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Dark-Light: The Untitled Books
Dark-Light: The Untitled Books
Dark-Light: The Untitled Books
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Dark-Light: The Untitled Books

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Everybody wants the truth until they hear it. Well, what if everything we were taught about creation, heaven and hell, aliens, angels, and, of course, demons was completely wrong, worse than it is already. The Dark-Light created us to blend together and live in a wonderful harmony, but the Dark, alone, wanted total control, as most evil does, so the Light must fight to keep the scales even. This is the real story of the Earth.

After Dark-Light split into Adem and Lilith, they could not fight each other, so they decided to create a champion, known as a Brielle, to fight in their spot. The Righteous fights for the Light and for truth and justice whereas Armageddon fights for the Dark and all that follows evil. Lilith and Adem each create seven subordinates, known as Murmuhdons, but we call them the seven deadly sins and the seven righteous virtues, who serve the Brielle on Earth as they battle for control of the world and the universe.

If we could just come together as one, we would be a prosperous and gorgeous world, but as always, you can’t have good without bad. Not all people are bad. Those are who the Righteous, the world’s first superhero, is fighting for. Destroying the Light is all that Armageddon is fighting for, and our way of life depends on the winner…

Release dateJul 15, 2022
Dark-Light: The Untitled Books

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    Dark-Light - D.T. Reece



    The Untitled Books

    D.T. Reece

    Copyright © 2022 D.T. Reece

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 978-1-6624-7855-0 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-7857-4 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    The Beginning

    The Rules



    Most Beautiful Creation

    My Toys

    The First Battle

    Your Champion Is Already Dead!

    The Search Begins


    The Brielle Is Born

    The Great Escape

    Becoming the Righteous

    Time to Forge the Sword

    It Takes 333 Days to Forge the Sword

    Panoply Labdhi

    The King Is Dead

    Long Live the King

    Adem Lost

    The Great Drowning

    Freeing Adem

    Adem’s Plan

    The Tormenting of Earth

    The Righteous Rises

    The Great Rebuilding

    The Survivor from Kainsland

    The New Armageddon

    The Savage Horde

    The Beginning of the End

    The Formation of a Force

    Rebuilding a Stronghold, Preparing for War

    The Brielle Meet Again!

    Episode 1

    Part 1

    The Beginning

    In the beginning, there was darkness…

    Out of a black hole and the edge of the darkness came two celestial bodies known together as the Dark-Light and separately as Lilith and Adem. The twins joined together and created what we had come to call our universe, which they considered their kingdom. Dark-Light then decided to make a castle, and that castle had become known as the Milky Way galaxy, and Earth was their throne.

    When they created the universe, they created it together as Dark-Light, so for it to be paradise, it must be ruled together as one. That was the agreement that was made, but soon after, Adem started to feel as if he had a bigger part of the creation than Lilith did, which he did not, and since killing her would destroy himself and everything else that they created, he decided to propose a wager.

    The wager was simple. They would each create a warrior, known as the Brielle, to fight to the death in their place. The winner would have total control over the universe, and the loser would have 369 Earth years to find a new Brielle or lose complete control over creation for the rest of existence, which meant relinquishing most of their power to the winner. Lilith, who preferred to rule as one, knew Adem would never quit until he had full domain over all, so she reluctantly accepted but demanded rules be set into place.

    Episode 1

    Part 2

    The Rules

    Lilith knowing Adem and Adem knowing Lilith, they sat down and decided on the rules for this great wager.

    Rule 1: After the first two Brielle were created, no other Brielle shall be created. They must be found on Earth already formed.

    Rule 2: The next Brielle did not have to accept the Divine Panoply (the armor of Dark-Light) but must be worthy of it.

    Adem accepted this rule because he knew that what was worthy to one might not be worthy to another, and he could use this to his advantage.

    Rule 3: The defeated only had 369 Earth years to find a new Brielle. If unable to find one, the victor would gain total control over all creation.

    Rule 3, part B: The victor could not interfere with the defeated’s search for a new Brielle.

    Rule 4: The Brielle could only receive ten percent of your total power.

    Rule 4, part B: The Brielle would assume leadership of the seven Murmuhdons of their respected side.

    Rule 5: No Brielle could purposefully harm any living soul.

    Rule 6: The loser could not destroy Earth just because they lost. (This rule was put into effect after the drowning, which was basically Adem flipping the chessboard after losing.)

    Rule 7: Neither could interfere after the Brielle had gone through Panoply Labdhi, also known as the incarnation of the soul. That was when the Cloven Panoply was bound to the Brielle’s soul.

    The Cloven Panoply was one half of the Divine Panoply. The Divine Panoply was the armor created by Dark-Light so the two Brielle could access the powers given to them.

    Episode 1

    Part 3


    While creating the galaxy, Dark-Light decided it wanted help, so Lilith and Adem split so they could create the Murmuhdons. They were the fourteen beings created to serve them. The Murmuhdons together (as they should be) served Dark-Light but separately. Seven were created by and served Lilith, and seven were created by and served Adem. The seven that served Lilith were known on Earth as the seven righteous virtues, but she called them the seven Branches of Light.

