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Doctor Doctor
Doctor Doctor
Doctor Doctor
Ebook357 pages4 hours

Doctor Doctor

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About this ebook

Dr. Adriana Bass is a sexy, sassy, ambitious veterinarian who strongly believes love is for desperate, lonely people, and she was beyond that. Life should revolve around work; she didn’t have time to date. One day, she finds herself going head-to-head with one arrogant, overly cocky, but very sexy Cameron Vrbaston. The more she’s around him, the more she realizes it’s more than her temper that keeps heating up.

Dr. Cameron Vrbaston is a sexy, arrogant, short-fused gynecologist who’s always on the go with next to nothing for patience when it comes to people, mainly women. He believes only men can make things happen because women are too emotional. This all changes the day he finds himself in the one place he’d rather not be: SomerOaks Animal Hospital. He stopped in for a quick answer about his beloved dog, Viper, but he gets more than he bargained for when he goes head-to-head with Dr. Adriana Bass, who awakens a passion deep within him he thought he buried many years ago. Now he will stop at nothing to make her realize there is a life filled with passionate love outside the workplace.

May all find loving humor from Doctor/Doctor.

Release dateFeb 15, 2021
Doctor Doctor

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    Book preview

    Doctor Doctor - Qishon Vrba

    Morning Madness

    Adriana grabbed her gym bag and rushed into the ladies’ room. Her Tae Bo class went longer than anticipated, which frustrated her to the point of screaming.

    Adriana: If I get stuck on the Dan Ryan, I’m going to choke instructor Lei. Ugh, what was I thinking taking this class so early in the morning on a Monday? I was thinking I’d meet someone interested in friendship because love doesn’t exist. I’m not starved for male attention, heartache, or deception. Adriana kicked her gym bag in frustration and watched it sail into the mop bucket next to her locker. Who left that there? When she bent down to retrieve her bag, two older women glared at her.

    Older Woman No. 1: Young lady, would you like some assistance?

    Adriana: No. She groaned, wringing out her soaked bag.

    Older Woman No. 2: Do you need medical attention?

    Adriana: I’m doing just fine.

    Adriana strolled past them, heading into the first available shower bay. Once inside, she started venting again. My horoscope said today was going to be a great day. I usually don’t believe in those things, but the way my life’s been going lately, I’d welcome any kind of positive change. After a quick shower, Adriana changed into her green scrubs, grabbed her wet gym bag, and ran out the door.

    It took her fifteen minutes to locate her car. Once seated comfortably, she turned her satellite radio to Bits & Spurs. If I’m going to be stuck in traffic, I might as well be stuck listening to this. I can hear my mother’s nagging as I’m turning the dial. ‘Adriana, I didn’t bring you up listening to a show that exploits people who are physically challenged. I can’t believe a woman with your professional stature would listen to that garbage.’ I should call the radio station and talk about how people disappoint you in and out of the workplace, like my first and last relationship with that jackass Berry, my needy staff, and the Tae Bo instructor from hell. What on earth! Adriana came to an abrupt halt when the car in front of her stopped for no apparent reason. The car behind swerved into the other lane to avoid hitting her. Road rage set in as she shouted at the car next to her.

    Buddy, if you hit my Audi, you’ve bought it! She caught a glimpse of the person driving the car when she switched lanes. I knew there was a man behind the wheel of that Porsche. Adriana was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she almost didn’t stop in time when the man in the Porsche cut in front of her again. Really!

    In spite of the inconsiderate motorist with their slow driving and rubbernecking, Adriana made it to work early and secured a parking space at the back door. Score. I have a premium parking spot and twenty-five minutes to spare. She leaned across the front seat, picked up her briefcase, and stepped out the car with a huge grin. Guess my horoscope was right. This morning is starting to look very promising.

    Adriana became apprehensive when she noticed Jaxkey standing at the front of her car, arms tightly crossed, frustration written all over her face while rapidly tapping her left foot. I knew that horoscope stuff sounded too good to be true. I should pretend she’s not there and walk past her. That won’t work. The girl is relentless in her pursuit of questions and answers. All hope of a drama-free day has gone from sweet to sour in the blink of an eye.

    Jaxkey: Dr. Bass, why didn’t you answer your phone?

