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Christian Plays: Jesus, Are You Laughing Too?
Christian Plays: Jesus, Are You Laughing Too?
Christian Plays: Jesus, Are You Laughing Too?
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Christian Plays: Jesus, Are You Laughing Too?

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As Christians, we sometimes fail to realize we can have clean spiritual fun. God does not want us to walk around with sad faces and heavy hearts all the time. These plays will make you laugh to see how Satan tries to trick us into doing what He wants us to do. He will mess with your mind, make you think you are doing right when all the time you are doing wrong. These plays will make you laugh, I really do believe Jesus even laughed at these plays because they proved, as believers, we can defeat Satan and God will get the glory out of it. If you are going through a depressed time in your life and feels like a good laugh, read "Clap For The Preacher." If you think the devil can't dress in his red suit and look like he's worth a million dollar and feel like he can get any lady he wants, read "Jesus I'm Not Ready Yet." If you think God sleeps with one eye open and the other one shut and you can get by with small, small sins, read "Just in Time." If you had a long day at church and feels like a good laugh to relax yourself, read these Christian plays. These Christians plays will make you laugh, laugh, and laugh. Make sure you have a box of Kleenex beside you. It's laughing time.

Release dateNov 13, 2019
Christian Plays: Jesus, Are You Laughing Too?

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    Christian Plays - Reverend Jeanette Collins




    Reverend Jeanette Collins

    Jesus, Are You Laughing Too?

    ISBN 978-1-64416-086-2 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64416-087-9 (digital)

    Copyright © 2019 by Reverend Jeanette Collins

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America


    It happens to all believers. We find ourselves in predicaments where Satan will prompt us into doing evil things if we are not strong enough to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance. Satan doesn’t care how old we are, John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy." These plays make one aware of the dangers Satan poses for Christians. As believers in Christ, we must follow Paul’s example and not be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor. 2–11.) This means we, as children of God, must understand the devil’s tricks and traps and examine how he uses his key weapons to attack each of us.

    God has provided a way for us to recognize Satan through His word. Yet, so many people today are not focusing on his word but what the world can give them. When I think about God’s people living in a world that was created by him, and how they fail to glorify him, I wonder do people really appreciate his love and kindness. We find ourselves doing ungodly things to be a part of the fast world. As a true believer, we cannot be moved by Satan’s attack. We have to stand on the promises of God. Yes, Satan will throw things in our path to try to persuade us it’s okay to lie, steal, commit adultery, and gossip; but according to God these are the evil forces that Satan will use to destroy our lives.

    When we are confident in whose we are and who we are, Satan cannot besiege us. Before I published this book, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, Teach people how to face Satan, let them see Him in action and help them to see how they can defeat Him with joy. That prompted me to do an intensive search of scripture for what God wanted me to write for people to see how Satan is not your friend.

    Satan has no place in the life of a true believer. It is time to declare war on Satan and let him know your life belongs to the Lord. Satan can only promise us material things, but God promises so much more to us than most people really realize. He has declared, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him—but God has revealed them to us through His spirit (1 Cor. 2.9–10, NKJV.)

    I pray, as you read this book, it will bring joy and laughter to your heart. God’s desire is for us to be happy and enjoy the things he has created for us. The Bible says, And this is the confident that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he hearth us. And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him (1 John 5.14–15.)

    I pray these plays will fill the empty void in your heart through laughter. I pray they will meet your need as they remind you of God’s great love and joy. I pray these plays will build your faith to enable you to reach out to others who are going through lonely days and confused hearts.

    Be blessed as you read, Jesus, Are You Laughing Too!


    A special thank-you to my lovely children, Monica, Corey, and BJ, who constantly inspire and encourage me; and to my ten grandchildren, Shawn, Devin, James, Anthony, Brice, Jordan Amora, Brook, Jaden, and Braden, who are a blessing to me each and every day.

    My sisters, Mary, Frannie, Lou; my brother, Clarence, thank you for being there for me, helping me physical and spiritually, and for always going the extra mile making sure my prompts were in the right place.

    To all my nieces and nephews, thank you for your support and dedication to this ministry.

    To my Presiding Elder of The Lancaster District, Elder Joseph Postell—thank you for encouraging the Lancaster District members to support my play and for all you do to ensure this ministry’s success.

    To all of my cousins and friends who never missed one of my productions—thank you so much for your support. I love all of you!

    To Wendy, the special cast member who was in all of my plays and skits—you know I love you. Words cannot express my deepest appreciation for your love and dedication. God has given you a special gift, and you allowed me to share your gift to the world. Continue to be the person you are God has a blessing waiting for you.

