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The Adventures of J & N Detective Agency: Cases 2 and 3
The Adventures of J & N Detective Agency: Cases 2 and 3
The Adventures of J & N Detective Agency: Cases 2 and 3
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The Adventures of J & N Detective Agency: Cases 2 and 3

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In Case 2, Jim Davis and Nancy Jones use their skills to track down a teenager who was kidnapped while working at a pizza restaurant in Arizona. In Case 3, the two detectives were investigating a murder at a fish farm in Mississippi when they encountered something much more sinister.

Release dateApr 6, 2022
The Adventures of J & N Detective Agency: Cases 2 and 3

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    The Adventures of J & N Detective Agency - Carl Gabriel


    The Adventures of J and N Detective Agency

    Cases 2 and 3

    Carl Gabriel

    Copyright © 2023 Carl Gabriel

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2023

    ISBN 978-1-63881-225-8 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63881-226-5 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2


    Davis viewed his property at Bates Farm for the first time in weeks. Nancy was by his side when he examined the work that had been done while he was in Montana.

    The outhouse was gone, and a new bathroom had been installed, along with a complete septic system. He was pleased and had already settled up with the installer. It was a new experience for Nancy, and she marveled at the size of the property. Actually, it was only a few acres that Davis had bought from the relatives of the former police chief of Black Creek. Davis had applied and got the job of police chief after the former chief was killed in what was ruled a mob hit. While Davis was in Montana, he and Nancy, his newest flame, were involved in the pursuit and arrest of a major figure in the town of Hopsin, Montana. The episode had made national headlines, and Davis and Nancy had decided to go into the private detective business. Since then, they had received several requests for their services. Right now, they were settling in to their new diggings and would make a decision on what case they would pursue next.

    Jim Davis had been a traveling salesman, but he just couldn't resist getting involved in problems that he encountered during his travels. Nancy Jones had been a waitress in a cafe in Hopsin. She had saved Jim Davis's life on at least one occasion. The two of them were in love and had decided together to open J & N Detective Agency.

    While Jim Davis was in Hopsin, he had resigned his position as police chief in Black Creek and had asked Mark Smith, the mayor of Black Creek, to appoint John Longo the new police chief. The mayor agreed to the appointment and thus freed Davis and Nancy to open J & N Detective Agency. John Longo would remain a steadfast friend of Jim Davis for years.

    The area was new to Nancy, so Davis wanted to take time to show her around and introduce her to some of the people he knew in both Black Creek and Bates Farm. He knew that local people would take to Nancy once they knew her. She had that down-home way about her that made her popular wherever she went.

    Davis and Nancy stood outside of the SUV they had arrived in. Davis held Nancy close to him while they looked over the property. What do you think? he asked.

    I think it's gorgeous. I want to see the inside of the house. I also want you to carry me across the threshold.

    We're not married.

    I don't care. Besides, I've got plans, she responded, giving Davis a knowing look.

    Oh, Lord, what have I let myself in for? he replied.

    Don't worry, she said. You don't have to buy the cow. She's going to continue giving milk.

    That's good to know, but I suspect the cost of milk is going to skyrocket. With that said, Davis picked up Nancy and carried her into their home.

    She looked around and made the comment that Davis knew she'd make. It definitely needs a woman's touch.

    Why do you think I've got you? he replied.

    You're lucky I don't charge by the hour. You'd be in serious trouble, she said and gave Davis a hug and a kiss to let him know that their love was all that mattered to her. What this place needs is a breaking-in act. You got any suggestions?

    Duh, let me think—Davis put his hand on his chin and seemed to be in deep thought.

    Come here, dumbass, she laughed. I want you. Nancy continued, Show me the bedroom.

    It looks like any other bedroom. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.

    I want to see the bedroom.

    I think the door's locked.

    Break it down.

    They both had a good laugh as Davis, once again, picked Nancy up and carried her to the bedroom. There wasn't any sheets or bedspreads on the bed, just the mattress. By this time, they were both touching each other in familiar ways.

