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Episode 1: The Phantom Vandals Mystery: Episode 2: The Familiar Enemies Mystery
Episode 1: The Phantom Vandals Mystery: Episode 2: The Familiar Enemies Mystery
Episode 1: The Phantom Vandals Mystery: Episode 2: The Familiar Enemies Mystery
Ebook231 pages3 hours

Episode 1: The Phantom Vandals Mystery: Episode 2: The Familiar Enemies Mystery

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About the Book Series

This book series for teens and tweens is designed to raise awareness of the physical and chemical world around them and the direct connections they have to it. Presented in a fictional story format, concepts that seem boring and irrelevant to young readers are presented in the familiar context of a fictional teenager's life. More topics and themes can be presented in this format than there are elements in the periodic table!

About the Phantom Vandals Mystery

A visit to the high school that Lola Derez and her friend Zendeeka will be attending in the fall turns into a nightmare. Lola catches two intruders vandalizing campus--but she is the only witness! When she becomes the prime suspect to the crime, she vows to prove her innocence using logic and some chemistry she learned at home. But can Lola be resourceful and bold enough to convince her family and friends--and the police--that she didn't do it?

About the Friendly Enemies Mystery

The start of summer is a time of celebration for Lola Derez and her family. This year is extra special: her grandparents are making a rare visit. But an unexplained accident at the Recycling Center where Lola's dad works sparks a drastic change in some familiar people. They set in motion a string of events that puts an entire neighborhood in danger--including Lola and her family! Curiosity and quick thinking help her discover a plot of revenge. But can Lola act in time to stop a sinister attack on innocent people?

Release dateAug 1, 2022
Episode 1: The Phantom Vandals Mystery: Episode 2: The Familiar Enemies Mystery

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    Book preview

    Episode 1 - A.M. Gonzalez


    Episode 1: The Phantom Vandals Mystery

    Episode 2: The Familiar Enemies Mystery

    A.M. Gonzalez

    ISBN 978-1-68517-310-4 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68517-311-1 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by A.M. Gonzalez

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents in this book are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents




    Trouble in the City


    Shaken Confidence


    Schemes, Plans, and Preparations


    Campus Encounters


    Crime Suspect


    Facts and Evidence


    Oops—Not So Fast!



    Bad Day at Work


    The Dream


    Dad's Workbag


    Dad Needs Help


    Cap Man Gets Away


    Grandparents Arrive


    Chaos in the Park


    Disappearing Act


    Holiday Rescue






    About the Author


    Lola DÉrez

    S.T.E.M. Mysteries

    Episode 1

    The Phantom Vandals Mystery

    Episode 2

    The Familiar Enemies Mystery


    Special thank-you to Chloe L. and Paige L., who reviewed an early draft and provided valuable comments and suggestions. Thank you, ladies!

    Cover image—Michael Fichera

    Image of Lola's face on introduction page—Michael Fichera

    The two episode title pages—Danny Wilson

    Image on each chapter title page—A.M. Gonzalez


    Before we begin, let me introduce you to Lola. Actually, that's her nickname. Her full name is Charlotte Maria Dérez, but as a little toddler, she would get frustrated trying to say Charlotte. Her parents felt bad and started calling her Lola. That was much easier for her to pronounce! So she's been called Lola ever since. In fact, her younger brother Jordan's very first word wasn't ma-ma or da-da, it was Lo-la.

    Lola is a teenager now. As she's gotten older, her curiosity about the world around her has grown. Science and math are Lola's favorite subjects. She's super-smart and loves to read.

    All that reading is teaching Lola a lot about the world around her, like how big and complicated and uncertain it is. And that is making her feel scared inside. So she's in a rough time of life now. She's definitely not a child anymore, but she's not a grown-up either. She's stuck in between. She tries so hard to be independent. She loves solving mysteries, but her obsession to find answers and the truth often clouds her judgment. Sometimes, her choices get her into big trouble. Along the way, Lola meets many different kinds of people: some are kind, some are interesting, some are nefarious! But one thing is sure: through her many experiences, Lola is growing into an extraordinary young lady!

    Lola Dérez

    and the

    Phantom Vandals



    Trouble in the City

    Lola Dérez sat on the edge of her parent's king-size bed watching her mom pack.

    I really wish you didn't have to go.

    I've had this conference scheduled for months, Lola. I can't cancel now.

    I know but I still miss you when you're gone.

    It'll only be a week. Not even. Six days.

    Then the windows behind the blinds started rattling off and on. Mom looked up from the suitcase.

