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Evan's Purpose
Evan's Purpose
Evan's Purpose
Ebook499 pages7 hours

Evan's Purpose

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About this ebook

When Evan Hoffmeyer, CEO of the Carson Corporation, discovers that Vice President Dodson and a secret organization called The Order intends to harm the President of the United States, he sets out to covertly notify President Tate Addison. Unsure where to begin, Evan must turn to his trusted band of employees for help, in the process exposing them to untold dangers.

In the meantime, Cale Liston, son of John Liston, the CEO of ListCorp, blames Evan for turning his father against him and threatens everything Evan holds dear. A revelation regarding Cale’s known associates strikes fear into Evan’s very soul.

Hoffmeyer turns to God for answers once again, praying that his friends, family, and the president will find safety despite the odds. Will Evan find the peace he desires? Or will God’s purpose for him ignite further turmoil?

Release dateJul 7, 2022
Evan's Purpose

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    Evan's Purpose - H. A. Ayers

    Chapter 1

    Air Force One landed safely on the base in Japan. President Addison attempted to exit his seat when Tully blocked his path. Three other men accompanied Tully, making no eye contact with their commander in chief. A single gesture from Tully prompted the men to immediately pivot and depart from the plane via the entrance door.

    Sir, a sweep of the area must be completed before you can commence toward the building, ordered Tully. He never looked directly at the president but instead created a visual perimeter from all windows available. Suspicious of what he saw, Tully instantly spoke into his comms, requesting location changes for all his men.

    Tully, our time remains short and precious. My meeting requires me to actually be at the meeting. President Addison’s sarcasm and impatience tweaked Tully’s pride noticeably.

    Sir, your safety continues to be my priority. Until my men sweep the area, your meeting will have to wait, Tully commanded his superior.

    Tate Addison, a former Marine, understood duty, but he also recognized insubordination. Tully flirted often with the latter. Addison remained in his seat, contemplating his next move. The cell phone in his briefcase buzzed only once, drawing his attention away from his current predicament. Finally, thought President Addison. My man on the ground makes progress.

    Sir, do you need to take that call?

    Tully’s interest in any call overstepped the bounds of his actual assignment. President Addison cautiously replied, No, it is probably the missus, and I don’t have time to stop for milk on my way home.

    Tully laughed outright at the response. No, sir. You don’t have time for that.

    Suddenly the sounds of explosions filled the air. President Addison immediately arose from his seat in a defensive pose, but Tully forcefully pushed him to the floor of the plane. Commanding his men to fall back to Air Force One at once, Tully remained atop the president with a knee pressing the middle of his back.

    Gunfire commenced, and Tully’s men bolted onto the plane with Tully yelling into the comms, Go, now!

    The plane took off. President Addison counted heads, and all were accounted for, but what was going on? His question was partially answered through his own abilities to assess dangers quickly from his military training. However, he feared his answer and remained quiet.

    Sir, we are out of harm’s way. Please take your seat while I compile all intel from my men, Tully ordered again.

    Tully, here is what you will do. Send those men to me in my conference room for debriefing, now! President Addison combatively stood toe to toe with Tully, surprising the tall man and provoking Tully to step back from the president. Call the vice president and have him secured in one of our safe locations. Contact the Speaker of the House and have her sequestered as well. And, Tully, you may be in charge of my security detail, but you do not run this country. You will learn your place. Is that clear?

    Crystal, sir. Tully stood at attention, looking straight ahead as the president berated him in front of his men. Once dismissed, Tully did as he was told begrudgingly.

    Now who has eyes on one of our drones, and did it pick up video surveillance of those blasts? People on the plane moved to find the answers to the president’s questions.

    You, the president addressed one of the three men who had participated in the sweep. Tell me what happened on the ground.

    The man attempted to find Tully, but the president blocked his view and forced his eyes back to him. Stammering the man said, We…well, Mr. President, we switched locations as ordered, and out of nowhere, insurgents ambushed us with grenades. Then an explosion took out the building, sir.

    Could you identify these insurgents, son?

    No, sir. Not with the grenades exploding around us, said the man, still trying to find Tully as he told his story.

    I see, said the president. That will be all.

    Air Force One, known to most as the airplane carrying the President of the United States of America, acted as a command center in times of crisis or war. It was fully equipped with the latest electronics, a conference room, and the ability to carry up to seventy additional passengers. Instantly, the once calm airplane on a routine trip scurried to life by order of President Addison. The travelers included a handful of senior advisors, aides, and security detail.

