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Show in Time
Show in Time
Show in Time
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Show in Time

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What would happen when a modern day doctor meets a mysterious man? Meet Sylvia, who is transported to the world, that she knows nothing about, into the arms of a man who is more than she expects. And the sparks fly...

Release dateSep 1, 2015
Show in Time

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    Book preview

    Show in Time - Agnieszka Roeske

    Chapter 1

    This was not your ordinary show that the girls were watching. Sylvia and Maggie were friends. Best friends from high school. Sylvia went to medical school and Maggie went to business school. They always kept in touch. Sylvia was an only child to her doctor parents. Her mother died a few years prior to her graduation. Maggie had one brother. She had a lot of heartache in her young life. The girls were like sisters. Maggie came to Sylvia’s apartment to watch the show, like they always did, on Thursday afternoon. It was the commercial time. Maggie went to the kitchen to get something to drink. The show stopped, when the main hero stole back the cattle from some bad guy. He took the cattle from poor villagers, who happen to live on the hero’s lands. The show unexpectedly came back on. Sylvia noticed the hero, Jaime of Thornshire on the screen. He wore a black cape. His face was covered by the black hood. Sylvia went closer to the television. She was always drawn to this fictional man. Nobody knew anything about the actor playing Jaime. The girls went on the Internet to search, but found nothing. The show was about Jaime’s secret identity. He was always helping people in danger, but he was also a smuggler of goods for poor people.

    Nobody knew who was the black knight on the show. Nobody was certain how the show even got on the television.

    Sylvia said out loud. I just want to see your handsome face. She touched the hood. She touched the hood! There was no screen between her fingers and the man. The man in the hood lifted his face and looked at her. She was so surprised that she forgot to scream.

    He smiled. Now what, lass? he asked.

    Kiss me came out of her mouth.

    Aye, he said and took her lips in possession. His lips were so soft and dangerously sexy at the same time. She felt like in heaven. She was kissed before, but this was so different and so much better. He broke the kiss. They both were panting. Panting for heaven sakes!

    Kiss me again! she demanded. He did as asked. She wanted to touch that handsome face. She did with one hand; in the other she still had her cell phone. She just spoke to her father. She quickly put the phone into her pants’ pocket. She grabbed his face and kissed him with all she had. It was such a nice dream. She was going to live her dream until she wakes up. He broke the kiss again. Sylvia looked at him. He wore all black. The hood fell off his head, revealing long, dark blond hair. His face was extremely handsome. His brown eyes were smiling and were surprised at the same time. He had a square jaw and full lips that she loved. She was infatuated with the man from the show. He was over six feet tall and muscular. He was perfect. She saw him without a shirt on, just once, when he was going to make love to one of the girls from a tavern. How she wished to be that girl.

    Who are you, lass? he asked, looking at her carefully.

    She realized she was sitting on his horse, in front of him. She was not in her apartment anymore. She looked back and she saw just a hilltop. She looked back at him. I am Sylvia, Jaime of Thornshire, she said, smiling.

    How do you ken who I am? he asked suspiciously. Did Lord Dreyfus send you?

    Oh no, Jaime! she quickly said. This man is pure evil. I saw what he is capable of. I would never want to be next to him. He murdered your poor aunt—

    Who are you? How did you get here? How do you ken about my aunt? He grabbed her by the shoulders. Are you a witch, lass?

    You are hurting me, Jaime, she said, looking at his arms. He loosened his grip. I am not a witch! I know what Lord Dreyfus did to those poor girls, whom he accused of witchcraft. My name is Sylvia Tomaszewska. I do not know how I appeared here, but I am happy I did. You are my dream, Jaime, she said and kissed his cheek. You are more handsome in person than on the screen.

    What I am to do with you, lass? he asked, confused. He looked at her. He had to admit, she was a true beauty. Her hair was long, blond, and tied up into a loose ponytail. Her face was blemish free. Her lips were perfectly kissable. She tasted like strawberries. She was not scared of him, which he found refreshing. To the contrary, she found him handsome and dreamy.

    I do not know, but maybe you could take me to your castle and ravish me. She laughed. Her laughter sounded like pretty bells.

    I still do not ken what and who you are, lass, but I must take you to my keep, and then question you. After that I will ravish you, he said and turned his horse around.

    She got shivers. He noticed.

    You must be a spy for Lord Dreyfus. You wear a lad’s garb,he said and roamed his left hand all over her. She said nothing. She had a white T-shirt that was almost see-through. He could probably see her white lacy bra underneath it. Her legs were covered by a pair of hugging jeans and a pair of yellow socks.

    No way! I am not spy of that cruel man! she disagreed. I would kill him myself, if I could. And my clothes… well… all ladies wear it where I am from. You do not like what I wear, Jaime? she asked sweetly.

