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When Two Worlds Collide
When Two Worlds Collide
When Two Worlds Collide
Ebook140 pages1 hour

When Two Worlds Collide

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When Two Worlds Collide is a story about a young couple who find themselves in another world. The wizard Tabuline and all his companions work with Mark, Jane, and their dog, Max, to overcome the existing dangers as well as coping with the adjacent world. Together, with the help of the people of the other world, they work to destroy the evils within. A group of people and colorful characters set out on a quest to confront and destroy the Dark Lord. If they are successful, two worlds will continue to thrive in their own dimensions. If they fail in the adjacent world, then both worlds will meet destruction.

Release dateMar 6, 2019
When Two Worlds Collide

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    Book preview

    When Two Worlds Collide - Kathleen Sandow


    When Two Worlds Collide

    Kathleen Sandow

    Copyright © 2018 Kathleen Sandow

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2018

    ISBN 978-1-64424-202-5 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64424-203-2 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    I would like to dedicate this book to my grandchildren, don’t be afraid to solve a mystery, fly into space, go on an adventure with the Eleven King, or fly a space ship in a galaxy far far away. Just open a book and take that adventure.

    Chapter One

    t was a beautiful sunny day in the month of October. The temperature outside was a brisk thirty-two degrees. A typical fall day, a day that was rare, up to this point. Then it rained, one storm after another. The glum and bad weather made several people uneasy. So when the sun finally came out from behind the clouds, Jane couldn’t resist an early morning walk.

    Jane changed from her nightclothes into a pair of jeans and sweatshirt; she quickly ran a comb through her hair, picked up her coat, and darted down the stairs, taking two steps at a time. She reached the bottom of the stairs, swung around the corner of the doorframe and sprang mockingly into the kitchen. There at the table, drinking his coffee, sat her husband, Mark.

    Let’s take a walk up on the canal. You, me, and the dog. Jane threw her arms around Mark’s neck.

    A walk? It’s probably wet. It’s cold, and I have things to do. Mark finished his coffee and put his cup back on the table.

    Lighten up. Come on. Jane handed him his coat. Mark shook his head, took the coat, and smiled.

    I’ve got things to do. Mark stared at Jane.

    They can wait. Jane opened the kitchen door, took Mark’s hand, and led him outside the house.

    Once outside, Jane breathed in slow and deep. The cool air was fresh and sharp. Mark zipped his coat and pulled his collar up to his ears. Jane began to whistle; as she did, she turned slowly in a circle.

    Let’s go. Mark took Jane’s hand and started toward the canal. They walked hand in hand through the open field. It was reaching the end of fall, and most of the leaves on the trees had fallen to the ground. The grass was brown green, and all the vegetation around them was dry and dead from the season. Jane stopped suddenly and turned toward the house. She began to smile, for there, running toward them, was Max, a golden mixed-breed dog. Max was a fairly good-sized dog with golden hair, long and neatly groomed. His ears were floppy and hung down. His bright brown eyes sparkled as the sunlight shone into them. Max ran to Jane and Mark, jumping up on Mark.

    Easy, Max, I know you’re happy to see us. Mark slapped his side and said, Come on, Max. The dog sprang several paces ahead of his master and hurried up the small incline to the canal bank. The three walked along the canal. Jane and Mark with arms around each other’s waist and Max, a few paces ahead.

    The canal was a man-made river, at one time used quite frequently by travelers going from town to town. They rode on horse-drawn boats up and down the canal, a very popular and fashionable way of travel. Those who could not afford to pay the fare traveled by foot, horseback, or ox cart. But as time moved on, the only traffic that the canal saw were small barges, weekend boaters, and young couples with pets, walking the banks. So, when Jane and Mark were walking the banks, it seemed that they left one world and entered another.

    Mark was an average-built man. He was five feet, eleven inches; was medium-built; had light brown hair; and had a dark, smooth complexion. He had an easygoing personality. At times he could be quiet, listening to the people and conversation around him, taking in the events. Other times he would be so talkative that he could talk the pants of his listener.