    A physician remained present on every flight a president took for emergency purposes. This day was no different, as Dr. Kaamiya Singh approached President Addison. Mr. President, did you or any of your men suffer injuries? Her worry became evident after hearing the explosions and knowing the sudden emergency takeoff could have caused numerous issues requiring her care.

    No, Dr. Singh. Just some minor bruising and a muscle pull from Tully’s overzealous protection technique to my back, he said, wincing and stretching to alleviate the kinks associated with muscle strain.

    Let’s get to med bay and check it out regardless, she instructed. Tate Addison followed her lead gingerly, realizing his back sustained more force from Tully’s action than he initially thought, but he was stopped by one of his aides.

    Sir, our people are running a few diagnostics on those drones closest to the facility. We will know more in about fifteen to twenty minutes.

    Very good. I will be in med bay with Dr. Singh momentarily. I can be reached by intercom in there if anything changes, said President Addison. The aide returned to his station, and the president caught sight of Tully on a private cell phone talking to someone with his back to the rest of the room. Curiously, he watched a bit longer until Tully ended his call, turned around with a frown on his face, and surveyed the area to see if he had been spotted. President Addison immediately bent over, feigning pain to hide the fact that he spied his head security officer. Convinced by his act, Dr. Singh called out to Tully, requesting his help with the president.

    Did you secure the vice president and Speaker of the House as ordered? Addison craftily asked.

    Uh, yes, I did, bumbled Tully with a fabricated expression of dutiful devotion.

    Good. Your quick thinking saved my life, Tully. Thank you, and I am sure my wife will thank you as well, acknowledged President Addison.

    Surprised by the appreciation, Tully felt a twinge of guilt, and said, No thanks are necessary, sir. It is my duty to see to your safety.

    Nonetheless, thank you, restated Addison as he slowly walked down the aisle toward the medical facility on the airplane. President Addison puzzled silently, wondering to whom the call could have been made. Obviously, Tully disobeyed his order to ensure the safety of the vice president and the Speaker first; the communications systems set up for such an order resided in the control room, not the dark corner of the plane farthest from it. Whom did he call and, more importantly, why? thought the president to himself.

    The doctor requested Addison lie facedown after removing his shirt. You are going to have a nasty bruise in the middle of your back, Mr. President. I will place some ice on it for a few minutes and give you a muscle relaxer to ensure your comfort.

    No muscle relaxer is necessary. I have had worse in the bush with nothing to suppress the pain. Besides, I need to be able to make quick decisions, and I won’t be able to if my head is fuzzy with pain medicine.

    When you were in the bush, Mr. President, you were much younger and with the ability for faster recovery. Your aging body will not recover as quickly, and your discomfort will be more extensive than you realize.

    Ouch, doc. That hurts worse than the bruise on my back, chuckled President Addison. Nothing a middle-aged man hated more than the reminder he was getting older. Dr. Singh’s bedside manner, described by many as cold and detached, never interfered with her abilities. Her frank, blunt assessments often shocked many accustomed to clever, diplomatic banter. Tate Addison’s own forthright candor after a career in the military could not compare to Dr. Singh. Her statements generally jarred his sensibilities at times, but after nearly four years, his respect for her skills overshadowed any misgivings regarding her personality.

    He continued to rest on the table with ice on his back, taking a moment to think about people who surprised him. His wife, with her caring, loving nature, placed high on the list. Surprising primarily for staying with him all of these years without complaint or malice toward their rollercoaster of a life. Many fellow soldiers had divorced and remarried numerous times because spouses failed to fully understand what it meant to be married to a career military person. In his case, covert military personnel carried more baggage than others: secrets, leaving in the middle of the night at a moment’s notice, constant moves, and missions so highly classified it would be treasonous to even mention their names. If a military life caused many strains on a marriage, then adding a life in politics to the mix was a sure recipe for divorce court. Or at least it would have for most people. However, Lynn Addison broke the mold for typical military or political wives.


    Not considered a beauty physically, Lynn’s allure radiated from within. He and Lynn began as high-school friends only. She, brilliant at math and science, became his tutor for chemistry when she was a sophomore and he a junior. Tate was considered one of your stereotypical three sport athletes playing football, basketball, and baseball. His focus always on sports, he maintained a GPA high enough to keep playing but never high enough to brag about. A solid C+ student, he knew all along he intended to join the military after high school.

