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Satiana's Magical Adventure
Satiana's Magical Adventure
Satiana's Magical Adventure
Ebook421 pages6 hours

Satiana's Magical Adventure

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Satiana is a twelve-year-old girl living in Orchid Village where Kamori, the sorceress, raised her after finding her stranded in the forest as a baby. Satiana is learning to be an enchantress but is having trouble controlling her powers. But then, she discovers her moon and star powers during her training with Lumiere. She has won the tournament, but during her victory party, she is confronted by a white-skinned demon named Sheiko, who calls her Moon Child. Satiana then sets out on a journey to find her long-lost real parents, meeting new friends along the way-such as Tokomo the fairy-confronting other five demons, learning about Moon People, and trying to stop an evil threat, the Lord of Darkness.

Release dateJun 12, 2018
Satiana's Magical Adventure

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    Book preview

    Satiana's Magical Adventure - AEA Kimlin

    Chapter 1

    The Magical Tournament Announcement

    Twelve years later . . .

    Satiana! Time to wake up!

    Kamori’s voice is heard outside the room, and Satiana wakes up from her bed. She yawns and stretches out her arms. Are you awake yet? Kamori calls from outside her room.

    Yeah, I’m awake. The girl yawns and scratches her arm.

    It’s time for magic school. I don’t want you to be late.

    She hears Kamori’s voice once more and looks up at the clock, which reads thirty-five T.A. Satiana gasps before kicking the covers away and gets off the bed. Oh my gosh! I’m gonna be late! She panics as she dashes to her vanity and pulls out her hairbrush to brush her long light purple hair neatly. After she’s done, she runs to her closet and takes off her pajamas and puts on her enchantress outfit. She comes out wearing a blue strapless dress, blue gloves with dark blue clasps, light blue knee-high socks, blue Mary Jane shoes, blue choker, and a dark blue headband with a gold emblem and blue gem at the center facing the right side; and she runs downstairs to see her adoptive mother Kamori and two adoptive sisters Fainera, age twenty-one, and Shizume, age sixteen, in the kitchen.

    Good morning, Satiana! I made you some breakfast! Kamori greets her while smiling before setting a plate of toast and egg berries on the table while Satiana walks to the table to join her family.

    Morning, Mother, she says, smiling back.

    So are you ready for your lessons at magic school? Fainera asks her.

    Yeah, I’m ready! she replies.

    Okay, Satiana, you have to eat your breakfast before you go to school, says Kamori.

    Oh, right! Satiana replies before picking up a fork and starting to eat her breakfast.

    You have to prepare yourself, Satiana, says Shizume. Because in five days, the magical tournament is around the corner. I hope you’re getting used to your training.

    Don’t worry, Shizume. I’m doing fine with my training, says Satiana. I’ve been training for five years now, but now I’m ready!

    Just make sure you use your powers properly, says Kamori.

    Yes, Mother. I’ll try . . . Satiana trails off.

    They all hear someone knocking on the door of their house. I’ll get it! Kamori replies before walking to the door and opening it, revealing a young girl of Satiana’s age. She has dark brown hair, light purple eyes, and is wearing a purple dress with a pink ribbon around her waist, purple arm warmers, a purple witch hat with a pink ribbon, pink knee-high socks, and black Mary Jane shoes.

    Hello, Lady Kamori! she greets her while smiling.

    Why hello, Kiki! How are you doing? Kamori greets her while smiling.

    Good. Is Satiana home? I need to take her to school, Kiki replies. Ah yes, she’s here at the table, Kamori says before glancing at Satiana. Satiana! Your best friend Kiki is here!

    Really? Satiana suddenly stands up from her seat.

    Hi, Sadie! Kiki greets while smiling and waving.

    Hi, Kiki! Satiana waves back. Guess it’s time for me to go to school! She heads out into the door to meet with Kiki and is about to leave.

    But Fainera stops her while holding a lavender handbag with a purple flower in the center. Satiana! Your handbag!

    Satiana gasps a little before getting her handbag. Thanks! she replies.

    No problem. Good thing I gave it to you on time because your handbag contains your wand! remarks Fainera. Anyways, have a great day at magic school!

    Goodbye! Satiana bids her adoptive family goodbye before heading out to the door with Kiki, taking her handbag with her, and she closes the door behind her.

    You wanna ride on my magic broom? Kiki offers while her magic broom appears out of thin air. She gets on the broomstick and pats a seat for her.

    Sure! Satiana replies before getting on. Kiki then starts driving her magic broom, and the two take off all the way to school.

