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The Manual for Every Greeter
The Manual for Every Greeter
The Manual for Every Greeter
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The Manual for Every Greeter

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Jesus is the answer for the world.

Release dateJan 27, 2022
The Manual for Every Greeter

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    The Manual for Every Greeter - Elder Wardell Mathis

    God’s Purpose Has Always Been to Prosper His People

    After the flood, God again revealed his will to bless and prosper his people, And God blessed Noah and his sons (v. 1). He gave them the animals, fish, and every living thing for their food. He gave them power and dominion over the earth and told them, Even as the green herb have I given you all things (v. 3). He gave them all things!

    Even through man’s wickedness and depravity had grown so much that it covered the earth and God destroyed the earth, he kept a holy remnant of people through whom he would pour his blessings.

    God’s intention for Noah was the same as it was for Adam and Eve. He blessed Noah and his sons with his abundance and gave them everything they needed. Noah and his family enjoyed total provision from God’s hand.

    God’s purpose remains the same today in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation which has turned away from him. God has raised up a holy end-time remnant, upon whom he will pour out his blessings and an end-time financial anointing and use this remnant to accomplish his purposes on the earth. (To continue your journey to financial breakthrough, please see Genesis 12:1–3.)

    (Now in verse 1, the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee.)

    God will pour his blessings through a holy end-time remnant!

    God planned to raise up for himself a people who would be identified and called by his name. They would be his chosen people, and he would be their God. Upon this chosen people, he planned to pour out his blessings and prosper them above all other people upon the earth.

    In these verses, Abram had a divine appointment with God. It was a moment of spiritual destiny! During this life-changing encounter, God called Abram and gave him a directive and a promise which demanded a response. God called him out from among his own people and his country to go to a land that was totally unknown to him. God promised to bless Abram and to make of him a great nation.

    Abram believed God and took him at his word. He took God’s promise and acted upon it.

    By faith, Abram obeyed God and received the fulfillment of his promise. He took his family and set out upon his journey, not knowing where he was going. He was totally dependent upon God to lead him to the land he promised him and to provide for him.

    As a result of Abram’s faith and obedience, God blessed and prospered him. Even while he was in Egypt during a famine, God used the pharaoh of Egypt to prosper him. When he left Egypt, he was a rich man. And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold (Genesis 13:2).

    During this divine encounter, God established a royal holy seed through whom would come Christ, the messiah. And it was this seed that God would multiply and prosper throughout the generations beginning with Abram (Abraham). We see God’s blessings and prosperity released upon his people.

    Without Abraham’s faith and obedience, he would have never experienced the fulfillment of God’s promised blessings.

    Today God has raised up a people, a holy seed, and has promised to bless and prosper them. We are the seed of Abram and of Christ and have inherited the same promises. Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, and to seeds, as of many; but as of one, and to thy seed, which is Christ (Galatians 3:16).

    We inherited all the promises of God! And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:29).

    Today God has given you his promises of blessing and prosperity. The prosperity he has promised you was total provision, total well-being, which includes the abundance of all his blessings, both spiritual and temporal.

    Before Abraham could take full possession of God’s promises and see the fulfillment in his life, it was necessary for him to step out in faith upon God’s promises. He would never have received the blessings and riches that God had for him if he had failed to respond in faith and obedience. You have God’s promises of blessing and prosperity. Now God is calling you on a spiritual journey to leave your doubts and fears behind you and to step out, through faith and obedience, to take possession of all that he has provided for you.

    What is your response?

    (To continue your journey to financial breakthrough and learn more about how you can take hold of God’s promised blessings, please see Deuteronomy 28:8–11.)

    The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. (Deuteronomy 28:8–11)

    God Promised to Command His Blessing Upon You

    God’s word was filled, cover to cover, with promises of the blessings and supernatural provision that he has planned for us to enjoy. In the very beginning of his dealings with his chosen people, Israel, he entered into a covenant with them and promised to bless and prosper them above the nations of the earth. Today we are God’s spiritual Israel, and these same promises belonged to us. As the seed of Abraham, we have inherited these promises, and they are part of our covenant with God.

    In these verses, we see God’s purpose to bless and prosper his people was clearly revealed. In verse 1, we see his desire to set his people above all other people upon the earth. God has planned to pour out his blessings upon his people to such a degree that the world will see his provision in our lives and know that he has prospered us. In verses 3–7, God’s blessings were listed, which covered every area of your life. He intended for his blessings to be upon you wherever you go—for your children and grandchildren to be blessed, for you to be blessed on your job, and that everything you set your hand to will be blessed.

    Now is the time for those blessings to be released into your life! God was releasing an end-time financial anointing. God did not intend for you to struggle to obtain these blessings. He promised that all these blessings will overtake you (v. 2). In other words, you can expect them to come running after you! You are going to

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