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Metamorphosis: A Surgeon's Faith And The Oath
Metamorphosis: A Surgeon's Faith And The Oath
Metamorphosis: A Surgeon's Faith And The Oath
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Metamorphosis: A Surgeon's Faith And The Oath

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Paused momentarily in our garden to ponder a monarch butterfly, I began thinking about the word metamorphosis. Now at seventy years, it seemed my whole life had been a metamorphosis. It means change in form. The more I thought about it, the more I realized the wonderful design and the grandeur of which leaves one speechless. That butterfly was created by the Great Designer, our God. Can you see the metamorphosis in your own life? My occupation just didn't happen by chance. My faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior was providential ordained, not chance. The greatest metamorphosis in our lives will come at its end, and if one is not a believer in Christ, the mystery will play itself out in eternity. It is my prayer and purpose to labor in the fields ripe for harvest and take you with me when I cross that Jordan River. No one else may be praying for you but having been where you are, we will together journey the metamorphosis of God's world. "Ye must be born again" (John 3:3)!

Release dateJun 9, 2017
Metamorphosis: A Surgeon's Faith And The Oath

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    Metamorphosis - Jack Weitzel



    A Surgeon’s Faith and the Oath

    Jack Weitzel,

    M.D., FACS, MABS, M.C.Ed.


    Lin Weitzel


    Chaplain Richard Fisher

    Founder of You Last Forever Ministries

    ISBN 978-1-63575-099-7 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64114-551-0 (Hard Cover)

    ISBN 978-1-63575-100-0 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2017 by Jack Weitzel

    Chapter 26 Copyright © 2017 Richard Fisher

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    296 Chestnut Street

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is dedicated to Melinda my dear wife of 38 years.

    My helpmate, the girl of my dreams, my Proverbs 31 wife

    The only girl I truly loved.

    "The Handy Dandy Book of Surgery:

    The World through the Eyes of Melinda."

    In the midst of my arduous general surgical residency, Lin miraculously came back into my life. The tender years of heartbreak 15 years prior were still ever fresh in my mind. Two weeks later we were married. I was not about to lose her again. I had a family with Lin and Amie and three more years of residency, the toughest part, ahead. Lin kept a journal during that time and these were her writings during that exciting, though very difficult, time in our lives.

    A thank you note to my husband and my partner in life.

    The Memory Box Words and pictures

    Cards and feelings

    Tucked away

    In your memory box

    Spare me

    Such a sad fate L ‘81

    What is love? Is it first or last?

    Does it keep us warm?

    Shall it pay the bills?

    Will it make us famous?

    But without it,

    Who gives a darn! ‘81

    Pen to Pad. Will my words fall?

    Upon closed minds and hearts?

    To see only words and not the soul.

    A silent prayer goes with each line,

    That not only the words but my

    Soul will touch each who reads it. ‘80

    Reality Towering above all he perceives

    Except his inner self

    The man so great in mind and stature

    Yet so humble

    Dismissing his own greatness

    He clings to his inner image

    Though he is in reality

    All that he has dreamed to be. L9/80

    Dreams You had great dreams

    And I was naïve.

    Rather than to dream with you

    I chose to leave

    So you could have your dream.

    My dreams were small

    And every day

    The picket fence

    Someone home at five

    A fool was I

    It’s not the dream

    That counts, it’s the dreamer

    But you came back

    For me and dreams of old

    They belong to us

    Our past and future

    They were always there

    For us to dream. L 9/80

    Moments The nite is slipping by

    Morning comes as an intruder.

    Our time is so precious.

    Oh, to make each moment last an eon

    Could not quench my desires

    Day is here to steal my love away

    To curse the beauty of the sunrise,

    But for fifteen years there was no sun to rise

    You are my sun and moon and stars

    I bless the moments even though few

    They are moments longed for

    For so many years L 9/80

    Reflection. I am a reflection of his love,

    He beckons and I appear

    He sleeps and I disappear.

    I only exist in his eyes and heart. L ’81.

    Now and Then. The past mingled with the present

    Adds beauty to our relationship

    Giving us inner strength.

    Loving with the excitement of our teens

    But with the appreciation of our thirties

    Beautifully blending the times

    Making the present perfect. L ‘80.

    The Battle. Shall the battle be a silent one?

    One of looks and thoughts,

    Actions, will that be the key

    To unlock all that’s there.

    Words, soothing and warm

    Or demanding, pleading.

    Should it be spontaneous or planned?

    The outcome so important

    It brings tears to my eyes.

    The spirit cries out

    To the emptiness.

    Hear the whisper of our love

    Is it coming from my mind or heart?

    Or could it be his heart whispering to mine? L

    The Railroad Track The smooth cool steel beneath her feet

    The sun is low in the sky,

    His arm around her to steady her

    As they walk along the track.

    The moment is good.

