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Lust Sex and Left Behind
Lust Sex and Left Behind
Lust Sex and Left Behind
Ebook241 pages4 hours

Lust Sex and Left Behind

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The rapture is on the horizon. The Manner family is in danger of being left behind. They are a dysfunctional, wealthy family suffering from worshiping one another to worshiping money. Life has been very cruel to some members of the family and very generous to others. Some members of the family choose to be unprepared for life after school, while others excel in their academics. Some of the Manner family live to satisfy the desires of the flesh, but others live for God.

Within this book, the readers shall be introduced to the Manner family, who are about to experience the rapture of the church. To the family, God gave a set of twin girls, who have been spiritually touched from the day of conception. Lucifer seeks to destroy them as infants, but God denies him the ability to do so.

The twins not only seek to prepare their family for the rapture, but they reach out into their community, spreading the Gospel. Although this is a spiritual book, one to lead souls to Christ, it also deals with everyday matters.

Release dateSep 13, 2021
Lust Sex and Left Behind

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    Lust Sex and Left Behind - Rev. Dr. Lorenzo Kitt


    Lust Sex and Left Behind

    Rev. Dr. Lorenzo Kitt Sr.

    Copyright © 2021 Rev. Dr. Lorenzo Kitt Sr.

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books, Inc.

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2021

    ISBN 978-1-63710-707-2 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63710-708-9 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Fractural Family


    Miracles Happen

    Car Talk

    A New Home

    The Next Day

    Let Us Go to Church

    But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

    —2 Peter 3:10 (KJV)


    This is a fictional story of what life might look like during earth’s final days. Before this world ends, God will pour out his spirit upon all flesh. This will be a time of extraordinary spiritual gifts being poured upon children in particular.

    The old and middle-aged shall also become recipients of this spiritual reawakening—to a lesser degree, however. This shall be a time when God shall use children in an amazing way to prepare humanity for their final days of life as we know it.

    The story line follows an affluent family struggling with their love for material goods, lust for fleshly pleasures, quest for scientific wisdom, awakening to the spiritual world, and the birth of their saintly daughters.

    From their birth, it would become clear to all that these little girls are different. As they mature, God will endow them with spiritual gifts rarely seen by man. Armed with these spiritual gifts, they shake up their family perception of the true mission of the church.

    This story consists of factual events found in the Bible, as well as fictional events. Any similarities to actual people, events, church groups, or places are solely unpremeditated.

    As you read this story, do so as if you are members of this family, who are about to witness the beginning of the end.

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that god hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9)

    Chapter 1

    Fractural Family

    Jacob Manner Jr., a tenth grader of Free Falls Middle School, New York, New York, abruptly interrupted the family conversation as they drove out of New York, his chest heaving with every breath he took. With sweat dropping from his brow, his mouth felt dry and inoperable, yet he spoke his mind.

    Dad, I just don’t understand why we need to move from our home. This isn’t the first time someone has falsely accused me of doing something I had nothing to do with. Besides, you have enough money to get me out of trouble. You’ve done it dozens of times before, so what’s the problem now!

    His father sighed, feeling forced to listen to his son’s delusional account of the charges levied against him. He knew of his son’s disdain for him but could not understand why or where he had gone wrong in parenting him.

    "I know you don’t believe me, father, but it’s true. I didn’t force Debbie to do anything she didn’t want. It is not my fault if she could not make up her mind. If she did not want me, why did she look at me that way? Why did she wear that revealing miniskirt? It is because she wanted me. I know she did.

    Girls, they are such a tease. First, they say yes, take me, use me, and abuse me! Then with no warning, they cry rape! They taunt you. They make you watch their every movement. They make you want them, and when you go for it, they shut you down. It’s all a game to them, and I’m not losing this game. And I tell…

    Jacob Jr. was a spoiled eighteen-year-old young boy trying to live a man’s life. Because of his harsh feelings toward his father, he demanded the family members call him JJ. He felt he was entitled to anything and anyone he set his eyes on. His family wealth and the troubles with his mother had warped his mind and stolen his childhood. The fact that he was a very handsome teenager—who stood six feet, two inches; was muscular; and was physically fit—served to embolden his aggression against females. His naturally tanned body highlighted his deep-blue eyes. His wavy blond hair added to his exotic looks. When he considered his image in the mirror, he saw the face of an angel looking back at him. His narrow mustache and well-trimmed beard made him feel all the more irresistible to women. In his mind, every young girl wanted him; therefore, no one was off-limits to him.