    Adriana: I didn’t hear it ring.

    Jaxkey: You expect me to fall for that excuse?

    Adriana: It’s no excuse. I didn’t hear it ring. It was off.

    Jaxkey: Is your phone on vibrate?

    Adriana: No, she answered truthfully, walking past her.

    Jaxkey: I left five voice mails. I bet you can’t work that fancy schmansy cell phone of yours.

    Adriana: She laughed. Schmansy means?

    Jaxkey: I wasn’t lighting your phone up for fun. I was calling you because—

    Adriana: Can you finish interrogating me about my phone after we go inside?

    Jaxkey: Dr. Bass, you didn’t answer one question!

    Adriana: Jaxkey, it’s too early to be in a bad mood.

    Jaxkey: No, it’s not, she replied defensively.

    Adriana: Would you like to explain why that is?

    Jaxkey: Answer my question first.

    Adriana: If your inquiring mind must know, my phone was charging.

    Jaxkey: Your phone can be used while it’s charging unless you had it off. Jaxkey picked up on Adriana’s quietness. You turned your phone off!

    Adriana: I pushed the red button. Presto, it was off. Are you happy now?

    Jaxkey: No!

    Adriana: I figured you’d be jumping for joy.

    Jaxkey: You figured wrong.

    Adriana: Why am I explaining myself to you?

    Jaxkey: Because I asked, that’s why!

    Adriana: The last time I checked, I was still signing paychecks along with being up to my neck in debt from this place.

    Jaxkey: That’s nothing compared to our current problem!

    Adriana: Girl, shake off whatever has you wound up.

    Jaxkey: She frowned. Are you willing to bail me out of jail after I shake this off?

    Adriana: You’re not going to jail, so stop thinking about bail and lose that negative tone. You act like I missed out on something vital.

    Jaxkey: You did! Judging by the intense glare she received from Adriana, she should have shut up when she was behind. Now it was her behind on the line. Dr. Bass, let me explain.

    Adriana: Is the building on fire?

    Jaxkey: No, but—

    Adriana: I wasn’t finished. Are the police anywhere on the property?

    Jaxkey: If they were, you wouldn’t have known seeing how your phone is off.

    Adriana: Let’s go inside before someone sees you looking like…that.

    Jaxkey: What do I look like?

    Adriana: Like someone experiencing major PMS.

    Jaxkey: I don’t have poor me syndrome, thank you very much.

    Adriana: Clients must feel welcomed from the moment they come in and leave.

    Jaxkey: I welcome anyone other than Mr. Vrbaston, who is driving us—

    Adriana: She cut her off. Vr…bas…ton? Hmm, that’s a different name. What does he look like?

    Jaxkey: Crazy! As I was saying—

    Adriana: What kind of name is that? Adriana took her keys out of her pocket.

    Jaxkey: Don’t know, don’t care. I know the man is going to cause me to do the time for the crime if you don’t get a handle on him. By handle, I mean show him the way out.

    Adriana: She giggled. How’s he driving you to murder unless I kick him out?

    Jaxkey: Other than making ridiculous comments, he’s demanding answers to the most asinine question I’ve ever heard. The man is extremely ugly in every way.

    Adriana: What did Mr.…what’s his name?

    Jaxkey: Vrbaston!

    Adriana: Did Mr. Vrbaston say what has him so upset?

    Jaxkey: Sort of, but it didn’t call for his type of rudeness.

    Adriana: You’ll be more understanding once you put yourself in his shoes.

    Jaxkey: I won’t be, not now, not later. It’s safe to go with never.

    Adriana: In a few days, you’ll sing a different tune. Mr. What’s-His-Name will be wonderful along with handsome.

    Jaxkey: Mr. Mean? Please, there’s nothing special about him.

    Adriana: You’ll be drooling over him in a few days.

    Jaxkey: Dr. Bass, you need to share whatever you’re on.

    Adriana: Stop assuming I’m on something.

    Jaxkey: Have I ever taken personally what clients say to me?

    Adriana: No, that’s why I’m confused by your sudden change in behavior.

    Jaxkey: It wasn’t sudden. It changed when I tried to help the lunatic in room 6.

    Adriana: What has Mr. Vrbaten done to all of you?

