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Flying Cups & Saucers: A Christian Perspective on the UFO Phenomenon
Flying Cups & Saucers: A Christian Perspective on the UFO Phenomenon
Flying Cups & Saucers: A Christian Perspective on the UFO Phenomenon
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Flying Cups & Saucers: A Christian Perspective on the UFO Phenomenon

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Have you ever thought about or considered the UFO phenomenon? Never or perhaps are not even aware of what it is? Well, perhaps the time has come that you need to be! Whether government super craft or alien perhaps demonic alien craft, the matter may soon impact our lives in a very big way, and as a Christian, you need to understand the how and the why. This book will bring you up to speed on the main points and the history from Area 51 to the present and why the government won't reveal what it knows. It will show scriptural prophetic connections the Bible outlines in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation and will ask you to think and prepare for events prior to Christ's return. And it will outline the possibilities of otherworldly visitations and what those implications may be plus make your faith in God stronger. Flying Cups & Saucers may be the most eye-opening book you have ever read.

Release dateDec 11, 2018
Flying Cups & Saucers: A Christian Perspective on the UFO Phenomenon

Read more from Ernest M. Tegeder

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    Flying Cups & Saucers - Ernest M. Tegeder

    Things Left Out and Things Left In

    In putting this book together, it was my concern that the topic, in and/or itself, would not only engender endless speculation but could easily degenerate into the weird as in weird science. To properly deal with this most serious subject, I deliberately avoided the more bizarre details and speculations that abound except where I felt it was vital to the total picture of the UFO matter.

    The internet is a repository of all sorts of stories, pictures, suppositions, distractions, and the bizarre. And as we know, something presented on the internet is no guarantee it is truthful or accurate. No doubt some of it is, but there is no way or agency to authenticate anything.

    I did include the Philadelphia Experiment, the Barney and Betty Hill Abduction, the Fatima Account, Area 51, the Roswell Incident, Peenemunde, Germany, George Adamski, as well as the latest known developments in physics and teleportation, as all of these areas and subjects are key focal points of UFO activity. It is impossible to include the hundreds of sightings and reports from reliable witnesses, but the reader should understand that there is a profusion of these and it is not necessary to include them all as long as the reader understands these sightings have been worldwide.

    One of the other things that one can find and run into on the internet is prophetic stories and speculations. Again, it is hard to separate truth from fiction or the speculative. The only real mitigating force here is for one to know their Bible.

    If one wishes, one can view all these sites, but I don’t recommend it as they tend to introduce confusion to the topic. While it might be entertaining to view all these sites, I don’t believe it adds anything to one’s understanding and, in many cases, takes one into the realm of the bazaar. Some may thrive on this and, of course, the enemy of our souls would love to confuse the issue and distract us from God’s word and purpose. So if you are curious and want to investigate these sites, maintain a godly skepticism, and keep a grain of salt nearby. Delving into stories about aliens or their appearance becomes an ongoing soap opera and takes on a life of its own.

    I recommend that you maintain a biblical perspective and constantly hold what you see or learn up against scripture and realize there is a godly side and a demonic side to existential events in a fallen world. In a book I’ve written called Living in a Fallen World, which will help you maintain a biblical perspective, the first chapter introduces one to the fact of an unseen world or dimension that impacts our world and we must take that into account. The Bible is very clear about that. And first, last, and always, we want to stay with the truth and what is true.

    Finally, there is no reason to think UFO activity is not real in light of what we know and are learning about physics. Our question then becomes who is responsible and who or what is behind them.

    The UFO Question: Are They Real?

    When you see something unusual, strange, or unfamiliar in the sky, one’s natural curiosity kicks in and you ask, What’s that? We are, for some reason, uncomfortable about things in the sky that we don’t understand or are unfamiliar with.

    So if it’s not a bird or a plane or a dirigible or helicopter, then we are puzzled and want to know.

    When sightings have been categorized, they seem to fall into several basic shapes: saucer-like, cylindrical, or triangular (no cups have yet to be reported though)! And when one asks, Are they real? If they are—and they seem to be, then this is just the beginning of questions. Questions to which, unfortunately, answers are not forthcoming. We know the United States and the UK have agencies that are studying the phenomena—and so probably, are other countries. But if they know, they are not saying except to offer explanations that don’t make sense. Weather balloons, for instance, cannot account for some of the incredible maneuvers these craft perform.

    The next question then is what is the government keeping secret and why? Is the information so disturbing and/or frightening government(s) fear public panic? Or might the information involve national defense and military secret weapons? Are we dealing with extraterrestrial life—curious visitors, angelic or demonic—and what’s the agenda? Are we merely a space tourist vacation destination or perhaps worse? Or perhaps all of the above.

    From time to time, we will hear a legislator assert that it’s time for the government to tell the public we have been dealing with visitors from outer space or as we refer to them aliens or extraterrestrials? But nothing ever comes of this—just silence. Generally though, when government agencies stonewall or hem and haw around an issue, there tends to be some truth behind the obfuscation.

    No question that considering the type of world we live in, there have to be secrets for defense and other nationalistic public safety matters. And with the rapid advances in science and technology, it’s fair to think there must exist incredible things not released for public knowledge. Therefore, this is not an age to be out-of-hand skeptical but rather to keep an open mind and suspect anything might be possible.

    After all, we are far past the Flat Earth Society! Are we not? Hmmm!

    Balloons or Saucers? Area 51

    In July of 1947, a strange event took place in a remote area of New Mexico that baffles to this day. An object was seen streaking across the sky and at first was thought to be a meteor. However, a rancher came upon wreckage that appeared to be a saucer-like craft with small humanoid occupants that seemed to be lifeless. It was reported to the authorities and they responded to the scene. The military also arrived and took the wreckage away.

    At first, newspapers reported the event as a crashed alien spacecraft that seemed to be saucer shaped, and that term, flying saucer, has stuck. Shortly afterward, retractions were printed and the craft was then reported to have been a weather balloon that contained dummies for a government experimental project—indeed?

    Had there been no eyewitnesses that explanation might have flown. But there were and they insisted they saw what was first reported. The witnesses were later visited by military authorities and told not to share this information with anyone and had the impression they had been given a veiled threat not to divulge. Well, some have and some haven’t apparently. But the official government response has been denial in one form or another and remains so to this day.

    The wreckage (whatever it was) was taken to a place in the desert called Area 51 (actually Hangar 51), which

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