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His whole life, Corvan Black had everything handed to him. Money, women, the title of alpha to his pack. There was nothing he wanted for that he couldn't get, until Celine came along.

Celine Woods, the underdog, the misfit, always struggled for things in her life, but nonetheless, she always made it through. Is she going to let Corvan walk all over her like everyone else in her life? Will she finally stand up for herself and become the strong woman she is destined to be? Will she take feminism to a new level?

Release dateFeb 1, 2022

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    Book preview

    Untamed - Caitlyn Herrera

    Chapter 1


    Today is the day we meet the new alpha. His name is Corvan, but we have to refer to him as Alpha Corvan It’s proper and tradition. He is not mated yet, so he’s not really a popular topic with the elders. He’s twenty-three, which isn’t bad, but it kind of gets on the elders’ nerves a little that we don’t have a Luna. He has spent most of his time sleeping around and fucking off, but that’s typical for a young handsome alpha.

    Although he has had his share of women, he’s a massive player and doesn’t keep them around long, which is not surprising, but it is surprising that he hasn’t mated yet, seeing as how he’s slept with almost every young female on the compound.

    Who would tell him no, though? He is gorgeous. He stands 6'5", has dark almost-black eyes naturally, he has long wavy dark-brown hair, with golden accents from the sun that hits just below his shoulders. He has an honored amount of tattoos from his kills as an alpha. He has to fight others to keep his status standing strong, but it’s not just a fight—it’s to the death. They cover both of his arms up and down and covers his whole chest. I’ve never seen them, but I’ve heard stories. He is a very large guy, roughly three times the size of our average wolf in human form; that’s how you can tell he’s an alpha. Human form and wolf form, he is an intimidating creature, large and easy to spot in any crowd.

    I am Celine Wood. I am twenty-one, and I work at a coffee shop during the day, and then at night, I work at the pack house, usually making dinner and preparing midnight snacks to keep the fridge stocked for the betas and the alpha who live in the pack house. The omegas and deltas live on the compound, but in their own homes.

    I have long black hair, curly most of the time, but it’s so heavy and thick it’s generally wavy when it’s tamed. I have bright-blue eyes; I got them from my mother. I’m not an average slender female wolf. I have curves, and I’m on the bigger side. I have never had a stomach, but for some reason, I’ve always had ass and hips and a full chest, but around here, it’s not common.

    My parents went rogue when I was about fourteen. The alpha took me in and let me work in the pack house until I was old enough to be organized into a class. I would either end up rogue, beta, delta, or omega, but I’ve always had a smart mouth and don’t do as told very well, so everyone always joked I’d become a rogue too. I think I’m just stubborn and headstrong, but it’s looked down upon, unless you’re an alpha.

    The welcoming party for the new alpha begins at 8:00 a.m. I get up and go to work, and I normally get there around 5:30. I work at a coffee shop, and most people who wake up early for work at 6:30 a.m.–7:00 a.m. want coffee as soon as they get around. I’ve had this job since I was sixteen, and it’s been great for extra cash since I get tips and paid by the hour. I get off at 3:00 p.m., but today I have time to go home and relax for an hour and then have to be at the pack house by 5:00 p.m. for my daily chores there. My work at the pack house pays my rent to live on my own within the compound. This was an agreement that the alpha gave to me when my parents went rogue. I’ve pretty much lived on my own since then and have learned everything myself.

    I am invited to the party, but after my daily chores. I don’t have to cook dinner tonight since there was a catering for the party thrown for Alpha Corvan. Thank goddess! Sometimes I just really hate cooking. I go ahead and do the dishes and make the snacks. It never fails that snacks are their favorite part, so it’s always a must on my list of chores.

    I hear a laugh at the doorway; it is Stacia and her pack of whores. See, Stacia is the pack slut; she’s been with just about as many people as Corvan has. She hasn’t found her mate yet, but it’s probably because she will find a pimp instead. I laugh at my own thoughts, that was a pretty good one.

    Look at old miss maid in here, cleaning and cooking like the good servant that she is! she says.

    Oh haha, Stacia, you are so original. Would you just go find the next wolf you’re going to bone and leave me the hell alone! I snap back at her.

    I will, honey, don’t you worry. And don’t be in here fingering yourself to the thought of me fucking the brains out of all these hot wolves here! She laughs again, thinking she’s the center of the universe. Her whore pack laughs too. Do they actually hear how stupid they sound?

