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What My Eyes Have Seen In My Lifetime: The originator: Tony  Brown
What My Eyes Have Seen In My Lifetime: The originator: Tony  Brown
What My Eyes Have Seen In My Lifetime: The originator: Tony  Brown
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What My Eyes Have Seen In My Lifetime: The originator: Tony Brown

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This is a summary of the book entitled A Blind Man's Tale. This book depicts what my eyes have seen within my lifetime from the late 1950's until 2019. This book is a story about possible threats that are being placed against our Democracy and it gives a brief synopsis of some of the possible solutions to various problems that we currently face within our Great Nation today.

This book is based upon World Leaders from then and until now who have played a key role in the vast history of our Nation and Democracy, which has now found us in a "State of Disarray." We are in a situation knowing that half of these World Leaders appear to have not made the right decisions over the many years, and the ones who did make the right decisions, the Nation does not approve.

That's why I base the book on a lot of ideals that are formulated from greenhouse gases to the forest preserves burning, to us starting a Nuclear War with North Korea. So all of this is seen through the persona of how long are we going to keep doing the same old things over and over again, by "kicking the same old can down the road." We appear to keep making the same old mistakes over and over again, with all of these old and outdated laws from centuries long ago.

We continue to call ourselves the Number One Nation of the World and yet, every Leader that enters into office continues to set their own private agenda. And it's not even an agenda to help out our country, nor the planet Earth. No one appears to be looking-out for the greater good of this Nation, and it appears to be a continual agenda of the same old business as usual, with "profit-over-people," with both the Middle-Class and the Lower-Income Families left to suffer and pay the costs of it all.

I would like for the reader to be able to grasp upon some new ways of thinking, to spread love and peace, immediately deploy steps to save our natural resources and put aside our differences, so that we can work together as one United Front for the preservation of both our planet and mankind. Let's all join together right now before it's too late to save our entire world!

May you continue to be an avid reader and change-maker. Thanks for listening!

Release dateSep 2, 2022
What My Eyes Have Seen In My Lifetime: The originator: Tony  Brown

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    What My Eyes Have Seen In My Lifetime - Shontavia Brown


    What My Eyes Have Seen In My Lifetime

    The originator: Tony Brown

    Shontavia Brown

    ISBN 979-8-88644-587-9 (Hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-68526-454-3 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2022 Shontavia Brown

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Tony's Story

    Chapter 2

    A Vision for You

    Chapter 3

    Putting It into Action

    Chapter 4

    There Is a Solution

    About the Author


    This book is for easy reading and a little foresight. It is written freehand, without substitute, and this is just my way of thinking, and my thinking only. All of this is based upon pure speculation only. No research of such importance has been performed. Certain portions have been added to grasp the reader's attention, also ending up with the same results as to finding out that we are all expendable. And I have come to realize that it is much harder to live than it is for us to die. This is a new version and it carries the same message as the first movie that if we want to move into space, then we have to come in peace.

    Chapter 1

    Tony's Story

    While sitting here thinking how your eyes plays tricks on you, I was walking down the street one day, and the most wonderful thing happened to me. I had been hit by a thought of why my life was so fortunate and upcoming. I was stopped by a guy who asked me for some advice on how he could make his life better. He said everything was going out and nothing was coming in. So his life was coming up in shambles. So we sat down and we began to talk. So it didn't take long before he acted like he was hit by a bolt of lightning or something because of my message, views and influence that really showed at the end of our conversation. You wouldn't believe what his suggestion to me was: Man, you should write a book. So this is how the story goes.

    Well, my vision is at least 50 years advanced, meaning that I can see how far we are behind in technology. So I said to him, I was not born blind. However, I see things that are there and some things that are not there. So seeing some things out of your eyes is for a reason, such as walking across the street, eating and seeing in the dark. So these are just senses in your eyes that give off brain waves for focusing on what is at hand, such as whatever your purpose is here on this earth.

    So envisioning is something you see or something that happened before it happens. Some may call it forecasting or premonition. However, you don't have to be Nostradamus to see it. All you have to do is free up your own imagination and limit yourself to what is important at hand. Therefore, you should know that I am not in this for make-believe. My vision for the future is real and foreseeable. That's why you have some people out here who say they like to be fooled sometimes. However, sometimes you would like to see your way out of things too. However, if you don't know what I'm saying or talking about, then you don't want to hear the truth. Sometimes it is good to be evasive or just plain lied to because the truth hurts sometimes. So a bit of bending the truth and using it in a different perspective is not unusual at all. That is why everyone likes a way out of things. So if it wasn't for make-believe, we wouldn't have nothing to hope for. Seeing all things in this way of life does give you hope by being mesmerized by not saying that you don't see it, but just by saying that you respect it. So it has taught me that success or failure can never be the end and that neither counts for very much in the final assessment of any man, woman, or child who has done their absolute very best.