    Jaxkey: It’s Vrbaston! Jaxkey corrected her again.

    Adriana: He can’t be that bad. You remembered his name. What’s he here for?

    Jaxkey: He’s here searching for a heart. The man is a vampire.

    Adriana: Jaxkey, call the vampire slayer.

    Jaxkey: Laugh, but it still won’t change the facts. That man’s the worst thing I’ve ever experienced, and I’ve experienced my share of crap.

    Adriana: He tops Mr. Stiles’s strippergram.

    Jaxkey: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Adriana: Mr. Stiles came in last month wearing that hideous pumpkin thong with a ring attached to the end of the…you-know-what, singing that thong song.

    Jaxkey: I don’t remember. Jaxkey lied. How could she forget? She was mortified.

    Adriana: I’d try to forget that day too, but I can’t. It happened on the busiest Saturday ever.

    Jaxkey: It wasn’t that crowded.

    Adriana: Please, the reception area was swamped when your guy flung his coat off to perform an off-key, out-of-rhythm strippergram. Adriana giggled. At that point, I didn’t know who or what I’d be treating. People, animals—just about everyone was getting sick, except for that dog that kept howling.

    Jaxkey: He’s not my guy, he wasn’t that bad, no one got sick, and as for the dog, it was enjoying the show. Mr. Stiles did it because it was Halloween.

    Adriana: You weren’t uncomfortable?

    Jaxkey: No. Besides, it turned out to be cute.

    Adriana: Cute? That man’s old enough to be your great-grandfather.

    Jaxkey: If Mr. Stiles was twenty years younger, we’d hook up.

    Adriana: Twenty years! I’m thinking forty to fifty.

    Jaxkey: It doesn’t matter. He’s still nicer than Cujo’s human brother.

    Adriana: Cujo’s human brother? Are you serious?

    Jaxkey: Yes. The man’s rabid. His head needs to be sent off for testing after you put him down.

    Adriana: Rabid? He couldn’t be related to Benji, Lassie, or Rin Tin-Tin?

    Jaxkey: No. It’s a good thing you pulled up.

    Adriana: Why?

    Jaxkey: Do you remember what happened to Cujo?

    Adriana: Tell me about Cujo’s brother. Give me the short version. I have patients that need to be checked in addition to getting a hot cup of my new coffee-a-latte.

    Jaxkey: Some what?

    Adriana: Coffee-a-latte. It’s coffee with a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, a swirl of caramel, five heaping spoonfuls of chocolate and hazelnut. It’s great for calming the nerves. Let me fix you a cup, my child. Adriana said this with a Jamaican accent as she headed to the treatment area.

    Jaxkey: No thanks. The way I’m feeling, that stuff is liable to come back up.

    Adriana: We can’t have that. Maybe a cup of spiced tea is what you need?

    Jaxkey: No. I can’t believe you drink that stuff either.

    Adriana: What’s wrong with tea?

    Jaxkey: It tastes like sewer water.

    Adriana: Suit yourself.

    Jaxkey reluctantly followed her into treatment area and remained quite while Adriana checked her patients. When Dr. Bass started walking toward the lab, Jaxkey got excited. She thought Adriana was going to forego her morning cup of yuk and head to room 6 where she left Mr. Mean. She realized her mistake when Adriana quickly turned around and headed to the breakroom.

    Jaxkey: Dr. Bass, I know you’d enjoy starting the morning off drinking that liquid tar, but you really don’t have time for that voodoo stuff. Mr. Vrbaston’s waiting for you.

    Adriana: Jaxkey, are you deaf?

    Jaxkey: No!

    Adriana: You have selective hearing on top of short-term memory.

    Jaxkey: My hearing and memory are fine. Mr. Mean is still waiting for you.

    Adriana: You’re experiencing something if you can’t comprehend what we talked about ten minutes ago. Mr. What’s-His-Name will be fine waiting a little bit longer.

    Jaxkey: He’s getting tired of waiting!

    Adriana: I’m sure he read the door before he entered, which clearly states our business hours.

    Jaxkey: Dr. Bass—

    Adriana: I don’t want to discuss this anymore. I have fifteen extra minutes. I’m going to use it drinking my liquid tar in peace. Adriana started fixing her coffee when Jaxkey, out of desperation, placed her hand over the cup. Move your hand before I pour hot coffee on it. Jaxkey reluctantly did as she was told.