    That's weird. She walked across the room and opened the blinds for the first time that morning. Oh no! Those storm clouds weren't supposed to get here until this afternoon. She also noticed the usually calm blue-green water of City Bay speckled with white frothy spots, appearing and disappearing.

    Rubbing the frown lines on her forehead, she said, Joseph. Can you come in here please? A few moments later, the reflection of her six-foot four-inch husband behind her suddenly appeared in the window. Pointing at the scene painted in front of her from their sixth floor condo, she asked, When did this happen?

    I know. The storm path changed overnight. But don't worry. There's no precipitation yet. And only a light breeze. Your flight should still be on time, Carmen.

    I hope so, she mumbled as she passed him to finish packing for her out-of-town trip. My hotel and flight info are on the refrigerator in case you need to reach me.

    Don't worry, love! You'll be fine, Lola's dad affirmed as he and Lola returned to the kitchen. They got busy setting the table for a Saturday pancake breakfast. Lola's restless brother Jordan was already thinking about after breakfast.

    Mom, can I go with Pete to the rec center downstairs?

    His friend Peter Moss's family lived in Building A in City Bay Community Village, one floor below Lola's family.

    First, I need you and Lola to put these letters in the lobby mailbox for me. Oh—and our recycle baskets need to be emptied in the dumpsters.

    Then can I go see Pete?

    Yes, then you can go see Pete. But don't go anywhere else. And be back for lunch on time. When I'm gone, Dad can't be wasting time chasing you around the property.

      

    After breakfast, Lola changed out of her pajamas and into her favorite Capri pants, a short-sleeve blouse (the one with the cord-tie in front), and her black ballet flats.

    When it was time for Mom to go, Lola and Jordan said their goodbyes at the front door. See you on Friday!

    I'm walking your mother to the train station. I'll be back soon.

    Dad pulled Mom's rolling luggage down the hall with one hand and held her hand with the other.

    Back inside, Lola took charge.

    Here. You take the box of letters.

    She carried the two recycle baskets stuffed with paper, cardboard, and plastic containers.

    The siblings took the elevator down to the ground floor lobby where Jordan poured the stack of letters through the mailbox door. He jammed the empty box into one of the recycle baskets in Lola's arms, then hurried back into the elevator.

    Bye, Lola.

    He pushed the 5 button to go to Pete's floor and disappeared behind the elevator doors.

    Uh—yeah—thanks for leaving me—I'll carry the baskets alone—no problem—see ya!

    Slightly annoyed, Lola left Building A through the back exit and walked in the alley toward the far side of the building complex. The dumpsters were behind Building C, inside a chain-link fence.

      

    Hmm—that's weird. Why is that open?

    Up ahead, the gate to the dumpster area was unlatched and swinging freely into the alley. That wind must've been strong last night. As she got closer, something out of the corner of her eye got her attention. She stopped and squinted at the hedges across the alley. A large shadow behind the bushes seemed to move. Curious, she took a step toward it to get a better look. Then, a deep, crackly man voice hissed from the hedges.

    Stop—kid! Don't come any closer!

    Startled, Lola staggered backward until her back was up against the chain-link fence. She was scared, but she didn't dare take her eyes off of the hedges!

    No! Not there—you're in the way! the voice warned.


    Terrified, Lola decided it wasn't safe in the alley! She pushed the swinging gate out of her way and turned to run into the dumpster area. Without warning, someone came through the gate and rammed into her head-on! Ahhh! Lola was knocked off her feet and hit her head on the asphalt. The recycle bins flew out of her hands. Paper, cardboard, and plastic rained down on the alley.

    Get out of my way! You people don't belong here! Why don't you all go back to your own country!

    From the ground, she looked through the gate to make sure no one else was coming. Turning toward the alley, Lola saw the shadow in the hedges become a man. He wore a black T-shirt and had long reddish-brown wavy hair flowing from under an old worn-out baseball cap. He held a camera and had a fanny pack strapped around his waist. The guy who bashed into her was about the same size and age as the guy in the hedges, but with red curly hair to the bottom of his neck. He wore a gray hoodie and a backpack, but no hat. In a flash, the two bullies were far down the alley, running away—fast!

    Lola got to her feet, breathing deeply to catch her breath again. She dusted off her hands and clothes and felt the back of her head.

    Ouch! That's gonna hurt later.

    Thinking the bullies were gone, she didn't see the odd thing that happen next. At the end of the alley where it crossed a two-way street, the man that came out of the hedges slowed down and turned. He looked back toward Lola not with a mean look—but with a look that almost seemed to say I'm sorry! He stared at Lola for only a moment before the red-haired man who knocked Lola down yelled something rude at him. The brown-haired man disappeared around the corner, running up the street to join the other guy.