    Seeing this has brought me back to the realization of my Maker and my service to Him, because if it wasn't for the Lord on my side, where would I be? Just imagine how terrible it could be with no one believing in anything at all. So why not believe people who see things that are not there? It is like seeing other planets and stars with the naked eye on a clear night. Do you believe it or not? That's why science is so contradictory and controversial, because we have so many nonbelievers. That is the main reason why you need faith or a higher power, because if you think God only made us, it will be a lot of wasted space up there in the universe. So that is why when people see floaters, monkeys, elephants and UFOs, it could be that your eyes are playing tricks on you. However, you know all of this has already been reviewed, documented, studied, debated and contradicted. However, it has made me a much better person by going out and getting me a church home to really find out if it is somebody up there for real.

    This is reminiscent of an intelligent story. Take this gripping tale, for instance, of how we are treating this planet. It is a tale of how we are taking our planet for granted. It goes like this. Just like the first time, however, if you decide to live and face life, it has to be in peace and in order to save all humanity. That is why we are visiting your planet again to let you know before the last time of total annihilation. Meaning, we see that your world is trying to figure out how we live in space and on other planets and stars. True enough, the galaxy is a big enough place for everybody, but it's not to be used as a garbage dump—meaning, letting go of satellites, telescopes and rocket busters that are full of radiation and atomic energy into the galaxies. Those of us who live on other galaxies have been monitoring you guys radio frequencies from the very beginning, meaning that all you guys do down there on planet Earth is have wars between each other. That is another reason why we can say "it just won't work." You guys on planet Earth are so out of sync that you are going to destroy your own world by dropping atomic bombs, nuclear bombs, famine and disease on each other. We also gather that your world is greedy too, for when the time comes, they are only going to bring the rich people who can afford it up into outer space.

    I am talking about wanting to bring people into space that is economically feasible. But this is not the right goal if 95% of the world believes in a Creator, their own personal understanding—meaning, there are many different beliefs we have on Earth. All I'm trying to say is that, out here, everyone believes in the same things. That is why we could never move to another planet or star with each other, unless it is in another life, because we can't even get along down here on Earth. Really and truly, it is not meant for us to have another life on another planet because of the way we were created. So from all of our technology, we have found no oxygen on any other planet. So maybe we would have to look farther into the galaxy. We have also found no signs of life on any other planets thus far. So why are we spending so much money on space travel?

    We do not have a clue as to how to live in outer space and we do not even know if that is the name, or if there are any other earthlike forms out there. But what we do know is the UFOs come down all the time in rural areas. That is why we have a big problem with nonbelievers, because they do not understand why you do not see them in Metropolitan Areas because of electricity, radiation, atomic energy and nuclear energy that big cities give off. You should know, if there is nothing out there, it would be a whole lot of wasted space. That is why I'm saying we have to go farther than the nine planets to find what is really out there, because all the people on Earth cannot be lying about seeing UFOs. But as we all know, the Government will leave us in the dark about it, because they say that they do not want to start a worldwide panic. So as far as we know, their visits are friendly. We have never heard of anyone being fired upon. Well, all I can say is that you can't see it for yourself. The Government is doing all the necessary things it takes for them to find out and leave us here in the dark, and to leave us all behind.

    Our problem is that we are thinking the world is coming to an end from human destruction or catastrophic impact. That is exactly what we need to be defending ourselves against. But all we want to do is keep polluting the air, soil and water, as well as wasting all this money in space. That just goes to show you something, I hope. Instead, we should be investing in measures to resolve all of these issues right down here on Earth in order to save all humanity, as we now know it. Just keep not paying attention and you are going to be left standing still.

    Okay, this is how the story goes. We are revisited by outer space because of our greed for profiting from space travel. It has caused people to get up there and think that they are better than other beings. They are, in turn, committing such acts as not having enough knowledge of space and space travel and stealing things, such as rocks, fossils, atomic energy, oxygen, hydrogen, plutonium and uranium, thinking, that it can be sold within the open marketplace. That is why we need to get on the ball in science, math, and energy fields. Otherwise, we are going to be left face-to-face with people who are in it for greed. And that is why I say, we are going to all be left behind and standing still.

    That is also why I think it should be called "The Day the Earth Stopped Moving," because if we cannot see it coming, then we need to have all of our heads examined. What I am saying is that we need to get on the stick, such as knowing how to live in different atmospheres, climates, eating the right kinds of foods for iron, zinc, vitamin C and the right amount of protein, because if we keep consuming up all of our planet's natural resources, we should expect negative consequences to ensue, such as polluting the air, water and soil. I say it over and over again, the only real problem we are faced with is that we do not know how to get along with one another here on Earth. That is the whole problem of why they do not want us up there causing trouble in the first place. What I am repeating over and over again is that we have to start working together—meaning with all of our allies, such as Japan, China, Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia, because they are all leading in technology. Because when the time comes, it is not going to pick out just one country, it is going to happen to all of mankind at once. So all the people here that will be left behind will not live too much longer, because of the solar eclipse, ozone, polar ice, catastrophic impact, North Atlantic currents, famine, flooding, fires, radiation, diseases and nuclear fallout. The Earth will no longer be inhabitable, so we all need each other in order to survive. There are many songs that come to mind to reiterate that we need Global Peace, Order and Technology in this World today, such as the gospel song by Hezekiah Walker, I Need You to Survive; Dionne Warwick's What the World Needs Now Is Love, Sweet Love; Stevie Wonder's Love's in Need of Love Today; and "We Need Order" by Michael Record; etc.

    As we know,

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