    I… I… do not care for your attire, lass, but my servants will, he said, not quite sincere. He really liked what the lass—Sylvia—was wearing. He could see her whole body in it. She was like a morsel. All of the sudden, his britches got a bit uncomfortable. He hit gently the horse with his stirrups. The horse started to go.

    Sylvia looked around. They were somewhere in Ireland. It was in the middle of the night. The moon shone brightly. It was really beautiful outside, but it was the beginning of December. Where she left, it was June, and now she was in the middle of the winter, in beautiful Ireland. The ground was covered by a fluffy blanket of snow. She started to shiver. Jaime pulled her closer to his big chest. He pulled the cape around both of them.

    We will be in the keep, soon, he said. She felt his heart next to her ear. He smelled so fine. Like a sandalwood and some other spices. She started to shiver even more. It was really cold out here. She was not dressed to take a horse ride. She also knew that Jaime’s castle was not that far. Even though, in the middle of the winter, close ride without proper clothes was just suicide.

    Oh, Jaime, she said and looked up at him. I am really cold.

    Her feet started to feel like a popsicles.

    I ken, lassie, he said looking back at her. We are almost there. I will make you warm, I promise you.

    He did worry about the woman in his arms. She did not look fragile, but anybody without good garb would freeze to death in this weather. He liked to hold her in his arms. She was different. She even suggested to him to be ravished. He smiled. No woman ever would have suggested such a thing. Where in heaven sakes she appeared from? He was just overlooking the cattle, being put right back in the barn. Out of nowhere, she appeared in front of him. First he just noticed her face, talking sweetly to him. Then she touched his face. Next thing, she demanded to be kissed by him. He could not say nay to that. She was a beautiful lass. He could feel his cousin Ian’s hand in the lass appearance. He was not too shocked to see the lass. His cousin was an amazing man, with a true and strange gift at the same time. He just knew it was Ian. He was going to have a chat with the man this night. Now he had to make a beautiful lass warm. He noticed she shivered, like an autumn leaf. He finally saw the keep. He did not go to the gates; instead, he turned his horse to the shore. He was going to enter the castle through his secret door. Once he got to the secret gate, his most trusted servants came into the view. He was a big and tall guy. He wore a long, dark coat.

    My lord, he said, looking the girl, may I be of help?

    Aye, Marty, he said, unwrapping Sylvia. Take the lass from me.

    The servant did without a word. Jaime jumped down from his horse and took the girl back into his arms. He rushed up the steep stairs.

    How are you feeling, Sylvia lass? he asked her, looking at her pale, pretty face. She was just shivering.

    Oh, Jaime…,she whispered. I am just so cold.She shivered.

    I ken, lassie. I will make you warm, he promised. He went straight into his study. There was another servant waiting. It was his personal butler, Cliff.

    My lord…? he asked with surprise.

    I need some warm blankets for the lady… and bring some brandy, he ordered. When the servant left, Jaime took Sylvia into his arms and sat with her on the sofa. I am going to kill Ian, he said.

    Oh Jaime… I always wanted to see your castle in person.She shivered again. It is so beautiful here.She smiled gently. Then Cliff came back with a bundle of blankets and a glass of liquor. Jaime got up.

    Drink it, lassie, Jaime said, holding the glass for her while the servant was putting the blankets around the girl. She took a big gulp. The tears sprung to her eyes, but she did not cough. She wanted to show Jaime she can drink his liquor. She was still shivering, but the inside of her got a bit warmer.

    Can I help you, my lord? asked the servant.

    No. That will be it, for now, Cliff, he said. I will call for you when I need you.

    Jaime took the girl’s feet and started to rub them. Sylvia was sipping the liquor. She started to feel so much better. Handsome Irish rubbing her feet. She was sitting in his study. It was night. They were alone. She smiled.

    How are you feeling, lass? he asked not really comfortable. He realized what he was doing and stopped. He put her feet down.

    I am better, she said. Thank you, Jaime.

    How do you ken my name? he asked and turned to the fire in the fireplace. Sylvia slowly got to her feet.

    I watched you on the screen, she said. You are an amazing man. She touched his shoulder. The only thing I am scared for you is the smuggling business.

    He turned around shocked. What did you say, lass?

    I said, that I am scared for you—

    I ken what you said, he said angrily. Who the hell are you, wench? Now he was truly angry.Who sent you?"

    I promise you, Jaime, nobody sent me here, she said and got a bit scared of him. She never saw this side of him. This is a dream, Jaime. I will wake up soon and you will be gone.

