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Real Life Possibilities: Short Stories
Real Life Possibilities: Short Stories
Real Life Possibilities: Short Stories
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Real Life Possibilities: Short Stories

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These short stories are part of the plan--the plan that builds us up and keeps us going in life. We do not know how our life will be sometimes, but trusting in God helps us to discover life's little secrets and the possibilities.

Release dateAug 30, 2022
Real Life Possibilities: Short Stories

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    Book preview

    Real Life Possibilities - Maricela B. Cruz

    Table of Contents





    The Reward

    Come, Holy Spirit

    A Holy Conversation

    The Pain

    Motherly Love

    He Who Is Not Looking, God Will Find

    A Humble Man

    I Want to Live!

    The Big Gift

    Choose Life

    A Child's Desire

    The Challenge

    An Angel Comes Knocking

    Jesus, I Trust In You

    A Gracious Gift

    Forgiveness at Hand

    The Exciting Day

    Your Just Delights

    The Innocence of a Child

    The Rapture

    The Righteous Man

    The Acceptance

    The Plan

    God's Love

    In a Rut?

    The Verdict

    Close Call

    The Fearful Boy


    The Dream

    The Power of God

    Yes, You Can!

    The Chances We Have in Life

    The Scandal

    God's Messenger

    What an Experience!


    The Accuser

    Dreams Do Come True

    The Divine Appointment

    The Spouse

    You Are You

    The Last Call


    There Is Hope

    Cry Me a River

    The Lord Is My Shepherd

    Time, Time, Time

    The Building

    The Big Helper

    About the Author


    Real Life Possibilities: Short Stories

    Maricela B. Cruz

    ISBN 978-1-68526-561-8 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68526-562-5 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2022 Maricela B. Cruz

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    To my mom, my beauty queen. Love you.


    G od, I look like my mother!

    When I was young, every day, I noticed my beauty or, should I say, accepted what I saw. I made myself look like I wanted, then would go to school, come home, and not worry about how I looked. I only prepared myself in the morning.

    As I grew older, I was more interested in my physical appearance and would sometimes see in me my mother's image. My mom was beautiful, but I was afraid of things I disliked and was afraid of having.

    When I got married and had kids, I never focused on that again. It was my turn to be that wonderful mother that my mom was to me. That's what I wanted in life—I wanted to be a mother just like her.

    The years have gone by, and I am a lot older. I tend to see my mother more in me. I tend to see certain aspects of her, and as I think about the foolish girl I was when I was young, I learned truly what beauty is.

    My mom's beauty is in me—in my smile, my eyes, my lips. I could go on, but you see, beauty doesn't stop there. There is quite more. I know these features came as well from my grandmothers; but it's her love, her sensitivity, her giving, her listening, and her soft cries. I know these have been passed down to me; and that is when I say, God, I look like my mother, with great appreciation.

    I look at my beautiful mom in her pictures when I was young, and it brings back so many memories.

    Now my mom is in her eighties, and I hope to have her spunk and creativity she has for life at her age.

    This is a joyful occasion you see because God has opened my eyes to true beauty. He gave me a glance of what my life will soon be, and all I can say with a heart full of love is thank you. Thank you, God, for all the qualities I have within me and all that was given to me from generation to generation.

    I hope one day to repay my beautiful mother for her love for me, but for now, all I can say is thank you, Mom. Thank you for keeping me with my head held high when I needed an uplifting moment, when you would see things differently to help me cope with my times of need, but most of all by standing by my side, ready to defend me and give me the thumbs-up with the famous verse from the Bible, If God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?

    So today, Mom, I dedicate this book of small stories to you. My go-to gal who was always ready to listen to the stories and have a conversation about them, and then asking me when I would put them out for others to read.

    Mom, you have always been my first love and will always be. I will never forget all that you have done for me to make me grow and advance in life, so here's to you, Mom. I love you forever.

    Enjoy, for the adventures continue.

    The Reward

    There once was a man who had a difficult life.

    He thought, This was the hand I was dealt with. I have no choice but to accept it.

    So he did his best every day to pursue happiness in what he did. Many thought of him as a peasant; they smiled and did converse with him but not enough to feel like he was accepted in the village. He tried not to let it bother him. He prayed to God, for his only consolation was talking to Him. He did not have formal prayers, only prayers that came from his heart. Each day, he tried not to bore God with the same, thinking he was just going to get tired of hearing the same complaints, although they were not complaints, only news of daily decisions he had made, hoping they were pleasing to the Lord.

    God loved this man very much. He knew he was a gem to Him. God always walked with him wherever he went and made sure he had enough for that day. And the man never feared, because he thought if it was his time to die, then hopefully God would be pleased and take him to heaven.

