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The Lies They Preach: What The Enemy Never Wanted The Church To Know!
The Lies They Preach: What The Enemy Never Wanted The Church To Know!
The Lies They Preach: What The Enemy Never Wanted The Church To Know!
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The Lies They Preach: What The Enemy Never Wanted The Church To Know!

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Christians who believe that Jesus is coming at any moment to rapture the church will discover that there will not be a rapture for those who are deemed to be in right standing with God. No one will be left behind. There will not be a seven-year tribulation period nor is the church the bride of Christ. Christians will also learn about enduring tribulation, resting in death, being resurrected from the dead, and standing before God on the day of judgement. Everyone who follows Christ will have to face the fact that they have been misled by those pastors who refuse to listen to or consult God for clarification concerning this doctrine. Because the rapture doctrine has been a major source of contention amongst leaders, many have chosen to agree to disagree. This decision has left the church divided concerning God's word and vulnerable to satanic deceptions. Those pastors who believe that the righteous will disappear are also guilty of misinterpreting the scriptures in an effort to support their beliefs. Christians have received little to no teaching from the book of Revelation because of this doctrine and the belief that the church would not be here. This selective teaching has left believers with no knowledge of what is to come. This is why the body of Christ must know God and his word for ourselves if we are going to recognize the enemies' tactics. As a loving Father, God is bringing this false doctrine back to the forefront to warn the church before Satan makes his next move. Every believer of Christ must become informed, transformed, and very courageous if we are going to overcome Satan's lies and the mark of the beast.

Release dateOct 4, 2019
The Lies They Preach: What The Enemy Never Wanted The Church To Know!

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    The Lies They Preach - Pamela Benton


    The Lies They Preach

    What The Enemy Never Wanted The Church To Know!

    Pamela Benton

    Copyright © 2019 by Pamela Benton

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    The King James Study Bible. Thomas Nelson, 1988

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents








    In 2005, my three-year-old daughter and I were in a near-fatal car accident that left me paralyzed from the waist down. I turned to my faith in God to help me cope with my struggles and pain.

    As I became dedicated to reading the word of God, he began to show me scriptures that contradicted the things that I had been taught about the rapture doctrine. Excited about sharing the truth about this doctrine, I approached several pastors who refused to listen to anything that I had to say on this subject. I realized that the people will not be told the truth by those leaders who are convinced that this doctrine is true. God instructed me to put this information inside of a book, giving everyone access to the truth about Satan’s intent to deceive God’s people.


    Deceptions Caused By The Rapture Doctrine

    Where are the watchmen, and why is there no one sounding the alarm? The church in America has fallen asleep with their eyes wide open. Believers lack the ability to identify the enemy’s lies and his tactics. More attention is being given to accumulating possessions, titles, and status, instead of discipleship and soul-winning.

    There is just as much, if not more, anxiety and depression among believers of Christ as there is among unbelievers. Never in the history of Christianity have Christ’s followers been more distracted by issues concerning the government, the economy, or the future. People are quoting scriptures and uttering profanities, all in the same sentence, as if that is okay. There is little to no reverential fear of God left in America. God is being reverenced by what he can give instead of who he is and what he has already done for us.

    Those who are not willing to compromise their salvation are enduring hardship and separation instead of encouragement and support from other professing believers. Deception has made its way into the church. It is standing in pulpits all over this country, teaching things that Jesus did not say. There is more emphasis being placed on paying tithes and offerings than there is on repentance from sin. The pulpit is being used as a platform for power, recognition, and personal attacks instead of teaching and spiritual awakening. Many believers recognize that their pastors never teach on end times, abortions, homosexuality, a one-world order, or any topics that seem to be controversial; however, they are afraid of the backlash, the criticism, and the personal attacks that they will have to face for asking why. These pastors would rather preach about being raptured instead of preparing their congregations to be resurrected.

    Christians who believe that they will be raptured are not interested in hearing the truth nor getting an understanding about tribulation. People are leaving the house of God believing that they can have the world and God too. The body of Christ is in desperate need of the truth about the word of God and what we can expect in the days ahead. When we ask Jesus into our lives, his works and his teachings has to become the model that we live by. Jesus said that he only did what he saw his Father do. We are supposed to be doing what Jesus did.

    Being the son of God Jesus was rich, but he humbled himself and became poor. His focus was not on himself but on helping the people come out of darkness. Jesus was never involved in government issues because he knew that the government along with unbelievers were set to crucify him. Jesus ultimately died and was resurrected to secure our future in heaven someday. He never compromised or altered his message in an attempt to please those who disagreed with the message. We have read about how the Pharisees and Sadducees were relentless in their attempt to entrap Jesus with their questions. These men were leaders who placed burdens on the people and had Jesus crucified in order to solidify their title and position over the people.

    Many impostors are doing the same things in the churches today. The Jewish people believed that the Roman government was their problem, but it was their prideful leaders who were keeping them in bondage. It is so critical that Christians realize that the enemy is pulling the same stunt that he pulled before Jesus began his ministry. The people of God cannot continue to dishonor the gospel by blending in with the world and defining it as today’s way to do ministry.

    God is not impressed or pleased with those who try to make wrong sound right. Some deceivers are adding God’s name to their trickeries in order to gain the trust of those who follow them.

    We must live and do things in God’s way, not our way. His way is through the obedience of his word and by walking in love. If we say that we love God with all of our hearts, souls, and minds, then we must live to please him. When we love our neighbor as ourselves, then we should find pleasure in giving and charity. Apostle Paul wrote about what it means to love, in 1 Corinthians 13:4-6, Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.

    Love is charity, not a feeling or emotion. If we are not helping those who are in need, then we are not showing love. Most people think that charity is merely giving someone a financial gift, but it could also be lending a helping hand, a listening ear, encouragement, and understanding. Even though Jesus gave us a commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves, he did not say that supporting others in their wrong would cause our wrong to be forgiven or cancelled out. Although that may sound ridiculous, it is exactly what is happening throughout the church.

    There are many confessing believers who are living contrary to God’s word. They have chosen to defend others in their wrong as a way to convince themselves that they are somehow fulfilling the scripture. This is deception at its finest, but it is what is being accepted as truth. We cannot twist or alter God’s word in an attempt to support the way that we want to interpret it. That type of thinking and

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