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The Greatest Mind Change
The Greatest Mind Change
The Greatest Mind Change
Ebook128 pages2 hours

The Greatest Mind Change

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Upon reading this book, you will get a first-hand look at my experiences with domestic violence, spiritual encounters, and so much more.You will learn not to be taken captive by your past. It will encourage you to move on. Whatever is controlling your life, fix it as soon as possible. Learn how to walk in obedience to God. Be merciful, forgive, and lead a great life in Jesus-the beginning and end to a great mind change.After surviving domestic violence with three small children, I no longer accept the negative stigma that permeates from the past, but I thrive on Godly experiences, and positive reinforcement of his word that is incorporated daily in my life.As you read this book, I hope that my journey will bring inspiration and promote strength to survivors of domestic violence.

Release dateApr 12, 2021
The Greatest Mind Change

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    The Greatest Mind Change - Bobbie Beasley


    My life events encourage me to speak out to other women or men that are living in domestic violence—whose families are still being affected or whose life partners are still abusing them. I got married at a young age. I didn’t have too, but I was raised to do right before God. I’ve never really been on a real date before. I was free—single, had no kids.

    I married for security, young and dumb, you will find in this book that lack of knowledge is a killer. As you read on, you will understand why I say that.

    Most importantly, I hope this book will reach many age groups—young, old, and teenagers—because it’s a crisis out there upon our kids. Children having children, which result into marriage, separation, or divorce at an early age. They are without any type of knowledge in what they will face. Which could cause harm, destruction, or worse—death.

    It’s very important that I tell this story for others to understand that they don’t have to follow this and destroy their lives before it gets started because they feel it’s the right thing to do. Just to think your follower didn’t get pregnant and went into an early marriage. Get knowledge and understand of life and what require of you; it will help benefit in your growth, leaving the teenager years, growing into young men and women into adults. Without knowledge and understanding, it will affect who you are and what you are to become and it will make it easy to be controlled by others—other groups that will create many victims within our community.

    Many times we look back and say, It’s strange how our past plays a part in our present life. It’s up to us how we leave it. Stay encouraged because there is hope. Just remember, the instructions you follow will determine the future you hold. (I survived).

    In writing this book, I hope it will help more people to appreciate the great and amazing gift of freedom that God’s laws give us. That gift is very powerful when used with obedience and love. Don’t be high jacked by your past. Use it to encourage others to move on and live a great life in Christ.

    As of today, 2016, I do understand the growing up progress. Within this book, you will read a few short stories about my growing up and how I felt at that time. The enemy did put lies in my head, but I never let him control my mind. He knocks me down but never was he able to knock me out. When down, I got right back up, dusted off, and continued on.

    As I open my heart and my mind to Christ to begin my mind change, I will open with this verse from Psalm 25 verse 17-18. It says, The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses. Look upon my affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins. Amen.

    The Greatest Mind Change!

    The lies I used to cover-up for my partner almost cost me my life. It was leading me to my death and God said no. In writing this book, I begin to cry. Not a sad cry. Yes, a happy cry. I am here because Jesus stepped in my life as my guarding angel. I survived. As a Christian, I can’t tell anyone to leave their marriage, but I’d like to talk about my personal story so other people or other victims may learn from it and step out and speak up. I am not living in the past, although many may think so. I want to speak out to those abused mothers and fathers who are being abused and abusing their children in some type of domestic violence out of rage, anger, bitterness, whatever the problem—maybe a past hurt from your childhood or marriage that went sour.

    Whatever is controlling your life, it needs fixing as soon as possible. To help stop the strong effect that it will have on your children’s lives. Don’t take your past pains out on them or they will take it into their future and be abused or become the abuser. Go chop a tree down, walk, run, go fishing, and show love.

    Wonder why our children are the way they are. We left them and someone else came along and picked them up. Now they have unknown faces, trying to live in strange places, losing their self-esteem, and disrespecting anyone that comes in contact with that who are not like them. Why? Because they feel the hurts, the pains that cause them to become unwanted and forgotten. They call themselves the bad boys that creep and steal day or night. Those are our kids that feel lost. It’s not too late. We can still help them by reaching out a helping hand.

