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Man Up with God: Thy Will Be Done Achieving Gods Purpose For Your Life
Man Up with God: Thy Will Be Done Achieving Gods Purpose For Your Life
Man Up with God: Thy Will Be Done Achieving Gods Purpose For Your Life
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Man Up with God: Thy Will Be Done Achieving Gods Purpose For Your Life

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About this ebook

What the world needs now more than ever are men filled with their Heavenly Father; His Son, Jesus; and the Holy Spirit. We are meant to be strong men, men of great character, and Spirit-filled men who rely on God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit every minute of every day so that we can live a life as powerful and humble sons of God.

As you come to Christ, your enemy is not a human but that of Satan's. Satan and his demons will do their best to get inside of you or infiltrate you any way they can through disease(s) in the body and through mental illness(es), twisting the truth or lying and doing anything possible to take away your focus on God.

This book is about letting God's will be done to you, achieving God's purpose for your life. It goes into deep detail, sharing the process and strategy I am using in understanding my calling and then executing my calling to be successful in obtaining the purpose He has given to all of us.

Make sure your life counts by becoming the son of God that He created you to be. Do this for yourself, for your family, and for all of your descendants. You will be leaving a lasting legacy.

Release dateMar 2, 2022
Man Up with God: Thy Will Be Done Achieving Gods Purpose For Your Life

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    Book preview

    Man Up with God - Brian E. Sherwood


    Man Up with God

    Thy Will Be Done Achieving Gods Purpose For Your Life

    Brian E. Sherwood

    ISBN 978-1-63874-647-8 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63961-834-7 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-63874-648-5 (digital)

    Copyright © 2021 by Brian E. Sherwood

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    ~Chapter 1~

    ~Chapter 2~

    ~Chapter 3~

    ~Chapter 4~

    ~Chapter 5~

    ~Chapter 6~

    ~Chapter 7~

    ~Chapter 8~

    ~Chapter 9~

    ~Chapter 10~

    To the reverend, I thank God for allowing me to have you as a brother in Christ, mentor, partner, and friend.

    To my children—Brianna, Shawna, Serena, and Michael—I love you all, and you make me very proud.

    To you, the readers, may this book inspire you to achieve God’s purpose for your life.


    This book is for men—all men, young and old alike—to let them know of a wonderful life that can be theirs when they give their life to God and place Him first in their life. God wants to let you know that He loves you and wants you to become the powerful and humble sons of God that He created you to be.

    God wants you to have a very deep and meaningful relationship with Him. He wants you to really know Him—His ways and His words. He wants you to believe in Him, trust in Him, and have loyalty to Him. And with the belief, trust, and loyalty, you will be building a foundation; and that foundation is called faith.

    However, it is up to you as to how deep you go in relationship with Him. The deeper you go in relationship with Him, the stronger your foundation will be and the greater your ability to complete your calling and reach God’s purpose for your life.


    Mark Arnold, Lonnie Berger, Cindy Cadle, Ruth Craig, Jon Collins, Amanda Davis, Paul Faille, Tony Garcia, Dale Goforth, Mary Lou Harmon, Jim Harmon, Tim Harmon, Karen Kessie, John Lee, Ken Lee, Tim Mackie, Rod Mael, Terry Musch, Ben Pecora, Robbie Roberts, Don Sherwood, Brianna Sherwood, Shawna Sherwood, Serena Sherwood, Michael Sherwood, Ron Skillbeck, Steve Smith, Patrick Snow, Soren Sorenson, Randy Stokes, Jim Strozdas, and Mark VanAntrepw

    Special Acknowledgment

    One of my favorite Bible scriptures:

    In this manner, therefore, pray:

    Our Father in heaven,

    Hallowed be Your name.

    Your kingdom come.

    Your will be done

    On earth as it is in heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread.

    And forgive us our debts,

    As we forgive our debtors.

    And do not lead us into temptation,

    But deliver us from the evil one.

    For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

    (Matthew 6:9–13 NKJV)

    What a gift and what a blessing to know that God loves us so much and that He wants to have His will be done for our lives—a loving God of abundance, not scarcity. God’s will for us does not automatically come to pass for us as He gave each of us the gift of free will, so it has to be our choice. We have to ask Him that we want His will done in our lives.


    Iam blessed and grateful that the Holy Spirit is moving within me and using me to write this book with the intention to bring men to God.

    I am extremely honored and blessed to God for leading you to pick up this book. I encourage you to thumb through it and begin to read it. My belief is that as you read, you will be filled with the Heavenly Father and His love for you.

    I believe today, in the year of 2021, that the world is in a state of chaos. People are looking to other people (politicians, employers, etc.) to fix all the problems, putting their trust and belief in them, whereas I believe they should be putting their trust and belief into God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. And I believe the enemy, Satan, has caused this chaos. It is the enemy’s focus to steal, kill, and destroy everything good (John 10:10).

    People are wandering aimlessly, not sure what to do and why they are even here on earth, not having or believing they have a purpose. However, everyone has been given a purpose from God, and the way to get to His purpose is by the calling on our life that He gave us, which is unique to each of us.

    God’s calling on our lives is the road(s) we take to get to our purpose or the destination for which we are going. In Christ, we all have the same destination, but we are each given uniquely different roads to get to this destination.

    What the world is in need of now more than ever is men filled with God’s calling on their lives and Christ to lead and guide (be a shepherd) to themselves, their families, their employment, their communities, and their country to be strong men, men of great character, and Spirit-filled men.

    Jesus is a builder of men—men of great courage call unto Him to build them into the powerful/humble men He wants them to be.

    Having a deep personal relationship with God is

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