    You think it is but a dream? he asked angrily. Let me show it is no dream, he said and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her still angry. He was really tough on her lips. His tongue burst into her mouth. She was not scared of this side of him. It was actually exciting. She did not let him win and she bit his lower lip. His hands got under her T-shirt. He pulled her closer to his chest. She felt his shaft all hard and wanting. She moaned into his mouth. She grabbed his shoulders and held him tight. Two could play this game. She was a modern woman. He was a strong medieval warrior who just met his match. She watched the show really carefully. She knew that Jaime was very careful when it comes to the trust. Somebody had to win his trust. He was a good man and a brave one too. He had just a few trusted servants in his service. Rest of the servants were unaware of Jaime’s business line of work. One could say he was a version of Robin Hood. His love life was a different story. He was definitely a womanizer. The girls ate from the palms of his hands. She would not allow him, but kissing this man was just an amazing thing.

    All right, vixen, he said and pushed away. She fell to the floor. She looked surprised at him.

    Tell me everything you ken, he said not feeling bad about her being on the ground.

    She got to her senses. How could you push me to the floor, you bumpkin? She got up and cleaned her pants. Just to think, I was in love with you, stupid man. Do you honestly think, with all I know about you, I would be here? Would I not run to someone who hates you? Why would I be here with you?

    Because you like me to kiss you.He smiled.

    Oh you… She got angry. So what if I do? It is just a fling. Means nothing to you and means nothing to me too.

    Oh, but you are wrong, vixen, he said coming up to her. You love me.

    I did until you pushed me to the floor. You like to manhandle women, do you not? she accused him.

    Nay, lass, he said. You are the first woman I had to manhandle. I am truly sorry for it, lass, he said and cradled her in his arms. I am not certain of you. I am not certain if you’re telling the truth. You ken too much about me.

    Oh, Jaime. I know about you, because I watched you on the screen, she tried to explain.

    You said that again, he said with his face in her hair. "What is the screen, lass?

    I think I can tell you, said a man voice coming from the door. Jaime jumped away from Sylvia. The girl almost run to the man at the door.

    Ian? She smiled with shock. What are you doing here? She was asking him in Polish.

    I am here to help you save this bumpkin. He laughed. They both looked surprised at Jaime.

    Chapter 2

    Well, is this not a surprise. You ken each other? asked Jaime. Perhaps you could tell me, cousin, how did you come to ken the wench? he asked sitting in the chair in front of the fireplace.

    Watch your tongue, warned Ian. She is not your usual wench. She is a lady. She is a doctor—

    A medic… you say? He laughed. A woman cannot be trusted with man’s body. They are cunning creatures. Unless they want to lessen man’s bodily needs.

    Wait a minute, buster, Sylvia said loudly and came up to Jaime. I know you use women for your needs. Please believe me, when I say, I was so close to fall for your crap. And she showed him with fingers how close she was. I even thought it would be a good idea to have a… an experience with you… since it is a dream. But now you can forget about me being in your bed.

    Jaime was so shocked. Ian laughed so hard that tears filled his eyes.

    You see, said Jaime, she even talks like a tavern wench. Ladies do not talk like her.

    Where I come from, women talk freely, she said and pointed her finger at him. I do not care that you are some man with a title, who, I must sadly admit, manhandles women. I do have a title on my own and it is Doctor Tomaszewska. At least I did work for it, not like you, sir… You just inherited it.

    Ian was laughing so loud that probably the whole castle could hear him.

    Enough! roared Jaime standing up from his chair. I rescued you from cold weather and you’re insulting me, you—

    Sylvia…, she said not so brave. She was just so upset with him. I am sorry, Your Lordship, but you started it. And thank you for rescuing me. She bowed.

    Do not mock at me, warned Jaime.

    I am not, sir, she said surely. You know, Jaime I did not know this side of you. You look so handsome and kind on the screen.

    Screen? What is a screen? he asked her. She was incredibly beautiful and brave to stand up to him. He never met a woman willing to stand up to him. It was unusual and he really enjoyed it. The trouble was she was under his roof. He could not possibly be insulted by a lass he just met—well found.

    I can explain to you, cousin, said Ian. Screen is the size of a trunk… Sylvia know you from it.

    A trunk? he asked confused.

    You ken when you go to the theater, to see a play?Ian asked. Jaime nodded yes.

    Well, Sylvia saw you like in a play, but in a size of trunk. She is no spy, assured his cousin.

    Please explain to me how she appeared on my horse, Jaime asked still confused.

    She is from the future, said Ian looking carefully at the man in front of him. You see I put your life in the play for people to see.

    What? roared Jaime. Now certainly I will be hanged.

    Nay, disagreed Ian. The play was showed only in the future. Nobody in our time ken anything about you and your life.

    Are you daft, cousin? asked Jaime. I ken you have your gift… but from all the mad things you did, this is the most dangerous. Why would you bring a lass from the future? She seems to ken everything about me.

    You ken I do not approve of your doings… from the same reason you are afraid. I do not want to have you hanged or something else. You like a brother to me. The only family I have left,

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