    She is plain and her dress is from the Salvation Army

    As is his sweater

    And his unshaven face old beyond his years,

    But at that moment, with the sun low and glowing,

    She is a princess and he a prince

    And they walk off into the sunset

    On a street of silver ribbon. L ‘81

    God Fearing Patriot An old man ragged but spry

    Riding on his bike.

    No three wheeler for him,

    His traveling companion

    A grand ole dog.

    Along the busy road they set a good pace

    His sights set on the roads future.

    The faithful dog looking unconcerned

    As he sits upon his seemingly unsafe perch

    And as they drove away

    The last thing you saw of him

    Was the American Flag waving in the morning breeze

    And the back of his bike a sign

    That read ‘If you love Jesus, Honk.’ L’81

    Our Life Living in smooth mellow harmony

    The chatter of our children The turning of the textbook pages

    The clatter of dishes

    Piano music drifting through the air

    Friends laughing and sharing

    Quiet moments of sharing love

    So sweet that tears come to my eyes

    Contemplation of our future is so sweet.

    Prayers rise that the years be many. L ‘81

    The Handy Dandy Book of Surgery

    I am the ‘The Handy Dandy Book of Surgery."

    Take me off the shelf each nite

    Pour over me with such intent.

    Gain from me an inner strength

    And new insight

    Each time you comb my pages

    Something new will appear,

    The last time you looked you missed it.

    Such a mystery to go over the same book

    Only to find that in different circumstance

    It can be new and exciting.

    Take from my pages what you need

    Then put me back on the shelf for another day

    But rush home and pull me from my place

    Search my pages at your will

    I’ll always remain an open book

    If you just take me from my shelf L ‘81

    I Love You See me, understand me

    Not from my eyes

    I can’t walk in your life.

    But let me affect yours

    See new perspectives to your life.

    I am another dimension

    Without this life is monotone

    As if in a white room

    No shadows to soften the white

    To cream and quiet greys

    Just intense white all around

    It will blind you.

    See me, understand me

    Let me be in your other dimension

    Let the window open

    Let outside light in your white room

    To cause beautiful changes

    All will not be the same

    The shading will take place

    The color will change to softer

    The same will seem new.

    See me, understand me

    The man with his hand in the fire

    You come to his aid

    Relieve his suffering

    You don’t sit and cry out in pain with him.

    See me, understand me

    Let me in to give aid.

    Relieve your suffering

    Be your diversion

    So your white room doesn’t blind you

    You must take care for yourself.

    You must be well and at peace

    To minister health and peace

    See me, understand me

    I Love You. L’81

    The Poet Do you think me mad with all these words? Words, emotions just pouring from me.

    In the quiet of the night the music plays. The mind, on and on it goes, a never ending thought. What is it with this brain of mine, am I possessed…? It is not me who wants to speak, the spirit of a long dead poet has taken my will.

    At night I feel the urge to leave our bed of love and transcribe all the feelings of each moment. Sometimes it comes so fast from the source my hand cannot keep up.

    What am I to do with all of this! Has all of this been locked up inside of me? Perhaps in time I will get my fill and run out of feelings and words.

    Ideas, ideas are constant Oh, please help me, I am as an alcoholic once I start I cannot stop. I even go without sleep for this passion of the Poet. Waste sleep on this? No one knows or wants to know, I am cursed by the Poet.

    Mind stop! Whoever you are let me be, it is almost morning. I want my release from this wicked union. It drains me. When shall you be satisfied?

    I cannot do this great work that you seem to be pushing for. Its not within my grasp. Leave I beg of you. Let me have my will, go to the grave where you belong, for with my life you will not work out your frustrated needs! You had your chance in your life. You cannot expect me to succeed for you now. I am weak willed and have not the determination required, My body is tired, Please leave me now!

    I have finished a book for my love and I am satisfied, but you expect a novel of me. Is that what you want, find it elsewhere I have things of this world to take care of How can you torture me this way? With tantalizing dreams of grandeur that are never to be mine or yours. What gain will come to you even if I could, through you create a work that would titillate the world’s spirit and soothe the lonely and bitter cold nights, you would never have the fame or credit! Who would believe you, the long dead poet could bridge the gap of life and death to transcribe the work you so longed for in your life. I entreat you, leave me in peace. I am only a mortal and you are…the Poet. L’7

    With Love and Prayers Please soften the soul

    Replace the discontent with peace,

    Let love consume

    Let love guide

    The rewards are great

    The once felt, once was, will flow back

    As does the tide at God’s hand

    So will love with God’s help. L’81

    Thank you for quiet nites and happy days

    For smiles and laughter

    That echoes throughout the years

    For easy living that’s so rare

    It’s a real joy being yours. L ‘81

    Sweet Smiles of Love A caring touch

    The smile of Love

    That touches the heart,

    Enters the soul

    And becomes a part

    Of each and every day

    That make the day sunny

    Or grey if that smiles

    Not there, that sweet smile of love L ‘81

    Dear Jack There is no way that I can express how proud I am of you. The achievements are so great and yet you have remained a fine person.

