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Spiritual Delight: Poems and Special Sayings
Spiritual Delight: Poems and Special Sayings
Spiritual Delight: Poems and Special Sayings
Ebook266 pages2 hours

Spiritual Delight: Poems and Special Sayings

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About this ebook

Spiritual Delight: Poems and Special Sayings is surely the author's God-sent book filled with beautiful words of poetry from God on high as he placed them in the author's heart to give to her readers for encouragement, for motivation, for laughter, and for the hurt and pain of life, how it sometimes deals some lemons that can be very bitter at times, but it's the joy of knowing how God is there through it all, giving you victory through his son Jesus Christ . . . The book will bring readers a smile, and it will give readers the ability to thank God for all he has done, making readers realize that he is still in control, no matter how life seems to be turned around, no matter what's going on. God got everyone, and he will help everyone stand strong when they keep the faith and hold on . . .

Release dateApr 12, 2018
Spiritual Delight: Poems and Special Sayings

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    Book preview

    Spiritual Delight - Bessie R. Brown

    Knowing God

    Knowing God is knowing

    How to love everybody

    Letting the world see the

    God in your life . . .

    To know God is to know

    Forgiveness, not holding

    On to all kinds of stuff,

    Knowing he has forgiven

    You too . . .

    Knowing God is to read

    About him, and all the

    wonderful things he has

    done and still doing for us

    even until this day . . .

    Knowing God is to obey

    Him and love his every

    Command . . .

    To know God is to love

    Good and hate evil, to do

    Good things and not practice

    Doing bad things . . .

    Knowing God is to

    Read his word, and apply

    It to your life daily for

    Strength to carry on . . .

    To know God, is to love

    Other, not knowing whether

    Or not they will love you

    Back . . .

    To know God is to allow

    his word to massage

    Your inner man, your soul

    and your spirit will come

    alive . . .

    Knowing God is to know

    Your plan, is never his

    Plan, for his plans for

    You is good, and very good . . .

    To know God is to realize

    That he has a place prepared

    For you, knowing he’s coming

    Back for you . . .

    To know God is to know

    That he is always reaching

    Out to you, saying take

    my hand, and let me

    lead you cause he is

    there for you, whenever

    you call, just trust

    in him putting your faith

    in him, he won’t let you

    fall . . .

    knowing God is knowing

    his will for you to live

    with him for all eternity,

    so as of today, get to

    know God by spending

    some time with him,

    showing him you love

    him too, we already

    know how much God

    so loves us from minute

    to minute, putting up

    with us is no joke . . .

    To know God is to

    Know his grace and mercy

    He keeps sending my

    Way, to keep my mind

    In prayer throughout the



    Do you really know how much love God has for you? Think about it!

    Softly and Gently

    Softly and gently, Jesus

    Is calling you, saying come

    Softly and gently he will

    Speak to your heart . . .

    Softly and gently his

    Expression of love

    Showering down on you

    From heaven above . . .

    Softly and gently, Jesus

    Is saying to you, hold on,

    I’m already here to help,

    Didn’t you know . . .

    Softly and gently he holds

    Out his hand, saying take

    It, as I lead you all the

    Way to the promised land . . .


    If you live for God, you can go to the place he has prepared for you . . .

    Softly and gently our heavenly father will always speak to your heart, so keep your ears open, for there’s no need for him to yell!

    God’s Love

    God loves me so very

    Much, I ask myself

    How much does God

    Love me . . .

    My answer became very

    Clear, God’s love is so

    Clean cut, any and everybody

    He will give his love to . . .

    God’s love keeps on forgiving

    Me, God’s love keeps on

    Giving me another chance . . .

    God’s love gives me another

    Day to do the things he has

    Planned for me today . . .

    That’s why I can truly

    Say, that God loves me so

    Very much!


    Do you have any idea about God’s love, how he came to love us so much? God has that unconditional love for the world. God will always love you, no matter what . . .

    It Hurts

    It hurts me to know

    You’re not with me,

    I’m hurt!

    It hurts me to know

    You enjoy seeing me frown,

    That hurt!

    It hurts me to know

    When I’m happy, you’re sad,

    When I’m smiling, you’re mad,

    That hurts!

    It hurts me to know you

    Care and love me so, but deep

    Down in your heart, your

    Ways show me how

    You really feel about me,

    I’m hurt!

    It hurts me to know that,

    My downfall become your joy,

    That my unhappiness becomes

    Your pleasure,

    That hurts!

    I am so hurt to know that

    My hurt becomes your smile,

    Everything I go through,

    Seems to bring you joy

    All the tears I’ve shed

    Makes you wanna laugh,

    I’m so hurt to know, all

    My trials make your day,

    Now I’m hurt!

    -Bessie Ross


    When someone can find joy, happiness, and pleasure out of the things that make you cry, I believe in my heart that something is seriously wrong with that person, and they need some help from God.

    To find joy in someone else’s hurts and pain, to be glad when someone else is having problems, to rejoice in their sorrow . . .

    If you know someone like that, take a few minutes and pray to God to help them see where they are wrong, so they can make things right in their heart with God.

    Bessie Ross

    My Dwelling Place

    Oh Lord, thy has been my

    Dwelling place, in my heart

    I invited you to stay . . .

    My dwelling place of peace

    In my mind, when everything

    else is so turned around . . .

    Oh Lord, you are my refuge

    And my fortress when

    Trouble comes . . .

    My dwelling place is in you

    Oh Lord, is where I can find

    My comfort, cause you are my

    Coat in the rain, my boat

    In the water . . .