    As Lola surveyed the mess in the alley, she heard a groaning sound, like someone was in pain or trouble. It seemed to be coming from the other side of Building C, but she wasn't sure. And after what had just happened to her, she didn't want to go find out. Lola ignored it, but the groaning turned into a deep voice calling out for help.

    I guess I have to do something if someone's in trouble.

    She slowly crept through the gate on the other side of the dumpster area. Just around the corner of Building C, behind some shrubs, Lola saw a large man lying on the ground!


    It was an elderly man with dark skin and a head of short gray hair, lying on his back. A cane was stuck in the bushes a few feet away, and a bunch of newspapers and magazines were scattered on the grass around him.

    He must've gotten slammed by that bully, too! That thought made Lola want to help the poor man.

    Excuse me, sir, can I help you?

    The man turned his head toward Lola, then winced in pain. In an instant, the look on his face changed from protection and fear to relief.

    Oh, thank you, LORD! Yes, young lady, you most certainly can help me! Although he was on the ground—and in pain—the elderly man now seemed very happy to see Lola. His face broke out into the cheeriest, friendliest smile Lola had ever seen. The first thing you can do is fetch me my cane.

    Lola felt no fear or danger around this new stranger. In fact, she felt like she had known him her whole life. She hurried to the wooden cane and brought it back to him.

    Are you hurt badly, sir? She saw he was bleeding from his knees.

    He touched the back of his head, then showed Lola the wet red tips of his fingers. Well, I've been better, but it's nothing that won't mend in time. I do think I will need some medical attention.

    What's your name, young lady?

    I'm Lola. Lola Dérez.

    Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Lola Dérez. I'm Mr. Jackson from Building C, Apartment 447. And soon, you'll get to meet my wife. I need you to take my access card and tell Mrs. Jackson where I am and what has happened.

    Yes, I can do that, Mr. Jackson. But should I leave you here like this? What if those bullies came back? Lola felt bad that her new neighbor/friend would be alone for a bit.

    How about we do this—let me push myself up with my cane and use your shoulder to steady myself—

    While Mr. Jackson spoke, he got to his knees, then to his feet. In no time, he was slowly walking with Lola to a nearby bench.

    Okay, I'm all settled here. You go on and fetch Mrs. Jackson for me, he said with a flip of his hand toward the building's front entrance.

      

    Lola returned with Mrs. Jackson who had called an ambulance and was going to wait with her husband until it arrived. Lola finally got busy picking up the items scattered in the alley. After putting the things into the recycle dumpster, she latched the alley gate behind her and started her slow walk back home.

    She tried to make sense of what had happened to her and Mr. Jackson.

    Go back to my own country? This IS my country. As she walked, she looked at her arms and the back of her hands. Did they say that because Mr. Jackson and I have darker skin?

    Tears pushed up and out of her eyes. Her bruised back, scraped hands and head, and smudged Capri pants weren't the only things damaged. She was hurt and confused by the angry, unkind words they spewed at her. She had been teased a few times on the playground by other kids. But this was different. Lola was ridiculed by grown-up strangers! She was sure she had never seen them before. Over and over, she replayed the experience in her mind, from the time she stepped out of Building A until the two men ran up the alley.

    Did I do anything to make them angry?? I wish Mom were still here! She could explain it to me!

      

    Lola walked through the front door.

    Lola, what took so long? Everything okay?

    Yeah, I was helping an elderly man near Building C.

    She didn't feel like telling him the whole story. She wiped her tears on her sleeve so he wouldn't see. But it was too late—he did notice something was wrong.

    You look upset. I know it's hard when your mother leaves on these long trips, Lola. She'll be back before we know it.

    He thinks I'm sad about Mom leaving!

    Lola didn't correct him—she was glad Dad had that wrong idea in his mind. She was too ashamed and confused about what happened to talk about it.

    I'll be in my room, Dad.

      

    The next day

    Lola! Lola! Her best friend Zendeeka Darego waved to get her friend's attention across the worship hall. Come sit with me, she whispered to the air, pointing to an empty chair next to her.

    Lola walked over and quietly sat on the end seat.

    Hi, Zen. You're early today. There's like fifteen minutes before the service starts.

    Yes. I know. My father had an early meeting with one of the ministers, and I decided to come with him. I was hoping you would be here early, too. Zendeeka looked into Lola's eyes. Is something the matter? You seem to be not yourself this morning.

    Lola looked at Zendeeka. How do you do that?

    Do what?

    "You can tell how I'm feeling just

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