    After gazing at her beautiful creation, she decided to use her own essence and mix it with parts of the galaxy. She picked stars from the constellation known as Libra and went into her crown chakra and grabbed some of her essence and mixed them together, and the being known as Nizzi came forth. She was the most beautiful and had black skin that sparkled, a very athletic build, and golden armor and two golden swords she called the scales of justice. She did not have hair but golden stardust flowing from her head that would create a helmet when she was in war mode. Nizzi embraced the powers to control all the elements around her and send people to their afterlife and back. Also any being that spoke in her presence must speak the truth. As the first, she was the most powerful.

    Lilith was truly taken by her beautiful creation, but she knew she needed six more, so she decided to take some dirt from Venus and essence from her third eye and created Dreesire. She was a beautiful woman who could spark hope into any being that gazed upon her. She had a beautiful goldish-yellow skin and jet-black hair that sparkled like the stars and a very fit body. She gained the powers to manipulate the gravitational pull of anything around her. She was also able to cast any being into a dreamlike state. Lilith knew these were beautiful creations that represented justice and hope, but the deal was for seven.

    As she sat and thought, she wondered, why? Why would Adem want this… It was meant to be controlled as one to maintain paradise, but he got greedy. She grabbed her throat and ripped a part off and then grabbed a black hole and smashed them together as hard as she could, and from that aftermath arose a large brute of a man standing almost seven feet tall with a hulking physique. He was draped in golden armor on his chest and arms while wielding a golden battle axe and a massive golden sword. He donned a golden helmet that the Spartans came to copy and a golden pteruges that the Romans copied. As soon as he was formed, he devoured two more black holes, gaining unknown strength and stamina. Lilith called him Kratacles, and he swore to protect Lilith and all she created at all costs.

    As she marveled at her three children, she was overwhelmed with faith. She took that heart and combined it with the most beautiful star known as Polaris or the North Star. From the combined matter, Leissa was born. She had a gorgeous light-blue skin with golden purple hair, an athletic build, and golden armor on her shin. She had a purple cape that served as her armor, and she wielded a massive sword and could conjure fire with her hands. She had golden eyes and left a trail of stardust when she flew. Leissa gained the ability to control all matter, which made her clairvoyant with psychokinesis all while controlling Polaris.

    While Lilith sat with her Murmuhdons, she was overwhelmed with a sense of grace. She dove deep into her solar plexus and pulled out a stunning yellow-and-pink essence. She took that essence and threw it into Earth’s sun, and from the rays coming from the sun a being faster than light itself was born. He was a tall and lanky man with a muscular but skinny build. His skin was a pinkish yellow, and he had golden armor that activated when he was in danger. He wielded a staff that contained the power of the sun, and due to his super speed, he also gained the power of clairvoyance and the ability to communicate with the animals of Earth, and she called him Murcee.

    Lilith, knowing there must be some connection between herself and her most precious creations, took her smartest constellation, Sagittarius, and her very own root chakra, and she formed Archer. She granted him some powers of each Murmuhdon before him and the ability to take the form of any living being, learning everything about them with the temperance to control it. Archer was a bright-violet color with golden armor on his arms and legs. His face was always shadowed, and he had a strong athletic build and carried a giant bow with an arrow quiver that never ran out, and he could change the arrowhead just by thought. He could also shoot an arrow around the Earth, hitting a target that’s right next to him.

    Knowing Adem, Lilith knew her last Murmuhdon had to be special. She drew essence from her sacral chakra and grabbed the tail of Halley’s Comet. She granted the essence the power to manipulate and mimic any being, living or dead, within her range. She then gave the essence the power of clairvoyance because she was to control the scales of right and wrong. The essence then took the form of a beautiful magenta-colored woman with long golden flowing hair. She wore a hooded robe that covered her whole body and also acted as armor. She did not carry any weapons but could manifest any out of nothing, and Lilith called her beautiful genius Metiwise.

    Lilith gazed at her Murmuhdons and was very pleased with her creations. She sent them to Earth so they could become the images and symbols that would please her most beautiful creation, the humans that they were made to protect.

    Episode 1

    Part 4


    As Lilith went her way, so did Adem, and all he could think about was how to claim the power that he had come to covet so much. The seven Murmuhdons that he created were known on Earth as the seven deadly sins, but Adem called them his Light Eaters. He decided to use the same method that Lilith used because that’s just how he was, so after he spied on Lilith for a little while (which she knew about), he got started creating his minions.

    He was full of a deep burning hatred, so reached into his third eye and pulled some of his anger out and mixed it with the dirt from Mars. Out of that combination arose a huge, massive man almost seven feet tall and with a massively built physique, whose skin changed from black to red the madder he got. He created a sword and battle axe out of black matter for his creation to wield. He had golden armor on his left arm that was also used to stab. The same was with his leg and foot. When Adem was done, he granted the beast with control over all using elements and unlimited strength. He stood back and admired the first thing he created by himself, and Adem, being Adem, decided he should name him, so he stepped back and thought for a while and then decided to call him Rage.

    Now Adem was feeling great pride for his creation but knew

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