    His mother often tried to encourage him to consider college, but he dreaded the idea of four more years in a classroom. When he began struggling in chemistry, his coach insisted he get a tutor. One fall afternoon, a younger student with red locks and freckles across the bridge of her nose entered the room with a chemistry book in hand and a smile.

    They enjoyed many of the same things, which surprised Tate. She loved watching football and baseball but never entertained the idea of playing a sport. She was content to study and busy herself with other activities like yearbook or volunteering at a local nursing home.

    Lynn told stories she learned about some of the patients’ lives. Her favorite to tell involved a man who was a prisoner of war during World War II. The way she divulged the warrior’s tale captivated Tate. He suspected Lynn could make a story about frying eggs sound fascinating given the chance. He often suggested she write for their school newspaper, but she never did.

    They remained friends throughout their high-school years but never dated. He gravitated to cheerleaders for girlfriends, but they often resented his friendship with Lynn. Lynn dated guys from other schools, saying she refused to deal with the drama of a breakup while she was trying to earn a quality education in the same place.

    After high school, he enlisted in the Marine Corps. The first year jolted him into adulthood at an accelerated pace. One year led to two years, which led to six years. Both of them lost touch as life pressed forward.

    During his sixth year in the Marines, Tate returned to his small, rural coal town in Kentucky to say goodbye to his mother. Cancer devoured the once robust and active woman he loved dearly. Lying in her hospital bed, she grasped his hand and said, Live life to the fullest. Go to college and conquer the world after your time in the military. After you achieve your dreams, dream more dreams to fulfill. God only gives us a finite amount of time in life, and often, we squander our precious moments. When you were a little boy, you told me you were going to be President of the United States just like Abraham Lincoln. Be the little boy again, filled with certainty and promise. I love you dearly. You will always be my greatest achievement.

    An hour after she had spoken those words, she passed, holding his hand and the Holy Bible. The nurse on duty handed him the Bible, and he left the room with tears streaming down his cheeks. Blinded by grief, he sat in the waiting room, unsure of what his next step would be. But God knew. A hand touched his shoulder, and a voice vaguely familiar, soft, and comforting interrupted his sorrow.

    Tate? Tate Addison? Is that you?

    His wet face gazed up to an angel. Lynn?

    Yes. The minister of our church notified the congregation that your mother was admitted yesterday. I came to visit for a little while.

    Thank you, Lynn. However, my mom just passed a few minutes ago, he said, lips quivering as he spoke. He tried to keep his tears to a minimum but failed as he looked into Lynn’s eyes filling with tears as well.

    She reached down and hugged this giant of a man she once knew as a boy. At that moment, Tate Addison detected a change in how he perceived Lynn. No longer a childhood buddy but something more. Breaking her embrace, he observed Lynn through the eyes of a man as if for the first time. Beautiful. His heart raced unexpectedly. At first, he rationalized his grief had overpowered his senses and he merely imagined what he felt. After all, this was Lynn; just Lynn.

    He collected himself and said, My goodness, it is terrific to see you, Lynn. What have you been up to for the last six years?

    Knowing Tate as well as she did, she placated him with random bits of trivia of her life to avoid the painful loss of his mother. She regaled him with tales of college as they walked out of the hospital. His laughter encouraged her to continue. He invited her to dinner so he would not be alone, but also because he feared Lynn would disappear from his life again. She accepted eagerly, and they continued their fated reunion. She told him she had received her degree in education and taught at their old high school. He amused her with stories of Marine life, picking up from where they had left off all those years ago.

    He found himself mesmerized by her. He listened attentively, but he also intently inspected every freckle on her face with great joy. Over the years, he had contemplated calling Lynn but never mustered the courage after the way he left home so abruptly without so much as a goodbye. Now every part of his being knew he must keep Lynn in his life.

    After his mother’s funeral, Lynn accepted his address and promised to write and keep in touch. Her word was bound with each letter he received. No matter where his missions took him, a letter from Lynn brought home to him. She delighted him with stories of rambunctious students and accounts of daily provincial life in their hometown. Letter after letter deepened his need to share his inner soul with her.

    She always ended her letters with May God bless you and keep you until you return to me. Your Lynn. Her strength and conviction to her religion amazed him. Needing to know more about her faith and why it drove her to be so joyous, loving, and kind, Tate opened the Holy Bible his mother held until her last breath on this earth.