    Their first lovemaking in their new home was everything one could dream of. It was simple but beautiful, and the best part came when they both exploded in a climax at the same time. Afterward, they both lay exhausted side by side—two lovers, both satisfied. Davis spoke first. I'm hungry. How about you?

    Me too. Let's shower and then find some place to eat.

    I know the perfect spot: Jerry's Place. You'll love it.

    They both climbed into the new shower that had been installed while Davis was in Montana. They helped each other shower but resisted any effort to engage in more sexual activity. Nancy chimed in, We'll have to break this shower in the right way someday.

    Let's make it another day. I'm pooped out for now.

    They climbed into the SUV and headed for the small cafe nestled in a back woods private setting. By the time they arrived, Davis had explained to Nancy how he had come to know about Jerry's Place, that a former girlfriend, Sherry Laiben, had introduced him to Jerry, a known homosexual.

    I hope you're open-minded when it comes to that, Nancy. When you meet Jerry, you'll know that he's a good man.

    I'm cool with that, Jim, but if I catch you making eyes at Jerry, we're through.

    They both were laughing at that when they entered the restaurant. As usual, the place was almost empty. Jerry, himself, came to wait on them. After they placed their orders, they began to make plans for the future operation of the detective agency. For now, Nancy, I think we should run the business from our home. Why take on another expense when we know that most of the time, we'll be gone. What do you think?

    I'm in favor of that. Have you given any thought to that Arizona kidnapping?

    While Jim Davis and Nancy Jones were still in Montana, they had received several requests for their services. That, undoubtedly, was because of the national broadcasting of their participation in solving a major crime. One of the requests was from a family in Arizona that had a daughter kidnapped several years ago. The parents were convinced that she was still alive, although they had never received a ransom note.

    I have thought about it. You know that we would probably be dealing with a drug cartel. I would like to help this family, but quite frankly, their daughter is probably dead, Davis responded.

    You're probably right, but something like this keeps me awake at night, Nancy replied.

    You've got too big of a heart, Nancy. That could get you killed someday.

    I'm not worried as long as I'm with you.

    Well, if you want, I'll get in touch with the parents and see whether they still want us to handle it. They indicated that money was no problem. We can write our own ticket.

    Let's be fair, Nancy said, and see if we can help them.

    By this time, Jerry was back with their order, and they were quiet as they ate. This is very good food, Nancy commented. I can see why you like the place.

    I know. I like the setting too. Davis continued, I've got the number on my phone of the people in Arizona. Let's call them right now. If I remember right, their name is Danner. Dan and Lilly Danner.

    Davis produced his cell phone and dialed the number. He put the phone on speaker so Nancy could hear the conversation. In a short time, he had Dan Danner on the phone. Mr. Danner, this is Jim Davis with J & N Detective Agency. Are you still interested in having us try to find your daughter?

    Yes, we are. My wife and I were just talking about it this morning. When can you start?

    We can be at your home in Arizona in two days. We'll want to sit down with you and your wife and get as many details as we can. Does that sound okay to you?

    That sounds fine. Money is no problem, but for our books, tell me what you charge.

    We charge two hundred dollars a day plus expenses, Mr. Danner. We would like one thousand dollars up front. Does that fee sound okay?

    That sounds more than fair. There will be a nice bonus in it if you manage to bring our daughter back alive. We love her very much.

    Give me your address, Mr. Danner.

    Our address is 10330 Willow Drive, Mosola, Arizona. When you reach our gate, identify yourself to the guard, and he'll let you in.

    Nancy chimed in, Don't worry, Mr. Danner. We'll find her.

    Davis returned the phone to his pocket and spoke to Nancy. "I don't think I'd get their hopes up too much.

    I personally think that she's dead."

    I know, honey, but I'm sure that both parents want to know, even if it's the worse. It's called closer. We have to find her. That's all there is to it.

    Okay, this is our first case. Let's go home and pack.

    They paid the bill and left Jerry a nice tip. After arriving back home, they set about collecting the things they would need in Arizona. In two hours, they were ready to go.