    "I will sure try my best not to, but it’s just so hard, though, since I just want to be you so bad!" I say in the most sarcastic tone I have.

    I don’t think she liked my comment very much, so she turned and walked off. I swear, she is the walking billboard ad for STDs! Ugh, she just grosses me out.

    It’s almost time for the party, and I’m running late. I just finished my chores, and I have to go home and get dressed. Lucky for me, it’s only a mile down the road. The compound is rather large, with high security. I get into my car, an older model black Mustang, and drive home. I would run, but I don’t want to smell like a wet wolf and look all crazy. I, at least, want to look nice this time. I never get out, and I damn sure deserve this. I’m only going for the booze and free food I didn’t have to cook!

    I get home, and my goal is to look unrecognizable. I normally dress in jeans and a tee, since I work so much. Tonight I think I’ll go with my favorite black heel booties, a black skirt that ends above the knee, a lace cami, and a destroyed-look denim jacket. So cute and badass, yet so comfy. I straighten my hair since I always wear it in a bun, for working purposes, and it falls to my hips; it’s so long, but I love letting down my hair!

    I finally get my makeup done with a smoky eye, mascara, and dark, dark red lipstick. I take a look in the mirror, and I don’t even recognize myself. Wow, bitch, you look fine! says my wolf. I think I really impressed her. She’s always begging to come out, but she’s always horny or vicious and mouthy. So for the sake of keeping my job and my living situation, I keep her pretty much shut in. She comes out when we all shift and do our runs, but that’s basically it. I steer clear of all conflict so I don’t have to risk it because she’s pretty easy to come out and extremely hard to fight to pull back in.

    I finally am back at the pack house; this wolf is ready to party! I park my car in my usual parking space and check my hair and makeup once again. It’s now or never, I tell myself, but I have a sudden weird feeling. I almost feel sick to my stomach. Must be nerves, so I shake it off and get out of the car.

    Chapter 2


    I walk into the pack house and go to the grand hall, where all the parties and banquets are thrown.

    It’s only for special occasions, like today, that they open the grand hall like this. There are waiters walking around with appetizers and champagne on their trays. There are giant lit-up chandeliers that resembles floating lights. Sheer white curtains hung up everywhere, to make it look magical, and an abundance of mostly green florals and ivy everywhere that make it have a woodsy feel. It makes us, wolves, feel right at home.

    I grab a glass of champagne and start wandering around. I make eye contact with a few males and get some smiles out of them. Holy shit! I’m being recognized and in a good way!

    Just as I’m about to grab another glass, I hear someone clinking their knife off of a glass to get everyone’s attention.

    Thank you, everyone, for being here tonight as we celebrate our new alpha. We appreciate and respect each and every one of you and hope that you enjoy your night to the fullest. Drink, dance, eat, mate, and don’t forget to have a hell of a fun time! the speaker says.

    Well, that sounds easy enough!

    I have been smelling something so intoxicating all night; they must have had some amazing cleaners come in before the party because it is amazing. At this point, I’ve had a few too many drinks. I’m a wolf, so I can hold alcohol pretty well, until I just basically can’t anymore. It normally takes quite a while. I’ve danced so much with a few different guys tonight, I have never felt more alive, more free, or more happy. I feel the need to go to the bathroom all of a sudden, I’ve drank so much I am about to explode.

    I get to the long hallway that leads to the bathroom, and my wolf if going insane.

    Do you smell that? she keeps asking. That smell is invigorating, and she’s purring up a storm.

    I’m assuming she likes that smell too. I enter the bathroom and go pee. I was holding that for an eternity, it seemed. I’m almost done when I hear the door to the bathroom open. It’s weird to say hello or who’s there when there’s more than one stall available, so I just finish up. I open the stall door, head down, exiting, and am startled when I bump into the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen standing in front of me—black eyes, shoulder-length dark-brown hair. Just the perfect amount of gold streaks in it from the sun. He has full perfect lips and is huge, taking up the whole space of the stall door, no room for me to maneuver around him. My wolf is trying to say something, but I can’t hear her over the sound of my heart trying to beat out of my chest, plus I think she’s a little drunk too.

    His eyes locked onto mine, he puts one hand on my hip and pulls me close to him, lifting me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist. He’s aroused, I can tell. The look in his eye is pure devilish. He is having dark thoughts, no doubt. Being in the ladies’ room, for one, is definitely up to no good. He sets me down on the counter and kisses my neck while holding a handful of my hair firmly. I am breathless and moaning. What in the hell is this? I ask myself.