    How life seems sometimes lonely. How life seemed to be repetitious. But it did not matter. His life was still hoping that God would see everything.

    When the man passed away, the whole village came to say their goodbyes. For they thought of this man as a holy man. Why might one ask? The man seemed to have a peaceful presence in him that when people would walk by him, they felt he had passed that along to them. And what he did not know is that they did not want to bother him, for their presence seemed so vain. If only they had shared this with him, he would've felt their love as well. But he did not die alone, for God had his angels carry him to Him and then place a gold crown on his head and said, Well done, my son. Your mission is over. You may have not thought you had everything in life, but your faith in me is what kept you going. I was always with you. You were never cold, for it was I who covered you with my hands. You had enough, although you did not ask for much. You had given your life for those who did not know you through your prayers, and you gave your life to Me. So come and enjoy your great reward, and see the mansion I have picked out just for you.

    The man was speechless because he felt he did not deserve this great honor and for more the reason the Lord gave him his true reward: eternal life.

    Come, Holy Spirit

    Why do we think the grass is greener on the other side? Can we change God's mind? So many questions one can ask, but the truth is all can be answered in a way that one thinks. It may or may not be right, but as we get older and ask God for wisdom, we realize that the answers start to change as we grow stronger in our faith. Nothing can change one's mind; only the truth can. Yes, the truth will set us free and build our lives into better role models for others and for oneself.

    There was a young man who was encouraged to live a life as a monk. He wished, too, at one time, but then he thought, This is not a life for me. So he would take his Bible and would read and read. He would not ask for much in life other than ask the Lord for wisdom to be able to understand all that he was reading. Some days, he found it difficult; others, it came so clear to him, and yet he never gave up as determined as he was. He told himself if he could read and understand the passages, he would be able to help others do the same.

    This young man enjoyed the simple life. What he had was enough. There was no need to buy what he did not need, even though there were things he did desire. One day, he met with the priest and asked him if he could help him.

    The priest looked at him and said, What is it, my son, that you are looking for?

    He replied, Father, I am finding it hard to believe in some of these readings. I find it sort of impossible for what the scripture is saying. How can I believe if I find some of it to be a fable?

    My son, the priest said, look truly at what the meaning is. One can ask for wisdom, but also one has to open their heart to the gift of God, which the Holy Spirit gives you at the moment—the understanding. Do not dwell on what you cannot understand, but allow freely the Spirit to inspire you.

    The young man left and kept thinking about what was told to him. He knew he had received the Holy Spirit but didn't understand how it was to be used.

    The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, what can the Holy Spirit do to help me?

    He started to pray, Holy Spirit, inspire me. Holy Spirit, give me counsel. Holy Spirit, teach me. He thought about how he had never invited the Holy Spirit for help.

    Every day, he started to say a prayer to the Holy Spirit. Every day, he would continue to read the Bible and pray. He never gave up. He persisted and persisted, and then he allowed it to flow right in him. The inspiration was amazing. His desires grew, and his heart was hungry, for he understood what the priest was speaking of. He took a vow to God and said, God the Almighty, You Who created all living beings. I give You thanks for teaching me, for giving me all that I need to do Your work here on earth. I thank You for Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who came out of love for us and paid the price for us to have eternal life. I thank You for leaving us the Holy Spirit to direct us and teach us all that we need to know. The love, the flame of passion, the desire to be united with You. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are completely divine. I could not ask for anything more. The great love, the mercy, the compassion, God, You are truly amazing to me. Thank You for loving me. I promise that I will help and teach others as You have taught me. Thank You for Your love and mercy. I will do my best to do Your will with Your blessing.

    At that moment, the young man fell into ecstasy and saw a dove right above him and was given a heart filled with love and understanding. He took this great gift and shared it with all who wished to hear him. He did not fear what was revealed to him. It gave him peace and strength.

    Every single day, he thanked God for his life and what God had done for his people—glorifying Him, loving Him, and restoring all those who came to be taught with God's inspiration.

    Nothing is impossible. God listens to our prayers, and He constantly reminds us that He takes care of all that we ask of Him.

    So do not be afraid. Open your heart and ask.

    Ask. Ask. Ask.

    A Holy Conversation

    There was a beautiful girl named Beatriz. She loved God so much that she made sure she did not fail Him in any way. She prayed and prayed. She prayed not just for herself but for the entire world. She never got tired of being with Him. She loved Him so. She wished she could please Him even more. She asked Him one day, Lord God on High, how can I please You even more when I have nothing to give You? I have no money. I have no friends. I have only You and my pets that I love so much. What can I do to prove my love even more to You? She sat and sat,

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