    This is a big problem that has been passed down from the generation of your forefathers.

    Now the child has built a rebellious spirit against his parents that live beneath their hearts that need fixing. These old wounds need dealing with, that originate in our thoughts, because those wounds will be carried over into their future, unfortunately, because the problems have never been fixed or conversed about.

    That is why we have so many abused parents, husbands, wives, and children. One reason why their minds have red flags to beeping in their heads, those warning signs no one paid any attention to evenly when they do things you didn’t like. You never try to correct them, but you yelled out names. So they figured no one cares.

    When this happens, a child will be scarred for life, if not dealt with it at all. Now the one they trusted has presented a lying tongue, leaving them open. So they prefer to trust a stranger. Still this trust is on a very thin line. This will create another problem because some strangers are not what they are made out to be. It’s like a smiling face and a friendly handshake telling lies.

    Now the most horrible thing will happen when the doorway has been opened, making it more possible and easy for predators to walk in at the time the child has no defense. During this time, the enemy comes in and uses them. They become abused. Some become killers, rapists, murders, whatever else.

    Fix it with your mate and children. Let them know life can be good. Explain to them. Give them the right tools to start their life. Train them early. Build a strong bridge in their mind with oak wood. Not the tree that has fallen and laid on the ground for a while and has become weak. One day, the debris will disappear. Then one will say, I know that tree. It was there and now it’s gone. Something else is growing there.

    Don’t pick that tree because your family has known about it for years. Choose wisely. Know what to teach by improving yourself.

    Take responsibility for what you allow in your head. You may be delighted to find that parallel universe exists all around you (us) and it’s a much nicer place than the enemy would have you believe.

    My life experience of domestic violence is in the past, but I unfold it in the hopes that I might help and save someone’s life and save some children from unknown places—left aside in prison or death. Tell your children that you love them and no matter what they come up against, share it with them and stand with them, because they are your love. Most of the time, our children want us as parents to cross examine their decision. This gives them the security and love.

    This is a short story that I would like to share, a story from one of my daughters in Christ. She told me her story on how she was convicted. She said a stranger sat beside her in church. He said, Excuse me, ma’am. Do you know what love is? She was shocked, unable to answer right away. Then he got his bible and turned to a page and said to her, Look. Love is an action. I know it’s April Fool’s day. But you don’t have to be a fool. From that day forward, she’s been living for Christ, and she tells her story that have opened her eyes from blindness. Tell your story to help others to come to Jesus Christ.

    My experiences inspire me to work on my mind, which direct me into the right path of righteousness. I experienced somethings in my life so enriching and powerful that I have to share and tell others so that they can know the truth of Jesus Christ and learn that when building a relationship with Him, He will never leave you or let you down.

    Jesus is in control of all his creation—our circumstance, our situation, Jesus knows about it beforehand. I am here today because God saw the goodness in my heart. Each time the enemy tried to kill me God said no.

    First we must realize that we have a responsibility to God. We have a spiritual hunger that’s far beyond the world of sex, food, and activities. We must find peace with God and when this is done, surely, you have a more content relationship with whosoever God intended for you in your life.

    You see, having and building a true relationship with God is very enriching. You will never be sorry.

    I thank God he didn’t cast me out or throw me away! God saw me in my darkness, state of need and make away for me through His son Jesus Christ.

    I know I had to take action within my life. I began to build my mind and change my attitude in a way that God could hear me when I call in prayer. Not that he didn’t hear me. I needed more of him in me. Although, he was watching me, he wanted me to change for myself, with my own will power because he knew what lies within me.

    I just had to search my heart and mind on what I wanted to do. I said, God you saved me so many times. I survived because of you, God. I want to know you more for myself. Help me.

    Being an abused wife delivered from domestic violence, I want to share miracles with others. God will help us when we want to know more about him, when needing his help, or needing him each and every day of our life. All we have to do is ask him.

    You see, God will not try to control us. He will guide us to what is right. He gives us the spirit and fruit of self-control and the freedom to do our own thinking. We call it free will. Remind yourself that Satan

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