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Opting for Optimism: A Balanced Approach to Staying Positive in a Negative World
Opting for Optimism: A Balanced Approach to Staying Positive in a Negative World
Opting for Optimism: A Balanced Approach to Staying Positive in a Negative World
Ebook162 pages2 hours

Opting for Optimism: A Balanced Approach to Staying Positive in a Negative World

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"Simply Captivating" - Tom Ziglar, CEO of Zig Ziglar

Let's face it: we live in a predominantly negative world, and it seems to be getting worse. You see it in the economy, our politics, and our relationships. It's evident in the social unrest and the social media. And it's easy to get caught in the current of negativity and swept away in pessimism. When that happens it can make our lives and those around us less than joyful - even downright miserable. Been there?

What's worse - if you happen to be a Bible believer who struggles with negativity you can feel ashamed - especially if you've been told that people of faith should be happy all the time. Maybe some of the "optimists" you've met have been so extreme in their positivity they're scary. Or, perhaps you're just simply not a natural optimist and want to learn how to have a happier, more fulfilling life.

If any of this sounds familiar - get ready for some good news. There is hope! There are things you can do to become more optimistic. You can actually choose optimism! Gary D. Moyer is living proof. Gary grew up with a negative mindset -a natural talent for finding the downside to life. Today he is known as an optimist and encourager, sharing with people everywhere how to embrace a more positive life.

This book is not just a compilation of some nice ideas about optimism, but is results-oriented, giving practical steps you can take right away to begin a new, optimistic, more fulfilling life - including the "missing link" other self-help books miss, to help convert your learning into action.

Release dateApr 5, 2022
Opting for Optimism: A Balanced Approach to Staying Positive in a Negative World

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    Book preview

    Opting for Optimism - Gary D. Moyer


    Opting for Optimism

    A Balanced Approach to Staying Positive in a Negative World

    Gary D. Moyer

    Copyright © 2021 Gary D. Moyer

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books, Inc.

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2021

    Unless otherwise noted, all scripture was taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. They were used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. They were used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-1-63860-158-6 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63860-159-3 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Considering Optimism?

    Chapter 1

    Defining Optimism

    Chapter 2

    The Benefits of Optimism

    How to Build a Better BIO

    Chapter 3

    Practice Gratitude

    Chapter 4

    Be Realistic

    Chapter 5

    Monitor Your Mind

    Chapter 6

    Build Your Self-Image

    Chapter 7

    Respond to Life's Lows

    Chapter 8

    Release the Negatives

    Chapter 9

    Learn to Serve

    Making It All Work

    Chapter 10

    The Enemy

    Chapter 11

    The Missing Link

    Chapter 12

    The Silver Bullet

    Conclusion: Okay—Go!


    About the Author

    Opting for Optimism presents a practical and effective strategy for living a positive life. Carefully avoiding clichés and platitudes, Gary Moyer draws on his own experience and lessons from the Bible to suggest a life of balanced intentional optimism. As the peace of heaven fills your life, Opting for Optimism could chart a whole new course for your future!

    —John Bradshaw, President, It Is Written

    Opting for Optimism is simply captivating. If you are looking for hope combined with an action plan based on God's truth to help you achieve balanced success, then this is the book for you!

    —Tom Ziglar, CEO of Zig Ziglar

    After having Gary present several very successful Ziglar Legacy workshops for our employees at my company through the years, I was thrilled to read Gary's new book Opting for Optimism. Gary shares all his most valuable life's lessons for staying positive in order to live a happier, more fulfilling life. It's refreshing and encouraging to learn about so many simple, but powerful techniques to put into practice to bring life changing results to all of his readers.

    —Bryan T. Hall, President, Graphic Visual Solutions

    This book is practical, readable, and relevant. The author is living proof that balanced, intentional optimism is the best way to live. Opting for optimism will take you deeper into all that life has to offer.

    —Derek Morris, President of Hope Channel International, a global television network.

    I would recommend Gary Moyer's book to anyone who is looking to make improvements in their outlook. In a very easy read he gives you simple things you can do to help you become a more optimistic person. I love his Bible based approach to improving your attitude. This was a book I needed.

    —Cory Reeves

    Former CEO of AdventHealth Hendersonville


    Zig Ziglar used to say that there's no such thing as a self-made success. This is very true, and I am quick to acknowledge I've had a lot of help with this book from many people. So, at the risk of leaving someone out (please forgive me if I've missed you)…

    I want to thank the following people:

    Lisa, my best friend on earth, lover, and life partner: for believing in me, being my cheerleader, and encouraging and supporting me in this and in all my endeavors. You're the best!

    Michael, and Andrew: for being the best sons a dad could ask for. I'm so proud of you. Michael, thank you for your creative insights for this book.

    Mom and Dad: for your unconditional love all my life.

