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I Won: A Policeman's Story
I Won: A Policeman's Story
I Won: A Policeman's Story
Ebook72 pages57 minutes

I Won: A Policeman's Story

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"I don't get arrested, I arrest!" A veteran police officer is arrested by his own police department for a heinous crime, and they are determined to convict him—no matter what! Living and working in a small community where everyone knows everyone's business is not a popular position to be in.

Release dateJun 5, 2019
I Won: A Policeman's Story

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    Book preview

    I Won - Ken Frost


    I Won

    A Policeman's Story

    Ken Frost

    Copyright © 2019 Ken Frost

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2019

    ISBN 978-1-64462-824-9 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64462-826-3 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Special thanks to the following people who helped and encouraged me to publish this book:






    If it weren’t for you this probably would not have happened.

    Chapter 1

    The jury foreman was a little man, dressed to the tee. I couldn’t quite get a read on him. At times, I thought he seemed to like me, almost as though he believed in me. But why should he? All he knew about me is that I was suspected of being a killer. He and the other jurors exited the jury room and entered the courtroom. I couldn’t stand the suspense. I’ve always had a way with women and I could normally get them on my side. I was relieved when I saw more women than men on this jury to decide my fate. I would not hold any of them personally responsible for their decision, they were only doing what any good American citizen was expected to do. They all took their seats, and the courtroom was silent. Although it was not filled to capacity, it was filled with my family, all who knew I was not guilty. Now it is my turn. I was instructed to stand in front of them and hear my fate.

    The judge was a middle-aged man. Actually, he seemed a lot like me. Had I met him under different circumstances, I think we could have been friends. But he did not believe a word I said. He did not believe anything about me. As a matter of fact, I could tell he didn’t like me at all. He broke the silence by asking, Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you made a decision?

    It was getting warm in here. I could feel the sweat running down my back. My hands were clammy. My face was cold.

    The jury foreman said, We have, ‘Not Guilty’!

    My legs went weak. My family cried. I could hear them saying, We knew it all along. My wife and daughter ran to me, and we hugged. I was free, free to do what I needed to do. Take care of my family. Something I thought I had done in the past, but in my own mind, I knew I wasn’t the dad or the husband I wanted to believe I was. Now things will be different than they ever were. I am going to take this chance to right my wrongs.

    It felt so good to be laying here on my bed. Sue was at the store stocking up on things we’ve needed. She has not been able to function for the past several months, especially these past few weeks. Marie was home sleeping. She has to work tonight. No matter what anyone says, my wife and daughter looked up to me to be the rock of all situations. In their eyes, I could fix anything, and do anything. No matter what I tell them, it was right. They show unconditional love for me and I am blessed. The beauty of this is that I felt the same toward them. It seemed strange that this should be such a joyous day and yet I am here alone. The rain had been with us for a week with no letup. The lightning and thunder were frightening. I wish my girls were here. But then again, I really need this time to think about what had happened today.

    I couldn’t do anything wrong. Everyone knows that. I have spent my life taking care of everyone and trying to be everyone’s keeper. From the time I was kid, I worried about my family and friends. Sometimes I was so concerned I would make myself sick. If my mother was sick, I would worry about her dying. I would go to my room by myself and pray to God to keep her safe. If one of my brothers were ill, I would do the same thing. God knows how I am. He knew how much I meant what I was asking for because he always made them better. I’m not so sure why I was that way. I guess I am one of those people who put a lot of demands on themselves. Now that I look back, I am seeing that life was never easy

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