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Order in the House: Christian Guide to Family Leadership
Order in the House: Christian Guide to Family Leadership
Order in the House: Christian Guide to Family Leadership
Ebook89 pages1 hour

Order in the House: Christian Guide to Family Leadership

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Both men and women should read this book. Men in order to know what role he is to play and women as well so that she will know how to help the man to play his part well. This book should be read as a guide. I would like to suggest that this be approached as a step by step manual. As each truth penetrates your spirit, I suggest that you might "Selah" (pause and calmly think about that), make a personal note, and look for opportunities to immediately apply said truth. I am convinced that God is not impressed with quantity but with quality. This perspective will allow you to digest the principles effectively and will evoke a change in your character. It will produce a more functional you. "Priests, Prophets and Kings," was the former title of this book. That series has been taught across this country with great success and with God-ordained authority. "Order in the House" is certain to bring life-changing challenges and revelations into your marriage, family, business, and possibly in you as well. Order, function, and perseverance are the fruit of this undertaking. May these be multiplied in you as you imbibe its essence. The former pastor and founder of Selah Restoration Fellowship, David L. Johnson desires to see his struggles, failures, and triumphs become stepping stones for those who are willing to hear. Pastor Johnson earned his BA Degree from Tarkio College. He and his wife, Lady Dee, are blessed to be the parents of three adult children, Brittany Griffin, David L. Johnson II, and Savion Griffin.

Release dateAug 29, 2019
Order in the House: Christian Guide to Family Leadership

David Johnson

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    Book preview

    Order in the House - David Johnson


    Order in the House

    Christian Guide to Family Leadership

    David L. Johnson

    Copyright © 2019 by David L. Johnson

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Lovingly dedicated to my wife and family,

    Deneen Eleanor Johnson

    David L. Johnson II

    Because of you, I submit this spirit-directed writ. Your prayers and patience have triumphed. You have borne the weight of my becoming, as I have sought to learn my position in this family. God has fashioned me into the priest, the prophet, and the king of our home. By his grace we have "Order in the House." I know that I am far from perfect, but I have had the love and support of you wonderful people in this world on which to practice. It is to your credit that we have a peaceful, purpose-filled sanctuary in the place we call our home.

    (The No Drama Zone as we call it.)

    Without your great love and encouragement, this would not have been possible! Hence, I’d like to say thank you, and I love you with all of my heart!


    Anna M. Johnson (deceased) for the blessing of maternal, godly rearing! You taught me how a man should behave. You poured such wisdom and inspiration into me. You made me believe that I could do anything! You taught me how to take care of my wife and how to be a good husband and father. You taught me (by example) how to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Through all of your tests and trials, I saw godliness amidst the tears. I was then and I remain your speck of joy in this troubled world.

    David L. Johnson II, you are Daddy’s heart! My secret weapon. Thank you for embracing the God of your father. Thank you for accepting me with all of my paternal imperfections and allowing me to sharpen my knife of purpose on you. I am sure that many times the cutting was painful and difficult to endure. Nevertheless, you endured and have become a man that I respect and admire. One day soon, as before it was you, who carried my briefcase, I will carry yours!

    You are a great man!

    Deneen Johnson for the blessing of godliness and companionship!

    I can’t say that I recall praying and asking God to do it, but He brought New York and Philadelphia together in Texas and I’m grateful for that. You are a wonderful example to women. I have enjoyed being the wind beneath your wings! Watching you grow, mature, and soar into ministry has been my joy. Thank you for operating in your created purpose and for being my partner in life and in ministry. I honor and appreciate you for all that you add to my life.

    Bishop Anthony Q. Hall Sr. for the blessing of paternal obedience!

    When I had no clue what to do, where to go, or when I did not know who I was you fathered me. You spoke life into my life. With words, so seasoned with a grace that I had never heard or thought possible, you told me that I would pastor and that there was greatness in me. I remember thinking, Yeah right, how crazy. You addressed my destiny on the cruise in November 1998, when you and mom spoke to me about my entrance into the pastorate.

    You are my friend, my brother, and my father. Without you, I shudder to think where I might still be.


    Order in the House

    The society in which we live is rapidly changing. Order in the home is almost a thing of the past. The biblical model of family was a man, a woman, and a child or children. The home as we knew it years ago is quite different today. Sadly today, single parents have become the norm! These days a family could consist of two women, or two men, and a child or children. This is now being promoted and presented as normal. Men have left women to raise children alone!

    Single mother, I have great respect for you. Most of you are doing a great job but you were never meant to do it alone. Although the Bible says, There is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28). Most of you would agree that it takes both a man and a woman to raise children and give them the best chance at balance in life. Please know that there are men who understand and appreciate the immense challenges that you face every day as a single mother. That angry teenage son, who is totally out of control, might do better with a male role model in his life. You may be a great mother. But you can never be both a mother and a father. It just isn’t physically possible. God didn’t intend for you to have this struggle, alone.

    I want to encourage you to know that if you’ve got it, you can handle it! I’d encourage you to seek out some men in your church or community who may be able to reach out and mentor your son! Men, we must take up the slack and be more attentive and responsible in volunteering to lend a hand to the single mothers in our communities. It is hard enough for these women to struggle with the

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