    He regularly witnessed the dark side of humanity with each new mission, but he found solace and love between the leather-bound pages. The more he read, the more he felt liberated. His own skepticism regarding God and His paradise dwindled until, finally, he believed. Truly believed. At that moment, peace overtook him. He thought of his mother’s dying words, and the words from the Bible, deciding that he would embrace both to change his life forever.

    His first step to this change occurred during a leave home for the holidays. Lynn greeted him with a running hug, nearly knocking him down at the airport, and he knew in that instant he loved this woman. His own embrace matched hers, and he swung her around, filled with more joy than he had known in years.

    All eyes happily took in the scene with cheers and applause. Many stopped to shake his hand, thanking him for his service, others just saying, Welcome home. However, his attention could not be drawn away from the woman in front of him who diligently had written to him for over a year without seeing him once. Overcome with emotion, he pulled her close to him and kissed her fully on the mouth, leaving no doubt that he no longer wished to be only friends. Her kiss matched his fervor, causing more cheering and clapping that brought them back to the world outside of them.

    In the car, he said to her, Could you please take me to the church before any other place?

    Surprised by his request, she nodded and drove him to their small country church. He exited the vehicle, headed to the house nestled to the left of the church building, and knocked on the door. She could see the minister and Tate speaking, and with a smile, the minister led Tate into the building. He waved to her to follow, and she did. Once inside, Lynn observed the most wondrous sight: the minister and Tate Addison entering the baptismal pool. Tate Addison committed his life to God and Christ by entering the water to cleanse himself. She watched as his body completely submerged into the blessed water and came out with abounding joy.

    Within the following year, they were married. Tate remembered kissing his bride and thinking that with God, Christ, and Lynn, he would be able to accomplish his dreams and conquer the world. Lynn’s devotion to him and their faith continued to amaze him daily. She never allowed negative campaigning to taint her view of the world or discourage her from God. She quietly prayed for all and cherished people’s many differences by loving all. Her quiet, loving strength fortified him daily. Her true commitment to him, their children, and, most importantly, God all these years surprised him often.


    It took a rare person to remain strong in their faith regardless of the circumstances. Even he struggled once in a while to remain faithful to the teachings of Christ, finding himself wrapped in the materialism of the world from time to time. Besides his beautiful wife, only one other person surprised him in this greedy, covetous world: Evan Hoffmeyer, CEO of the Carson Corporation.

    His thoughts drifted to their encounter. All the intel received on this man told of a fairy tale: a billionaire who practiced business fairly, never bribing, cheating, or threatening; a CEO who never gave contributions to politicians to gain favor; a family man who attended the same small church as he did as a child. His home did not even have a wall surrounding it or high-level security closing him from the rest of the world. No, instead he lived on a street in the middle of a small village like any other man working forty hours a week to make ends meet. No pomp and circumstance about him at all. He even drove himself in a truck to work daily.

    After reading the dossier prepared on Evan Hoffmeyer, President Addison knew he had to meet this mythical man. Yet another surprise: Hoffmeyer’s fearless, polished manner made him quite likable. No arrogance, just forthrightness. His large frame startled him a bit. The reports had not prepared President Addison for his height and size. In fact, he had to chuckle about how Hoffmeyer had gone toe to toe with Tully, causing him to cower slightly.

    His overall assessment of Evan Hoffmeyer remained positive throughout their meeting. Even when threatened with the loss of his company, his cool and controlled demeanor showed the depth of his character, never threatening a lawsuit, attempting to bribe him, or cowering immediately before him at the pressure. The president immediately respected this man and felt he could be trusted as an ally.

    The doctor entered the room and checked his back. Okay, Mr. President, we will continue an ice regiment every hour for the remainder of the flight. This should help the direct swelling. I understand you do not want a muscle relaxer, but I must insist you take an over-the-counter pain reliever for the time being.

    Fine, but nothing stronger. His order clear to the doctor, she opened a cabinet where she stored various medicines. A bottle marked as over-the-counter strength remained in her hands after she handed him two small tablets and replaced the lid. He accepted the pain medicine and a glass of water as an aide came rushing into the medical room.

    Sir, you are needed in the conference room immediately.