    *     *     *

    While riding on a broomstick with her, Satiana gazes down at the view of Orchid Village. She sees normal children attending a regular school, people working on chores, fantasy creatures coming to the village for a visit, and those living there. She looks ahead to see a big purple building resembling a castle with hot magenta roofs in front of her and Kiki. She looks down to see sorcerers, sorceresses, witches, warlocks, and other magic users going there.

    They both make it to the ground and get off the magic broom before it disappears, and they both start walking. Both stop in front of another girl two years older than them, having long wavy blonde hair and emerald green eyes and wearing a red magician outfit along with a black bow with a yellow jewel in the center, black medium-sized top hat with a red bow tilted to the right side, and a small red-and-white cape. Hey, girls! she greets them while smiling.

    Hello, Marisa! Kiki greets her while smiling back.

    Are you excited about the magic tournament coming in five days? Marisa asks.

    Yeah! I’ve been training with my powers! Kiki replies.

    Me too! Satiana joins in.

    That’s good because I’ve been training myself to prepare for this wonderful event! replies Marisa.

    Yeah! We’re so excited! Kiki cheers.

    They suddenly hear the bells ring as a sign of class starting and see all the students heading inside the school. It’s time for class, says Kiki.

    Guess we’ll get there then . . . Marisa trails off before all three follows the students inside.

    *     *     *

    Welcome, students! Galinda, the headmistress of the magic school, announces. As you may have heard, the magical tournament is coming up in five days. The students whisper to one another excitedly while some want to win the competition. One of you have to pick teammates and make up a team of three people. I hope you are planning to train for this amazing event because if you are, you and your group will win the tournament! And you might win a prize, which may be a trophy, but there’s more than that! Everyone becomes intrigued. You don’t know it yet, but you will win the other prize from here! Galinda continues while pointing at her heart. Oh, and if everyone is interested in attending the tournament, you may sign up at the foyer! I wish you good luck! After hearing this, the students cheer.

    I’m gonna win this competition!

    I can’t wait!

    I’m gonna sign up for the tournament!

    I’m gonna pick someone for my team!

    Me too! Me too! Some of the students say as they start heading for the foyer to sign up for the tournament.

    Satiana, Marisa, and Kiki arrived there and sign up for the tournament.

    Do you think we’ll make a good team? Satiana wonders.

    Of course, we will, Sadie, says Marisa. If anyone tries to hurt either you or Kiki, I’ll blast ’em sky high!

    Well, you may be capable of controlling your powers, but I know you are trying to help us become stronger, Marisa! Kiki replies with a smile, and Marisa smiles back but stops.

    Oh no . . . she trails off.

    What do you mean ‘oh no’? Satiana wonders.

    I mean ‘oh no’ as in here comes trouble, Marisa speaks while staring among the crowd. And by trouble, I mean ‘her’! Her eyes narrow angrily at the girl two years older than her and four years older than Satiana and Kiki. She has long strawberry blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes and wears a flashy pink outfit of an enchantress. She isn’t alone; she is accompanied by two girls. One girl has light blonde hair and blue eyes and wears a cute pink dress decorated with gold trims. The other girl has brown hair and brown eyes and wears a pink outfit with blue trims and a blue cape.

    Stacy? And her friends Bella and Donna? What are they doing here? Kiki wonders.

    Probably to sign up for the tournament, I bet! Marisa remarks in a slight angry tone.

    Ah! There it is! A sign-up for the tournament! the girl, Stacy, says cheerfully before running to the stand. Move out of my way, Marisa! She shoves Marisa out of the way and signs her name in cursive in the sign-up sheet. There! And I will win the tournament for sure! she says gleefully while her two friends, Bella and Donna, start signing their names in the sign-up sheet.

    Gee, I’d never knew you are going to sign up for the tournament, Stacy, Marisa speaks in an unenthusiastic tone.

    Stacy notices her and gets up into her face. So you and your friends have decided to join the tournament, eh, Marisa? she speaks. It would be a mistake you’d ever make because my girls and I will take you down with our magic!

    You three are going down! Donna replies.

    Yeah, and it would be awesome! Bella cheers while all five girls stare at her, baffled.

    Anywho, Satiana doesn’t have what it takes to win the tournament! Stacy remarks. Even if she is training to be a strong enchantress, she was incapable of controlling her powers!

    Hey! Don’t talk trash about her like that! Kiki snaps. She trains so hard to get into the tournament! And when she becomes strong, she will kick your butts!

