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Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!
Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!
Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!
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Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!

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People of all genders and ages of the nation and all nations throughout the land is at war with invisible spirit beings, spirit enemies, demonic forces, and demon spirits within themselves, internally and externally in spiritual warfare, living and fighting among demonic forces in all areas of life without one's knowledge. Demon spirits are not made of flesh and blood. They are the invisible enemies in the physical realm and biologically in the spirit realm. Demonization covers all area of human lives and all levels of governments, even our own. The weeds and the wheat describe how demonization has some of the world population literally believe they are the opposite sex. Some male genders literally believe they are the opposite sex. Some female genders literally believe they are the opposite sex. And some of both genders believe he or she are of both genders, which classifies them as bisexual or having orientation to person of either sex. This means demonization has brought spiritual conflict upon nations throughout the land. Only Jehovah God's Word, the Holy Bible, can we, mankind, have victory over the invisible spirit enemies (adversaries) of the earth and in our governments at all levels.

Release dateJan 31, 2020
Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation!

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    Demonization Brought Spiritual Conflict upon This Nation! - Donald Evans

    Polygraph Examination



    February 22, 1994

    Donald Ray Evans

    7901 Cowart

    Houston, Texas 77029

    This constitutes a confidential report of a specific polygraph examination administered to Donald Ray Evans on February 17, 1994.

    It was related by Mr. Evans that he was personally requesting a polygraph examination for the purpose of verifying his truthfulness with regard to written testimony as described in his recent publication, Testimonies of Satan, Alcohol, God and Me. Mr. Evans stated that he had been an alcoholic for about thirty years, beginning at the age of six, when he was commanded by a demon to curse God, up until March 18, 1984, when he felt the demons being released from inside of his body. More specifically, Mr. Evans related that he has witnessed, both visually and audibly, demonic spirits. He indicated, through a photo album, numerous encounters with physical objects being moved, misplaced or altered by these demons within his own home. Mr. Evans stated that he has personally had physical contact with demonic spirits at his work, as well as within his home; even to the point where Satan had commanded him in 1984 to place a pistol to his head.

    Conversely, Mr. Evans related that he had a vision of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in December 1993. He related that he had been told at this time that he was a prophet. He stated that he had witnessed two men, dressed as priests, knock and appear at his front door, then disappear. He indicated that; eight years later, it was revealed to him through a vision that these two figures were angels of God.

    A polygraph examination was administered to Mr. Evans. The below relevant questions were asked on this examination. Each question was reviewed with the subject to ensure he understood both the meaning and intent of each question.






    Upon evaluation of this subject’s polygraph charts, it is this examiner’s professional opinion that Mr. Evans was TRUTHFUL to the above relevant questions. The subject was informed of the results of this examination. At this time, the examination was terminated, and the subject was released.


    Management Services

    Ron Hager

    Examiner, State License #762

    An Epistle: To All Who Serve Me, Jehovah God

    The Lord said,

    All that I’ve written is not written in vain. This work will remain for all future generations to read and live by. This written work is not temporary; it’s here, permanent for all generations to read and obey by the directions of Jehovah God, given by divine directions.

    All this work that I lay down is permanent for all mankind throughout the earth.

    I do not discriminate among My people, even though I’m discriminated against. I forgive the people, that the love I have for people is genuine, for whom I’m responsible for their lives in the World.

    However, no one is to fear Me, Jehovah, but you mankind must, which I repeat, must, you must fear My Word. Which I’ve given for plain warning, that mankind be in obedience to My Word. When in obedience to My Word, you are literally obeying Me, Jehovah, Your God. Don’t fool yourselves. To disobey is to bring conviction against you.

    Conviction is to help you, mankind, to heed to My Word, which prevent chastisement or punishment and not the word of mankind. Heed to My Word, not in fear, but in obedience to your God Jehovah. Never forget, I’m the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

    Also, no one make, I repeat, no one make a fool of God. Remember keep Me first in all things you do, because I’m the source of all things. There isn’t anything which you do that I’m not the source of, nor do I see. I see everything, everywhere. Nothing is hid from Me.

    There isn’t anything above the Earth, nor below the Earth, I see of the smallest to the largest, the seen and the unseen. All visible to Me.

    Mankind may run, but cannot hide. My Jehovah eyes is everywhere. I’m omnipresent. I, Jehovah God, is present everywhere simultaneously. I’m omnipotent. I have universal power over the entire universe. I’m omniscient. I have total knowledge. I know everything.

