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Stress Less and Soar More: Second Edition
Stress Less and Soar More: Second Edition
Stress Less and Soar More: Second Edition
Ebook257 pages3 hours

Stress Less and Soar More: Second Edition

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About this ebook

During this eight-week journey, you will realize that exchanging stress for strength, love, and power is possible. As you utilize the weekly activities, God will reveal who he is and how much he loves you. You will find a measure of God's comfort as you learn to be spirit-led, not self-led. Studying scripture strengthens your relationship, trust, and love for God. If you are willing, you will learn life life-changing habits:


* How to work through conflict to build trust


*Surrender-obedience exercises

*True and kind words to ourselves

*How to know if relationships are healthy or destructive

*To apply boundaries to build healthy relationships

*To enjoy therapeutic relaxations to memorize scripture

*Visual Reminders to protect our hearts and give up our burdens

The three parts of Stress Less and Soar More offer unbeatable convenience by providing the week's lessons, the daily Bible verse, and relaxation devotions. Participating in all three allows God to pour a stream of truth, love, and grace into your heart and mind. You will enjoy the stories and activities, which will help you remember what you have learned and practiced.

Release dateNov 24, 2022
Stress Less and Soar More: Second Edition

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    Book preview

    Stress Less and Soar More - Leigha Sage


    Stress Less and Soar More

    An Eight-Week Ministry to Encourage Faith and Diminish Stress

    Leigha Sage

    ISBN 979-8-88540-958-2 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88540-959-9 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Leigha Sage

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

    Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge, 1769. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) are from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are from the New Living Translation. Copyright 2004: Tyndale House Publishers.

    1. Religion, Christian Life, Devotional

    2. Self-help, Stress Management

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Vinegar or Living Water

    Week 1, Day 1

    Week 1, Day 2

    Week 1, Day 3

    Week 1, Day 4

    Week 1, Day 5

    Week 1, Day 6

    Week 1, Day 7

    Week 1 Checklist

    God Wonderfully Created Us and Sent His Son to Save Us

    Week 2, Day 1

    Week 2, Day 2

    Week 2, Day 3

    Week 2, Day 4

    Week 2, Day 5

    Week 2, Day 6

    Week 2, Day 7

    Week 2 Checklist

    God Is Faithful

    Week 3, Day 1

    Week 3, Day 2

    Week 3, Day 3

    Week 3, Day 4

    Week 3, Day 5

    Week 3, Day 6

    Week 3, Day 7

    Week 3 Checklist

    Seeking God and His Kingdom

    Week 4, Day 1

    Week 4, Day 2

    Week 4, Day 3

    Week 4, Day 4

    Week 4, Day 5

    Week 4, Day 6

    Week 4, Day 7

    Week 4 Checklist

    The Spirit of Love, Power, and Self-Control

    Week 5, Day 1

    Week 5, Day 2

    Week 5, Day 3

    Week 5, Day 4

    Week 5, Day 5

    Week 5, Day 6

    Week 5, Day 6

    Week 5 Checklist

    Press on Toward the Goal in Christ Jesus

    Week 6, Day 1

    Week 6, Day 2

    Week 6, Day 3

    Week 6, Day 4

    Week 6, Day 5

    Week 6, Day 6

    Week 6, Day 7

    Week 6 Checklist

    God's Unfailing Love

    Week 7, Day 1

    Week 7, Day 2

    Week 7, Day 3

    Week 7, Day 4

    Week 7, Day 5

    Week 7, Day 6

    Week 7, Day 7

    Week 7 Checklist

    Who Is in Control?

    Week 8, Day 1

    Week 8, Day 2

    Week 8, Day 3

    Week 8, Day 4

    Week 8, Day 5

    Week 8, Day 6

    Week 8, Day 7

    Week 8 Checklist

    Final Thoughts

    Appendix A

    About the Author


    This devotional ministry is in praise and thanksgiving to the one true God, our comforter.

    I want to thank my husband, Craig, for teaching me to laugh at myself and encouraging a cheerful heart.

    I want to thank my parents, Tom and Carolyn Nelson, who let Jesus shine in their life.

    I want to think the following:

    Christian Faith Publishing Company

    Don Cloutman, Brenda Van Voorhees, Addie Hodge, Ruth Pate, and Jane Wiens for assisting with editing and being my encouragers.

    I will always be grateful to David and Jean Gibbs for all their support while God was healing my wounded heart!


    While journeying through stress, depression, and anxiety, I wanted a relaxation tool that included encouraging scriptures intertwined with muscle-relaxation exercises.