    There is an awkward silence; then Stacy, Bella, and Donna burst out laughing. Oh my, that was so cute! For a wittle witch trying to stand up for her enchantress friend! Stacy yells cheerfully through her laughs. It sounds so cute that it’s so pathetic! She pets Kiki’s head, both gently and roughly, and then stops before facing Satiana. You better watch your back, Satiana, she says. Because when you and I are the last two people left standing in the tournament, I would be the one who will knock you down and the one who will be champion!

    Satiana gulps nervously.

    Anyways we’ll be leaving. Toodles! Stacy replies before leaving with Bella and Donna.

    Marisa growls angrily as she watches them. Don’t let Stacy get to you, Satiana. Even if you’re the last one standing with her, you’re gonna win the tournament for sure!

    Yeah, there’s no way you can lose! Kiki replies to her. I know you can win! I know you can!

    Satiana faces them and smiles sadly. Thanks for some encouragement, you guys . . . she trails off before bending her head down with little sadness.

    Chapter 2

    Life at the Magic School

    At the classroom, the teacher is teaching the students on how to control their powers and how attacks and magic work. Some of the students are paying attention carefully while some are bored and are not interested in listening to some boring teaching. Some who are already capable of using and controlling their powers either read a book, play around with his or her powers, or fall asleep during class. Satiana is taking notes diligently, Kiki is reading a book, and Marisa is bored out of her mind.

    Ugh, I’m so bored! she groans. And why do I bother learning to control my powers when I’m already getting used to them?

    But Kiki hushes her. There are some people who don’t have the power to control their magic, she says softly while putting her book down. Everyone being Satiana. Satiana stops taking her notes and glances at her, making her eyes widen with little shock. No offense! she speaks.

    None taken. I was considering trying to control my powers during my training, says Satiana before continuing taking notes.

    Hehe, right . . . Kiki trails off awkwardly before going back to reading her book. The school bell rings, and everyone else and the girls exit the class and move on to the next.

    At a potion-making class, the students start making potions that involve with healing and good use for the village. Even Kiki has many ideas on making potions of her own. Ah, potion-making class, my favorite class in this school! she says joyfully while setting down a bottle of light blue liquid on the table.

    So why do you like this class? Marisa wonders.

    Because I get to create my own potions! Kiki replies before getting out some ingredients. I will add some petals of the rose, rosemary leaves, little bit of dragon’s scales, and leaves of the ginkgo tree. She adds the ingredients into the bottle. Put them in the bottle and shake it well. She starts shaking the potion with the ingredients until it turns bright purple. And voila! My own creation!

    Wow, it looks amazing! I wanna try! Satiana says before taking a bottle of lavender liquid and pulling out lilac petals and a handful of dragon scales.

    Kiki gasps with shock to see her having that much of the dragon’s scales while Marisa’s eyes widen. No, no, no! Kiki panics. Don’t add too much dragon scales into the bottle—

    But Satiana adds the ingredients into the bottle, but the potion explodes, leaving everyone covered in soot and coughing. The students and teacher glance at Satiana, and she looks on nervously. Hehe, sorry, everyone, she apologizes awkwardly.

    The school bell rings again. This time it tells the students it’s lunchtime.

    At the cafeteria, the students are eating their own lunch while some have bought lunch from the buffet. Some of the students—including Satiana, Marisa, and Kiki—are eating outside because there were tables outside. Marisa has a red berry, and Kiki has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Both of them have fruit punch, chips, and a cupcake. The only person, however, who hasn’t brought her own lunch is Satiana.

    Satiana? Haven’t you brought your lunch? Marisa wonders while eating a red berry.

    No, I forgot my lunch . . . Satiana trails off in a slight angry tone. I must’ve left it at home when I rushed out to go with Kiki.

    You can still get food from the buffet, Sadie, says Kiki.

    Yeah, I guess so, Satiana says before getting off her seat, but before she could go to the buffet inside, she hears her name being called.


    All three girls hear a girl calling her name and look ahead to see a girl with long pale pink hair, mauve eyes, wearing a dark blue strapless top with a pink jewel at the center, dark blue arm socks with yellow fuzz trims, purple-red skirt, dark blue boots with pink bows, a pink bow tied on her hair, and a gold choker with a pink jewel running toward them with a basket full of food.

    Satiana’s eyes widen with surprise and happiness. The girl is Kanono, her best friend since childhood, and she is now eighteen while Satiana is twelve. But they are still good friends. Hi, Kanono! Satiana greets her after she reaches them.