    The president finished swallowing the pills and grabbed his shirt as quickly as his sore body allowed. Buttoning it expertly, he walked toward the conference room. As he entered, everyone in attendance stood at attention until the president seated himself. One of his senior advisors stood to begin, but a buzzing sound broke the silence. The president glanced behind him, noticing Tully ignore the phone obviously in his pocket.

    Are you going to answer that? asked the president glibly. Only his head security officer could possess a secured cell phone in the conference room due to security purposes. All other personnel were required to leave their phones in another location.

    No, sir, answered Tully.

    Fine, continue, Addison stated to his advisor.

    Mr. President, it appears the four drones within range to record the event suffered electronic failure.

    All of them? asked the president in disbelief.

    All of them, sir.

    So we have zero intel regarding this attack? the president asked.

    That’s right, sir.

    President Addison searched the faces around the room. Thinking about the implications of this piece of information, his stoic expression hid any reaction to the news, causing a few to begin theorizing without being asked. Loud, negative reactions to the first theory triggered someone else to spout another. Then the volume in the room began to rise and the discussion spun out of control with his advisors arguing which theory was the most likely.

    Finally, the president had heard enough and raised his hand to quiet them. I am not interested in theories, ladies and gentlemen. I want facts only. Before saying another word, Tully’s phone buzzed again. This time, he left the room to answer the call.

    I don’t know what happened… I can’t talk now… I will call at a more secure time… Understood, sir, but I really cannot discuss anything at this time… Very good, sir. The call ended, and Tully reentered the conference room.

    How many casualties were reported from the building? Addison hoped none since he had given an order the week before to move everything to a new location. Something in his gut told him to regroup after a series of inconstancies in his schedule began to appear. Unsure of why subtle changes had occurred, he knew he could rely on only one person in Washington, DC, and this person was ordered to evacuate the Japanese base and set up in an undisclosed location.

    Zero, sir, the advisor reported with great relief in his voice. The president saw the same reaction in all the people in the room, save one: Tully. He registered his surprise all over his face. A man who rarely spoke or showed emotion said volumes through his eyes.

    Gotcha, little puppet, thought the president. Now who pulls your strings?

    Chapter 2

    Evan remained seated at the desk in his makeshift office on the third floor. Stan returned to his work, leaving him to decide the best way to present the problem at hand to the two people he most trusted in his company: Carol Herbert, VP of international affairs, and Kimberly Carson, head corporate attorney for the Carson Corporation. Still in disbelief, he listened to the recorded conversation between Tully and the Vice President of the United States of America one more time.

    The recording gave irrefutable evidence that a secret organization called The Order intended harm to President Addison for some reason. Evan could not help but wonder if it all had to do with the information Tiff relayed to the rest of the family the day before in his executive conference room. Before he could process the details of what had transpired in the past few days, his attention was drawn toward two female voices complaining loudly.

    "Seriously, Evan, all of our cell phones? Kimberly protested. I understand we have been thrown a couple of curveballs in the last few days, but why our cell phones?"

    Well…, started Evan, only to be interrupted by Carol.

    Sir, if I may. Do you really intend us to believe there is an electrical issue upstairs? And why the drill?

    As I was— Evan tried.

    Evan, I need my phone today, whined Kimberly. How do I finalize those contracts in Europe? All of my contact numbers are a button away, unlike that heavy, cumbersome Rolodex you made each division create. It takes forever to access information the old way.

    Enough! yelled Evan. Close the door behind you and sit. Both women scurried to attention and hastily obeyed. Now, if you will allow me to get a word in edgewise, I will explain the situation.

    Carol and Kimberly looked at each other, fearing to speak. Evan rarely raised his voice, but after the events of the past couple of days, they realized he was not to be trifled with in any manner. They sat quietly, ready to listen.

    He placed his hands on his temples, his elbows resting on his desk. Do either of you have electronic equipment smuggled in here with you?

    Kimberly guiltily pulled out a tablet from her bag.

    Anything else? he asked.

    She shook her head, still unsure if she should speak.

    Carol? he questioned.

    No, Mr. Hoffmeyer, replied Carol.

    Kimberly, please take that to Stan immediately and return, said Evan in a tone more like himself.

    Okay, said Kimberly, standing and leaving the room.

    Carol never even whimpered, knowing all too well that Evan might erupt. Both sat in awkward silence until Kimberly returned.

    Now what I need to tell you will explain everything you asked as you entered this office, said Evan slowly and deliberately. He paused for effect and continued. Your safety and the safety of all my employees continue to be first and foremost in the company. However, recent events have exposed a weakness in our security.