    He stops only for a second to breathe. Where have you been? he asks.

    A little confused by his question, I ask, What do you mean?

    I could smell you from the moment you walked in. I tried to keep my distance, but then I saw you dancing with that tiny fucking wannabe badass, and I couldn’t handle that, he says.

    Why? Still confused at what he is getting at and why he is here, it hits me—oh shit, he could be my mate! What’s your name? I hurriedly ask as best as I can, with slurring words and a dizzy head.

    He smiles down at me and says, As of today, it’s Alpha Corvan.

    Shocked and the room spins around. No freaking way this is the alpha. No way is he in here, kissing me.

    Interrupting my thoughts and minor meltdown, he says, I’m pretty sure we are mates. Your wolf is just really drunk, and I’m getting a really bad headache from trying to mind link with you. What’s your name?

    I don’t hesitate at all. I think I need to sober up, though. Celine…Celine Wood, I say, still confused.

    He looks at me and steps back. Now I’m really confused! He looks disappointed and mad, to be honest. He put his hand on his forehead and starts shaking it.

    No fucking way! he says. No fucking way my mate is a future rogue. A disobedient wolf who cooks and cleans and works at a coffee shop! He spits out, looking more angry now than disappointed.

    I don’t know what to say to this, so I just sit there, still trying to process and wrap my mind around it all. One moment I’m happy, then shocked, then happy, then confused. Now I think I’m getting a little mad, and it’s mostly the alcohol.

    You can’t be my mate. Not…you… he says, looking me up and down.

    What the fuck is wrong with me? I say, jumping off the counter and so glad I landed on my feet.

    He growls and lunges forward, pinning me back against it. He closes his eyes and groans a little as his hips rub against me, and I feel his length growing. He growls again and snaps out of it. Not moving from in front of me, he stares me in the eyes and says, You are not my mate, and someone like you will never be my mate. I, Corvan Black, reject you, Celine Wood, as my mate.

    I’m not sure why, at this point, I’m mad or hurt, but I push him away from me with such strength that he flies into the stall behind him. Furious, he gets up, and I’m ready to fight.

    He stands up and realizes this is a party for him. Straightening his tie and jacket, he says, This right here is a reason. You are a disobedient bitch who can’t take orders, and you will never be my mate.

    His words are so cold and dry. He walks out the door, and I’m still just shocked. Fuck, all I wanted to do was drink, party, and pee in peace. Then he comes in with his indecisive ungrateful ass and messes it all up. He was 100 percent just fine with me until he knew my name. At this point, I think I’m done with the night. All I want to do is go home now and sleep it off.

    I decide, since I’m a mile away and I’m drunk, I better just walk home and sober up before I get there so I’m not hungover when I wake up or regret wrecking the only car I have.

    I get home, and I’m lying in bed, still confused about the whole night. Still shocked that the alpha even kissed me, let alone told me I was his mate, just to turn around and reject me. I guess I’m thinking too much of him that I get a mind link.

    I feel something weird. It’s pleasure, but I feel like I’m being betrayed. I feel sick to my stomach, but I feel an arousal. Oh my god! Someone is having sex and mind-linked me, wtf! All of a sudden, I get this feeling like I’m being stabbed in the back, and I’m being kicked in the chest at the same time. It’s Corvan, he’s having sex with someone else right now, and he’s mind-linked me. Why? Do I mean that little to him that he wanted to keep ruining the night for me. I get it, you don’t want me. Fuck, this is too much. So I put on my headphones and blast some good heavy rock in my ears, as loud as it’ll go, and it helps tremendously until I fall asleep.

    I get up the next day and have to wrap my mind around everything that happened. Luckily I’m off from both jobs today, so I decide I need a shower and a full day of alcohol. Last night was a mess, and I need to unwind and get it out of my system before my wolf realizes he is her mate and freaks the fuck out on me, and I get all the sad feeling you have as a wolf of being rejected by your mate. I felt some last night, but if I had been sober, it would have been pure hell.

    I get up to shower, and I hear my cell ring. I turn the water off and get out, going over to answer, wrapped in a towel, dripping water everywhere.

    Hello? I say, answering my phone. Oh yes, I’m sorry I left my car there last night. I was a little intoxicated, and I figured it would be best if I walked instead of drove. I should be there within an hour to pick it up. Thank you so much, see you then. I hang up. At least the security man likes me. I laugh to myself a little, but then am hit with the fact I may always be alone.

