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A Literal Interpretation of the Messages Delivered to Daniel: A Book Written during One of Israel's Greatest Crises
A Literal Interpretation of the Messages Delivered to Daniel: A Book Written during One of Israel's Greatest Crises
A Literal Interpretation of the Messages Delivered to Daniel: A Book Written during One of Israel's Greatest Crises
Ebook85 pages1 hour

A Literal Interpretation of the Messages Delivered to Daniel: A Book Written during One of Israel's Greatest Crises

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After completing a detailed study of the Book of Revelation and then writing the book entitled The Revelations and Warnings of Jesus to His Church, I was challenged by claims of modern-day scholars that additional revelations and modifications of some of the material found in the Book of Revelation could be found in the Book of Daniel. After my study of the Book of Revelation, I came to the conclusion that the Book of Revelation, which deals primarily with end-time events, is a complete book as it stands. All the major events that will occur in the end-times is listed, and the Book of Revelation as written is complete; no modifications or additions are needed. The book itself contains a warning that "if anyone adds to" or "takes away from the words of this prophecy," God will "take away his part from the tree of life" (Rev. 22:18, 19).

A study of the Book of Daniel was necessary so as to discover the true messages found in the book and dispel the false messages some have claimed can be found in the book. The Book of Revelation clearly deals with end-time events whereas the Book of Daniel deals primarily with the events of God's people in Daniel's day. Although there are some general references to end-time events, the primary focus of the Book of Daniel deals with events of Daniel's day. The book shows the intimate relationship God has with His people as they go through the tragic times of their day. He first warns His people, then redeems them in the time of their deepest needs.


Release dateSep 9, 2021
A Literal Interpretation of the Messages Delivered to Daniel: A Book Written during One of Israel's Greatest Crises

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