    Both women stared at each other with wide eyes and serious faces. However, neither interrupted Evan as he continued.

    Only Stan, Patrick, and I… Oh my goodness, Patrick, said Evan, suddenly remembering. He picked up the receiver, called his assistant, and waited for him to pick up the other end. Patrick, I need you in my office, immediately.

    Patrick entered the room, nearly running through the door. Patrick, do you have any electronics on your person at this very minute? asked Evan seriously. Patrick shook his head, and Evan continued. Since you witnessed a portion of what happened last night, I require you to stay and listen.

    Yes, Mr. Hoffmeyer. Should I let Kelly know we are not to be disturbed?

    That would be a good idea. Have her refer important calls to Jaron for now, instructed Evan.

    Patrick left the room to notify both Jaron and Kelly of Mr. Hoffmeyer’s request. He returned as soon as he could and took a seat beside Kimberly.

    Before I continue, I must preface this conversation with a request to all three of you. My revelations this morning remain in the strictest of confidence. In fact, they are completely classified. Nobody outside of this room, other than Stan, may be privy to this information. Not Scott, not Karl, and not family.

    Of course, Mr. Hoffmeyer, replied Carol. No business conducted at the Carson Corporation has ever been disclosed by any in this room until otherwise permitted. Kimberly and Patrick nodded their heads, affirming Carol’s statement.

    Do not misunderstand my statement. I respect each of you highly and regard all of you as extremely loyal and trustworthy, but today’s discussion does not deal with the Carson Corporation completely. In fact, what I tell you today could bring harm to all of you and, potentially, your loved ones. Evan spoke with foreboding seriousness in his voice, making them shift in their seats nervously. Before I proceed, I demand an oath of secrecy and request all questions be asked at the end. All three agreed, but fear of the unknown showed in each of their eyes. Good, thought Evan. They are taking me seriously.

    He continued. Last night, before I arrived home, a visitor graced the halls of our headquarters. Patrick came to my office to notify me that I was needed in the conference room upstairs. Before leaving my office, I contacted Stan, and he reported that the man was not alone. Other similar men had been positioned in various locations within the building and outside the perimeter. He deduced that these men were members of some elite military group like Black Ops or SEALs. There were gasps from Carol and Kimberly.

    Patrick, Stan, and I headed to the conference room but were stopped outside the door by a man my height in a suit and earpiece. This man, Tully, held a surprise inside my conference room we were not prepared to see. He paused, looking at all three sitting on the edge of their seats. Now, before I continue, I must know you assume the risks involved with knowing this information. This is as far as Patrick knows. I dismissed him, instructing him to go home and tell no one what had transpired. What happened next, again, is highly classified, warned Evan.

    I accept all risks, Mr. Hoffmeyer, Patrick said immediately. My head has been reeling since the encounter. You can trust me with this information, and I pledge to help this company in any way.

    I also accept the risks, Evan, said Kimberly with complete seriousness. I understood taking this job entailed extreme confidentiality.

    You had me when you bellowed, ‘Enough,’ said Carol. That uncharacteristic manner intrigued me at once. You know me. I love a good mystery. The others chuckled.

    Very well. I appreciate the bravery and loyalty each of you displayed this morning. What I ask of each of you today steps beyond any of your job descriptions.

    Get on with it already, Evan, ordered Kimberly.

    Evan took a deep breath and began again. As Stan and I entered the confines of the conference room, a voice greeted us first. A very familiar but unexpected voice. Then from behind a wall of additional security, a man stepped into sight. He was none other than President Tate Addison.

    No, said Kimberly in complete shock. Carol turned white, and Patrick merely sat in stunned silence.

    Yes. I had to sit down myself after the day we had yesterday. My mind could not comprehend his presence, let alone how they had entered our completely secured building. His purpose was revealed at once. He discussed our acquisitions of land. He specifically wanted us to let go of our pursuits in Asia. At first, he asked as a favor to him. When I told him I owed no one any favors, he threatened to confiscate the current properties the Carson Corporation owns Stateside and in Europe.

    Ooh, does this have anything to do with…? started Kimberly, until Evan put his hand up to stop her questioning. Then his eyes drifted toward Patrick, and Kimberly understood. Patrick had no idea about the information Tiffany disclosed to the family the day before. She immediately apologized and promised not to ask questions until the end, but her mind was visibly processing the information.

