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Armor On
Armor On
Armor On
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Armor On

By L.K.

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When I saw Satan, I wanted to die. I wanted to be in the arms of Jesus that very moment. At the time, I didn't know I was in a dark spiritual warfare and my home was the battlegrounds. Through my journey, Jesus was showing me my spiritual gifts. He was teaching and training me to trust him completely. The once-dark season feels like a lifetime ago. My new voyage with Jesus is a true blessing, and it keeps opening new doors each and every day.

Release dateMay 14, 2018
Armor On

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    Armor On - L.K.


    Armor On


    Copyright © 2018 L.K.

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc

    New York, NY

    First originally published by Christian Faith Publishing, Inc 2018

    ISBN 978-1-64079-617-1 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64079-618-8 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    I want to thank

    my brothers and sisters in Christ, who helped and encouraged me through this journey.


    Spiritual warfare

    Spiritual warfare is real. I personally experienced the dark depths of Satan's attacks in my early 40’s.

    For our fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers against rulers of the darkness in the heavenly realms.

    Ephesians 6:12

    In Christianity, taking a stand against inexplicable evil forces is known as a spiritual warfare. If Satan hadn't payed me a personal visit, I may still be questioning whether spiritual warfare was real. My own spiritual battle took place during a time when life challenged me the most. I had no idea I was stuck right in the middle of a dark combat, with my beautiful country home as the battlegrounds.

    I now know that the devil has limited authority on earth and needs God's permission to intervene.

    All authority comes from God, and those in position of authority have been put there by God.

    Romans 13:1

    I understand this now, but my research into this topic began out of desperation and panic. The several weeks of horror I endured left me with fear and confusion. Although I've always been close to Jesus, my human instincts sent me running to the internet first. I needed validation that there were other people who shared my experiences.

    After weeks of searching and praying, I still wasn't satisfied and needed more facts. The gift of the Bible was my ultimate answer. I had never fully unwrapped the beautiful gift of the Word of God; but as I began to embrace it more and more fully, it became my lifeline and survival manual. It is my weapon against Lucifer’s schemes—the Sword of Truth that cuts through his lies.

    The book of Job is a significant account of a direct attack on a devoted religious man, however Satan's evil plots start right from the beginning in Genesis. We learn from the start that Satan is the master of lies and disguise. Whether the evil being possessed the serpent or transformed into it, the creature lies to Eve and tricks her into violating God's rules. She was forbidden to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil, and her disobedience was the first sin.

    The serpent’s cunning manipulation was the start of demonic attacks. As the story indicates, Eve certainly did not put up much of an argument, but it does reveal two things. First, evil forces have attacked us from the beginning. And second, God is faithful, even when we are not.

    But the Lord is faithful and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.

    2 Thess 3:3

    Moving though the Old Testament, we learn in the book of Samuel how God let an evil Spirit torment Saul.

    The spirit of the LORD had departed from Saul, and an evil Spirit from the LORD had tormented him.

    1 Samuel 16:14

    It is important to note that God took away his spirit from Saul and permitted the evil power to enter.

    We learn that Saul directly disobeyed God on two occasions; however God was not punishing Saul, but teaching and training him. Chances are demonic forces always wanted to attack Saul, but the timing and permission was God's will. We learn that the dark army was part of God's plan in bringing the future king David into Saul's life.

    When I was face to face with Satan I couldn't imagine why God would permit such horror, or what good could possibly come if it. I've learned to trust. As Christian followers we are called to accept, follow, serve and trust Jesus.

    For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and hope.

    Jeremiah 29:27

    In the Old Testament, the book of Job is one of the most recognized stories of Satan's attacks. God blessed Job greatly with wealth and family. He lived a fortunate life, always giving God the praise and glory. Job never cursed his creator. Satan challenged God, saying that if everything was taken from Job the righteous follower would curse him. Permission was granted and Job lost everything, including his health. But Job continued to praise God even in his darkest hour, confessing God’s power with faithful trust even when all seemed lost.

    In the New Testament, Jesus and then his Holy Spirit taught Christians strategies to wage spiritual warfare. The full armor of God is our protection, and the Word of God is our sword. When Abba sent his only begotten Son to die for our sins we were left with these gifts and the free will to use them.

    If God gave the devil permission to tempt his own Son, then no one is an exception. In the book of Matthew, Jesus was lead into the wilderness to be tempted, directly after his baptism. The devil first challenges Jesus by asking for proof of his powers; when his attempts failed he continued by promising Jesus all things if he worshiped him.

    Away with you Satan, For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve.

    Matthew 4:10

    The devil's schemes failed and he left. Throughout the New Testament we see how evil torments and attacks the disciples, and many others. Jesus demonstrates strategies to rebuke the evil one with God's help. In the book of Matthew, Jesus heals the possessed by casting out demonic forces. One account reports of a child who couldn't speak, and was sent into violent convulsions when he saw the holy one. In front of witnesses Jesus uses the sword and rebukes the evil spirit, commanding it to come out and never return.

    The most significant act of spiritual warfare in the New Testament is when Satan lead Judas to betray Jesus.

    Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus.

    Luke 22: 3-4

    I was shown through the Word of the Lord that the Bible is a survival manual, a weapon, a double edged sword used to attack the dark enemy. Aside from the historical information, I now know that all evil must dissipate at the voice within the pages. Your armor must be on!

    We live in a fallen world and Satan's army has been operating on this earth since the beginning of time. Christians believe that God and Satan are real. We believe that heaven and hell are real, and that we have the free will to choose which path to take—the path of light, or the path of darkness.

    My supernatural experiences were frightening at the time, but I now see it as a blessing that I am able to not only continue following Jesus, but also share what I was privileged to witness to help others on their journeys. I was born to be a Christian warrior, a crusader for Christ to help others find the light in their dark seasons. My research continues as well as my supernatural gifts. My story has only just begun. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.


    I saw Satan. Satan—the prince of darkness, the devil, the Antichrist, Lucifer. Perhaps you know him by another title.

    He came to me uninvited, unexpected, and unwanted. He was in my bedroom one terrifying night to pay me a visit.

    It was a warm, starlit night like any hazy summer day’s end. The events happened during a time frame when life challenged me the most. In the course of it, I had no idea I was stuck right in the middle of a dark spiritual warfare. My safe, beautiful country home was the battlegrounds.

    Satan revealed himself boldly that night, but the rest of the war was with his army, the evil principalities right down to the satanic minions who obey the dark one. Horror doesn’t even come close to describing what I experienced as demonic beings from another dimension invaded my home for weeks.


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