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The Seeds of Change: Lessons of Verse
The Seeds of Change: Lessons of Verse
The Seeds of Change: Lessons of Verse
Ebook91 pages49 minutes

The Seeds of Change: Lessons of Verse

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"The Seeds of Change" is a collection of inspired poems that help bring to life several of the key lessons taught within God's word, the Holy Bible. These poems combined with short lessons based on key verses of scripture illustrate some of the primary elements these lessons of verse are trying to convey. So often, people are interested to learn more about how the Bible relates to their personal lives and experiences, but they really do not know where to begin or how to go about it. "Th e Seeds of Change" can help show them just how to achieve that relationship. Th e poems package these teaching in what some might consider a more palatable and relatable form, while the passages from scripture illustrate just how the Bible relates to our everyday lives. By first sharing the message in language familiar to most readers, then exposing the reader to that same concept within the scriptures the reader begins to understand just how God intended the Bible to be used in our everyday lives. In that sense, the poems and scripture combine together to create the lessons of verse that plant God's seeds of change into the mind of the reader. And as any follower of our Lord and savior Jesus the Christ knows, when these seeds are planted within good ground, they will not return void. For He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one will reach the father except by him.

Release dateNov 1, 2017
The Seeds of Change: Lessons of Verse

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    Book preview

    The Seeds of Change - Galen Keith Thomas


    The Seeds

    of Change

    Lessons of Verse

    Galen Keith Thomas

    ISBN 978-1-64028-967-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64028-968-0 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2017 by Galen Keith Thomas

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    296 Chestnut Street

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America


    The Christian journey is an amazing experience. At times, it can be as calm and smooth as the caress of loving hands, while at other times, it can be as difficult and harrowing as the sudden loss of those we so dearly love. The majority of us begin the journey, fully entrenched in the ways of the world and have little or no understanding of what to expect or where the journey might take us. The path each believer walks in life is unique; no two journeys are the same. The journey that God lays before you is uniquely fitted to the purpose he has for your life. The difficulties and challenges you face in this life are used by God to mold and shape you into the person that he needs you to be in the body of Christ. In that sense, the journey is a refinement process to purify your spirit unto his purpose, and though some would say this would eliminate our choices in life, I would remind them that God knew the end from the beginning. God knew the choices you would make on the journey long before you were even conceived in your mother’s womb. So do not be dismayed when the challenges come, but know that God is with you and he will ultimately use the experience for the benefit of you or others around you.

    It is important to understand we live in a spiritually fallen world. That is not to say that there is not good in this world, but rather that evil is alive and well within it. The darkness will do its best to deceive you by distorting the truth of God’s word in an attempt to weaken your faith, moving you into fear, so it can lead you away from your walk with God. This spiritual battle has been ongoing since Lucifer first rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. It may seem strange or harsh that God would allow evil in the world, but understand that it is allowed to ensure that you have freedom of choice. It is up to you to choose the path of good or evil for your life, and thus, the resulting harvest that comes thru that choice. God loves everyone in this world, even the vilest of sinners, and thus, he gives everyone the choice to walk in his love or in the darkness. Your choice alone will determine whether you see the glory of God.

    This book is a collection of poems, thoughts, and related scriptures from the King James Bible, reflecting on a few of the life lessons of the Christian experience. When I speak of pain, difficulties, or sorrow within the poems, these are reflective of the real world experiences that God has taken me through in life, and while these experiences have often been very difficult to endure, I am grateful for them as they have brought me into a closer walk with God. It is my hope that they will help you along your journey as well.

    Never Walk Alone

    As you wander thru the trials

    that build and bend this life

    know that there is one

    to guide you thru the strife

    When sorrow comes calling

    and sadness becomes the norm

    know that He is there

    to see you thru the storm

    When doubt is all around you

    and darkness starts to spread

    know that in His love

    there is no fear or dread

    Though at times it might seem

    you’re abandoned and alone

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