    Jaxkey: Dr. Bass, please attend to Mr. Mean first.

    Adriana: Does Mr. What’s-His-Name have a pet emergency?

    Jaxkey: Not that I can tell.

    Adriana: Then stop worrying. Now go away. Let me drink this before I start experiencing caffeine withdrawal and become a real you-know-what.

    Jaxkey: Becoming a you-know-what is what Mr. Vrbaston needs.

    Adriana: He can’t be that bad.

    Jaxkey: Bad doesn’t begin to describe him, but I’ll calmly wait for you to finish drinking that cup of yuk you claim you desperately need.

    Adriana: Thank you.

    Jaxkey: Just remember what you said about him not being that bad after he chews you up and spits you out like bad tobacco. Jaxkey started popping her knuckles in frustration.

    Adriana: Jaxkey, stop. You know that sound creeps me out. Adriana shook her head from side to side after taking a sip of her coffee concoction.

    Jaxkey: And you tried to poison me with that stuff.

    Adriana: This isn’t poison.

    Jaxke: Right, that’s why your head was about to take off from your shoulders like a rocket shooting out of space.

    Adriana: I shook my head because it hit the right spot. This stuff will make a dead man rise.

    Jaxkey: Then you really need to get rid of that drink. Making the dead rise is not your job. Jaxkey laughed. Seriously, that cup of yuk is nothing compared to the drink you’ll need after meeting Mr. Mean Vrbaston.

    Adriana: I don’t drink, except the occasional holiday glass of wine. She laughed.

    Jaxkey: Mr. Mean is going to wipe that grin off your face and replace it with fire.

    Adriana: That was harsh. You usually like client interaction.

    Jaxkey: I do, just not that psycho. Miss, everyone’s entitled to a bad day.

    Adriana: Everyone is entitled to a bad day.

    Jaxkey: Your day is about to become off-the-charts bad.

    Adriana: Now you’re overreacting. I haven’t heard one thing that screams madman. What has Mr.…what was his name again?

    Jaxkey: Vrbaston.

    Adriana: I’ll try to remember it.

    Jaxkey: It’ll be better for everyone if you forget it.

    Adriana: Right, he’s crazy.

    Jaxkey: Um, yeah! He’s not walking a straight line.

    Adriana: He’s drunk too? Did you drag him to room 6?

    Jaxkey: If I had to drag Mr. Vrbaston anywhere, it would have been out the back door because the front door is too good for him.

    Adriana: Jaxkey, any man that can get you to speak English is the man in my book. I’m looking forward to crowning him king for the day.

    Jaxkey: Whatever. Just remember I warned you about him when you decide to take his crown back with his head still attached.

    Adriana: No one is that bad. Remember my motto? ‘Don’t let—’

    Jaxkey: ‘Negative things rent space in my brain.’ Let’s see if you can live by your motto, Ms. Everything’s Okay.

    Adriana Oh, I can, and I will.

    Jaxkey: Right. We’ll see. Jaxkey walked away, leaving Adriana to drink her morning yuk in peace.

    Receptionist Area Earlier That Morning, 6:50 AM

    Amy and Kris were getting things in order for the morning rush when she observed a well-dressed, tall, good-looking man enter the reception area. I’ve always had a weakness for good-looking men, Amy thought. She pushed Kris out of the way so she could wait on him.

    Amy: Good morning, she said cheerfully. Welcome to SomerOaks Animal Hospital. How may I assist you today? Oh, please tell me how.

    Cameron: Lose the cheerfulness, darling. There’s nothing good about today!

    Amy: Sure there is. The sun is shining. The sky is filled with fluffy white clouds. It’s not a manic Monday like the song says. I’m here. You’re— Cameron quickly cut her off.

    Cameron: Save the morning speech. I’m here to see the head doctor. Is he here?

    Amy: Head doctor? You mean the owner? The owner’s not in, but—

    Cameron: He cut her off again. A simple yes or no will suffice.

    Amy: No.

    Cameron: When do you expect Mr. Bass to arrive?

