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The End of a Dream
The End of a Dream
The End of a Dream
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The End of a Dream

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Amir was born in Tehran, Iran, but was not Muslim. His parents sent him to the USA for his higher education, near San Francisco. He obtained a degree in engineering and decided to go back to Iran and marry the girl his mother wanted him to marry. Aliyeh Zhila was a young woman that was beautiful and talented. She had received a degree in oils and pastels and was twenty-two years old. Aliyeh was in love with Amir. They had a big Zoroastrian wedding. Aliyeh was so excited to be marrying such a worldly man, and their future was in the United States of America. She had such dreams. Amir told her he would help with her career and she felt like she was floating on air when the plane landed in San Francisco. Now she would have a big house and was excited to see the new home bought for them. She knew her future was going to be wonderful. Aliyeh was in awe at the beautiful home and waiting for her future. She was sure her life would be beautiful...

Release dateSep 28, 2017
The End of a Dream

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    The End of a Dream - W. Welch


    The End

    of a Dream

    پايان يك رويا

    W. D. Welch

    ISBN 978-1-64079-457-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64079-459-7 (Hard Cover)

    ISBN 978-1-64079-458-0 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2017 by W. D. Welch

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    296 Chestnut Street

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    My beloved husband

    My daughter and grandson, for helping with the computer.

    Karen Enze, for guidance.

    Trilla and Tom Witt, for reading and editing.

    Richard DiGiacomo, for guiding me to a publisher.

    Characters in the Book


    Aliyeh Zhila (maiden name)

    Aliyeh Ahmadi (married name)


    Amir Ahmadi


    Amireh Ahmadi (first child)


    Navid Ahmadi (second child)


    Massoud Ahmadi (youngest son)



    When a young Iranian girl with a talent for art and an art degree from Tehran, Iran, met and married a young Iranian man arranged by their families, what would their future hold for them? The young girl had dreams and believed life would be great. Her love for her husband and her children completed them. Her love for painting and sharing her talent with others gave her great joy. When her husband and their family came to a crisis, she did not know what to do. She wanted to protect them all. She thought sacrifice of herself would be the answer.

    The young man was happy for a while and life looked good. His wish came true with the goals that he was blessed with. He found he was good at business until the economy failed him. He became ruthless in his dealing with people and his word didn’t convey truth anymore. He became untrustworthy, and the court of the land had to settle his mistake. He still blamed someone else for his broken word and the lie. The cost to him and his family was too much. He resorted to panic when he couldn’t figure out a way to save his empire. He made some major mistakes in his decisions. He failed all of those who loved him. In the end, he faced another court!


    She was sure this was going to be a wonderful life. She was walking off the plane with the man she loved! She had so much to look forward to and couldn’t wait to see it. She had so many dreams she believed would come true. What is next . . . Can life be more perfect? She felt suspended by air as if she were walking in a dream as her feet touched the ground in America.

    First Home in America


    She came from a turbulent land; her heart was full of life and searching.

    Her hands painted beautiful people—

    Young and old, happy and sad.

    She was full of love, heart bursting to give.

    Her love was carelessly thrown to the wind

    By the man who was selfish and greedy.

    Her delight was her children.

    She wanted the heavens and earth for them.

    They loved her and soaked up her love.

    When she was gone, their eyes were full of tears.

    Oh, if she had only stayed, they liked the love she gave.

    They wanted more and some for their children.

    She would love to have stayed here and shared

    Her love with their children and have memories of them.

    But she felt she could not stay here longer.

    Giving them wealth would make their lives fuller.

    Could she have been wrong in her judgment?

    Her value was more than riches, houses, and land.

    She could have danced like a ballerina and painted

    The blue sky with the stars, moon, and sun.

    She could have run with the little ones that were to come.

    She had so much to give and take and taste.

    We loved you, fair lady, lost to us now but free.

    We want you to paint more people and bring joy to us.

    There was so much more, and you left before your time.

    You must dance in heaven and paint the angels.

    They are looking up to you.



    Amir Ahmadi was born and raised in Tehran, Iran, to a prominent family, who was known for its accomplishments. His father was a wrestler and won many championships and honors from Mohammad Reza Shah of Iran. His mother was selected by the Shah of Iran to teach girls physical education, which was an honor. The Shah was not an Islamic leader. He was a secular leader. He tried to improve society by bringing more modern pleasures to the country such as movies and American ideals. That is why the Islamic leaders became unhappy with him and moved to overthrow him.

    The Shah of Iran was forced out of the country in 1979 by the Ayatollah Khomeini who was living in exile in Iraq and later in France. Hundreds of people were executed on April 1, that year after a landslide victory in a national referendum in which one choice was offered, Islamic Republic! Yes or no? As the world knows, the Islamic Republic won the election. Those who opposed died that day.

    After Amir graduated from high school in Iran, he could not pursue a higher education because his family was not Muslim. However the students were required to study the Quran in high school because the country was Islamic. Amir’s parents sent Amir out of the country to the United States to study after he finished high school, and he earned a degree in engineering. Amir had decided to return to Iran after finishing his four years of college in San Francisco.