    I, Jehovah, still dispense My dispensation across the Earth, regardless which religion you serve, nor denomination you serve. I do not discriminate against, nor separate people, all is One to me.

    The Christian dispensation is open to everyone whom I created from my creation of man and woman.

    I, Jehovah God, dispensation is still in effect since the Day of Pentecost, the beginning of the New Testament church, and shall stay in effect until Jesus Christ return.

    Dispensation is My plan and way of which I, Jehovah, dispenses or give out My revelation, blessing, and punishment on My people. Since My dispensation became active, you My children are given warning My Spirit, which is in your heart, which bring male or female under conviction of not heeding to My Word placed in your heart, or not heeding to the sound of My voice. For there is no excuse, nor will there ever be an excuse, for not heeding or obeying My Word or voice. I, Jehovah God, have spoken.

    Disobedience bring about conviction. Conviction expose in the heart’s disobedience. Conviction is to the help mankind to prevent chastisement. Strong conviction of the heart is to prevent deliberate disobedience, which prevents chastisement.

    No one that knows the Lord want to be under God Chastisement. No one in their right mind would deliberate disobey Jehovah God, nor compromise God’s Word, nor His Works in and through the Son, Jesus Christ. No one.

    Thus says the Lord,

    No man nor woman is to compromise My Word. You would be better off not knowing the truth, than to know the truth, but still compromise My Word and works. There is no excuse!"

    I, Jehovah God, is not a God of compromising. My Word and works are imputable. Neither is mankind exempt from punishment. Never, I repeat, never, attempt to try nor test Me your God, Jehovah, in a negative manner, knowing or not knowing the consequences, nor know the outcome thereof. Never!

    I, Jehovah God, says, if My Word is sent to you, I sent my Word and works out for a purpose. You either not teaching the truth or compromising My Word and works.

    Don’t question the Deliverer, My Prophet, My Servant, with My permission, question the Sender, Me, Jehovah God, for My Word shall not return to Me void. I, Jehovah, have spoken.

    I will answer any questions concerning My biblical writings. If you or any other servants, or believers or nonbelievers have any doubt of My prophet, call out his name to me. I will answer your calling. I, Jehovah God, have spoken.

    However, you must be righteous in your heart, and above all have and speak the right motive for questioning Me, Jehovah God, of My Prophet, Servant, whom I’ve called out from among the world.

    I’ve showed Him, My servant, things in the spiritual realm and in the physical realm the world will never see, even other servants shall never see.

    Therefore, you must have the right motive of asking or questioning Me, Jehovah, concerning My Servant. He neither speak nor act for Me of his own accord or ability.

    I know there is doubt among you and others, but you a servant, must not be in doubt, if you come to Me for answers and not your fellow man nor servants.

    Man will lie, even some servants, to save or protect their pride, but son, listen to whom it may concern, pride will cause you to sin in the body of Christ, the church.

    Pride is My, Jehovah God, adversary and adversary of mankind. Invisible weapon which Satan use to bring about disobedience, conviction, and punishment upon My people and Christian congregation.

    In behalf of My Servant Prophet’s message, take heed.

    Thus says the Lord, Jehovah God,

    Do not take this epistle for granted, I, Jehovah God, is the Author and Finisher of this work. I am the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

    I still have writers whom I’ve call to write to congregations of all denominations today as I have in Old and New Testament times.

    This epistle is just as important, necessary, and genuine as the epistles that are recorded in Old and New Testament writings. The only different is the then and now, which was biblically recorded, where this handwritten epistle is written this day in mankind’s presence.

    This epistle of Me, Jehovah God, is to be shared with other servants in the churches of Christ, of all denominations in My congregation.

    Thus says the Lord,

    As a servant, you have received My, Jehovah God’s messages in earlier writings, which left you and others in some doubt of those writings. This epistle is a confirmation for all which are in doubt of My Prophet, My Servant.

    Therefore, take heed, obey, and believe. Which is not a matter of believe it or not. Again, I’ve given confirmation of My epistles and messages, along with sermons divinely written, which are not to be compromised.

    Remember My Words, nor works in which I’ve given description of does not return to Me, Jehovah God, void!

    I, Jehovah God, heard you preach in the pulpit, demon spirits does not exist in people nor human bodies in this time and era, which is a lie of Satan, that came out of the mouth in the pulpit.

    My Word of yesterday is the same as of today. Jesus cast many of the enemies out of ordinary people while He was in the world. The world has not changed, and it won’t change until Jesus return.