    Amy: Mr. Bass could arrive whenever he wants to, but—

    Cameron: Go find out how long he’ll be. Cameron became more irritated. Amy hadn’t a clue who the rude man was, but she was determined to find out.

    Amy: Sir, may I ask what this is concerning?

    Cameron: It’s none of your business! He walked away from the desk.

    Amy: It’s not my business to inform you that Dr. Bass isn’t a man. I need to get him out of the receptionist area. I’ll send him to an exam room. Mister, what is your name?

    Cameron: What? Cameron raised his voice.

    Amy: What? That’s an unusual name. Is that French, German?

    Cameron: My name isn’t what! It’s Dr. Vrbaston.

    Amy: I assumed the strange name went with your nifty accent.

    Cameron: I’m not strange or nifty! Cameron then turned to leave.

    Amy: Uh, Dr. Vrbaston, would you sign in before sitting down?

    Cameron: Why?

    Amy: It lets us know who’s here, when they arrived, and how long the wait might be. I’m sure the same thing is done where you work.

    Cameron: You know who I am? I’m the only one here. Therefore, my wait shouldn’t be long, so there’s no need for me to sign anything.

    Amy: Forgive me for trying to do my job. Cameron knew she had a point, so he reluctantly signed in. Is Viper with you today?

    Cameron: Do you see him?

    Amy: That’s why I asked. She was disappointed. Did you leave him in the car?

    Cameron: No! Don’t ask the obvious when someone enters the building petless so you won’t receive a sarcastic response back. I’m different from any client you’ll ever meet, darlin’.

    Amy: Don’t I know it? If you’d kindly follow me, Dr. Bass will be with you momentarily.

    Cameron: I’ll wait here for him.

    Amy: All righty, then. He must be having woman problems. I don’t see a ring on his finger unless he’s…Nah, he can’t be. He’s just mean with that ‘I’m somebody’ attitude.

    Cameron: Cameron pointed toward the hallway. Go find the doctor.

    Amy: Excuse me. Amy stood there in shock. This man is crazy.

    Cameron: Don’t just stand there. Get going!

    Cameron walked over to the display area while Amy silently prayed that he’d walk out the door as she picked up the phone and frantically paged Dr. Bass. Kris overheard the desperation in Amy’s voice.

    Kris: Dr. Bass isn’t here. I better find out what’s wrong. Amy, what’s up? Amy took the opportunity to get out of the vicinity of Mr. Vrbaston’s watchful eyes and superhuman hearing.

    Amy: What do you want?

    Kris: Don’t snap at me. I cared enough to come see what’s wrong.

    Amy: It’s not something you can help with, so…

    Kris That might be true, but Dr. Bass isn’t here yet."

    Amy: I know. I need to get back to work.

    Kris: Who is that man by the display case? She fanned herself. I’d love to sample him.

    Amy: She turned to see who Kris was referring to and noticed there was no one other than Mr. Vrbaston. Kris, who are you looking at?

    Kris: Him. She pointed toward Mr. Vrbaston. "He is fine with a capital F."

    Amy: "I’ll give you a capital F for him. Fine isn’t on the list."

    Kris: Please, what’s better than fine?

    Amy: "Try Fool, Fake, Foul, also F…I better not say that."

    Kris: Amy, put your glasses on for a closer look. That man is fine.

    Amy: I had my glasses on. The man was a little too close for my comfort.

    Kris: Any man that looks like that can get as close to me as he wants, believe that.

    Amy: Until he opens his mouth. Then you’ll be dodging him like a poisonous snake.

    Kris: Please, that man is smoldering. Doesn’t he appear a tad bit steamy? What’s your excuse for that, Ms. Know-It-All?

    Amy: He just rode the elevator up from hell. It’ll take him centuries to cool off.

    Kris: Really? How do you explain the mist that appears to be circling him?

    Amy: That mist is from his seared flesh. I said it would take centuries to cool him off. They probably kicked him out of hell due to that funky, it’s-all-about-me attitude.

    Kris: Amy, don’t say things like that. It’s not nice.

    Amy: "I’m tired of being nice to people with ugly attitudes. I’m tired of being understanding to people with no clue, and I am fed up with being concerned about uncaring, ugly people.

    Kris: See, those diet pills are messing with your eyes.

    Amy: Diet pills have no effect on any of my five senses.