    Academically speaking, JJ (Jacob Jr.) was very intelligent. If he applied himself to his studies, he could achieve the American dream independently, without his father’s riches. But he had a dark secret, one that diminished his abilities to live a rational lifestyle. His secret was so onerous that it cost him to struggle with his academics. His ability to understand right from wrong had become dull and aloft.

    Despite his mother’s best efforts to bribe his eighth-grade teacher, he refused her advances, causing him to repeat the eighth grade. Since he felt privileged, when he did past to the ninth grade, he skipped classes so often that he failed to meet the academic requirements necessary to advance to the tenth. His failure caused him to become more hostile toward his classmates, teachers, and especially females.

    At the age of eighteen, JJ found himself in the tenth grade among fifteen- and sixteen-year-old kids. It was a common thing for him to walk the halls only to hear his classmates whispering about him behind his back.

    The mounting stress of his homelife, his academic failures, and inability to make friends devastated him. His emotional pain and legal conflicts became the components of his rage. In the tenth grade, he had become a walking time bomb that was reaching its limit.

    His father knew of his explosive nature but was powerless to defuse it. With all he had provided him, he could not understand why his oldest son was so volatile. Although he had tried to forge a father-son relationship with him, all attempts were met with stringent residence.

    There were days in his life where he had approached his wife with the thoughts of having him placed in a home for troubled boys. Those conversations ended with an unapologetic no. She gave no reason for her answer, which was puzzling to him, but because of his atypical love for her, he always caved in to her wishes.

    Where she was concerned, he was powerless to stand up to her as a man. Whatever she wanted, she got. Because of her power over him, her son had a free ticket to do and say whatever he wanted.

    She made it her mission to make sure whatever her son did would turn out to benefit him. From the multiple complaints of rape, sodomy, child molestation to his conduct in school, at her insistence, they secretively vanished.

    Jacob Sr. knew deep in his heart the harm her overprotective and often misguided actions were having on him. However, the thought of her being annoyed with him was more than he could stand. Thus, he did what she wanted whenever she wanted him to do it.

    To the detriment of his own peace of mind, he paid off families and bribed judges and police officers. On one occasion, she had forced him to pay the director of We Know Who You Are DNA Clinic to alter a rape test, when the family of a mentally challenged girl refused to drop rape charges against her son.

    After suffering the consequences of failing the eighth grade and her failure to persuade his teacher to pass him, that summer, the teacher allegedly committed suicide. It was rumored that Mr. Whitehead, a recent divorcé who was having troubles adjusting to his ex-wife’s highly publicized affair with a female student, drove to the beach during the summer break and walked into the ocean, and his body was never recovered.

    During the investigation, the take of the town was that JJ’s mother, along with an unidentified man, had been seen near Mr. Whitehead’s car the night of his suicide. Her actions taught him that their family was above the law. Deep within his soul, he knew his mother had something to do with Mr. Whitehead’s alleged suicide.

    She had escaped serious inquires by the police, despite being a person of interest on their short list of suspects. Her abilities to shield him from any severe consequence arriving from his poor choices, whether academically or socially, became the norm for him.

    The rumors had a chilling effect on those teachers who were unlucky enough to have him in their classes. Often giving in to his tirades, they would pass him on to the next ill-fated teacher.

    Yet they shared an unholy secret, one that tied them together in the most impure manner. Believing their secret was safely shared between them alone gave them a sense comfort. Unbeknown to them was the power of God and his divine ability to use others to bring to light the darkest secrets of the heart. For in their family, God had given them two special little girls who would become his ambassadors of salvation. Using his divine powers, the Holy Ghost fell upon the girls at conception, becoming their guide and teacher.

    A deep, sad commanding voice interrupted JJ’s train of thought.