    Jane, on the other hand, was a person who stood up for her beliefs. She stated what was on her mind. She could be stubborn, not giving an inch. However, she learned the hard way to be very flexible. She had flaming red hair with a bronze tan complexion, black eyes, and a slim, athletic figure.

    Look over there, on the other side of the canal. Jane was looking and pointing at a large black bird. Not an ugly black bird, but a beautiful bird. Mark stood still and stared. There, on the other bank, stood a bird about four feet tall, with a long orange beak, long orange legs, and sleek, slim, shiny black body. The bird looked back. He seemed to be studying Jane and Mark. Then with the grace of a soft-blowing wind, the bird lifted its body from the ground and flew to where the couple stood. He landed several feet away. The bird looked suspiciously at the couple, oddly unafraid. Max came bounding up the bank and stopped, cocking his head to the right, and lifting his ears slightly.

    Jane stared in amazement. What’s he doing?

    I don’t know, said Mark.

    It’s strange; it’s as if this bird wants to speak, said Jane.

    The bird moved toward the two. Max sniffed at the ground. He moved forward, cocking his head with curiosity. The big bird looked at the dog. Max barked once, and then sat down.

    Max? What’s the matter? Mark turned toward Jane, giving her a puzzled look. He turned back to Max. Max. Mark looked back at Jane. It’s as if that bird told him to sit.

    I did.

    Mark looked at the bird. Was that the bird?

    My name is Pic. I was sent here to search for the three of you. The bird walked up to Max.

    Birds can’t talk. I’m imagining this, said Mark.

    Birds from your world don’t talk, but from my world, birds talk, horses talk, almost every living thing talks.

    Where are you from, Pic? said Jane.

    I’m from a world that is parallel to your world, a different dimension. Pic fluffed his feathers.

    A different dimension. I don’t believe it, Jane said.

    Believe it, fair lady, I’ve been searching long for you three. Your world, as well as mine, is in great danger, a danger that only you three can stop.

    Mark and Jane stood together in shock. Save worlds? What are you talking about?

    Just wait, my job is done. My master is on his way. Be patient. Pic fluffed his feathers once again.

    Just then, there was a large flash of light, a big crack, and a puff of smoke. Jane and Mark covered their eyes. As the air cleared, there, before them, stood an old man in a blue-black robe with a cap on his head and a long staff in his hand, with him stood two other people and a dog. They looked like Jane and Mark.

    My name is Tabuline, wizard of life. I have searched long for you. Pic has waited for you to come to the canal.

    I don’t understand. I’m confused. What is happening, Jane? This is a dream. Mark put his hands to his head.

    No, Mark, it’s not a dream. This is happening. It’s real. Sit and I’ll explain. Tabuline snapped his fingers, and a small stool appeared. The wizard sat down, and the two people who came with him sat cross-legged on the ground beside him. Max and his double sat on the ground. The wizard began his story. Jane could not help but notice how comfortable the wizard made her feel.

    "For several months, your world has experienced rainstorm after rainstorm, just as our world. The only difference is that your world is more advanced. Your people are able to deal with it. Our world suffers more. The shadows are creeping over our world. The shadows are causing human devastation, putting a heavy burden on all living creatures. In your world, the evil darkness brings a heavy heart, uneasy feelings, great powers, and great nations becoming nervous. Your world is heading for a nuclear destruction.

    As we sit and talk, your country and the other big countries of your world are moving slowly toward a nuclear holocaust. When that happens, both worlds will perish. The events of our world are what are moving the events of your world. In order to stop both worlds from destruction, the three of you must enter our world and stop the dark power.

    But how can Jane, Max, and I stop a dark power? We’re just common mortal people. We have no powers, said Mark.

    "But you do. Not in your world but in our world. Your gold rings and your gold-colored dog combined together can stop the dark power, as well

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