    The family belonged to the oldest religion in Persia called Zoroastrian. This religion taught that humans are free to choose between good and evil. Their afterlife was determined by the balance of their good and evil deeds. The people that did more good than evil may go to heaven. It depended on the degree of evil that was done. Those people that did more evil than good may go to hell. There was an in between for those who do the same amount of good and evil deeds.

    Amir’s College Years in the United States

    While Amir was in the United States, he met a girl in college, and they enjoyed seeing each other and had a lot of fun. They decided on a whim to get married and thought it would be romantic to go to Reno, Nevada, and get married in one of the wedding chapels. When their parents found out what they had done, they were furious. He went home with her to meet her family in Georgia, USA. After a while, he discovered he was not happy even though it was a good life, but he was lonely for his country, his people, and the old traditions. She was always happy and laughed a lot. This he had not seen in the girls back home in Iran. As a matter of fact, he was so taken with her that he didn’t sort out his feelings before they took this major step of marriage. She was fun to be with, but he couldn’t see himself taking her home to his mother. He was relieved she didn’t get pregnant while they were together. He was young and restless and took advantage of his freedom.

    He felt like he was living in a fantasy world without a thought about his future. His new wife Sally was a gift he thought, and he didn’t want to lose this feeling of ecstasy. And that is all he thought about. However, he was not completely happy with his new environment because in his mind, he could tell that Sally’s parents did not approve of him. After enjoying this new life for a while, he was beginning to feel he had made a mistake. He was communicating with his family, and they were encouraging him to come home to Iran because they missed him.

    He gave a lot of thought to the whole situation before he brought it up to Sally. It was not the place he wanted to be, and she was not the woman he wanted to spend his life with. He really had no ties here, and with his mother’s encouragement that she had a local girl she wanted Amir to meet, it was the final push for him to make the decision to go home. Now was the time for him to be a man and go home and meet an Iranian woman to give him Iranian children. His future suddenly became very important to him.

    He didn’t have any wealth at this time, and Sally knew nothing about his family in Iran. He told Sally that he wanted to get a divorce. She was not happy with him either because he was not what she was used to in men. Maybe he was too demanding as some men are from his country. Men are in charge of the woman in Islamic countries. Actually, woman are not considered to have value where some men are concerned but are considered chattel the same as a cow or goat. They can be discarded if the man grows tired of them, or the man can marry another wife.

    Their prophet Mohammad was their example of how to treat a woman. He was only a poor unimportant person until a rich woman, who had seen him from afar, fell in love with him. A marriage was arranged, and she married him; when she died, he took all her wealth. One day, he saw a small four-year-old girl that he wanted and had the child’s father reserve her until she was at the age to marry, which was nine years old. He consummated their marriage when she was nine years old.

    He was an old man, and she hated him. I guess when a little girl is raped over and over, she will hate the devil. The question is when you are taught the Quran ideology, how can you escape these barbaric ideas?

    Could a woman be put to death under this teaching? Yes! Many have been killed! Yet today, the husband, father, brother, or uncle are allowed to do this evil crime in some countries where Shari’a Law is practiced. The Radical Islamic Terrorism heathens have been moving about the world—committing their many evil acts against women, Christians, innocent victims; kidnapping children, and women; holding them as sex slaves; and cutting off the heads of everyone when they are done with them. The Radical Islamic Terrorists are the scourge of the world, and the only way to rid the world of the scourge is to destroy the ideology created by Mohammad, the devil. At the end of this book, you may agree with this writing.

    Sally was a country girl, and she had different ideas about marriage. She was religious, and he was not Christian; therefore, she agreed to the divorce.

    I have already decided to go back home to Iran, he told her. I want to be with my people. He repeated the words of his mother and father. "I am young and need to go home and be with my family and get my life sorted out.

    I am convinced they are right. Iranians have different traditions and I miss them. he said.

    Because his mother wanted him to return to meet a special young lady and get married, with hopes of grandchildren, he was convinced this was the road he should travel. He called his mother and said, Mother, Sally and I have filed for a divorce, and I am coming home. I want to meet the girl you mentioned. I will be home next week on Thursday. The custom in Iran is to have marriages arranged by the parents.

    Aliyeh Zhila

    Aliyeh was the young woman and looking forward to home, husband, and children. She had once become engaged to a young man and soon became disenchanted with him when she learned he wasn’t from a rich family, and he didn’t seem very enthusiastic about any chosen achievements for his future. She didn’t see any chance of having the life she wanted with him.

    She told her fiancé, I am sorry, but I have made a mistake. I hope you won’t be hurt, but I want to dissolve our engagement. He didn’t seem to be very disappointed!

    It was 1975 when Aliyeh Zhila met Amir Ahmadi at a social event in Tehran arranged by their families in their honor. She was twenty-two years old and

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