    I desired the ministry to allow me to be in God's Scripture to see his promises come true. I knew deep relaxations would calm my mind and nervous system and help heal my brain. However, I desired meditation and relaxation to encourage my relationship with Christ. After not finding what I was looking for, I felt compelled to develop this ministry for others.

    We need a ministry program to relax, restore, and renew in today's rushed society. Stress Less and Soar More is easy reading, whether during morning coffee, taking a break after lunch, or relaxing in your PJs at bedtime. This ministry helps you meditate and apply the Scriptures throughout your day.

    The three parts of Stress Less and Soar More include the week's lessons, the daily Bible verse, and relaxation devotions. All three will allow God to pour a stream of truth, love, and grace into your heart and mind. Stress Less and Soar More offer unbeatable convenience into your hectic, fast-paced life.

    You will love the relaxation exercises that help you memorize Bible scriptures. Be sure to complete all eight lessons in sequence. After you have finished each one, you will want to pick your favorite Bible relaxations to use repeatedly. Using this ministry will promote God's words to change your life, while the deep relaxation may speed up calming emotions and diminish anxiety.

    God desires us to put on his full armor before going out into the daily battlefield. This ministry will encourage you to consistently replace lies communicated to us with God's truth and be ready to tell the hope we have in Christ. God's words and the power of his spirit will encourage you to wear the helmet of salvation, so you rest in being God's child. The helmet of salvation assures you of what Christ has completed for us so we can spend eternity with Christ.

    As you begin Stress Less and Soar More, know God desires to minister to you. He will start to reveal to you how much he loves you, and it is my prayer that you will enjoy this ministry and find a measure of God's comfort as you complete the eight-week study. Expect sweeter sleep, soothing joys, and solid biblical habits formed to manage daily stress as you navigate through this devotional.

    Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. (2 Corinthians 1:3–5 NIV)

    Directions for relaxation devotions: If you want to relax and be refreshed, go to @stresslessandsoarmoreminis4534 (to listen to the Biblical relaxations). Rest and renewal are vital for everyone. Recall when you first learned to play an instrument, ride a bike, or play sports. Learning to relax deeply also takes practice. The practice will be worth it because deep relaxation is healing for you, and it will help you absorb and memorize God's words.

    You will need to remind yourself to be patient and consistent, as practicing is necessary to become proficient. Once you have relaxation skills, you can use them anytime and anyplace. Before starting the exercises, take a few minutes and read Genesis 2:7 and John 20:22. God uses breath in the Bible and gives us each the gift of breath. Science and research show the value of deep breathing to help heal the body and mind. You may want to Google research on breath control and stress.

    Directions: Please note that you want to listen to your relaxation CD in a very comfortable place. Feel free to dim or shut off the lights before beginning.

    It will be essential to practice deep breathing correctly. Breathe in air through your nose, so your stomach and bottom of your chest rise. Place your hands on your sides by your lungs. When you breathe in deep, feel your lungs expand. This correct breathing will ensure that you are filling your lungs with air. Make sure you breathe in deep like you are trying to breathe in the air to distribute it through your whole body. Next, make sure you let the air out of your mouth slowly and steadily.

    During the relaxation exercise, it may help to visualize a comfortable place (in the warm sun at the beach, by a cozy fireplace, or relaxing in your favorite pajamas, etc.)

    Warning: Do not listen to the relaxation devotions in a vehicle while you are driving. If you listen to the relaxation devotions in a vehicle as a passenger, use headphones, so the driver does not become sleepy.

    Week 1

    Vinegar or Living Water

    Week 1, Day 1

    Vinegar or Living Water

    Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

    —Proverbs 12:25 (NLT)

    Kind words are a simple but powerful prescription. It might appear simple, but we often overlook them. Therapists recognize that for their clients to heal, they need to find the beliefs holding them captive and reframe them with kind and true thoughts.

    Changing these thoughts and beliefs can gently move someone from denial to acceptance. For example, someone may not realize from negative experiences that a core belief has become, What I strive for does not matter; it will not work out. They cannot uncover this buried belief without help. Instead, they wonder why there is no motivation each day when they get up. One of this ministry's integral goals is to help you find your thoughts to reframe.

    Instead of kind, comforting words, we pressure ourselves by believing we need to fix someone or the situation. We are not fixers, but we are to be good stewards. God is the healer. One of God's characteristics is compassion (Psalm 103:13). We will see glimpses of other characteristics of God in today's lesson and in the weeks ahead. Yet we often beat ourselves up with our thoughts.

