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In My Dreams
In My Dreams
In My Dreams
Ebook208 pages1 hour

In My Dreams

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About this ebook

Looking back over a period of forty-eight years, when my daughter was born, my mother came for a visit. She sat down at the dining table and read a chapter of the Bible. Afterward, she wrote a poem. I thought then, if she could write poetry, so could I. I read the Bible afterward, and God inspired me to write, especially after reading the book of Psalms. Psalms is my favorite book in the Bible. I always had a dream of writing a book and came up with the title, In my Dreams.

Release dateAug 20, 2019
In My Dreams

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    Book preview

    In My Dreams - Betty Hobbs



    how beautiful, the snow.

    Our sins can be washed

    as white as snow.

    Though they be red like crimson,

    they shall be as white as snow,

    God forgives,

    and lets the white snow fall again.


    it’s season come.

    And we live our lives

    to one day go to a better place.

    For we are not always here to stay.

    We live our lives every day,

    and we are not here to stay.

    For on Mt. Calvary,

    Jesus took our place.

    My Beauty

    My beauty

    lives deep within,

    where Christ dwells.

    In my heart,

    where He deeply loves me and forgives.

    His blessings are so real.

    When happiness comes my way,

    when I thank God for His mercy

    and when I pray forever and always.

    My beauty is like

    a flower that blooms—

    its beauty abides,

    because Jesus lives inside;

    it always blooms.

    My beauty is so rich so true.

    It is best said in the things I do.

    Yes, Jesus is coming again.

    I’ve been touched by the snow

    and the cool breeze that blows.

    I’ll Praise You in the Morning

    I’ll praise you in the morning,

    when the morning drops the dew.

    I’ll praise you Lord forever

    because I want to be with you.

    I’ll sing a song of gladness,

    just to have you near.

    Forever to be with you

    and hear your voice so clear.

    Though my voice rings out with laughter,

    though I feel the teardrops fall,

    to have you in my heart

    is the best feeling of all.

    To know one day He will return,

    I’ve lived in this life

    with trials I’ve learned.

    I’ll praise you always

    because I want to be with you.

    Walking Down a Narrow Pathway

    Open the door to heaven

    and let the saints enter in.

    Give us hope and courage

    to live this life,

    And into our hearts enter in

    smiles will last forever

    in that great and beautiful land.

    Courage won’t defeat us in all we understand.

    Through heaven’s gates, we will enter in.

    Beauty in living,

    courage in forgiving.

    Blessing we’ll know

    because of the one who loved us so.

    Blesseth assurance we have,

    when in God we trust.

    He will not forsake us

    or leave us behind.

    As Delicate as a Butterfly

    Dreamers dream,

    Butterflies fly;

    one is as delicate in autumn

    floating as they fly by.

    Butterflies fly away

    toward the sky into the blue.

    Like a dream that takes you away

    into an instant daze,

    as delicate as a butterfly,

    I’d like to fly

    and catch a glimpse of the sky

    and see the roses within

    and smell the flowers again.

    Dreamers dream; life it seems

    can be like a dream sometimes.

    If we let it be and

    if we look to God above,

    He reaches down and

    fills us with His sweet love.


    Thanksgiving and hope,

    happiness and love,

    peace and love

    belong in God’s garden of love.

    When in the Bible we read,

    hope takes place

    when God we seek.

    And in His words, we read

    thanksgiving and praises

    goes to God because He has given

    all the blessings

    on Thanksgiving morn.


    the blessings God bestowed

    the love He shows,

    especially when we accept

    Jesus into our hearts

    to be redeemed from all sin

    and gives us peace and makes us whole again.

    Once a Flower

    Once a flower,

    for a little while it lived.

    For one day it will die.

    It will be touched by the sun

    under the blue sky.

    Flowers seeking their beauty

    toward the blue sky.

    Reaching to live.

    And never knowing

    their beauty will live for a little while.

    God created their beauty.

    To enhance once more,

    spring and summer,

    until autumn’s door.

    Once a flower,

    their beauty dies,

    they live for only a little while.

    While their beauty of the fields,

    like life, it yields and dies.

    In the beauty of the forest still

    enhances the sound of the whip-poor-will.

    I Call This Home

    This place I live,

    this earth below,

    I call this home;

    until I reach

    the one on high,

    this destiny

    on which I will rely—

    a hiding place,

    this heaven beyond the sky.

    These mansions Jesus prepared,

    these homes beyond

    cannot compare with no one other

    mansion here on earth.

    I call this home.

    This temporary shelter

    where life I live and forgive.

    On these roads and detours,

    these streams and deserts,

    and plains.

    These tears and pains,

    will not remain.

    Forever Jesus is the same.

    Calling for Jesus

    Calling for Jesus

    won’t it be wonderful to live up there.

    For we must be happy

    wherever we go.

    For Jesus lives deep in our hearts

    where His love will never depart.

    Wishing for the coming

    of the great and wonderful king.

    For His blessings are real;

    this I can feel.

    My life is a calling

    from the Lord.

    And His purpose is in my life.

    It’s more than I know, I can explore.

    For I follow Him

    in His words and deeds.

    He fulfills my needs.

    He is more real than me.

    I Shall Forever

    I shall forever look toward the sky.

    I know God lives there somewhere beyond.

    His magic is everywhere—

    in the flowers that bloom,

    in the melody of a new tune—

    in my heart He abides.

    I’d love to see His face

    and feel the wonderment of His grace.

    His mercy I feel from day to day,

    as I feel and see Him heal.

    I shall forever read His words;

    There I’ll find Him in every verse.

    He comes to me;

    I feel Him there.

    He leads the way;

    None else can compare.

    His Holy Spirit abides within,

    I count on the bright and early

    morning star.

    It is near every day and

    to Jesus, I will pray.

    The Happiness I Know

    To live for Jesus,

    He blesses my soul.

    He gave

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