    As they sat in the SUV, Davis spoke to Nancy. Take a last look at the place. It'll be a while before we're back here.

    Yeah, we never did get to break in that new shower, was her reply.

    Davis laughed. There'll be plenty of time for that at a later date. Incidentally, I love you.

    They kissed while seated in the SUV, and with that started out for Arizona and their first case as J & N Detective Agency.

    Chapter 1

    The Details

    The trip to Arizona was uneventful. Mosola was a small town north of Mesa. Davis had wondered why someone in such a small town would be the target for a kidnapping. When he and Nancy got to the address, he understood. What they saw in front of them was what resembled a fortress. A seven-foot-high stone wall surrounded a landscaped area. In the middle, Davis could see a large brick home.

    The entrance to the area had a metal gate and a guard shack beside it. The gate was closed, and when Davis pulled the SUV up to the front of it, a guard came out of the shack to greet him. He showed the guard his driver's license, and the guard opened the gate for him. As they drove up the lane to the house, Nancy spoke up. Ain't this something. How would you like to live in this place?

    I don't know. It's evidently got its problems if they're not able to protect their family, even in a place like this, Davis replied.

    As Davis was parking the SUV in front of the house, a man and woman came out to greet them. He and Nancy got out of the SUV and shook the hands of the man and woman. I'm Dan Danner, and this is my wife, Lilly. We've been waiting for you. Come inside. With that, the four of them went inside the brick home.

    The inside of the home was impressive. One of the things that really stood out to Davis was a winding staircase that went to the next level. There was plush carpeting throughout the home. It was obvious that Mr. and Mrs. Danner were very wealthy. They all sat down in the living room, and Mrs. Danner offered them coffee.

    No, thank you, Nancy replied. We've had a lot of coffee on the way down here.

    Davis spoke then. Let's start by you telling me all you know about the kidnapping.

    Mr. Danner spoke. His wife would occasionally break in to offer additional details. It evidently happened outside of a local pizza place: Marty's Pizza on First Street, right here in Mosola. Our daughter Hanna had gone there with two of her friends. When they got ready to leave, Hanna decided to stay and wait for a young man who worked there. They had been dating for several months. The two other girls took off and went home. When the young man got off work, he went to get Hanna, and she was gone. He looked for her for a while and then phoned us to find out if she had gone on home. She hadn't, and that was the last time anyone saw her. She just disappeared.

    Have you received any kind of ransom note? Davis asked.

    No, and that puzzled us. We would gladly pay a sizable amount for the safe return of our daughter. We can't figure what happened.

    Did you call the FBI?

    Yes. They didn't have any luck either. It's been two months, and we are at our wit's end. We've put up all kinds of posters with Hanna's picture on them. No response.

    Do you have any gut feeling about what happened to her? Davis asked.

    No, sir, I don't.

    I've got to ask you some personal questions. I hope you're prepared to answer them, Davis said.

    Ask me anything, came the reply.

    Davis continued, It's obvious you are a very wealthy person. How did you attain your wealth?

    I own a trucking company. I started with one semi twenty years ago and now have over fifty trucks on the road. The company is called Danrapid Trucking.

    I've seen some of your trucks on the road, Davis replied. Do your trucks go nationwide?

    Yes, and they also go back and forth from Mexico and Canada.

    Can you think of anyone who might harbor a grudge against you? Davis asked.

    Not that I can think of. Having been in the trucking business for twenty years, I've bound to have pissed somebody off, but I can't think of anyone who would kidnap my daughter to get back at me.

    I also need to know the names of the two girls your daughter was with the night of her disappearance and the name of her boyfriend who worked at the pizza place. Does he still work there?

    His name is Jeff Warner, and I think he still works at Marty's Pizza. The two girls who were with Hanna that night are Janet Hinton and Katie Hill. All three live here in Mosola.

    Davis spoke again, What did the local police say about the kidnapping?

    They want to list it as a runaway. Hanna has always been very responsible. She just would not do that.

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