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Deborah's Song
Deborah's Song
Deborah's Song
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Deborah's Song

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Where was Christ between the ages of thirteen and thirty? This book will document the truth, along with, where is The Ark of The Covenant? Where is The Holy Grail? The list goes on. In Mark 13, Christ says, I have foretold you all things. You just have to know where to look. I was led to the answers, and I want to lead you to that information gold mine, under His wing of truth. At the tender age of eight the visions began, first from Heaven then from Hell. My life was predestined for you to know the truth of what I lived through, and what Our Lord wanted to make clear to you. I was led by Our Lord, to a Scholar of The Original Manuscripts from the Library in England, where the King line made it possible for us to receive The Scriptures in English, through King James in 1611. But it was very hard for the translators to bring it to our true understanding, they even wrote a letter to the King telling him, and the readers, to go back to the Original Manuscripts to understand it fully. The Scholar taught chapter by chapter, and verse by verse with explanation, and proving what he taught every step of the way. He brought me understanding and clarity, that's when all my visions made sense to me. So much so, I felt compelled to tell you how my visions fit perfectly with The Scriptures for the end times. The Tapestry of my life is a message for everyone from Our Lord. Do you have a Destiny? Don't discard it. Magnify The Lord with it, in the upcoming battle for our very souls. This book also contains a description of Jesus Christ, written by Pontius Pilate, to Julius Caesar, just after Christ's crucifixion. Psalm 41:1-2 Blessed is he (or she) that considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in times of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive and he shall be blessed upon the earth; and Thou (Our Lord) will not deliver him into the will of his enemies. Thank You Lord.

Release dateJan 22, 2018
Deborah's Song

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    Deborah's Song - Deborah De Clue


    Deborah's Song

    & Most Importantly God's Pearls of Wisdom and Love

    Deborah De Clue

    Copyright © 2022 by Deborah De Clue

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    My First Glimpse Behind the Veil from This Side

    The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    A Small Break from Hell

    The Escape into Insanity

    A Whole New Beginning

    The Real Fun Begins

    Everything Changes

    Starting Over Again

    Heaven on Earth Never Lasts

    My Life Will Never Be the Same


    This book is of certain parts of my life, and it has it all! Our Lord and His protection, Satan, and his fallen angels in my face, up close and personal! Devil worshipers try to do their worst. There’s danger, betrayal, torture, rape, attempted murder, witches, demons, and ghosts. Visions from the spiritual realm, visions from heaven and hell, mostly hell, and a beautiful message and vision from God, when my son was murdered, just after he turned twenty years’ young. Kerry had confronted Satan, through a devil worshiper, and I’ve learned what’s meant by, You come out stronger, through the pain. Most importantly, the fact that you must be wiser than the serpent, and as peaceful as a dove.

    This true story will also answer many questions we’ve all wondered about. Why are we here? Are we alone? Where did we come from? Where are we going? Do we have a destiny? What does God want from us? What is God’s plan for us, his children? Why did Christ tell us to put the gospel armor on? And what are these fiery darts of Satan all about and how can we stay out of his way? What is Satan’s plan for us? Is Satan causing our nightmares? How much power does Satan have and where did he get it? How did Cain find his wife in the land of Nod? What will it be like when we die? Is there an ever-burning hell? What will it be like when Christ returns? What is the Key of David, that opens doors that no man can open? Where is the Ark of the Covenant? Where is the Holy Grail? Where was Christ from the age of twelve to thirty? What did Christ mean when he said, It will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle, than for a rich man to get into heaven. Did you ever think there was more to God’s word than we’ve been taught? Your right, there is so much more.

    Christ said in Mark 13:23, But take heed, I have foretold you all things.

    I just knew there was more to God’s word then we were told, and I had to find out the answers to these same questions. It was my life’s goal, even as a child to find out and to understand every scripture in God’s word. The Bible is God’s letter of love and instructions to us His children. I looked to the original manuscripts. Christ also told us in Mark 13:28, Now learn the parable of the fig tree. Have you? You’ll find out why Christ cursed the fig tree. This is one of the most important scriptures to understand fully because His word will all come to pass in that generation of that fig tree. After you read with understanding you will have the Key of David, which opens all doors to the truth. You will also read a description of Christ, written by Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar.

    You’ll also find out how Satan has already found his way into all our lives, even as a Christian, without your knowledge. The most important thing you will learn is what’s coming on the whole world, that we really must be ready for. You’ll find all these answers in this book. Let me assure you in truth, it’s nothing like we have been taught, so bear with me and I will prove it to you. When you begin your read into my life, you will read things right off the top that you may not believe is true, even far out there, but again let me assure you, it is true. I will prove it to you in the scriptures and by history.

    About the Author

    To me my life was as normal as everyone else, but I soon found out how different my life really was. Not better than anyone else, just different. Not as a person that holds themselves in high esteem, but I am like the spirit of good from God. I am humble, kind, and tenderhearted, with a super strong love for our Father and Christ. I know He loves all His children, and He wants all to come to repentance and return to Him with their whole heart and their whole soul, so for Him, I wrote this story of my life.