    You forgot your lunch that Kamori made for you, so Kamori sent me to give you your lunch, Kanono explains before giving Satiana her lunch basket.

    Satiana pulls up the cloth and sees strawberries, grape juice, and a raspberry jam and honey sandwich. Oh, thank you, Kanono! Satiana cheers joyfully before pulling out her sandwich and eating it. And then she drinks her grape juice.

    Say, Kanono, will you have lunch with us for a while? offers Kiki.

    Sure, I’d love to! Kanono accepts. By the way, I heard you were having a tournament in five days.

    Yeah! And we are going to win! Kiki replies. Well, after all the training.

    Ah, I see, says Kanono. Where’s the buffet?

    Inside the cafeteria, Marisa replies while pointing at the school.

    Thank you, Kanono says before going inside the cafeteria to get lunch. She later comes back outside with a basket of three pink fruits, periwinkle berries, a jam sandwich, and apple juice and sits with the girls.

    That’s all you’re gonna eat? Marisa asks while staring at the food Kanono is having.

    Yeah, I just don’t like eating meat . . . Kanono trails off.

    Okay, if you say so . . . Marisa trails off before biting on her fruit.

    *     *     *

    A while later, the four girls finish eating their lunch and hear the bell ring.

    Guess it’s time to go to class, says Marisa.

    Okay, I’ll be leaving now, says Kanono. Goodbye, girls! She begins to leave while Satiana, Marisa, and Kiki wave goodbye.

    Bye, Kanono! I’ll see you later! Satiana calls, causing Kanono to look back and wave while still walking.

    The girls then head inside the school along with the other students. They come to a stadium for class, where they have to train and control their powers. Everyone soon start training, and even Satiana is determined to have her powers controlled. She readies her wand by charging a blue orb in it and shoots it at the dummy, but the orb misses and hits the wall, almost nearly hitting the sorcerer students.

    Hey! Watch it! one of them shouts angrily.

    Sorry! Satiana calls out before sighing. I’m not gonna be good if I can’t control my powers . . . she trails off sadly.

    Marisa hears this and glances at her. Don’t say that, Sadie. I know you’ll get better! she says. You want me to help you?

    Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks, Satiana says, smiling a little.

    Yeah, I may be capable of controlling my powers, but I’ll do whatever I can to help you and Kiki become stronger and control your powers, says Marisa.

    I am strong, Mari. It’s my powers I’m worried about, Satiana says with a laugh.

    Don’t worry. I’ll train you to control your powers until you’re as good as the other magic users, says Marisa.

    Both the girls hear a kaboom nearby and see Bella jumping up and down cheerfully in front of the half-destroyed training dummy. Yay! I did it! I totally got it! She then stops jumping and sees a boy dressed in armor of the sorcerer, punching on the sandbag. Hi, Gilbert! she calls out to him, and Gilbert stops punching the sandbag and waves to her but gets knocked down by the punching bag while Bella is in shock.

    Well, almost other magic users . . . Marisa trails off.

    *     *     *

    So Marisa helps train Satiana how to control her powers, which lasts for three to four hours until the bell rings to signal the students that the class, and also the school, is over and it was time for the young magic users to go home. Satiana comes home and changes from her enchantress clothes into her playful casual clothes, which consists of a light blue top, dark blue skirt, and blue slip-on shoes. She then helps her family around the house with the chores.

    Thanks with the help, Sadie, but let me do the chores for now. I think you’re good. Satiana hears Fainera’s voice behind her and sees her wearing a beige blouse, long maroon skirt, and gold choker with a red heart-shaped jewel. Satiana hands the broom to Fainera, and she starts sweeping.

    Seriously, you did a good job, she says.

    Thanks. Satiana smiles.

    Mother and Shizume are doing the dinner right now, Fainera continues. It’s not ready yet, so have the time to play with Kiki.

    Satiana nods before heading outside to play.

    She sees Kiki wearing a beige long-sleeved dress with a purple cloth over her shoulders, a gold pendant around her neck, black stockings, red headband, and dark brown ankle-high boots. Her hair is also tied in a braid.

    Hi, Satiana! Do you wanna play? says Kiki, and Satiana responds with a nod. Kiki cheers and takes her hand, and both run up into the fields.

    *     *     *

    Kiki and Satiana go picking flowers on the hill and make them into flower crowns.

    Here’s one for you, Kiki, Satiana says before putting a purple-and-blue flower crown on Kiki’s head.

    Aw, thank you! she replies, giggling. I’ve got one for you too! She then puts a purple-and-pink flower crown on Satiana’s head.

