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Heartbeat of an Intercessor
Heartbeat of an Intercessor
Heartbeat of an Intercessor
Ebook66 pages59 minutes

Heartbeat of an Intercessor

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Calling All Intercessors and Prayer Warriors

Stand with me today and declare, "No longer will I be deceived! No longer will I live in bondage. No longer will I be afraid. No longer will I be silent. I will lift up my voice unto the Lord God Almighty, which was and is and is to come. I will bow my knees and lift up my hands and cry out unto the Lord. I will shout unto God with a voice of praise and triumph. I will make a joyful noise unto God. I will pray from the rising of the sun until the going down of the same."

Rosemary is the founder and creator of Prayerchronicles365. At prayerchronicles365, you will be able to pray, worship, and receive Bible truth nuggets to help you jump-start your day and build your faith in God.

To hear and view prayer videos, subscribe to her YouTube Channel at

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Release dateAug 4, 2021
Heartbeat of an Intercessor

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    Book preview

    Heartbeat of an Intercessor - Rosemary B. Taylor


    Heartbeat of an Intercessor

    Rosemary B. Taylor

    Copyright © 2021 by Rosemary B. Taylor

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    The Intercessor

    Love to Pray

    Prayer, Praise, and Worship

    Teach Us to Pray

    Intercession Scriptures


    First, giving honor to God who is the head of my life. I would like to thank him for the special gift of writing that he has given me. I gladly extend my hands to be a willing and yielded vessel for his use. I would like to thank the Holy Spirit for opening up the eyes of my understanding and revealing the living word of God to me.

    Father, I pray that this book will be a tremendous blessing to those that read it. I thank you that you will open up their ears to hear what you are saying, and I thank you that you will open up their eyes to see your glory, and I thank you that you will open up their hearts to receive your word. I ask that the words herein will enlighten the hearts and minds of people so that they may have a greater desire of prayer to be birthed in their lives, their homes, their churches, their school, on their jobs and wherever they may go.

    Thank you, Father, that intercessors and prayer warriors all over the world will rise up in the earth through the power of prayer and do a mighty damage to the kingdom of darkness. They will tear down and destroy everything that is not like you. According to your word; they will mount up like wings of an eagle; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and never faint. They will speak forth your word in faith, power, and might. And nothing shall, by any means, harm them, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen


    When I first met you, you were a young charismatic on fire woman of God, and as I begin to reflect back over the years, I can honestly say that you have been steadfast and unmovable from the first day that I met you at Christian Life Center Church. I have been blessed beyond measure watching how God has truly manifested his will in your life. I have seen your strength, perseverance, and unwavering belief in the promises of God. You are an awesome wife, best friend, mother, and grandmother. I could not have asked for more in a woman than you. You are my Proverbs 31 wife, and I will forever call you blessed. I am confident in knowing that with God’s leading and guiding you, his favor will be upon you all the days of your life and truly the best is yet to come to you, my darling Rose.

    Your loving husband, Luther


    What Is Prayer?

    In a general conversation between two people, one is a Christian and the other one is a nonbeliever. The nonbeliever posed a general question to the Christian. He asked, What is prayer? What is intercession? What is the importance of prayer? Why do some people say that they get up early in the morning to pray? What do you pray about? What do people mean when they say, ‘I have to go home and pray about that’? For that matter, why do people have to pray?

    The Christian turns to the nonbeliever and say, "Wow, that’s a lot of whats and whys, but I do have an answer for you."

    In the meantime, a bystander that overheard the conversation abruptly interjects with his opinion. He enthusiastically states, Prayer is getting on your knees and folding your hands together staring up into space and being incredibly quiet so that God can know that you are there. You don’t have to say anything, you just have to stare. When you get tired of staring, close your eyes real tight and think about something real hard. Whatever you think about, that’s what God is going to do for you.

    The Christian, with a puzzled look on his face, was stunned by what the bystander had just said. He looked at the nonbeliever, and then he turned and looked at the bystander. He said to the bystander, Is that really what you believe prayer is?

    The bystander said, "Yes, that’s

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