    My name is Deborah De Clue, I’m French, English, European, Irish, German, and Native American, a mother and grandmother, born and raised in the heartland of the country, in the heart of Missouri. But if that was all there was to it, believe me I wouldn’t waste my time writing this book, but I’ve been blessed to see with spiritual eyes. I sometimes hear and see into the spiritual realm, it wasn’t anything I could control, it just happened to me. There were many visions of the good and bad, mostly terrifying, but still a blessing from God, because he allowed my eyes to see even if most of the visions were from Satan. This was a painful journey for me to write about, but I feel it must be told. Why else did it happen, if not for all of us to benefit from.

    There’s so much I have seen, and so much truth I have learned that I feel compelled to write to you about it all, and most importantly of the upcoming events from the spiritual realm, events that will come upon the whole world. Revelation 12:9. I know Satan’s method of operation, and I hope to clue you in.

    We watch the news to see what has happened that day, so we are informed as to what’s happening all around us. This book will help you to understand, and know what else is all around us, that we can’t see now, but soon we will see it all. What’s next according to the word of God, from a teacher of teachers of the original scriptures, down to the foot notes of the manuscripts, through the King James Version of the Bible, not including new translations. New English Versions Bibles have changed the truth into man’s word, not Gods. Like in Ezekiel 13:18 where they changed the word souls to birds flying, big difference. I can show you what you have always wondered about in God’s word and His overall plan. I will give you all the tools you need to be able to check me out in the word of God.

    Like Deborah, the prophetess and judge of Israel, appointed by God in the Old Testament in the book of Judges 4:1-14, around 1425 B.C., she heard from our Father and instructed the priests of their college. When someone wanted to ask our Lord something, they went to Deborah. She led the Israelite army into battle and to victory with our Lord’s help. My hope is that I can help you and when this life is over in the flesh, you will have made yourself ready to go home to our Lord, by the way of the narrow true path, that few will find. There’s a battle coming, and is going on even now, for your very soul’s. This book is also, sadly to say the story of my son’s death, his murder, ordered by Satan himself, carried out by one of his lost souls, exactly as was told to Kerry, by Satan himself. But it’s also a beautiful message from God himself, not only to me and to all those that came to say goodbye to my son the day we laid his flesh to rest, but I believe it’s also a message of love for us all, we are all His children. Every soul belongs to God, you don’t get around to giving your soul to Him, He owns you already. Ezekiel 18:4.

    This is a true story; I wouldn’t lie to you for my own soul’s sake. Only the names have been changed, to protect their privacy. Believe me, I’m not writing this book for any glory for myself, or to brag that I have a closer walk with God than anyone else. I’m not perfect, none of us are, I want you to learn from my mistakes, and the mistakes of others in my life, and especially for you to learn from my visions, and many messages from God and Satan that I have received. You will be amazed how much influence Satan has on us, in so many ways. Even as well-meaning Christians, we think we are pleasing our Lord, but the truth is, there is a famine for hearing the true word of God and God said there would be. Amos 8:11+12. Why? With a world full of churches, yet there is a famine for the truth? I can and will answer that question, and many more.

    These scholars you will be learning from were scholars of old, that were trying their utmost to present the correct translation, whereby we would have an easy opportunity to learn the truth, as God spoke it. My book will inform you on our Father and Christ, and their controversy with Satan. Maybe you don’t believe in Satan, but he is very real.

    About the Devil

    Author and Historian, Troy Taylor made his documentary first and then wrote the book called, The Devil Came to St. Louis. It truly happened in 1949. This was the same work written and directed by William Peter Black called, The Exorcist. The movie came out in 1973.

    Linda Blair played the part of the boy and no his head never did a spin all the way around. Also, the vomit was also added to the movie, but the story is real. A very good friend of mine’s brother worked at that hospital where they had kept the boy many years ago. He said they closed off that entire floor of the hospital because after the boy left more demons came back and every one that went there had an experience with the demons and refused to go back. They have since torn down the historic hospital. What you don’t know about this true story is that the Catholic priest didn’t get rid of the demon. The Catholic Church wanted it to remain their little secret as to not draw attention the devil. The church didn’t want you to know that the devil has the power to strike anyone of us at any time he chooses. I’ve seen it happen and I have heard him, my son and daughter have heard his voice, two of my sisters have also heard Satan’s voice, Satan is very real.

    But on the night of April 18th, 1949, at 10:45 pm. St. Michael, the Ark Angel of our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ’s, came into the room and dispelled the demon. St. Michael is one of our Father’s top angels. All four of the priests heard the angels voice saying, Satan! I am St. Michael, the Ark Angel! And I command you in the name of the Dominus, to leave—now! now! now! Dominus is Latin, it means the one in Dominion, our Almighty heavenly Father. The demon went crazy and thrashed violently, while the four priests tried with all their might to hold the boy down. After a few minutes the boy became himself again and the demon was gone. The boy said, There was a brilliant white light and, in the light, stood a very beautiful man. He held up a fiery sword and pointed it to a pit, or a cave and he demanded the demon to leave, and the demon left. Then the boy said, The name of the demon was Beelzebub. Which means devil in Latin.