    Your heart is in the right place when it comes to medicine it’s in the care and love of your patients and not in the glory of the M.D. I thank God for you and the way you are. With this small token to have you remember always that the Lord is always with you and that is why you have come through all of your hard times to be the great person you are and the best surgeon ever. And thank you for all the love you have given me and Amie. You are a true blessing in this life

    With all my love, L

    Ivory Maiden of Indian Rocks At sunset

    The lover comes

    Dressed in mauve and lavender.

    Lavishing rare gifts at the maiden’s feet.

    He seduces her with each caress

    Soothing her body

    Hot from the day’s sun

    Each kiss washes over her

    Leaving her skin glistening

    In the now moonlit night

    The moon as candle light

    Enhancing the lovemaking

    The lover now dressed in elegant white

    The ivory maiden dressed in sparkling shells,

    They love throughout the nite

    At the shore each nite you can hear their sighs of

    Love as the lover embraces

    The Ivory Maiden L 5 ‘81

    My thoughts of you

    Sweet tasting to my soul

    Gently touching my mind

    That stirs my body

    Expressions so inadequate

    For so perfect a love

    Thank you for touching me, L ‘81

    The Game of Chess First he explained it to me

    Then he showed me how

    He helped me win once

    And now he watches my mind

    And I his.

    To think a game of Chess could be

    The sexiest game for two

    That mind of his has enticed me,

    Those eyes, I want him so

    But first let’s play Chess

    And tease me some more. L ‘80

    My Friend My time is near

    My time to do my own thing.

    I’ve anticipated, planned and dreamed

    About my finest hour

    I pray I’ll not fail

    And waste my dreams

    Time to create and grow.

    Don’t let me waste it

    Help me make my dream

    A reality to enjoy

    For all the years

    It’s been my friend

    A companion in the night.

    Let me be worthy

    Of my dear friend

    Help make the tedious

    Bearable from day to day

    Of never ending sameness

    My friend of past and present

    And soon to be my challenge

    To make me or break me

    To disappoint me

    Or make me shine

    I’ll try to do you proud

    My dear friend. L 2-81

    July 3, 1982 3rd Anniversary Three years so beautiful

    The first two more apart than together

    But always together in spirit.

    The third living a quote normal life

    And it wasn’t normal at all

    You make living special

    Day in day out

    I thank you for making me so happy

    Living loving with you is a gift

    I’ll treasure all my days

    Being so blessed is something

    That I’ll never take for granted

    Those feelings will still be the same

    On our 50th Anniversary, my love. L

    Daddy It took a long time but finally

    It happened we had our little

    Baby-You are a Daddy!!

    Taylor is so lucky to have you

    You love her so and it shows

    In your eyes and in your smiles

    There is a change in you but it’s a great change you were

    Perfect before but since Taylor

    You seem complete, the final

    Touch on a beautiful painting. Our sharing in our children’s lives

    As they grow we will grow all

    The more close as a family.

    And we will be so close as

    Husband and wife, I must

    Thank you for our beautiful life Love, L

    Happy Father’s Day 6-15-86

    Dear Daddy of Taylor and Amie and husband of mine.

    If you’ll notice the last time the

    Pen met the Paper was not long

    After the birth of sweet Jacklin Taylor

    Being parents takes some-time

    That make the days go by so fast,

    It doesn’t seem possible we held her

    For the 1st time just 3 ½ yrs. ago.

    We want to honor you for being so special that

    God Planned For you to be Taylor’s and Amie’s father-

    To place your special input

    You and their lives to make them

    Know the Lord and trust in Him as Lord of their life.

    To think He knew all the time

    What a special father you would be and

    How you would be and how you’d be their example

    Of how you love the Lord and He is in your life.

    We just praise God for You and

    Thank you for putting

    The Lord the head of your life

    Which makes you the

    Best Daddy God Could Design.

    We love you Lin, Amie and Taylor.

    PS Hope you’ve enjoyed your shoes!


    Recently, thinking of death and beyond, I’ve felt that there are stages of life in man just as there are stages in nature. Particularly thinking of the metamorphosis of the caterpillar and butterfly. At the pupa stage of development, there is a chrysalis, a stopping off place hidden from the eye where a metamorphosis is occurring. There is a time in the breakdown of the larvae that within the chrysalis, it is dying. A point is reached in the very middle of the process where the miracle of life is unfolding, even that of insects.

    In the human, the fetus, being so vulnerable in today’s world, is in its chrysalis in the womb where the miracle is taking place. Something we can’t see or understand. God’s Creativeness is seen throughout all of life; consistency is in His plan. All animals and man seem to come from the same basic mold—two eyes, a sense of hearing and smell, a digestive system, a circulatory system,

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