war stories with his new friend. It was of course a one-sided conversation.

    The other three glanced at one another; this was the unofficial beginning of their adventure. Sierra began to smile.

    Looks like this is going to be quite entertaining. She headed for the table. Come on you two before the food gets cold or the big guy eats all of it.

    Go on, my young man. Creed gestured to Brian. Don’t keep the pretty lady waiting.

    What about you, sir? Brian asked. Are you not hungry too?

    Creed responded No, much too nervous to eat anything…but you get on over there while you still can find something to eat.

    Brian nodded and eagerly made his way to the table beside Sierra. Creed assessed the room, calculating the situation he found himself in. Opening the bag, he examined the contents. After a few seconds, he nervously closed the satchel and held it tightly near his body. Much too nervous indeed, Creed said to himself.

    Upstairs, Victor paced outside a closed room, talking to himself. He would only stop long enough to listen through the door. Much weighed on his mind as he continued to pace. His place is here.

    This is truly absurd. He moved feverishly now. God, please change his mind.

    All the while, he carried on a lonely monologue, until he noticed a light piercing through the window. Rushing to see what produced the light, he saw yet another limo pull into the circle below. This limousine was a familiar one.

    Of course, our final guest. He sprinted down the stairs as quickly as his old bones could carry him, arriving at the door before the buzz rang throughout the mansion.

    Perfect timing, the gentleman proclaimed as the door opened. The man that stepped in was slightly younger than Victor, tall, in good shape, with light-brown skin—a well-dressed, handsome older man.

    Punctual as ever, Victor, my old friend. He bowed slightly.

    Mr. Ainsworth, thank you for coming, sir. Victor returned the bow. I do hope you are going to try and talk Daniel out of this foolish idea.

    He sighed. I’ll try one last time. I see the other guests are here, is he with them now?

    No, he is upstairs. He has yet to introduce himself. Victor was clearly nervous.

    Good fortune, I am not too late to try one last time, please bring him to the study first so I may speak with him, the well-dressed man requested.

    Very good, sir, I shall fetch him right away. Victor turned once more to ascend the stairs.

    Oh, Victor, one last thing, Mr. Ainsworth said as he climbed the opposite staircase.

    I know, I know, do not call you sir. Victor huffed.

    Ainsworth headed off toward the study to await the arrival of Daniel as Victor marched off down the other hallway.

    Arriving at the room, he knocked gently. Sir?

    He paused to listen for a response. No response. He knocked again, softly. Daniel?

    Immediately, the door swung open, and Daniel poked his head out. That’s better.

    Victor sighed to himself. Mr. Ainsworth has arrived and awaits you in the study.

    Excellent. The door shut for a few moments before he returned. Daniel shut the door quietly upon his exit. Shall we? Destiny awaits.

    That is what I fear. Victor kept his head down.

    Daniel spoke out, Positive thoughts, my dear friend.

    More like prayer, what good are thoughts?

    I’ve prayed a lot, you know that. That’s what brought me to this day. Besides, sometimes we have to take matters into our own hands.

    That is a dangerous game, Daniel. And did you actually listen? Or did you do what you do when I talk to you?


    Very funny.

    No, seriously what did you say?

    Just as I figured.

    I heard you, calm down. It was just a joke. Yes, I listened and so far have yet to receive a no.

    What about all the difficulties up to this point?

    Nothing severe enough to persuade me to change course.

    Maybe you should check the definition…

    How does that old adage go? ‘Anything worth having is worth taking.’

    I really do not think that is how it goes, honestly.

    I know. I am kidding, again . . . chill. It’s just a joke.

    Wow, really, that is something new.

    Daniel stopped. He placed his hands on Victor’s shoulders. I am shocked, was that sarcasm? I knew the day would come. You have finally achieved a sense of humor. You should be so proud of yourself.

    Victor’s eyes widened then squinted in light of Daniel’s announcement.

    Daniel laughed.

    "Now start using contractions. Proper English is not funny."

    You just used proper English.

    I am currently focusing on emphasis, not humor.

    Are you trying to kill me?

    See. You should have said, ‘You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?’.

    It is the same.

    It’s the same.

    I know it is.

    No, I mean, it’s the same.

    Daniel, what is going on?

    See, this is perfect comedy.

    What is?

    And you say I don’t listen, sheesh.

    I am so confused.

    That’s okay, you’ll get it before you’re married.

    I have been married for over twenty years…

    Never mind, I take it back.

    Thank God we’ve arrived at the study.

    You did it.

    Did what?

    Daniel, staring, could only shake his head. So close yet so far away.

    He opened the door to find his guest, Mr. Ainsworth, pondering over the situation.

    Calvin, Daniel outstretched both arms. So kind of you to see me off.

    What in heaven’s name were you two fighting about? Calvin questioned. I could hear you clear at the other end of the hall.

    Daniel was giving me lessons on the constructs of humor. Victor just rolled his eyes.

    Oh, I see. Calvin pondered a moment then grinned. Well, you could probably use an entire class on humor.