    Demon spirits, the invisible enemy of the human race, remain today in the world as they were when My Son was in the world. They are alive, active, and stronger in the spirit realm, and more prevalent in the earth atmosphere and human bodies than ever before.

    Demon possession of human bodies are as real today as ever before, because men and women, whom I’ve called and not call, are afraid to preach or teach the truth about a spirit realm most people today do not know exist. And you are one of the multitudes with such belief.

    I, Jehovah God, is speaking. Do not compromise nor ignore My Word. I will place you in such a position, you will have to use the little faith you have in the name of Jesus Christ to accomplish that which you erroneously preached and taught, which was and still is a lie of the devil, Satan, in the pulpit.

    Do not dispute My Word nor action of truth because of some other teachings, I, Jehovah God have spoken!

    You are one of the first in the Christian congregation whom I’ve reveal the parable of the weeds and the wheat, which My Son gave the purpose of, which has now come to past.

    The weeds and the wheat which now represent a new race of people on the Earth. Which is a population of homosexuals and lesbians that has join together male and male, as husbands and wife, and female join with female as husband and wife. Which is an abomination against Me, Jehovah God, My moral laws and commandments. Which there is no excuse and will never be an excuse for such sin that has predestined their eternal separation from Me, Jehovah God.

    No one change nor compromise My moral laws nor My commandments. This new race of people eternal fate were already predestined even before the parable of the weeds and the wheat were given, which has come to pass.

    There will be other servants, men and women servants to share this biblical knowledge.

    Listen to the Lord and heed to My, Jehovah God’s Word. I have spoken and still speak to My prophet(s), whom I called in an audible voice. He has heard the voice of Jehovah God spoken to him as a prophet is supposed to hear, which I reveal to him, that he was greater. Greater than Old Testament prophets, without questioning My authority. I spoke to him in an audible voice a second time, You are greater than the New Testament prophets, without him questioning My authority.

    However, I knew his thoughts, which he was thinking, How could this be? The same thought you are thinking at this time. How can he be greater than the Old and New Testament prophets?

    Before My Son took upon himself to come into the world I had not sent nor given My Spirit, the Holy Spirit to anyone. After Jesus return, the Holy Spirit, My Spirit were out to live among My people, and whom I chose to speak in and through, in an audible voice to My prophets.

    I, Jehovah God, is giving you My Spirit, which he received, which makes him greater than any prophets of the Old and New Testament, because of My Spirit which dwell’s today in My temple, his body is the temple of My Holy Spirit.

    If in doubt, or unbelief, I, Jehovah God, give you by Word permission to question Me. But first read My message, to comprehend that which My prophet is speaking revelations to you and to other servants in the Christian congregation, which confirm my revelation of him in the body of Christ, the church, and the performing that which I Jehovah God, sent him to do. Thus says the Lord, Jehovah God!

    Therefore, heed and pay attention in obedience that which have been written and reveal to you and other servants. I, Jehovah God, have spoken to you through My prophet!

    Thank You, Father, My God.

    Read 1 John 4:4, But you belong to God, my children, and have defeated the false prophets, because the Spirit who is in you is more powerful than the spirit in those who belong to the world. Amen.

    God’s Love for Humankind

    For forty years I never knew who the devil was or his identity or the identity of demon spirits. I was lost in a spirit realm in the physical world that was upon me. But no one never told me of such a realm or that the devil and demons are real and alive in the earth’s atmosphere and in the body of humankind.

    Also, for forty years, I was like a baby given milk of the world controlled by some spiritual force I knew nothing of and neither did I know Satan. The devil was real and alive in spirit in me and in the bodies of humankind throughout the world, controlling lives as he once controlled mine.

    I was so demon possessed. I heard demon voices and dialogues in my head for over thirty years that literally demanded me to kill myself and harm others as well. But by God’s grace, mercy, and love, I did neither. However, I tried several times, or I should say, the devil and demon that possessed my body and mind tried several times unsuccessfully to cause me to drink myself to death.

    I was totally demon possessed, controlled by forces I knew nothing about. The devil and demons controlled my body and mind and by the mind and body of the world. They had me doing things a person in their right mind would never do.

    I did some things that no one had to tell you something was extremely wrong with me. Unfortunately, no one never came forward to tell me, but a family member jokingly said I had a demon in me and laughed. I laughed as well, when in fact he was being truthful at the time but he or myself knew.