    Lastly, thank you to all of my cast members and musicians for your support as we traveled letting the world know the Joy of the Lord is our strength. Thank you for all the laughter in rehearsal, the nervous time before going on stage, and the happy time after the play was over knowing it was you that made it happen. Thank you for standing by my side and assuring me it will be all right. Thank you so much for the love you showed toward one another, your dedication, and your kindness. I love all of you, and as God continue to bless us, we pray that God will allow us to be a blessing to someone else through our gift.

    Wendy Clark

    (Lifelong Cast Member)

    It has truly been a blessing as well as an honor to be in my cousin Reverend Jeanette Collins’s productions. Special thanks go out to her for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of her God-given vision. I’ve played a major role in all of her productions. Playing the role of different characters has certainly allowed me to become more aware of communities disheartening issues, domestic violence, and has given me a stronger sense of how Satan can affect one’s life, communities, families, churches, schools, and most importantly, the individual who is being abused.

    Being a part of her plays has made me grown spiritually stronger realizing how great God really is and how he can bring the best out of you when you seek him whole heartily. I thank God for the gift he has given me, to do the impossible things I thought I could not do. I never thought I could be a successful actress, but God saw something within me that I could not see in myself. Everything I have accomplished, he did it all. All glory and honor belong to him.

    I get such a joy out of being a part of Reverend Collins’s productions because of her dedication and loyalty to the Lord. Finally, I thank God for my gift and how he has allowed Reverend Collins to minister to others in such a wonderful and delightful way. Her plays allow the audience to laugh, cry, as well as be educated through thought-provoking issues. May God continue to bless her!

    Just in Time


    Joe—Mabel’s husband, thirty-two years old when he married her. He is a dirty looking man, not well groomed with beard and long hair.

    Mabel—Mary Ann’s mother, thirty years old. Big hips medium-length hair

    Preacher—(Reverend Jeremiah) played on TV as Reverend Brown. He is not visible.

    Mary Ann—Mabel’s daughter, fourteen years old. Medium-length hair. Fair complexion, very talkative

    Warren—Mary Ann’s boyfriend. He is twenty years old.

    Reverend Jeremiah—Mary Ann’s son that she gave away. He is now forty years old.

    Lillie Mae—Mary Ann’s baby daughter (also played as the receptionist) that lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. Her husband was killed in the army.

    Lue Ella—Mary Ann’s oldest daughter that lives in New York. She is not saved and loves to party. She has no children and never was married.

    (Need characters to sit in the church)

    Same characters. Joe, Lue Ella, Mable, Lillie Mae, and Mary Ann.

    They will change their appearance.

    Scene 1

    Mabel and Mary Ann are in the den. Mary Ann looking at television and Mabel eating. Joe walks in and throws his hat on the table, sits on the chair.

    Joe­– Baby, what you got cook? Boy I’m tired. We had two trucks of hogs to load, and I had to work with old lazy Henry. That’s one big lazy man. All he does is complain. I ain’t never seen a man complain like him. I get tired of him just begging all the time. He doesn’t even have a $ 1.00 in his pocket. It’s a poor man that doesn’t ever have a $1.00 in his pocket.

    Mabel– Joe, you can’t be so stingy. God loves a cheerful giver.

    Joe– I don’t mind sharing sometime, but you don’t put enough in my lunch box for me. You give me one chicken wing and a biscuit. I get tired of breaking my chicken wing in half. What is a half chicken wing for a grown man? Then I have to give him half of my soda. Man, I get tired of that. I ain’t being stingy baby but enough is enough.

    Mary Ann– Daddy, maybe you just need to tell him you don’t want to share your lunch. Don’t beat around the bush.

    Joe– I hate to make him feel bad. I kind of feel sorry for him. His wife should put a couple of tata and mato in his box that would hold him all day. She needs to do something.

    Mabel– Joe, stop making excuses, admit it you’re just being stingy. My mama always says a little piece of bread wouldn’t hurt anybody.

    Joe– Well, why did you tell Ms. Rosa we didn’t have any sugar when she sent to borrow some? You know we had sugar.

    Mabel– ’Cause she wanna borrow every day.

    Joe– Well, I call that stingy.

    Mary Ann– The way I see it, Daddy, you and mama are stingy.

    Joe– Tomorrow I’m going in the bathroom and eat my lunch but, I don’t know if I can go in there and eat because if Mr. Bill go in there before me, I couldn’t take it because, boy, he’s always blowing it up.

    Mabel– Joe, maybe he doesn’t have any food at home.

    Joe– Oh yeah, they have food. I saw his wife, and she weighs at least 350 pounds. She’s not just drinking water. She must be cooking the food and eating it all herself. Mary Ann, I told you bout looking at so much TV. It ain’t good for your eyes.

    Mary Ann– Daddy, don’t be so grouchy. Smile and be happy. Feel good about yourself.

    Joe– If you work all day for twenty cents an hour,

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