    Rick Russell, my progress partner: for your loyal friendship, and the accountability, prayers, and suggestions that helped empower me to write this book.

    Tom Ziglar: For your friendship, leadership, humor, encouragement, and for supporting me in this goal.

    Derek Morris: For recognizing and mentoring me to follow God's call on my life early on, and for your friendship and your godly example.

    Bryan Hall: For your enthusiasm for this book, and for taking the time to painstakingly read through my manuscript, providing editorial insights to make it a more effective read.

    John Bradshaw: For taking time out of your busy schedule to read my manuscript and not hesitating to heartily endorse it. And, for your New Zealand accent!

    Cory Reeves: For not only recommending my book, but as an already positive person yourself, affirming me in this endeavor by telling me this is a book you needed.

    JoAlyce Waugh: For your super helpful insights on the cover design for this book.

    The late Zig Ziglar, my hero: for setting the bar for balanced optimism, encouraging me to write a book, always walking the talk, that day you took the time to call and encourage Laurie when her life was drawing short, calling me after my loss, and most importantly, for leading me to a relationship with Jesus Christ through your Christian Testimony cassette.

    The late Laurie Guthier Moyer: for showing me how strong a person with a chronic disease can be, in God's strength, and how many lives you positively affected in one much-too-short life.

    The late Bill Guthier, my first father-in-law: for introducing me to the works of Zig Ziglar years ago, and giving me that cassette of Zig's testimony that God used to give me a bright, eternal future.

    God: for the joy of an eternal future that no challenge in this life can snuff out, and for the fulfillment that comes from helping others grow, and to know you.


    I didn't want to be negative. I don't remember choosing to be a defeatist. I can't remember ever getting up in the morning and thinking, I'm going to expect the worst today, allow problems to put me in a bad mood, and make everyone around me miserable. No, I really can't recall ever deciding to be a party pooper, yet that's what I had become. There were times when I clearly showed myself to be the type of person who could brighten up any room by leaving it, as Zig Ziglar used to say. Even worse, as a Christian with an unfortunately unbalanced and unbiblical view on happiness at the time, I felt like a hypocrite. How could I say I believed heaven was my ultimate destination, that I was forgiven and loved by God, and yet be such a sourpuss at times?

    I vividly remember that one summer at camp at Camp Trexler with my Boy Scout troop, back in my home state of Pennsylvania. I was not a happy camper the day we went for a hike to Sand Springs. My dad was leading the hike that sweltering August day. I was longing to taste some of that crystal clear, cool, refreshing mountain spring water, but it seemed we just couldn't get to Sand Springs soon enough for my liking. I was complaining all the way. It was too hot. My feet hurt. How much farther do we have to go? Remember Eeyore, the depressed donkey from Winnie-the-Pooh? Looking back on that day, I think I could have made Eeyore look like a ray of sunshine. I truly think I would have brightened up the hike for everyone else that day by leaving and going back to the campsite!

    Finally, when two of my buddies had endured enough of my fussing, they decided to help me cool off. After all, isn't that what I wanted? I never did ask, but I have a sneaking suspicion that my dad may have instigated it. All of a sudden, George and Dennis grabbed me, picked me up, and tossed me into the creek we were passing by. If that were to happen today, I would laugh it off. Back then, however, I was of a different mindset. Sitting in the creek, soaked and seething, I instinctively started screaming, grabbing handfuls of sand and stones from the creek bed, and flinging it at my fleeing friends. It's no fun being negative. It makes life harder for everyone.

    I'm embarrassed with myself as I think back on that life episode. I not only made a miserable fool of myself but also managed to share the misery.

    If you struggle with negative thinking, you're not alone. That hiking story is just one illustration of the negativism that was so pervasive in my life. Some time ago, one of my friends reminded me of our late teen years when I was unhappy with myself for some reason, and he heard me lament, I'm always the doof! In case you're wondering, doof is short for doofus. I'd love to say this was just a stage of life I went through during my teen years, but I'd be lying to you. While perhaps not as evident as was my hissy fit as a teenager at summer camp, negativism followed me well into my adult life. Sometimes, it was complaining, perhaps about a traffic jam, which, incidentally, never did help free up the flow. Other times, I'd rage about some idiot driver who almost ran into me, momentarily forgetting that I had often been guilty of the same thing. In general, I was highly skilled and experienced at emphasizing the negative side of life.

    Ever find yourself being the one who comes up with reasons some new idea won't work? Believe me, I understand. Find yourself struggling with a less-than-ideal self-image? I get it.

    Chances are, since you're reading this book, some of this sounds familiar. In reality, many of us, perhaps most of us, struggle with negativism to some degree. Again, this should not be surprising with all the pain, disappointments, and setbacks that life can bring our way. Because we live in a largely negative world,

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