    I’m so tired of paying for your freedom, son. As your father, I love you. But I don’t understand anything about you! You are naturally smart. If you applied yourself to your studies, you could be just as smart as your brother. Son, when a girl says no, that is what she means. Regardless of what she had said leading up to that moment, she has the right to change her mind. What you did to Debbie, society calls attempted rape. I am tired of paying for your selfish fleshly desires. You are driving this family into the poor house. Is that what you want? Do you want to see us in the streets? Do you want to spend your life in jail for ten minutes of carnal knowledge? Come on, son. You’re better that this!

    Jacob Sr. was a very successful stockbroker and accountant who had become as close to being a billionaire as one could come at an early age. His portfolio allowed his family to live a luxurious and carefree lifestyle. However, this was not always the case. They had struggled financially in the early years of their marriage. They knew the pains of hunger and understood what it was like not having hot running water or a warm home in the winter months. His humble beginnings were the foundation of his generosity. He understood the value of a dollar, and it hurt him deeply to throw money away. In his heart, he felt that by supporting the scandalous lifestyle of his oldest son, he was throwing away good money on bad decisions.

    However, there was also a kindness and smartness about him, which caused people to want to be around him. When permitted, he would offer advice to those struggling in the business world, a world he had dominated for years. However, the thorn in his flesh was his wife. Despite her upbringing, she had managed to hold on to her beauty and wits. From the moment he saw her, he loved her. There were no rational explanations for his feelings; nothing made sense about it. For him, he had found what millions had searched for all their lives. He had found truelove, and he would love her unconditionally for the rest of his life.

    His love was a paradoxical love. As they made a life together, she brought joy and sadness to him. It was because of her that he refused to make his son face the consequences of his actions.

    Jacob Sr. was a tall man, standing five feet, ten inches. At the age of fifty-three, he was in remarkable condition and physically fit for any task given him. His head wore a crown of short jet-black hair, combined with a few strikes of gray. His face was surprisingly smooth, given the fact he shaved every day. To touch his skin was akin to touching the skin of a newborn baby. His dark-green eyes were captivating and mesmerizing, holding those he spoke to in a nearly hypnotic conversation. Along with the eloquent way he communicated his thoughts, he completely captivated the attention of those he addressed.

    It was not lost to his wife that many women had tried to slip into his bed. She had firsthand knowledge of this fact. She had witnessed different women flirting with him and were rejected by him in the gentlest manner. With all his attributes, attributes that other women longed for, he was hopelessly in love with her, and she knew it.

    Joanna, the mother of JJ, interrupted Jacob Sr. with a soft, nearly angelic voice. Despite the softness of her voice, she was firm and supportive of her husband with her words.

    JJ was not as concerned with her dealings with him as he was with his father. Their secret afforded him the luxury of knowing that her anger toward him would be short-lived. However, his father’s anger would linger longer, but he knew his mother would shield him against his wrath.

    Son, she said, you need to listen to your father. Whenever a female says no, that is what she means. Your assumption that you are entitled to do whatever you want to do is going to land you in jail or worse in an early grave. If that janitor had not stopped you, you would have raped that girl right there in that school. Did you see those bruises on her face? Did you see her eyes? Was all that necessary…really…really? If your father hadn’t made a generous offer to settle this matter with her father, you would be in jail this very moment.

    Jacob Sr. and Terry O’Malley, the girl’s father, immediately received a call from the school’s principal. Jacob Sr. was the first to arrive. While talking to his son, Terry entered the building. Within moments of their arrival, the school nurse insisted that the principal call the authorities. The nurse was well acquainted with JJ’s appetite for chaos and felt his father would be no different. She wanted justice; she wanted JJ to suffer the consequence of his actions.

    Soon after the fathers had spoken to their children and the school officials, they conferred with each other privately. In that private meeting, they agreed to settle the situation between themselves rather than having the law involved.

    It was not lost to Terry that the Manners were one of the most powerful families in their community. Over the years, he had heard rumors about JJ from other parents and was well acquainted with his unsavory reputation with young girls.