    I’m out of the shower, dressed, and have already walked back to the pack house to retrieve my car. Man, I’m thirsty, though; drinking sure does take a lot out of you. I’ll swing by the kitchen right fast and grab a bottle of water before starting my day off.

    As I step in the kitchen, I see another girl who is fairly new to the pack, helping out in the kitchen with breakfast.

    Hey, I’m just going to grab water from the fridge and a snack, and I’m on my way. My name’s Celine, nice to meet you! I say, shaking her hand.

    Oh hi, I’m Olivia. I’m new here. I’m sorry, I’m really busy, oh, b-but I’m not trying to be rude! She can barely keep from stuttering. She must be shy all the time.

    You’re fine, girl! Looks like you’re doing great. I work here in the evenings, so it’ll be cool having a new person! I say reassuringly. Must be first-day jitters. I smile and wave goodbye as she leaves the kitchen.

    I go to the fridge to grab my water bottle and snack, and as I turn around to ask Olivia how she likes it so far, not noticing she already left the kitchen, I bump right into Corvan, scaring me half to death and dropping my stuff all over the floor.

    Sorry, Alpha, I didn’t mean to get in your way, I say, looking down so no eye contact is made. I’m just leaving, don’t mind me. I try to go around him, but he’s too big. I can’t step around him. Suddenly I’m frustrated, he’s being so arrogant. I left him alone like he wanted, and I’ve even been respectful right now. Then I remember the mind link last night and almost punch him in his face. Claws are out now!

    "Excuse you, but if you don’t mind, Your Majesty, I’d Ike to leave so I can have a fun-filled day with booze and men!" I say, severely angry at this point.

    Men? He repeats back to me, fire in his eyes. I guess they chose a stupid alpha because that’s all he heard.

    Yes, men and lots and lots of alcohol. It’s my day off, and I plan to enjoy it, unless your plan was to destroy my day too, seeing as how you destroyed my night! I say, annoyed and just flat out ready to fight. He has some nerve.

    He reaches his hand to my hair as he pushes me back against the fridge. I don’t…I can’t explain…I don’t know why I’m even here! He stands closer to me and moving in closer with every word. You are help here, you’re a future rogue—shaking his head—I was with the most beautiful girl in the pack last night, so why am I here? he says it more to try to convince himself than me, cheek and hips against me now, pressing into my body like it’s becoming one.

    You really don’t need to explain yourself to me, and I really don’t need to keep hearing how low I am to you! I say, colder now, becoming more frustrated.

    He reaches out and places his huge hands on my curvy hips, and he pulls me close, so close that my breasts are touching his chest. He can feel everything about me. I can feel everything about him. His length is growing in his pajama pants against me. Looking up into his eyes, they are blacker than the usual, like he’s looking at a meal he’s been craving

    I place my hands on his chest, feeling his muscles, every ripple of his rock-hard abs. Moving my hands upward and tilting my head, taking in everything, I caress his neck with my fingertips, lightly, just enough to give him a chill. My hands are still traveling upward into his hair, with a slightly firmer grip. I see his eyes darkening, so I lick my full natural pink lips and then bite it teasingly, knowing he is watching everything I do. Hearing his breathing go from already heavy to rugged and deep is a small reward for me. My plan is working! Moving my hands back down his chest, making full eye contact, I stop at his pants line, index finger looped inside the elastic band of his pajama pants. Raising my mouth to his ear, I whisper, Didn’t you reject me? With a smirk on my face, I know what I am getting myself into.

    He seems shocked, but my voice had an immediate effect on him. He nods yes, still in a trance but flexing his muscles all over his body as I speak.

    Didn’t you sleep with the most beautiful girl in the pack last night? Isn’t she still in your bed now? I say, a little more seductive this time. I have to keep my game face on.

    He seems confused at this point but mostly aggravated that I haven’t slipped my hands into his pants, like every other girl, and growls deep from the back of his throat, sexually frustrated.

    "Yes," he says so deep you could barely understand.

    With a smile on my face, so mischievous, I say, Then I suggest you get your fucking hands off of me and go lie with your new mate. I have plans with someone else since I was rejected by you. I remove my hands from him and shove his away, surprising him by my strength once again. You’d think since he’s alpha, he’s learned.

    He is left standing there, in shock or anger, I can’t tell. As black as his eyes can get, his wolf makes him lunge forward as soon as he reaches the door and pins me to the door so I can’t open it and leave. Both hands on the side of

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