    Kind words are a prescription from our all-knowing God, so do not think it is too simple to make a profound difference. Do not dismiss the power of kind words. Start today by fully accepting God's grace and love. Receiving God's grace and love will allow you to be compassionate with yourself as God has modeled to you. Tell yourself, I am valuable and willing to learn and grow in Christ. We will add practical ways to reduce and contain worry on day 4.

    How does God draw people to him? When we have questions, it is essential to look to Scripture to ensure truth. Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV) says, The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying, ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.'

    Romans 2:4 (NIV) states, Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kingdom, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance. If we do not humble ourselves and accept the riches and kindness he offers us through repentance, as it goes on in verse 5, we will receive righteous judgment for all we have done. Praise God for his kindness, compassion, and grace!

    Things are not always as they seem. It is probably safe to say that some habits, thoughts, and words may not be helpful. The following story will help us remember the different effects of living water versus anxiety-provoking thoughts, words, and actions.

    My sister, Kim, and her husband have identical twin girls, Kolbi and Kyndal. The girls were six and had their hearts set on getting a new puppy. They begged, pleaded, and did extra chores, but their mom continued to answer no.

    For several months, the twins occasionally pleaded for a puppy. As my sister taught first grade, a coworker brought tadpoles to show the students. Kim started thinking about what a perfect pet the tadpoles would be for the girls. She took two tadpoles home to the girls in a little plastic bag. She walked in the door, enthusiastic about their new pet adventure. Kim somehow convinced the twins this was the pet for the family.

    The girls were beginning to believe the tadpoles would be good pets. Everyone was chatting about watching the tadpoles eventually turn into frogs. They named the tadpoles Bob and Harry. Grandma was starting to join in as the enthusiasm was radiating from Kim and the girls.

    Kim decided to get the tadpoles into a better habitat, so she went with the girls to get a big jar. Grandma volunteered to go to her panty to get the distilled water needed for the tadpoles' new home. The girls were saying, Thank you, Mom. We love Bob and Harry.

    The girls' eyes were wide with excitement as they poured their bag of water with the tadpoles into a larger jar. Nearly simultaneously, Grandma poured in the distilled liquid from the gallon jug. The tadpoles took one last wiggle and went straight to the bottom. The vinegar smell became apparent. It looked like water, with distilled written on the jug, but she had grabbed distilled vinegar. The girls were crying, and everyone was sad. They decided to prepare for the tadpole's funeral to help with the shock of grief.

    Reflect upon living water versus vinegar as you go through this devotional guide. Carefully examine your thoughts and words to yourself and others. Are you sharing drops of vinegar? Or are you sharing living water? Asking the Holy Spirit to lead us to find the vinegar in our life will be necessary for growth. A relationship with Christ and knowing him will provide living water.

    When you talk to others, beware of communication and relationship stoppers, such as saying, You're too sensitive or You need to get over that. Instead say, I hear you working through that. I will gladly listen. I know God is willing to carry your burden and change it to something beautiful. Contrarily, vinegar words may be using religion to control people, bring shame, or tear down someone.

    Through these devotions, you will reduce stress by learning and practicing to no longer be easily offended, ashamed, angered, or take on guilt that is not yours. You will also reduce stress by learning to handle conflict with love. Once you trust yourself to handle conflict the way God teaches, including when to walk away, you will begin to soar on wings fueled by grace. (See Appendix A for ideas of what to say and what not to say to the brokenhearted.)

    Kind words are helpful when motivated by love and truth.

    On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness. We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else. (1 Thessalonians 2:4–6 NIV)

    The first step to offering compassion is checking the thoughts and words we give ourselves and others. If you are experiencing depression or anxiety, you will be motivated to make changes as you go through this ministry. The love and compassion you receive from Christ will encourage you to provide yourself and others with honest and comforting words.

    Let's ask the Holy Spirit to start this change with this meek verse from Proverbs and practice this biblical habit of offering kind, eternal words. Watch out for compassion killers—such as gossip, judgment, and being critical. Are you aware of your thoughts throughout your day? To make changes, we will learn to catch our negative thoughts that are not true and replace them with trustworthy and good thoughts. We also have to stop our critical words to others. Everyone has negative thoughts pop into their head. Just think of it as a chance to replace it with the truth, which will comfort you. It takes practice and persistence, but it will become easier.

    Daily Prayer

    Lord, you alone are holy and praiseworthy. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, help me hear your truth and absorb it daily. Forgive me and help me refrain from flattery,

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