    I did not know there was and still is a devil in the world stealing, killing, and destroying lives; and I was among the multitude. But by God’s grace, mercy, and love, God saved me from Satan’s demon possession and demonic power.

    In societies throughout the four corners of the world, people are living with demon spirits in their bodies but it is by the grace, mercy, and love of God they are alive. They are lost in the world, yet the Word exists in them and give life to them. It is God’s love for them that they live with demon spirits alive in their bodies.

    One may wonder why demon possession is so astronomical throughout the world. It is because of the lack of knowledge about the spirit realm and lack of God’s Word. In my case it was both, and no one never attempted to help me, and even had they tried I don’t believe they would have.

    Because in my case only God’s grace, mercy, and love saved me from destruction. The devil and demons were trying to destroy me from within, and it was working. In me, I discovered that the devil and demons are God adversaries. And an adversary of God is an enemy of mankind. The enemies are here to steal, kill, and destroy mankind any way possible, and there are no exception in age or gender.

    Yet mankind still ignores God and reject Jesus Christ into their heart as Lord and Savior. Why? My friend, we live in the midst of a spirit realm that mankind has no power over without Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, which the spirit realm is aware of.

    Therefore, Satan, the god of this world, has blinded the minds of people. They cannot see the light, which is the Good News about our glorious Christ who shows what God is like. God is kind, compassionate, and shows mercy for every man, woman, and child.

    It is God’s kindness through Jesus Christ that we receive grace, mercy, and love. God so loved us that He gave His only Son so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. We live by God’s grace, mercy, and love.

    Without God’s love through Jesus Christ, humankind could not stand up against the wiles of the devil or the powers of demon spirits. For all humankind without God and Jesus Christ in their lives are vulnerable of being attacked and possessed by some kind of demon spirit or spirits.

    However, God has given us protection, which is His Word, the whole armor of God, by way of Jesus Christ. People need every Word God spoke through Jesus to defend ourselves in the spirit realm.

    People, it is the whole armor of God, which is His Word, that we use against the spirit realm of the devil and demons that dwell in human bodies without their knowledge. Thereby, today many people believe the devil in that they cannot be healed because of their lack of knowledge and belief of God’s Word, which is a lie of the devil.

    God’s kindness, compassion, and loving care is expressed and shown to us in many ways; and healing is a way of expressing them. However, it is the devil’s spirit, demonic perception, and demons that prevent healing. And in some cases, before a person gets healed, demons have to be expelled out of that person so healing can take place.

    Jesus’s disciples first commission was to cast demons out of the sick and heal them. This meant people cannot be healed until demon spirits depart from the body before healing take place. Also, for healing to take place, it is imperative to forgive people who have wronged you. This is God’s love in you.

    People, you cannot receive healing of sickness or diseases until you forgive everyone that has wronged you before God heals you through Jesus Christ.

    Therefore, don’t allow the spirit realm to stop or prevent you from receiving healing. This is the devil and demon’s plan to kill and destroy human lives and the works of God in and through the body of mankind.

    Therefore, do not be a fool or be stubborn, forgive and get healed. However, I warn you of the devil’s perception that deceives you. To tell you, You do not need or neither can you forgive to be heal of sickness or diseases. People, don’t forget it is the devil and demon spirits that are responsible for sickness and diseases. But it is God who makes you well through Jesus Christ. And all God ask of us is to thank him in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.

    Does mankind deserve God’s grace and mercy? No. But God’s love for all mankind is shown in God’s forgiveness of our sins through Jesus Christ. But you know what? Not all mankind wants God’s love, nor want His forgiveness, and they display it by their action and rejection of Jesus Christ, as others hate the name Jesus.

    The Holy Bible tells us these people that chose to serve the world and allow the world to abide in them are called children of the devil. They ignore and hate God and reject Jesus Christ’s salvation because they possess in them a spirit or spirits greater than their natural spirit.

    But in spite of people’s agnostic and atheist beliefs and worldly living, God the Father loves you and wants you to turn away those demonic beliefs by accepting His Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior over your lives.

    Children of the devil, repent and become a child of the living God through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ tells us that He’s the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can come to the Father except by Him.

    People, when you repent, the devil and every demon that inhabit the earth recognize and acknowledge repentance. For He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world and in the earth’s atmosphere. Also, repentance bring forth love and displays love for God and Jesus Christ.

    Repentance is fulfilling the scriptures, Love thy Father with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength and Love thy neighbor as you love yourself. This means God’s Spirit lives in your neighbor as He live in you.

