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Satan's Devices
Satan's Devices
Satan's Devices
Ebook87 pages59 minutes

Satan's Devices

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Have you ever wondered...

What does the Bible say about your eyes?

How do screens affect my child with autism?

How does blue light affect my prefrontal cortex?

Does screen time increase anxiety?

How do screens affect my circadian rhythm?

Can someone be addicted to screens?

Can screen time lead to photophobia?

Inside are answers to these and much more!

Release dateJun 3, 2022
Satan's Devices

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    Book preview

    Satan's Devices - Aaron Cowgill, B.S. S/OTD


    Satan's Devices

    Aaron Cowgill, B.S., S/OTD

    ISBN 978-1-68517-210-7 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68517-211-4 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Aaron Cowgill

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    My Testimony

    For the Unsaved


    Chapter 1

    Statistics of Screens

    Chapter 2

    Prefrontal Cortex

    2.1 Regional functioning of your brain

    2.2 The prefrontal cortex's role

    2.3 Screen time's effect on the PFC

    2.4 Summary of screen time and your PFC

    Chapter 3

    Blue Light

    3.1 Blue light's effect on vision

    3.2 Blue light's effect on circadian rhythm

    Chapter 4

    Is It an Addiction?

    Chapter 5

    Benefits of Reading a Book

    Reading gives you information you can pull out and use at a later time in life.

    Chapter 6

    Health Concerns of Too Much Screen Time

    6.1 Poor posture

    6.2 Damage to eyes

    6.3 Decrease in sleep

    Chapter 7

    What Does the Bible Say?

    Screen Time Summary

    Negative effects of too much screen time:


    About the Author

    This book is dedicated to my father for being a faithful servant of God for over forty years; my mother for sparking my interest in science and reading as a child; my wife, Grace, for being a wonderful helpmeet and friend; and to Brother Ralph Easterling, who kept yelling at me to write this book (or as it says in Hebrews 13, provoking me to do a good work!).

    My Testimony

    I called upon the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive me of my sins and save my soul in November of 1999 as a six-year-old boy and surrendered my life to Him fifteen years later as a young man (my only regret is that I had not done that sooner!). I am currently finishing a doctoral program in occupational therapy at the Ohio State University while helping my father as he pastors a church in Southern Ohio. I teach the adult Sunday school class, fill in when he is away preaching, and help out wherever it is needed (changing light bulbs, cleaning the restrooms, etc.). I occasionally preach out evangelistically in other churches, on street corners, and in nursing homes as the Lord opens doors.

    In 2018, I received a bachelor of science in systems and behavioral neuroscience from the Ohio State University. Undergraduate courses I took include, but are not limited to, structure and function of the nervous system, biological clocks and behavior, data analysis in psychology, sensation and perception, hormones and behavior, behavioral neuroscience, psychobiology of learning and memory, neurobiology of behavior, abnormal psychology, human physiology, human anatomy, life span of human development, and cognitive neuroscience. The doctorate in occupational therapy is a three-year program and covers courses in pediatrics, acute care geriatrics, mental health, cognitive function, orthopedics, assistive technology, evidence-based practice, research methods, task analysis, and more.

    Apart from my degrees, my background includes three years of research in a neuropathology lab studying the brain and over three years working with children with autism as an applied behavior therapist and educational aid in the Columbus, Ohio area. This work included emotional regulation training, cognitive behavioral therapy principles, and assisting the family in caring for their child with ASD or special needs. I received several scholarships for my research and was a coauthor of research papers published in The Journal of Physiology and Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine.

    The preceding information is to give you my credentials and not to boast of myself. If it were not for the grace of God, I would either be in hell burning for all eternity or living a miserable life without Jesus Christ. I owe all my life and soul to the Lord Jesus Christ who has enabled me to get the education I have. You do not need a college degree to have a successful life for Jesus Christ, and truth be told, it hinders more Christians than it helps. However, the Lord has given me the opportunity to witness to numerous people no one else has had the opportunity to: college students, professors, lawyers, surgeons, cognitive neuroscientists, neuropathologists, etc. God has allowed me to get an education with a clear conscience while I serve Him in the ministry and where He leads me, I will follow.

    I also spent over three years ministering to addicts and the homeless in Columbus, Ohio. Two of those years I spent as the director of Charity Mission for Men. Charity Mission is a faith-based rehabilitation home that houses men free of charge, teaches the Word of God, and helps men get back on their feet who are struggling with addiction

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