    Thanks, it’s adorable! She giggles, and Kiki giggles with her.

    They both stopped giggling to hear bushes rustling.

    What was that? Kiki shrieks before crawling behind Satiana.

    I don’t know, Satiana speaks, feeling a bit scared.

    The bushes rustle again, and Kiki shrieks before ducking her head behind her. Whatever it was, get it out of here!

    Satiana picks up a rock and throws it at the bush. A bonk is heard and so is the painful yelp. Scared, both girls run away from the bush.

    After heading back to the center of the village, they breathe heavily to catch their breath. That was close! Satiana pants.

    Yeah! We would’ve been attacked by a monster! Kiki yells through her breathing.

    Or robbed by a goblin, Satiana added. She looks up at the sky and saw the sun setting down from the sky. I gotta head home, she speaks. We should worry about the creature later.

    Yeah. Well, see you later, says Kiki before leaving while Satiana waves goodbye and decides to head home.

    It was dinnertime for her, and she eats the dinner her mother and older sister have made. But a while later, she starts playing with it.

    Eat your food, Satiana. Don’t play with it, Kamori speaks, and Satiana stops.

    So how’s school? Fainera asks her.

    Oh, it’s fine . . . she trails off.

    Is something wrong, child? Kamori wonders, both concerned and worried.

    It’s just . . . I’m having a bit of trouble controlling my powers, she explains. Plus, three girls are making fun of me for that.

    Stacy, Bella, and Donna? Shizume speaks, and Satiana nods.

    Sadie, don’t let those girls get to you, Fainera says in a serious tone. You are strong and maybe in progress in controlling your powers but don’t listen to them! They’re just a bunch of stuck-up queen bees showing off their powers!

    All right, Fainera, that’s enough! Kamori speaks up sternly, and Fainera stops, looking at her a little scared. Though your encouragement to Satiana is good enough, she finishes.

    What she’s trying to say is that you can do it, Satiana! No matter how hard you find to control your powers, you gotta do it! Shizume says.

    Thanks, Shizume. That’s really nice, Satiana says, smiling. And can I be excused?

    Her mother and sisters look down at her plate to see the food is nearly half gone. Are you sure? Do you have enough? Kamori replies. Satiana nods. All right, you’re excused, she says finally.

    Thanks, Mother! she speaks gleefully before running upstairs while the three sit still.

    I have a feeling she’ll start her training this evening . . . Kamori trails off.

    Hope she won’t stay late. She has school tomorrow! replies Shizume.

    Do you think Marisa would train her, Mother? Fainera wonders.

    But before Kamori could respond, her eyes flash blue, and she sees Satiana training herself at the training grounds, and a tall figure with spikes on its head garbed in a cloak appears before her.

    No, but someone else will, she says.

    Who? both Fainera and Shizume says altogether.

    Someone who has watched Satiana when she was young the same way as you both are, she says.

    Both sisters look at each other confused but later realize what she meant.

    Chapter 3

    Satiana’s Training

    Day 1

    Outside, Satiana is dressed in her enchantress outfit at the training grounds. She stands still in front of a training dummy with her wand out.

    Okay, here goes nothing! she replies before unleashing a blue magic sphere and uses it on the dummy. The orb hits it, setting it on fire, and she cheers. However, the dummy bursts into flames and then explodes while Satiana takes cover from the blast. She sits up and sees the dummy in flames and ash scattering everywhere. She sighs in sadness, knowing she can’t get her powers right.

    You know, if you could wait more in a couple of seconds to charge your energy ball, it wouldn’t cause the training dummy to catch flames and explode.

    She jumps to hear a deep but somewhat loud voice and starts looking around.

    I’m over here, Satiana, the voice says again.

    And she turns to see a tall man wearing blue clothing and holding a gold staff with a light blue crystal orb.

    Don’t you remember me? he speaks.

    Satiana’s eyes widen with surprise, for the man is Lumiere, her father figure and magic-using mentor besides Kamori. She smiles before getting up and runs to him and hugs him.

    I’d knew you remember me, my child. He chuckles while hugging her.

    Yes, I do, Lumiere, and I’d never knew you’d come here at this hour, Satiana says before her eyes widen and she breaks away from the hug. Wait. What are you doing here at this hour? she asks.

    I was taking a stroll this evening, but I stopped to see you training, explains Lumiere. I heard from Kanono that you are going to attend the tournament at your school. I suppose you still have some trouble controlling your powers.

