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Down at the Courthouse
Down at the Courthouse
Down at the Courthouse
Ebook92 pages1 hour

Down at the Courthouse

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Linda Lee Morrison-Mathews—the lady with the longest name that ran for a political office. This book is true facts of happenings, and it is unbelievable that I am writing about this today. I smile about the characters that I have immortalized in such confidential and personal incidents that actually happened. Some for the good of society and some not so good. Some will be shocked that they are in my writings and in my thoughts forever. However, isn't that the way it is with us all? Thanks for reading and purchasing my book, and I hope for the future you will have experiences that will be as great as mine. And that America will always have the freedom of speech to express ourselves personally, in books, writings, and in the press. God bless our America, our people, and our leaders; we certainly need all the help we can get no matter who we are. After thoughts of my life ventures at the courthouse standout, I ask, where could you every day live out a real life adventure such as this has been? The diversity of lives meeting that came through those doors. I look at each one as individuals, thinking their own thoughts, living their own lives, and sometimes befriending me. So I thank my courthouse clique for this adventure never to be forgotten, thus the writing of this book. One thing will always prevail: I am still laughing, writing books, and enjoying memories. You see, I was really a winner in the end because of you all.

Release dateNov 23, 2020
Down at the Courthouse

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    Down at the Courthouse - Linda Lee Morrison-Mathews

    Comments I Have Heard and Remember

    My friend Brenda says, Any five-foot-tall blond blue-eyed woman with three-inch-high heels worth sixty prime camels is an author you’d want to read.

    Dr. K. always told me, True story…true story.

    Ernie said, No one will know about these events unless you write and tell the story.

    Is any of this false?

    My now-adult niece Becky says, No one could live long enough to make this stuff up. This is absolutely true, I was there, and every day was an adventure.

    And my reverend/doctor friend says, Amen, brothers and sisters. Amen.

    With these comments, you’ll want to read this book and reread it to see if you missed anything—but don’t sit up all night as you need your shut-eye sleep.

    Have you taken a tour of your courthouse lately? Gone to any township meetings or visited/contacted your local/state/national officials to offer your suggestions/ideas for the betterment of our government?

    Politics is a continuous learning experience that I could not get in a university, legal institution, or read in any book. County government is a lot like the national/state governments; only county is in a much smaller scale.

    We have the corruption the payoffs the criminal elements, and yes, many good people. It takes fortitude and guts to stand up and speak up especially, to say we’re going to be honest when it is so easy to take the path of just plod along. As I have watched many that have taken the easy road, I have more than once gone from a meeting and thought I would vomit on the way out.

    Nationally, we talk of budgets, ramped spending, escalating taxation, military buildups, environmental pollution, and the listings continue on. Life was, and still is, exciting here in Branch County, Coldwater, Michigan. I reminisce of the glad, sad, and yes, great times that I have had in county government. We’ve given speeches, ridden in scores of parades, shook numerous hands, driven down to the state and national capitals, and watched some of my friends come and go from their offices.

    The last day I served in office, I got a call from an acquaintance saying, For thirty-plus years you kept the news lively, for now we won’t have you to talk about unless you write a book.

    Harry Truman used to say, If the heat’s too hot in the kitchen, get the hell out.

    My theory was/is, Turn up the heat, pal, I’m staying. I really love this place, and America is my home.

    * * *

    Ernie Said

    Ernie said, You are now officially the ‘first lady’ in decades, elected at the Branch County Courthouse in Coldwater, Michigan. Folks will expect and demand more from you than any man. Stand tall, be tough, and don’t let them run you off, but if they do, talk and write about them just like they did you.

    Upon coming to work at the courthouse for the court system, I had a nightmare that there would be a catastrophic situation; I could just feel it. I reported this dream/happening and suggested that the security and insurance be buoyed up on our beloved courthouse, but all I heard was a lot of laughter (as was said, crazed dream).

    A space of time elapsed, and at 3:00 a.m., the phone rang. Sleepy, I thought I heard the voice of my coworker saying the courthouse was on fire and now burning up. I sat up and tried to shake myself awake, realizing this was no prank or dream. I got up, struggling. I was numb because what I predicted was now really happening.

    As my mind was still asleep, I believed the courthouse was so hot it burned up from within, with all the gossip and/or bickering that went on. Now we were forced to work together to restore what we had left of a horrible mess, and no one, no one paid attention to my prior warnings. However, amazed that I was, we went on with a forceful vengeance. Folks drove from all over to remove records from the charred ashes and debris as the vaults held within the building; hard records were removed on two wheeled carts by our strongest of men and boys. We remained resilient.

    It was an unusual scene, and busy was an understatement. Makeshift quarters for some offices in old nearby vacant buildings without any heat and many times rodents prevalent, but we would survive, and we did. Marriage licenses were issued, death certificates recorded, and the court hearings continued as they must, including prosecution of the guy that set fire to our beloved courthouse.

    In the next few days, months, and hours, chaos and tension and turmoil with more trouble erupted. A department head had a massive stroke, unable to take on his duties. Another soon died. Structure and placement erupted again and again with mass confusion—big time.

    Observing from a distance, I went to the county’s head powers to request that they temporarily appoint me to an elected office to fill the vacancy till election because of this horrible mess in Coldwater, Michigan. Yet in my twenties, and yes, gutsy, I had planned a trip abroad and felt I deserved to go. I can never forget my thoughts as I learned that my request would be granted and my appointment would be forthwith upon my return.

    Beginning my journey abroad was an adrenaline rush, being heightened by friends going and certainly the promise of a woman (me) being appointed upon my return to an elected courthouse office in Coldwater, Michigan.

    Upon the flight from New York, to the isle of Cyprus, our party boarded a luxury liner/ship with every accommodation imaginable; it was a floating entity. I was to become (unbeknown to me) the American lady with a handsome captain most women would have died for just waiting for me. Was this fate for a lifetime?

    The first evening began with a fabulous dinner party followed by the flaming-hot scorching fire of Baked Alaska. I was impressed. Every event of the party was first class, elegant with much fanfare and entertainment. I had taken very formal attire and can say with truthfulness: I looked like that American lady the officers kindly described.

    After dinner was the time to meet our hosts,

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