    Kris: A blind woman would recognize how gorgeous he is after outlining his face.

    Amy: Nope, her fingertips would burn from the close contact.

    Kris: Look at his mouth. I bet it whispers sweet delights.

    Amy: His lips are filled with lethal unpleasantness.

    Kris: There’s nothing lethal in that man. Doesn’t he look important?

    Amy: No, I see he likes to mess with things.

    Kris: Look how he’s cuddling that plastic dog heart. Kris brought her hands to her chest. If that’s not compassion, I don’t know what is.

    Amy: You don’t know what compassion is, let alone crazy. Mr. Vrbaston’s holding that plastic heart because he’s devising away to switch it with his. I got news for him. It’s cold, hard, and fake just like him. Amy said quietly as Kris continued to ignore her.

    Kris: He can hold me like that anytime.

    Amy: Remember what I about the elevator from hell.

    Kris: Maybe you caught him at a bad moment.

    Amy: Really? Go ask him if there’s anything he needs. I should feel guilty for challenging her to a no-win situation, but someone has to teach her a lesson. Might as well be me, Amy thought.

    Kris: I will ask Mr. Fine if there’s anything I can do for him. He’ll say yes because I’m better than you when it comes to reading men.

    Amy: Sure you are. Amy rolled her eyes.

    Kris: There hasn’t been a man that can resist my Kris-Kris charm.

    Amy: How about putting some money where your mouth is?

    Kris: All right, how much are you willing to lose?

    Amy: Ten, no, make it twenty dollars. Unless that’s too steep?

    Kris: Twenty dollars it is.

    Amy: Don’t forget the man’s in one heck of a mood, so run when his head starts spinning.

    Kris: If he starts to go Carrie on me, I’ll hightail it.

    Amy: Okay, wait a few minutes before you come up. I don’t want him to think I put you up to saying anything to him.

    Kris: Isn’t that what you did?

    Amy: We made a bet, Ms. I-Can-Take-a-Lion-Out-of-His-Hide. If you want to back out, I’ll understand. Everyone knows a leopard can’t change its spots without help from God.

    Kris: No, you’re not going to make me look like a chicken.

    Amy: Give me a few minutes before you come up.

    Kris: I’ll give you all the time you need. It won’t hurt my game any. She smiled as Amy turned to leave. Hey, Amy, put my new Kevin Weldon CD on. I’m thinking country music is just what Mr. Fine needs.

    Amy: Sure. I’ll even play number 7 first.

    Kris: Why number 7?

    Amy: "It’s ‘Hold On.’ It’ll be fitting for me since I had to deal with him. It’s perfect for him because he has no concept of the word patience. And after meeting him, you’re going to need something to hold on to other than his neck. Amy laughed. Yep, number 7’s my new theme song."

    Kris: Just put the song on, take notes, and watch the master work.

    Amy: Oh, I’ll watch the master become a student. Amy laughed.

    Mr. Plasgate’s Encounter with Cameron Vrbaston

    Amy made it up front unnoticed. Mr. Vrbaston was preoccupied with Mr. Plasgate’s cat, Tumbleweed. She couldn’t help but overhear their conversation.

    Mr. Plasgate: Young man, you appear to be low-spirited. Is something wrong with your pet?

    Cameron: I’m not young or low-spirited. As for the second question, that’s why I’m here. Cameron was staring at Mr. Plasgate’s cat. What is that thing?

    Mr. Plasgate: This is Tumbleweed. Do you have a cat?

    Cameron: I don’t like cats.

    Mr. Plasgate: Oh, you like dogs.

    Cameron: Just the one I own. Tumbleweed hissed as Cameron continued to stare at him. Why did you allow that cat to get so fat? I swear it’s bigger than you, and you’re pretty big.

    Mr. Plasgate: Sir, we have a glandular problem.

    Cameron: That’s an excuse to be overweight.

    Mr. Plasgate: Sir, I find your comment offensive. Please refrain from speaking to me any further.

    Cameron: You started the conversation!

    Mr. Plasagate: I will not make that mistake again. Mr. Plasgate walked to the far end of the reception area.

    Amy couldn’t believe how rude Mr. Vrbaston was being to Mr. Plasgate. I better put an end to this

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