    Worse still was his mother’s neurotic feeling to shelter him from the punishment of his bad behavior. Because he did not want his daughter to become the talk of the town or the source of Joanna’s wrath, he gave into Jacob Sr.’s proposal.

    Knowing the police was on their way, the two came up with a cover story. They would tell the police, and the public, that the incident was a misunderstanding. In fact, what had happened, per their report, was that the two teens had been playing roughly when Debbie was accidently hurt.

    Terry did not like the story Jacob Sr. had spun. However, the thought of his daughter being victimized a second time in the court of public opinion made him quaver. He decided to protect his daughter the only way he knew how—take Jacob’s more-than-generous cash offer and call it vindication for his daughter. However, he had one stipulation: that the Manner family would leave the city.

    Joanna, Jacob’s wife, at fifty years old was tall and naturally blond. Her blond hair did not fit the myth surrounding blond-haired women. She was smart, confident, and when she spoke, she spoke with authority. Her rough beginning taught her how to deal with people. She leaned the English language and knew how to use words to benefit herself—in any given situation.

    No one looking at her would have guessed as a little girl, her father abused her in the most unnatural way. That abuse led to years of drunkenness. There were days she was tempted to mix drugs with her alcohol, yet she managed those demons with perfection.

    Her six-foot one-inch body put her just a bit over her husband’s head. She used those three inches to her advantage when jousting with her husband. While looking downward upon him, combined with her demanding voice and the words she spoke, he found himself defenseless against her beauty, intellectual abilities, and strong will.

    When he gazed into her aqua-blue eyes, it became even more impossible for him to do anything other than follow her lead. Her body was lean and tone to perfection, but unlike her husband, she needed the aid of a tanning bed to maintain her bronze skin. From the years of abuse, she had learned to keep her nails trimmed, polished, and painted. Her father had insisted that she keep them that way as they highlighted her long, slender fingers.

    She rarely spoke of her childhood, and when she did, she only spoke to telephone crisis counselors. Those phone calls were filled with unpleasant accounts of the pain she endured at her father’s hands. Often those calls would end with her feeling no resolutions to her pain. Still, she found a certain measure of relief when she spoke of the numerous men she had slept with, the alcohol-fueled orgies she had attended, and the fact that her husband was clueless surrounding this part of her life.

    On the phone, she was free to speak truthfully, free to cry, and free to make plans to keep her past in the past. Despite her history of abuse, frequent orgies, and alcohol abuse, she had managed to keep her girlish figure and flirtatious ways. She had developed the art of flirting without speaking.

    The clothes she wore spoke an unspoken language—a language every hormone-raging male understood. Her revealing blouses and tight miniskirts, accessorized with sheer stockings and spiked heels, caused her to look even more exotic. She felt that she was every man’s fantasy. Moreover, she held nothing back when it came to making them desire her.

    However, to her it was all a game. To witness men and young boys drooling like dogs at the thought of having her in their beds was an emotional and sexual high. She enjoyed their eyes undressing her as she slowly walked by. She could feel their peeping eyes eagerly watching, searching, and hoping for a peek up her skirt or a glance down her blouse.

    Jacob, besieged by her beauty, actively participated in her games. He accepted her flirting with other men, choosing to believe in the stability of their marriage instead of trying to stop her. The fact that she was a high-maintenance woman who enjoyed the finer things in life added to his confidence.

    They enjoyed going out for dinner and spending time at some of the most exclusive nightclubs in town. There he would watch his wife tease and arouse the men around her. As she crossed and uncrossed her long tan legs, her skirt would rise up, showing her garter belt. It aroused Jacob to see other men straining to get a peek at his wife without alerting their wives or those around them to their sinful desires.

    This was not always true of their relationship. During the early years of their marriage, there were nights when she would leave home alone. He would sit up all night, walking the floor, looking out the window, only to jump in bed, acting as though he was fast asleep when he saw her car turn into the driveway.

    Over the years, time had taught him that he had nothing to fear. He had come to accept her for who she was—a tease, a flirt, and perhaps a flasher. He had lost all fear of her ever breaking their vows and running into the arms of another man.

    "Son, you must understand that we are not moving from New York by choice. We are leaving because this is part of

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