    My shelter, oh Lord, in the storm

    My dwelling place is where

    I find his love and strength

    To take me through it all . . .

    You are my dwelling place

    And I put my trust in you . . .


    You can always find a dwelling place in God; his arms are open wide, ready to receive you!


    If I can love you,

    Surely you can love me . . .

    If we all could love each other, what a

    Wonderful place this

    World would be . . .

    If there wasn’t any frowns,

    Frowning at each other,

    If there was always a smile,

    Smiling at each other, what a

    Wonderful world this would be . . .

    If we all had something good

    To say, nothing bad, could

    Ever have it’s say . . .

    If this could be the place

    To be, a place of love, joy,

    Happiness and peace . . .


    If this world was the place to be, then Jesus wouldn’t have had a reason to go away and prepare another place for you, because we wouldn’t have a reason to leave this earth . . .

    Bessie Ross

    He Brightens My Path

    He brightens my path,

    As he leads the way

    To a place of safety,

    I’ll always stay . . .

    I’ve placed my hand in

    The palm of his hand, to

    Hold me close as he

    Guides my way, to the

    Land of promise, where

    Joy will never end, and

    Peace will always be

    In our hearts forever, as

    God’s love will shine to

    Brighten the place . . .


    If your path seems dark as night, just call on Jesus. He’ll help you find his light . . .

    Jesus can brighten anyone’s day; if you trust in him, he’ll make your day . . .

    Read Your Bible

    Read your Bible, in it you

    Will find, God’s wonderful

    Glory divine . . .

    Read your Bible, in it, it will

    Help you find you . . .

    Read your Bible, it will give

    You strength to make it

    Through another day, of

    God’s blessing you . . .

    Read your Bible in it, you

    Will find, how God’s love

    Is all around . . .

    Read your Bible, so you

    Will know, that Jesus was

    The one who made you free . . .

    Read your Bible to find

    True love, for there’s no

    Love, like God’s love . . .

    Read your Bible, it will

    Show the way, it will

    Show you just how God

    Want you to live for him . . .

    So read your Bible, it will

    Give you a heart to forgive . . .

    Read your Bible it is food

    To your soul . . .

    Read your Bible

    Allowing God’s

    Word to nourish

    And promote your spiritual

    Growth, so go ahead

    And read your Bible,

    So you can tell the

    Ones you met, how

    The love of God turned

    You around!


    The Bible was written to keep you encouraged, to keep you going, moving in God’s direction, to enhance your spiritual growth in every way only if you read . . .

    It will benefit your soul, improving the value of life while you are still on earth, as you find yourself walking in the will of God.

    So take time out of your busy schedule to get to know God, by reading his word . . .

    Why Did You Leave Me

    Why did you leave me,

    When you didn’t have to go,

    I did everything to show

    You, how much I really

    Love you so, I gave you a

    Beautiful place, so you

    Can live forever . . .

    Why did you leave me,

    When you didn’t have to go,

    Taking one third of my

    Angels with you, telling

    Them all kinds of bad

    Things about me, showing

    Them how to turn against

    Me, only because you were

    Jealous of me, trying real

    Hard to be me . . .

    Why did you leave me,

    You know you didn’t have

    To go, I gave you a place

    Where love can live forever

    And joy is always an overflow…


    God doesn’t leave you alone. When you don’t allow him into your heart, that’s when you start going wrong!

    The Evils

    I don’t want to see no

    evil, there are too many

    Things going on . . .

    I surely don’t want to

    Hear no evil where someone

    Is talking bad about somebody . . .

    I don’t want to speak no

    evil, for what comes out of

    my mouth, I want it to be

    good . . .

    I don’t want to do no evil

    Always finding ways to

    Make others cry . . .

    I don’t want the evils to

    Get into my soul, cause

    When I stand before

    God, he’ll tell me that’s

    Wrong, depart from me,

    You have the evils in

    Your heart . . .

    Bessie Ross

    Another Day

    Another day, a wonderful day

    Another day, I’m glad

    I’m alive . . .

    Another day to bring a smile

    Another day of wiping tears away . . .

    Another day of showing

    God’s love . . .

    Another day, I’m thankful for . . .

    Another day, God has given

    To me . . .

    Another day of praising and

    Blessing his holy name . . .

    Another day of giving and

    Forgiving . . .

    Another day to be a

    Blessing to someone . . .

    Another day of grace

    And mercy flowing my way,

    I’m so thankful, it’s another day!


    God has blessed you to see another day. What are you doing with the day God has blessed you with?

    God Picked Me Out

    God picked me out to

    Do his shine, to shine

    His star among the best,

    To reach down low to

    To pick up a soul, to help

    Bring them to Christ, so

    They can do their best . . .

    God pick me out, to

    Be his star, to be a

    Light to shine at night,

    To light the way, for

    Others to come . . .

    God pick me out to do

    And say all the things

    He would have me to say . . .

    God pick me out to be

    My best, so he can do

    His best in me . . .

    Bessie Ross


    Can you think of anything the Lord has pick you out to do that you should do?

    What Is Prayer to Me

    What is prayer to me,

    It is a way of life, it’s

    My quality time, I

    Give to God, it’s my

    One on one the

    Moments I spend

    With God thanking

    Him for all he has

    Done, praising him

    For what he’s about

    To do for me . . .

    What is prayer to me

    It’s not just a key to

    Heaven, it’s also the key

    To any door right here on

    Earth that you can’t

    Open yourself . . .

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