    Satiana sighs. I know. I just wanted to get it right . . . she trails off but starts clenching her fist. But I don’t know how!

    Easy, Satiana. Don’t get upset. Lumiere tries to calm her down. I know it’s difficult, but you can’t give up! Satiana calms down while he bends down to her level. I’ll help you control them, don’t worry, he assures her.

    Really? Satiana wonders, smiling a little.

    Lumiere nods. I’ll come for you after school to start your training tomorrow. He gets up, and he and Satiana gaze up at the crescent moon in the night sky. It’s getting late. You should go back home to Kamori and rest up for school tomorrow, he says to her.

    Right. She nods.

    But not before I clean up your mess . . . Lumiere trails off while his hand glows, and so does the training dummy. The fire dies down, and the dummy returns to its former glory while the soot is cleaned up.

    Thanks, Lumiere, she says, chuckling awkwardly. Maybe I’ll be more careful with the training dummy.

    Don’t worry, there are more dummies in this field, Lumiere assures her.

    Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow! Satiana replies before leaving and waving goodbye to him, and he waves back.

    Day 2

    In the morning, Satiana arrive at school with Kiki, riding on her broomstick. They both land on the ground and meet up with Marisa.

    Hey, guys! she calls them. We’ve got four days left until the tournament!

    Oh my gosh, really? Kiki gasps, and even Satiana is surprised.

    Yeah, but we got a lot of time to train, so maybe I can train you to help in the tournament, Marisa replies.

    Kiki cheers excitedly, but Satiana remains quiet.

    Hey, what’s going on with you? Marisa speaks to her while Kiki stops.

    What’s wrong? Kiki worriedly asks her. Don’t you wanna win?

    It doesn’t have to do with your powers, does it? Marisa speaks, and Satiana tilts her head up and sees them concerned about her.

    Oh no, girls, I’m fine. It has nothing to do with my powers, she speaks while assuring them. It’s just that Lumiere promised me from last night that he’ll pick me up after school so he can train me.

    Lumiere? You mean that nearly middle-aged sorcerer who looks after you when you were younger? Marisa questions. Satiana nods.

    He also looks after Kamori’s two daughters when they were very young after their father died, Kiki adds.

    Yeah, I’d never get to see him in person in my childhood, but Lumiere is very fatherly to me, says Satiana.

    Sadie, I know Lumiere is your father figure, and I respect that. But he is quite . . . odd, Marisa says.

    What do you mean by odd? Kiki wonders.

    He tends to walk around in the middle of the night when almost everyone in the village were asleep and rarely went outside during the daytime! replies Marisa.

    Well, he is going to see me in the daylight today. So what? Satiana remarks.

    It’s just that Lumiere almost never goes outside in the day ever since Tyrana disappeared, Marisa finishes.

    Satiana feels her heart sink. Tyrana is Lumiere’s lover who disappeared for an unknown reason before Satiana was born. She remembers when she was seven years old when Kamori told her about Tyrana and Lumiere’s strong love for her. Though she never gets to meet Tyrana, Satiana sees how sad and anxious Lumiere was about her.

    No one knows if she’s alive or dead, but some people believed Lumiere is responsible for her disappearance, Marisa finishes.

    Those are just rumors, Mari! Lumiere would never do anything like that! Kiki speaks angrily.

    I know, and those who have known him don’t believe he’s responsible for her disappearance, even his own friends, Marisa says. I trusted Lumiere, but my parents don’t, and I have no clue why.

    Okay, right after school, he will come pick me up to train me, says Satiana.

    All right, if you say so . . . Marisa trails off.

    The bell rings, and the girls start walking toward the school with the other students.

    *     *     *

    At a class to practice magic spells, the teacher demonstrates on using her powers on the test dummy. And that is how you use the orb shot! she says while using her magic to return the dummy back to its former glory while the students cheer. Now who would like to try? she calls out to the crowd. Yes. How about you, Satiana? she speaks to Satiana who is standing among the crowd.

    Me? she speaks sheepishly, and the teacher nods. She gulps a little before going down the stairs and stands in front of the dummy. She pulls out her wand, charges up an energy ball, and, knowing she’s finally charged, she shoots the orb at the dummy. But the orb flies past it and starts flying crazy until it comes at the students, but the students scatter to avoid getting hit, letting the orb hit the bleachers.

    You should be more careful, Satiana! the teacher remarks while scolding her. If you don’t charge carefully and neatly, someone is gonna get hurt!

    I’m sorry . . . Satiana trails off apologetically while hearing some students laughing around her. As she looks up, she notices

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