    Carol sat quietly, also thinking about the implications. She took a deep breath and said, Mr. Hoffmeyer, I completely forgot to inform you about Asia, what with everything else going on. Li Wei and I negotiated a tremendous deal with our counterparts in China. Did my blunder place this company in danger of losing what we already own?

    Evan, stunned by the revelation, quickly recovered to say, No, Carol. You simply continued with our vision. How could any of us have known the United States government prized properties in the same areas where we do daily business? We will need to discuss the final results of your negotiations later. However, I promised you autonomy in our international markets because I trust you implicitly. Your actions could never be construed as harmful to this company. Never. Evan worried Carol’s fear of wrongdoing would cause her to be gun-shy in future projects.

    Why would they even be concerning themselves with properties in Europe and Asia anyway? Patrick asked. All eyes shifted back and forth, trying to decide how to field the question.

    Finally, Carol responded, Unfortunately, Patrick, nothing the US government does ever makes sense. I think it best we do not engage in any query about why at this point. Patrick nodded in agreement, satisfied with the answer.

    Evan, pleased with Carol’s ability to quell Patrick from asking any further questions regarding the matter, continued with his story. I admit my anger toward the threat nearly surfaced, but I controlled myself. The president informed me that we would resume talks about my interest in Asia at another time because he was needed elsewhere. I have no idea where. His head security guy, Tully, rushed us out of the room during a call President Addison received while we were all in the conference room. Then they allowed only me back into the room momentarily. Once the meeting finished, Stan and I were ordered to enter my office for fifteen minutes. After the fifteen minutes ended, we rushed to see how they had entered and left the building, but there was nothing. It was like they vanished into thin air.

    Maybe there is another secret entrance in the building, offered Patrick, remembering his astonishment when Stan entered Mr. Hoffmeyer’s office through a secret entrance before heading to the conference room.

    Another? questioned Kimberly. Patrick winced, realizing no other employee knew about the entrance.

    Evan sidestepped her question to answer Patrick. Stan and I believe this as well, but we are unsure where it is or how they would know about it.

    Well, this is worrisome, knowing people outside our company have access to our building, and we have no way of stopping it, surmised Carol.

    Very, replied Evan. But this is not the most concerning issue.

    Carol peered blankly at Evan and said, Not the most concerning?

    No, let me continue, he requested. Throughout the night, Stan found a few other things while all the employees were gone. First, while searching for the unknown and unsecured passage into the building, he located listening devices planted in my office, the executive conference room, and the bathrooms on the fifth floor. This is the electrical problem occurring on my floor. He left all the devices where they were and devised a way to fool whoever is listening in by creating a loop of sound bites of me conducting daily business in my office. We left my cell phone locked inside my desk, and he instructed his men to issue drills throughout the day without any electronic devices so they could not be hacked into to monitor us. This way, our ruse will go undetected.

    Bravo, Stan! praised Carol. His quick thinking may have saved us from slipping up and saying things we do not want to be revealed.

    This has to be illegal, Evan. I will get my team on it, ASAP, said Kimberly, angry at the maneuver.

    Hold on. Stan and I do not think the devices are linked to the president in any way. Let me finish. Stan ran tape to help him find their entry point, but what he found astounded us both. The security tape had a loop of the hallway empty for the entire visit. This was professionally done. Stan only caught it from a brief frame where the blinds, which were nearly out of camera shot, flashed opened and then closed. This discovery led him to something far more troubling than anything I have discussed thus far. While we waited in my office for that fifteen-minute period, Stan remembered hearing voices just out of our range of hearing. So he rewound the tape back fifteen minutes from the time we had exited the office, and the normal security footage commenced. Within this short amount of time, he deciphered a conversation with that Tully fellow I told you about and someone else on a cell phone before securing the president and exiting the building. Folks, you are not going to believe whom he spoke with or what it was about. Evan paused to drink from a water bottle on his desk.

    Oh my goodness! Who, Evan? asked a panicked Kimberly.

    Evan looked at each of them and said, The Vice President of the United States of America.

    Chapter 3

    Patrick literally stood at Evan’s announcement. His jaw visibly dropped. Both women joined him and began speaking at the same time. Patrick, stunned frozen, finally found his seat beneath him, still not speaking. He looked up and said over Carol and Kimberly, The president is in danger, isn’t he?

    Carol and Kimberly sat as

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