    Victor did not crack a smile.

    Of course you would side with him, Victor sneered. By now, both Daniel and Calvin were chuckling over Victor’s utter distress. Victor blurted out, I am so glad the both of you are enjoying this moment.

    Seriously, though, Daniel said as he wiped tears of laughter from his face. I’m glad to see you. Thanks for coming over.

    They clasped hands in friendship.

    You’re very welcome, but you do understand that I’m here to talk you out of this little adventure? Calvin replied.

    Oh, I see, now you’re joining Vic’s side of the argument? Daniel paused. This must be how Julius Cesar felt.

    Always a gift for the dramatic, I see, Calvin lashed back. What you plan to do is completely reckless and wrong on many levels.

    Daniel grumbled, I have no other choice.

    Have you actually thought this through? Calvin said in a commanding voice. Do you even comprehend the ramifications that may come from this journey of yours?

    I have and I do, Daniel said calmly. What would you have me do then?

    Calvin turned away, rubbing his hands through his hair. It was obvious that he had much strain on his mind. I don’t know, Daniel, I wish I did. He sat down at the table and lowered his head into his clammy palms.

    Well, I do know, Daniel proclaimed. I have run every scenario and possible outcome in my mind nearly a thousand times. This is my only option left. I have spoken to numerous experts related to this topic, researched every avenue. and spent who knows how much time and money…all for what—nothing.

    Have you tried prayer lately? Victor added with concern.

    Daniel stopped midsentence. Of course, he said emphatically. I’ve prayed constantly, I practically prayed myself to sleep every night. It has yielded no results to me thus far.

    Perhaps it requires more time, Victor pleaded. You and your family have always been showered with blessings from God and have always shown gratitude for his grace.

    I’m out of time, Daniel demanded desperately. It is by no means that I am not grateful, but I need to take action.

    That is enough, I have a solution. Calvin shouted, and he stood up quickly. His chair screeched across the floor.

    What? Daniel was startled.

    I’m coming with you. Calvin demanded.

    Whoa. Daniel motioned with his hands. What will that solve?

    Not too sure, but you can’t stop me. Calvin marched out of the room. Let’s go brief the group.

    Calvin made it down the hallway and down the staircase. His heavy footsteps rang out for fair distance.

    Victor smirked. Seems that Calvin is determined.

    It would seem that this decision has been weighing heavily on his mind for some time. Daniel turned to follow.

    I would like to accompany you, Victor confessed.

    Old friend, Daniel quietly stated as he placed his hands on Victor’s shoulders. I would never ask this of you. Besides, I need someone capable to run this house and my businesses while I am gone.

    You do not have to ask this, sir, Victor said proudly. It would be my pleasure. Ms. Foster could take care of the day to day running…

    Victor, I need you to stay, Daniel said sincerely.

    Very well, Victor said in submission. At least allow me to send you off.

    Daniel said with a smile, I would not have it any other way, old friend.

    Daniel motioned that he and Victor should continue on since things were settled. By now, Calvin is standing awkwardly in the center of the room, regretting his hasty decision.

    Daniel smiled deviously.

    Victor nodded, and the two friends began their descent to the first floor to meet the congregation.

    Chapter 2

    When they arrived, they could hear Calvin making his way through the party, explaining his reasons for being there.

    Should we go and save him from himself? Victor smiled.

    If not pressed for time, I would delight in listening to him muddle around for a while. Daniel laughed. His nervous banter is always classic.

    As they entered, a hush came across the entire room. All attention fell on Daniel.

    Thank you all for making your way here to my humble abode. Daniel bowed. I am Daniel Christianson. I’m thrilled that you all accepted my invitation.

    So this is the boss man. Zade whispered to Onyx. He doesn’t look like yer typical billionaire…we should get along just fine.

    Onyx nodded silently in agreement.

    Please continue to enjoy the food. Daniel remained standing. While you eat, I will explain why I requested your presence.

    Each member of the group sat at attention, eager to hear Daniel’s intentions. Even Solomon stopped to listen. Victor noticed the hunger pain in Solomon’s eyes. The portly monk glanced at the table, evidently unsure if he could eat and pay attention simultaneously. Victor resisted a sheepish smile.

    Calvin slumped at the table’s end. With his head in his hands, he watched the entire scene unfold through his fingers.

    Daniel began, Each of you is a specialist in your field. I brought you all together for what may be the most significant task in modern history. It will likely be an arduous and daunting mission, filled with danger at every step. I cannot tell you what may lie ahead. There is no record of any before us taking up this charge. We will more than likely forge a path into history just as Marco Polo, Columbus, and Aldrin and Armstrong—

    Next, you’ll tell us we’ll boldly go…, Zade interrupted. We’ve seen the bills you’re payin’. We know this is somethin’ crazy, just tell us already.

    Daniel smiled. All right, we are going to find the Garden of Eden.

    The whole room, aside from Onyx, erupted into an uproar. Some of the members were in disbelief. Others were wrought with fear.

