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The Further Adventures of Fashion Girl
The Further Adventures of Fashion Girl
The Further Adventures of Fashion Girl
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The Further Adventures of Fashion Girl

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She's known as the Stylish Crime Fighter who is also one of the world's top models. Travelling to all corners of the globe in search of high style, high action, and high drama. These are the further adventures of Fashion Girl. The Style Chicks are back with two brand-new adventures and a host of special features. So once again if you're ready? Let's rock!

Release dateApr 20, 2018
The Further Adventures of Fashion Girl

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    The Further Adventures of Fashion Girl - Roby Graham


    The Further Adventures of Fashion Girl

    Roby Graham

    Copyright © 2018 Roby Graham
    All rights reserved
    First Edition
    Page Publishing, Inc
    New York, NY
    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc 2018
    ISBN 978-1-64214-232-7 (Paperback)
    ISBN 978-1-64214-233-4 (Digital)
    Printed in the United States of America


    At the time this book was in the publishing process, it will mark ten years of The Adventures of Fashion Girl . It all started with an idea of a new heroine using an established character leading a double life. As I had mentioned in the introduction of the first book, some people liked the idea while some di dn’t.

    But it wasn’t until I pitched the idea to the publisher that I really had something. I eventually made Fashion Girl a character all her own. Okay, so maybe she’s not faster than a speeding bullet or spins a web any size or turns green when she gets mad. But it’s the idea that she’s Fashion Girl all the time and has an army of allies all with unique abilities and how they work together or separately makes them unique.

    The idea also that Fashion Girl is a name and not a statement also says a lot about her. So what can you expect in this book? There are two new adventures filled with action. You will meet a new breed of Style Chick, the Archangels. Ten times the power, ten times the ability and being able to fly.

    Fashion Girl speaks several languages fluently, and you’ll see how she deals with people who speak a different language. Also she will give a candid one-on-one interview with a local TV reporter as she uncovers some of her secrets as a heroine, a model, and as a person.

    Finally and with the talents of a fellow author Mary-Margret Callahan, Fashion Girl and four of the Style Chicks will put on a book version of a fashion show for you. Because of diabetic neuropathy, I had wished to have had more stories in this book. But not to worry, when I am able to, there will be a third book to come in the near future. I thank you once again for your purchase. Take care and stay stylish.

    Roby Graham

    Book One

    Enter the Phoenix


    This story picks up where The Rise of Aldornia that was featured in the first book left off. In that story, if you’ll recall, Fashion Girl went undercover to try to stop a gang of rogue Goths who were terrorizing other cities, leaving their marks behind them. Instead of trying to stop them, she becomes one of them and became very evil. This story was so intense that an alternate ending was made.

    The actual ending cost Fashion Girl everything. The alternate ending had Fashion Girl become evil forever and destroyed Colognia and everything in its path. But hold on to your hats, folks, it was all a dream and a very bad dream at that. So bad in fact that Fashion Girl woke up screaming at the top of her lungs. She felt the top of her head checking for horns; she also checked her backside for a pointy tail. Next she ran into the bathroom to see if her face and body was red. She held a pregnancy test under her urine stream to see if she was pregnant for which she wasn’t.

    Her boyfriend, Dean Simpson, spent the weekend with her for it was the Labor Day holiday, and Labor Day morning was when she awoke from this terrible nightmare. The scream woke up everyone in the mansion. Fashion Girl broke out in a cold sweat, was white as a ghost and shaking like a leaf. Dean asked, Daphne, are you all right? Why did you scream?

    Fashion Girl answered, Oh, Dean, I just woke up from the worst dream I ever had. I dreamt I became evil and eventually a female version of the devil himself, hold me, Dean, I’ve never been so scared.

    Fashion Girl began to cry when the others burst into her bedroom. Godiva asked, What’s wrong, Dean? I never heard such a scream before.

    Dean answered, Fashion Girl just woke up from a very bad dream.

    Macy said, I’ve never seen Fashion Girl so shaken up before at least not since the Victor Miller case. What happened, love?