    No human being has ever seen God, for God is spirit and love. It is through His grace and mercy for which His presence is expressed. Thereby, when you see the love in and of a person and in yourself, you are witnessing the Spirit of God, for God is Spirit and is in all of us.

    Brethren, it is not by our power or might that we, mankind, express love for others but by God’s Spirit. And if you are a child of God, the devil or demons cannot stop mankind of loving one another for we are all God’s children through Christ Jesus. And greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world.

    And when we worship God, we worship Him in truth and in spirit. Thereby, let God be God in you and He will direct your way. You will neither stumble nor fall. You will forever be in the light. Thereby, let you light shine by way of God and you’ll never be in darkness.

    People, I lived in darkness over forty years, controlled by all kinds of demonic and demon forces. I heard demon voices in the atmosphere audibly calling me by name. I heard demon voices in my head for over thirty years, which confirms demon spirits are real and alive in the earth’s atmosphere and in the bodies of humankind.

    Demon spirits are responsible for people’s atrocious behavior. They are the evil force of the world, not people. However, people do the evil works of the world; but it is the spirit realm that does these cruel, evil, and wicked things through them.

    People, the world does not love you. The world want to destroy you and the works and the Word of God. And it will ultimately destroy you. Man cannot live in the world without God’s Word and live as God want us to live. Those persons without bodies and not made of flesh and blood, the devil and demons, just won’t let it happen. And neither age nor gender is an exception.

    Thereby, it’s imperative to live accordingly to God’s will and purpose. Recognize and acknowledge God’s Spirit dwelling in all of us. Therefore, let God be God in you, which will prevent the devil and demons attacking in and against you. But you must let God be God in you.

    God wants you, mankind, to know that He love you and want to be your God. He wants you to know there aren’t any other God and never will be any other. We have His Spirit dwelling in and among us.

    His presence is seen in our mankind: kindness, mercy, love, and compassion. When a person expresses any of them, God’s Spirit is expressing his presence in and through such person. For God is love. Therefore, let God be God in and through you. Live accordingly to His will and purpose and recognize and acknowledge greater is He in you than he that is in the world and the earth’s atmosphere.

    Brethren, we all have God in us and must express God by kindness, mercy, love, and compassion toward one another, which is what Jesus taught: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Always remember, God is love in which He expressed Himself by love in and through mankind. We all must express God’s love for one another.

    The Enemy

    The spirit realm is mankind’s and the world’s spirit enemy. It is a realm (world) that we take for granted because mankind has not or will not search the Scriptures or himself to find out why things out of the ordinary happens to him and others like him.

    Scripture tells us, Lucifer, who has now become Satan, the devil, was cast out of heaven for his rebellion against God. And a third of God spiritual sons, angels, rebelled as well and followed Lucifer to earth, which they all became demons, evil spirits—the invisible enemies. Lucifer became the chief of demons, and they all became enemies or adversaries of God, and any enemy of God is an enemy of mankind and the world.

    The invisible enemies are named demons or evil spirits. They are responsible for the unseen world that we live in and take for granted because of its invisibility to human eyes. It is a spirit world, and it takes spiritual sight to see into the world of the unseen. (Later, I will explain how I see, and you can too, into the spirit realm that we live in.)

    Ever since demons or evil spirits inhabit the earth, mankind has had problems, physical and nonphysical, with his neighbor and his neighbor’s neighbors, even in a Christian atmosphere where no such human problem should exists, but it does exist because of the spirit realm.

    My friend, Lucifer, who is now the devil and adversary, is still angry with God and God’s spiritual kingdom. Therefore, he and his demons, who are evil spirits, are in search of vengeance or retribution against God and God’s kingdom.

    Man may ask or wonder how can the devil avenge God? Directly, he can’t. It is mankind, his spirit, that is used to indirectly to avenge God.

    Man also may wonder, how does he use mankind indirectly to seek revenge against the Most High? He does it by demon possession of the human body and by way of the manifestation of his own spirit in mankind to cause mankind to rebel and reject God as he had attempted to do in heaven. Look around you, mankind is in state of rebellion and defiance openly against God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God.

    By demon possession of human bodies, the devil and demons have people throughout the world believing he or she is the opposite sex. Evil and wicked marriages are being performed by people of the same biological sex, and children are being adopted by them as parents. Therefore, these children are reared to believe what is abnormal is normal. Therefore, they don’t change but remain to live in an immoral environment and atmosphere that they have created to be with those like

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