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Ebook64 pages57 minutes


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Crystal is about a young mermaid who will do anything in her power to learn about the land creatures, even if it means putting her loved ones and herself at risk. In spite of the king’s orders that all merpeople must stay away from the forbidden surface, she deliberately disobeys his orders by returning to the surface, where she befriends a seagull named Getaway, who tells her that the land creatures are just humans, not some flesh-eating monsters her twin sister, Giselle, makes them out to be. That’s when she meets David, a lifeguard who has no idea the girl he fell in love with is a mermaid. On the other hand, her best friend, Lulu, is always around to help, even if it means putting her own life in danger and saving both their tails. Soon, Crystal finds out Giselle isn’t so perfect after all, and in fact, she has a little secret of her own—a secret that her father made her promise not to tell the merpeople, especially Crystal. That secret will change everyone’s lives. Will Crystal make the right choice? Will she stay on dry land? Or will David accept the fact that she’s a mermaid? Read my story and find out

Release dateJan 25, 2022

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    Crystal - Janice M. Williamson



    Janice M. Williamson

    Copyright © 2021 Janice M. Williamson

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2021

    ISBN 978-1-6624-5856-9 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-5857-6 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    About the Author

    O h, Giselle, you should’ve seen those creatures up there, swimming around in our waters. They were having so much fun.

    What creatures are you talking about, Crystal? Giselle said while pining up her hair.

    You know, the ones that look like us and live on dry land.

    Oh, you mean those creatures, the ones that don’t have any fins or scales. I can see the resemblance, Giselle said, putting on a fake smile. You know, Crystal, you can’t keep going to the surface. It is forbidden. If any of the other merpeople, especially Mother, were to ever find out, you and I both would be in big trouble.

    You? What do you have to do with anything? You’re not the one going to the surfaces. You haven’t broken any rules.

    Giselle was speechless, for she also had a secret of her own.

    Wait a minute. I know that look, Crystal said, swimming around Giselle in circles. You’re hiding something, aren’t you? You’ve been going to the surface as well, haven’t you?

    No, I haven’t! I know my boundaries, unlike you, Crystal, and stop circling me. You’re making me dizzy.

    Fine, keep your little secrets to yourself. I’m going to bed. Lulu and I have plans in the morning, Crystal said, swimming toward her bed.

    I mean it, Crystal, as your oldest sister, I’m demanding you stay away from the surface.

    Who are you to demand me to do anything? Crystal said, turning to face Giselle. And besides, you’re only one minute older than I am.

    Yeah, and that would make me the oldest, wouldn’t it? Giselle said, swimming toward Crystal and shoving her down into the sand. Crystal grabbed Giselle by the tail so that they were now tussling on the ocean floor. Giselle climbed on top of Crystal, pinning her down so that she couldn’t move a muscle. Get off me! Crystal yelled. You’re hurting me.

    Girls, what are you two arguing about? You both should be asleep by now.

    We were just playing around, Crystal said. pushing Giselle off her. Crystal looked at Giselle with sad eyes, hoping she wouldn’t tell Mother the truth.

    Yeah, we were just playing around, Giselle said, fixing her pins.

    Well, hurry up and get to bed, and don’t forget about the big meeting tomorrow. I expect to see you both there, their mother said, leaving the room.

    Yes, Mother, they both said at the same time. We’ll be there.

    And remember what I said, Giselle whispered over at Crystal.

    Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Ms. Perfect. Both of them flopped into their bed of seaweeds; neither one of them said good night.

    The next morning, Giselle woke up only to see Crystal’s bed empty. Oh, the nerve of that girl, Giselle said, pulling the pins out her hair. Who does she think she is? If she thinks this is over with, she’s in for a rude awakening.

    Swimming past her mother in a hurry, Giselle said, Good morning, Mother.

    Good morning to you too, her mother replied.

    I’m sorry, Mother, I’m just in a bit of a hurry. I have some errands to run before the meeting, she said, making her way out of the cave.

    Just make sure you eat while you’re out! her mother yelled.

    In town, everyone was preparing for the meeting, except the children; they were too busy playing tag-a-tail.

    Giselle, is that you, sweetheart? I haven’t seen you in a couple of days. How’s your family? Giselle could tell by the squeaky voice that it was Mrs. Patts. All she did was snoop around and gossip about everyone instead of minding her own business.

    They’re doing good. We all are, Giselle said, turning to face her.

    It’s just with your father gone, I know things can be a little rough, Mrs. Patts said, placing a hand on Giselle’s shoulder.

    Look, I would love to sit and chat, Mrs. Patts, but I’m really in a hurry. Gotta go! See you at the meeting, Giselle said, swimming as fast as she could to her secret hideout away from everyone else.

    In the meantime, Crystal had plans of her own. Look at those creatures. She smiled. They come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors just like us. The only difference is they don’t have a tail. If only I can get a little closer, she said, slowly making her way to a

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