    Fashion Girl replied, It’s complicated but give me a chance to compose myself and I’ll explain it to all of you.

    Dean left the bedroom with the others so Fashion Girl could compose herself. He said, You’re right, Macy, I’ve never seen Daphne so shaken up before.

    Macy replied, I guess the Victor Miller case and her marriage falling apart has taken a toll on her.

    Dean said, I remember it well.

    It took more than thirty minutes for Fashion Girl to compose herself. She showered, dressed in normal clothing, and came downstairs where the others were waiting for her in the dining room. Victoria set out breakfast for Fashion Girl, but she wasn’t very hungry. The dream she had made her too upset to eat. But as she sat down, she said, "OK you want to know what this dream was about, I’ll tell you.

    "I dreamt that Chief Marcus asked me to go undercover to stop a gang of vicious Goths that were terrorizing every major US city. They had just left their mark on San Francisco and were on their way to Los Angeles. However, they came here instead. I tried to stop them, but they wouldn’t go back to where they came from. Then I decided to join up with them and stop them from the inside out. Their leader named Lucifer ordered me to burn down a tree by the roadside and I did somehow. Then he gave me this drink called wolf’s blood. I drank it without tasting it, and it turned me evil. Then he took me to his hearse where we had nonstop sex for hours.

    "In time I was pregnant with six of his babies. The more of this wolf’s blood I drank, the more evil I became and every time we had sex, I got more pregnant. Then Macy tried to stop me. I made her dodge lightning bolts I magically produced and blew up her car. Macy came back to me with my bracelets which turned me back to normal. After that she told me in detail what I did and what happened. I kicked that asshole’s ass and Chief Marcus arrested me on a variety of charges.

    I was acquitted, but my reputation as a crime fighter was ruined. It was as if the whole world turned its back on me. I must have awakened to go to the bathroom because when I went back to sleep, the dream changed. Any life signs of me were gone and all was left of this evil monster that I called Aldornia. I destroyed the town in twenty minutes and was gloating with delight. That’s when I woke up screaming. As Aldornia, I had horns coming out of my head, a pointy tail, and my skin was red as a lobster. I also checked to see if I was pregnant and looked at myself in the mirror only to find I was OK. I’m telling you all, it was the most intense dream I ever had and one I hope to never have again.

    Dean hugged Fashion Girl and replied, Don’t worry, honey. It was just a very bad dream. Everything in town is fine in fact never better.

    Fashion Girl said, That’s why I’m not in my costume. I want to see for myself that everything is OK. It’s just to satisfy my curiosity. And if everything is all right, I’ll come home. It is Labor Day after all.

    Dean replied, That’s the spirit, Daphne, I’ll be waiting for you when you get back. You’ll see the town is here, the buildings, shops, and people. Everything as it was when we went to sleep last night. Hurry back.

    Fashion Girl asked, Vicki, can I borrow your car? If I’m not in costume, using the Glam Mobile would be a dead giveaway.

    Vicki answered, Sure, Fashion Girl, I understand. Here are the keys. I forgot to fill up the car so you may want to do that first.

    Fashion Girl said, I’ll give you a full tank, I promise. I’ll be back as soon as I can.

    Fashion Girl left the mansion to see for herself that the city was not changed in spite of the terrible dream. She drove around for nearly an hour. Buildings were still standing, people walking the streets without a care in the world. Stores were still in business. Fashion Girl bought gas at the same station she destroyed in her dream. It was that intense to her. Then she decided to do something that she’s never done before since she became Fashion Girl and that was to seek the advice of a clergyman.


    Up to now, I never gave Fashion Girl religious affiliation. For the record, she was brought up Roman Catholic. As a child she was baptized, had two communions, the works. After she became Fashion Girl, she dropped her affiliation with any religion because she felt that if her being Catholic was known and she helped someone who was also Catholic, people would have thought she was biased. It makes sense when you think abou t it.

    I’m sure in their own way other heroes worship god. But since Fashion Girl is Fashion Girl all the time, she can’t attend services. She lets her kids attend services by letting her

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