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About this ebook

Two beautiful young ladies get involved in mystery, kidnapping, romance, and excitement, blended with high-stakes decisions. Accomplished crooks use strange and effective tactics in getting what they want. Murder and mayhem come into play with money laundering, loan-sharking, violence, and extortion.

Romance and gaiety intertwined with suspense throughout.

Release dateMay 12, 2021

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    Book preview

    Anxiety - Dudley Peters

    Chapter One

    It all started in the spring. The warmer weather had brought just about everyone in the town to a good frame of mind, especially Natalie. A big part of her life before was no picnic. She was having a very hard time coping with her everyday routine. She was working in a department store as a clerk at the cosmetic counter. In the back of her mind, she knew there was no real future in this style of living. Not only was she constantly plagued by problems with her eleven-year-old car but she had also just broken up with her latest beau.

    Natalie was gifted with some quality smarts, as well as being a true person. She was gorgeous with auburn hair, dark-brown eyes, perfect nose, perfect full lips, and the body of a model. She had just turned twenty-six. She decided to get a job right away after she graduated from high school. She didn’t like schooling as a whole, so she wasn’t interested in college. So far, life just never delivered a good break to come her way. Everything was a demanding challenge for her. Even so, she had this really good feeling rising in her like things were about to get better—much better.

    Her ability to make money and save some was one of her weak parts in her managing. She was terrible with it. She had never learned how.

    Steve decided to place an ad in the local paper that showed an opening in his company, Williams Furniture Outlet. The ad was for a salesperson. The company he owned is a ten-year-old furniture business. He started it and owned it.

    Steve had recently signed a lease on a newly built ninety-five-hundred-square-foot building. His company had outgrown the original building. He was ready and eager to expand. The new store was located in a large commercial complex. The new store had already held its grand opening two months ago.

    Steve Williams is thirty-five years old, married to his wife, Bess, for nine years with no children. They lived comfortably on his and her incomes—which, combined, totaled 290K dollars; her part was 90K dollars. The mortgage on their million-dollar home was 800K dollars, with monthly payments of 4,650 dollars. They were active members of the country club. They were happy and enjoying life.

    Bess was fairly good-looking, blonde, but a little overweight. She also was a party animal, witty and could hold her own in political and current-events conversations with her peers. She enjoyed mingling, especially at cocktail parties where she shined. She always made sure to let everyone that she talked to know that she had a brother that lived in LA and was a movie actor, even though her brother was a bit actor that never spoke on screen. She never divulged that.

    Steve had received a business degree from the community college of Toledo, where he grew up. He met Bess at a friend’s backyard cookout when he was twenty-five. They hit it off immediately. It seemed a perfect match. They were married within a year. She was twenty-two.

    Chapter Two

    Natalie had read the ad in the morning paper and was thinking about responding. She especially liked the part about the salary, plus commission and benefits. Then she thought it might be a good idea to go over to the new showroom and take a firsthand look at the place before responding.

    Steve had stepped out of his office and was in the showroom talking to his floor salesmen and delivery crew about a problem that was phoned in from a customer. It was regarding yesterday’s delivery of a bedroom suite. Steve didn’t see Natalie at first. When he finally did see her, he told his floor salesmen that he would handle this customer himself. He approached her.

    Natalie had seen the five men talking when she first came into the showroom. As she was mingling through the displays, out of the corner of her eye, she saw him approaching.

    Good morning, miss. Can I help you today?

    Natalie pretended to be surprised. Oh, yes. Maybe. Are you the manager here?

    Steve was taken back a bit while noticing how perfect her voice was and how pretty she was up close. Well, yes, you could say that. I am the owner as well. My name is Steve Williams.

    Natalie extended her hand and said, It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Williams. My name is Natalie Flores.

    Nice to meet you too. He said. What may I help you with today, Miss Flores?

    I read the ad in the newspaper about your needing a salesperson here. I would like to apply for the position.

    Okay, sure. You will need to fill out an application for employment, of course, and by next week the decision will be made among all of the applicants. (In his mind, he already knew that she would be the one.) May I ask, would you be able to start right away?

    Yes. She replied.

    As she followed him into the office, the two salesmen and delivery crew were still standing there pretending to be discussing problems, but they were in reality sneaking looks at her.

    Natalie’s girlfriend Susan seemed always to be involved in some sort of a self-made problematic situation, but as always, it was not serious. Susan was completely trustworthy as far as Natalie was concerned. She kept no secrets from Natalie and always wanted to be of help. She adored their relationship and loved Natalie. In return, Natalie loved Susan too. They had met at the department store, where Natalie had sold her some cosmetics. They hit it off instantly. Over the ensuing years, Natalie knew exactly what she had with her as a best friend.

    Natalie had moved in with Susan three years ago. She had a private bedroom with a walk-in closet. She had her own bathroom as well and also a small reading nook that looked out over the manicured backyard.

    Susan was one month younger than Natalie, and she never ever had money problems. Her parents were wealthy, and Susan was an only child. Five years ago, when she turned twenty-one, her parents waited for her to pick the place she wanted to become her home, then they paid for it and presented her the deed and title.

    Susan had many boyfriends over the years. Only one lasted more than six months. Susan, too, was beautiful. She had streaked blond hair, was a regular at the gym, and was tall and friendly with a wonderful smile.

    The two young ladies had no idea of the trouble they were going to be brought into in the days ahead.

    Chapter Three

    It was Wednesday. The weather was gray. The forecast for Akron was mild temperatures with drizzle and wind. Natalie was at home studying the pitch sheet the day manager had given her. She read it, gave it some thought, then put it away. She knew that she wasn’t going to use it.

    Susan was excited for Natalie and made a prediction that she would make a huge sale on her first day. Natalie finished her third coffee and told Susan, I wouldn’t bet on it. But thanks for the vote of confidence.

    In Natalie’s mind, selling would be easy for her. She was sure of it and could feel it. She was on the schedule to be on the floor for the first time today at 9:00 a.m. She arrived twenty minutes ahead of time.

    Nine o’clock came, and not a single customer was in the showroom. Ten minutes later, Natalie was thinking, This could be a boring place to work. I might have made a mistake signing on here. Nine thirty. Still no one. Bad thoughts were running all over Natalie. She felt hollow.

    The young couple were casually dressed and had serious looks on their faces. Good morning. My name is Natalie Flores, said Natalie. "I’m here to help you find what you need. So it would be certainly okay if you would prefer to browse alone for a little bit, or you can have my assistance right

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