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Jesus Is the Way, Truth, Life: Atheism Is the Lost, Lie, Death
Jesus Is the Way, Truth, Life: Atheism Is the Lost, Lie, Death
Jesus Is the Way, Truth, Life: Atheism Is the Lost, Lie, Death
Ebook161 pages2 hours

Jesus Is the Way, Truth, Life: Atheism Is the Lost, Lie, Death

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If you cannot comfortably say with confidence that Jesus died for your sins and opens the door of salvation for you or that you deny Jesus, then this book is for you. So many Christians take Jesus for granted, and so many people do not understand His torment and the suffering He endured for us. We began a spiritual journey when we enter this world. We have a natural body and a world full of responsibilities to challenge us on our journey. We are influenced by many outside sources and personal interactions with our family members and friends. Ultimately, we make the most important decision of our life. Do we believe in God and accept Jesus as our Savior, or do we reject God and accept atheism? When you analyze the facts of the life of Jesus, his loving teachings, his horrible suffering, death and miraculous resurrection, you come to understand He did it for you. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His teaching brings light into your life. Jesus is the gateway to eternal happiness when we leave this world. Atheism with its evil influence wants to drag you down and have you reject God. Atheists are in total denial about God, Jesus, supernatural experiences, something from nothing, and the wisdom in the formation of this universe and mankind. Atheists want you to believe you will simply rot in the ground and accept life with no future hope. If you are an atheist, don't laugh at this thought and concern. As a Christian, I care for you and your soul. That is certainly more than what the atheistic thinking has in mind for you. Atheism, under the influence of Satan, offers you nothing but the door way to eternal conscious separation from God. This book is a direct challenge to the thoughts and beliefs of the atheist. I wrote this book with the hope it just might stir the mind of a non-believer. Then believing the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Release dateAug 19, 2020
Jesus Is the Way, Truth, Life: Atheism Is the Lost, Lie, Death

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    Book preview

    Jesus Is the Way, Truth, Life - Michael Pietrzyk

    Chapter 1

    Books I Have Read

    My knowledge and insight to write this book was enhanced by all the information I was able to gather and retain from the following books I have read. I also relied upon my own life experiences, and I truly believe I had the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    As you scroll through the number of books, you will find that I have definitely read a diversity of information regarding God, religious beliefs, supernatural, science, creation, faith, and doubt. My daily work involves a lot of monthly travel so I am able to take advantage of audible books.

    I believed it was important to list the many books I have read so that you know I truly wanted to learn and understand why I have the faith that I have. I am trying to deepen my relationship with God and what better way than to hear what so many other people of faith have to say about their experiences, trials, beliefs, and love for the Lord.

    Of course, you will notice I have read a substantial number of atheist books to understand their views, interpretations, and mockery of God and the Bible.

    The most read book for me has been the Bible. I have been reading it every day for probably about forty years. It is magnificent. Every day, I read minimum one chapter of the Old Testament, one chapter of the New Testament, and one chapter of letters of Apostles. Therefore, every three to four weeks, I read about the death and resurrection of Jesus.

    Here are the books I have read:

    Bible, The New American Bible

    Letter to Christian Nation by atheist Sam Harris

    Why I Am Not a Christian by atheist Bertrand Russell

    Greatest Show on Earth by atheist Richard Dawkins

    The Magic of Reality by atheist Richard Dawkins

    Why There Is No God by atheist Armin Navabi

    Universe from Nothing by atheist Lawrence M. Krauss

    Godless: How an Evangelical Preacher Became One of America’s Leading Atheists by atheist Dan Barker

    Ken’s Guide to the Bible by atheist Ken Smith

    The Portable Atheist by atheist Christopher Hitchens

    Free Will by atheist Sam Harris

    Mortality by atheist Christopher Hitchens

    The Blind Watchmaker by atheist Richard Dawkins

    The God Delusion by atheist Richard Dawkins

    Why I Am Not a Christian by atheist Richard Carrier

    Lying by atheist Sam Harris

    The Four Horsemen by atheists Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett

    God Needs to Go: Why Christian Beliefs Fail by atheist J.D. Brucker

    All That’s Wrong with the Bible: Contradictions, Absurdities, and More by atheist Jonah David Conner

    Why Our Children Will Be Atheist by atheist Albert Williams

    A Manual for Creating Atheist by Peter Boghossian

    Nailed: Ten Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All by atheist David Fitzgerald

    My Father Bertrand Russell by daughter Katharine Tait

    God Is Not Dead by Rice Broocks

    There Is (xx-no-xx) a God by Antony Flew, former leading atheist

    God and Steven Hawking by John C. Lennox

    The Devil’s Delusion by David Berlinski

    The Godless Delusion by Patrick Madrid and Kenneth Heneles

    Answering the New Atheism by Scott Hahn & Benjamin Wiker

    New Proof for the Existence of God by Robert J. Spitzer

    The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief by Dr. Francis S. Collins

    Belief: Readings on the Reason for Faith by Dr. Francis S. Collins

    Atheist Delusions by David Bentley Hart

    The Reason for God by Timothy Keller

    Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, MD

    My Decent into Death by Howard Storm

    Return from Tomorrow by George Ritchie

    The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel

    The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel

    The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

    Heaven Is for Real by Colton Burpo

    90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper

    To Heaven and Back by Dr. Mary C. Neal

    Waking up in Heaven by Crystal McVea

    Delivered by Tamara Laroux

    Miracles from Heaven by Christy Wilson Beam

    Near Death Experiences by J. Steve Miller

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    Angels, Miracles, and Heavenly Encounters: Real-Life Stories of Supernatural Events by James Stuart Bell

    Where Angels Walk: True Stories of Heavenly Visitors by Joan Wester Anderson

    Guardian Angels: True Stories of Answered Prayers by Joan Wester Anderson

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    Face to Face with Jesus by Samaa Habib

    God’s Double Agent by Bob Fu

    Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly

    Living a Life of Fire by Reinhard Bonnke

    Angel Armies: Releasing the Warriors of Heaven by Tim Sheets

    On Guard by William Lane Craig

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    Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

    20 Answers: Atheism by Matt Frado

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    Man Myth Messiah by Rice Broocks

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    Angels by Billy Graham

    A Wind

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