    Wow, Zade’s brow furrowed. I was expectin’ outer space, but yer spoutin’ off fairy tales.

    I suppose we will just have to make you a believer then, Mr. Zade, Daniel retorted.

    Mr. Christianson, Solomon screeched. I’m not confident my order would appreciate such an intrusion?

    Mr. Mungo, I already discussed everything with your elder, Daniel explained. He recommended you above all.

    Solomon paused for thought. Then as God sees fit, I shall accompany you and give it my best.

    Thank you, Daniel said sincerely.

    Sierra and Brian looked at each other.

    Sir. Brian raised his hand.

    Daniel felt like a schoolteacher. Yes, Mr. Lexington, you have concerns?

    Ms. Higgins and I have deliberated our importance to this journey. We are intellectuals, not really adventurers. Brian calculated in his mind a second then spoke again. Statistically, your rate of success would be much higher without any encumbrance.

    Okay, first of all, stop trying to impress, we had this discussion. Daniel lectured, Secondly, I promise I did my own statistics, and I need you both.

    The two of them conferred with each other momentarily and spoke out in unison, We’re in.

    Thank you, I would expect nothing less, Daniel said with confidence.

    Well, ya know my buddy Onyx and me, we’re itching fer some trouble, Zade yelled as he jabbed his cohort in the arm. Onyx glanced at the boisterous mercenary then nodded once in agreement.

    Zade turned his attention to Jurious Creed. Hey prof, you’ve been way too quiet over there, what’re yer thoughts?

    Well, Daniel interjected. Dr. Creed is the man that will get us there, so I am pretty sure he is coming with us.

    Now all eyes were on the professor.

    Go on, Mr. Creed, enlighten them. Daniel nudged him to speak.

    Creed nodded and reached into his bag and revealed a golden scepter encrusted with sapphires, emerald, and rubies. The scepter was serpentine and twisted. The eyes of the scepter were brilliant diamonds, nearly ten carats each. Its visage created unrest in the soul of everyone in attendance. Victor looked over at his friend Calvin. His head hung low, and he was mumbling to himself.

    This is the Staff of the Serpent’s Way, Creed announced. It’s an ancient artifact discovered in Egypt. It resided in a temple far below the sands in a recently uncovered pyramid. The accompanying texts suggest it was created by a sect of priests long before the reign of the pharaohs. It may even be the relic responsible for Egypt’s obsession with the serpent. It has one purpose: to recreate Perfect Earth and establish a bridge between worlds.

    What the he—. An obscenity leaked from Zade’s lips, but intervention came in the form of Onyx’s hand over his mouth. Zade realized his slip and pulled the hand away. What’s this about, Perfect Earth?

    Currently, we reside on what is considered Neo Earth. Creed went on, The original, Adam’s Earth, was known as Eden, or Perfect Earth. However, the introduction of sin caused everything to change.

    Wait, wait, wait. Zade was perplexed. Didn’t stories have them living in the Garden of Eden?

    True, they did, Creed replied. However, the Bible states that the whole world changed and became a constant thorn to man, therefore a second earth, called fractured earth. The garden gates were sealed off, likely due to the fact paradise still resided within. Adam and Eve would have known this, serving as a constant reminder of perfection lost.

    So it became known as the garden once they were booted out, Zade examined. A contrast to the world they were forced to live in, right?

    Precisely, Creed shook his fist. You grasped that quicker than I expected.

    Ha. I may be a brute, but I’m no dummy, Zade hollered. So I hope ya don’t mind me askin’, but how do ya get Neo Earth outta all this talk?

    The Great Flood, Creed lectured on. When God submerged the planet beneath the waters and only Noah’s Ark was spared. They inherited the third and current Earth, or Neo Earth, from God.

    And the Ice Age? Zade raised an eyebrow.

    That was nothing but mere landscaping, comparatively, Creed responded.

    Humph. Zade leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. I’m content.

    There we have it, our anthropology lesson for the day, Daniel joined in. Any other questions for Dr. Creed?

    How does it work? Sierra asked shyly.

    That is an excellent question, such an inquisitive mind, Ms. Higgins. Creed considered his words carefully. As far as I can surmise, the scepter is able to reestablish the severed wavelength with a previous existence.

    Blank stares met Dr. Creed throughout the room.

    I see I have to be a little more detailed in my explanation. That is understandable, this is new territory to most of you. Creed rubbed his chin. The simplest way to explain it is by imagining an empty container. You will agree that the contents derive shape from the container housing it, correct? Now imagine that the Earth is the container and each Earth represents a unique container at a particular wavelength. The wavelength today differs from that of yesterday. One can only imagine the difference between today and centuries ago.

    The professor felt as though he was getting through; he decided the time was right to explain the application. "So, if the scepter can reestablish the wavelength of that precise moment in time, then we can reconnect with not only Perfect Earth but Eden as well.

    Expecting signs of realization, he was instead met by confusion.

    Zade leaned forward and rested his elbow on the table. "I thought I was jokin’ about goin’ to space,

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