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God's Glorious Design: Experiencing the Beauty of God's Creation through Inspirational Verse
God's Glorious Design: Experiencing the Beauty of God's Creation through Inspirational Verse
God's Glorious Design: Experiencing the Beauty of God's Creation through Inspirational Verse
Ebook140 pages1 hour

God's Glorious Design: Experiencing the Beauty of God's Creation through Inspirational Verse

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The wonder of poetry can be found in its simplicity. Each phrase is easy for the reader to comprehend. Words are properly selected and then composed in a rhythmic manner to convey a special meaning. In God's Glorious Design, the emphasis is placed on God's miracle of creation. Scenes from nature are depicted to secure the attention of the reader, and then the author closes with a verse that brings everything into perspective. We are reminded that God is in control of every aspect of our lives. The world has changed in so many ways since the day Christ died on the cross for our sins, but the truth found in the resurrection story will never change. For those who believe and accept Christ as their Savior, there is the promise of everlasting life and peace. For those who continue to search for the truth, there is still hope. If you are lost, as I was thirty years ago, surrender your life to God, just as you are; He is waiting for you, with open arms, to bring you into His fold.

Release dateSep 27, 2019
God's Glorious Design: Experiencing the Beauty of God's Creation through Inspirational Verse

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    Book preview

    God's Glorious Design - James Uline

    Seashells and Snowflakes

    One warm summer morn I took a stroll along the shore,

    it was my first visit to South Carolina, a place I had never seen before.

    There was a calm breeze coaxing the tide to brush across the sand,

    the warm water, sweeping over my feet, felt particularly soothing and grand.

    The sun was blazing in a cloudless blue sky,

    on the far horizon, I spotted two large freighters passing by.

    Seashells were strewn all along the beach,

    hundreds were lying on the sand, well within my reach.

    I started collecting them, one by one, as I made my way,

    it was a delightful pastime for passing the hours away.

    The more seashells I gathered, the more I came to realize,

    there was something symbolic being revealed in each prize.

    For not a single seashell appeared to be exactly the same,

    much like the snowflakes I saw in the winter in Ohio before I came.

    I knew in that instant I was witness to God’s miraculous design,

    only He could create something so perfectly unique and divine.

    In His Hands

    The heavy curtain of darkness is lifted by streams of light,

    the dawn has encouraged the surrender of night.

    The rising sun evaporates some lingering haze in the glen,

    the grandeur and splendor of God’s design is revealed again.

    Rolling hills and meadows of green come into view,

    wildflowers in full bloom are still adorned with dew.

    Sweetly scented breezes caress a stand of cottonwood trees,

    hear the whisper of butterfly wings and the murmur of honey bees.

    Robins are engaged in their customary springtime quest,

    quickly they gather the essentials required for the family nest.

    The deer and fox meet at the stream to greet the day,

    they satisfy their thirst and proceed on their separate way.

    A new day is here, and there is still cause for concern,

    nature has not changed, but humanity still has much to learn.

    The fate of all that lives is in His hands,

    humanity will survive if it yields and understands.

    God is not dead, He is alive and presides over all we see,

    He controls all that lives, including our destiny.

    God’s Peace

    Be on guard, potential danger is lurking,

    the forces of evil are present and working.

    Behind every door, around the next bend,

    souls are in jeopardy and broken hearts need to mend.

    No matter where you happen to be, everywhere you turn,

    a degenerated society continues its bridges to burn.

    There is cruelty, deceit, murder, and manipulation,

    jealousy, hatred, misery, and sin.

    Seeds of mistrust have been sown.

    God and His Word have been ignored, and dissension has grown.

    But don’t lose hope, there is a cure for our ills,

    and it doesn’t require major surgery or taking any pills.

    All you need to do is take an inventory of your life today,

    set aside some time to kneel down and fervently pray.

    As the days pass by you will find release,

    you will acquire the comfort and joy of God’s peace.

    Light as a Feather

    Sunlight flowed through my windowpane,

    it rendered to me splendid warmth once again.

    A secure feeling emanated from every beam,

    enriching and lovely as any heavenly dream.

    My heart beats more soundly now,

    by the vision of a new day somehow.

    I opened my window to allow the fresh air to flow in,

    it possessed the fragrance of fresh-washed linen.

    The gentle breeze brushed against my blushing face,

    all the cares of the world it commenced to chase.

    Birds were chirping sweetly and were ever on the wing,

    how they did whistle, chirp, and sing.

    My body felt light as a feather,

    urging me my bond with earth to sever.

    To astounding heights I began to fly,

    higher and higher to my celestial home to forever lie.

    A Special Place

    Still to this day, many fail to believe,

    though the facts persist, the truth they cannot perceive.

    Troubled minds are consumed with unrest,

    they are trapped in a world they now detest.

    Those weak in the Spirit are easily misled,

    their future will be filled with sadness and dread.

    The devil continues to spin his tangled web of deceit,

    making it difficult for the lost to retreat.

    Fortunately, there are many still valiant and strong,

    faithful to God and His teachings, choosing right over wrong.

    As long as there are stars that shine and air to breathe,

    some will sow the seeds of sin and rightly grieve.

    But the day will come when He returns to fulfill the dream,

    what jubilation will be ours, what rapture supreme.

    In your heart you need to reserve a space,

    invite God into your life, He deserves a special place.

    The Holy Birth

    Steeple bells ringing, choirs of angels singing,

    light through stained-glass windows streaming.

    Moonlight casting shadows on the snowscape below,

    millions of stars twinkle and brightly glow.

    God’s faithful brave the brutal winds and harsh cold,

    Christmas Eve brings forth both the young and old.

    Churches are decorated with garland of balsam and pine,

    the sights, sounds, and scents of the season are simply divine.

    Both inside and outside you’ll find mangers on display,

    and there’s a cradle where the Baby Jesus lay.

    Voices are raised to glorious heights praising our Lord,

    showing our gratitude for the blessings He does afford.

    God was surely gracious to send His Son down from above,

    what an expression of His mercy and unmatched love.

    We celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day,

    we thank Him for making it possible for our sins

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