    Troy found out that the boy and his Aunt Tilly had used the Ouija board many times, she was a spiritualist that talked with the dead. And after her death, the boy tried desperately to contact his beloved Aunt Tilly. Ouija boards can and will open the door to demons that you can’t handle.

    Troy discovered the last man alive that was there when all this took place. His name is Brother Gregory Holewinski, he was a 90-year-old polish monk that worked at St. Alexian Brothers Hospital in 1949 and helped the three Catholic priests battle the devil until April 10th. This monk finally revealed the truth because he was dying of cancer, and he wanted the world to know the truth before he died. Brother Gregory died in 2014, born in 1924.

    Troy Taylor interviewed him at the hospital, Brother Gregory said, When I saw the boy he was speaking in the devil’s voice, cursing the priests. He said he had seen and tried as hard as he could to hold the boy down when he levitated two feet off the bed, he said, There was no way it could have been faked! Brother Gregory also witnessed when the boy grabbed the silk stole that the priest wears around his neck during the exorcism. When the boy grabbed it, it melted into shreds in his hand within a split second, while the demon held it and laughed! Brother Gregory said, You could feel the power of the devil and it was powerful, an experience I will never forget! He insisted, What I saw was real, what I experienced was real.

    One of the priests, Father Bishop, kept a detailed diary of the events. The Archbishop of St. Louis, appointed Father William Bowden to be the chief exorcist with Father Bishop, the other priest and Brother Gregory. He accounts where the boy came from before they came to the hospital in St. Louis. He found out that it started January 15th 1949, in the outskirts of Washington D.C. The family came to St. Louis, to a relative’s house, they were hoping to escape the demon. It was March 16th, 1949 when Father Bowden begins the exorcism in the boy’s house. The boy begins to act violently, and scratches begin to appear on the boy spelling out the word hell.

    Father Vincent Lampert, an exorcist of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, shows Troy Taylor all that the priests do to get the demons out of people. But they didn’t do any good for the boy because it took St. Michael to get it done, through the mighty power of our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no higher power. Father Vincent said to Troy Taylor, The greatest achievement of the devil is to make people believe that he doesn’t exist because if people believe he doesn’t exist, he can have free reign and act in your life, without you even knowing it. The devil is real and active in the modern world, not just in movies and best sellers." Troy is now a believer.

    So, if it started January 15th and ended with God’s power on April 18th, the demon had control over that boy for months, with priest after priest trying their best without success. In an episode of Ghost Adventures, with Zac, Nick and Aaron, they talked with the great niece of one of the priests that was there in the house in St. Louis, that priest lost his mind. In the scriptures we read of demons possessing people all their lives, until Christ cast them out. He also gave us that power, through His name to do it, if you know how to do it God’s way, you can get it done.


    I want to thank Pastor Arnold Murray and his son, Pastor Dennis Murray, for all they’ve taught me through the many Scholars’ knowledge and historic knowledge they have given me. The scholars they teach go into the very footnotes of the Holy Scriptures and even down to the street language of that time. When you study with these men you get into the true unchanged knowledge of our Father’s word, chapter by chapter and verse by verse, with common sense explanations and understanding. These teachers taught from the following Scholars, and the King James Bible to coincide with these works.

    The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance

    The Complete and Unabridged Dictionary of the Hebrew and Greek, by James H. Strong, was first published in 1890 by Dr. Strong, who spent more than 35 years preparing it, with the help of more than 100 linguists. It is perhaps the most copied Bible reference tool ever published. This work bridges the gap for the serious Bible student who does not have Hebrew and Greek language skills, but desires to understand the intent of the original Bible languages as found in the Masoretic Hebrew Old Testament text and the Greek received texts. This accomplishment was achieved over decades by Dr. Strong, as he developed a complete Concordance of English language words found in The King James Bible and then meticulously cross reference each to the original Hebrews/Chaldees and Greek words used in the original language received manuscripts.

    Bible linguists and translators know sometimes it can be difficult to select the correct English language word to fill the intent meaning of the original language word. Frequently that means a single original language word can be translated into one of several legitimate English language words and vice versa. The dictionaries constructed by Dr. Strong immediately draw the student’s attention to this fact by providing all the English language words used by The King James translators to convey the original language meaning for each, Hebrew/Chaldees or Greek word. Even the men that first translated the manuscripts into English wrote a letter to King James saying, they did the best they could but found it very difficult and referred the reader to go back to the Hebrew and Greek, for the best understanding of the scriptures.

    The Smith’s Bible Dictionary

    The Smith’s Bible Dictionary has 770 pages and over 6,000 detailed definitions, it’s the best-known Bible Dictionary ever published: Faithful to the original nineteenth century 4 volume works, by Dr. William Smith, this single volume abridgment is the work of Francis N. Peloubet and his wife Mary Abby Peloubet. For many decades this book has earned its reputation as a comprehensive and conservative based dictionary reference form. This dictionary covers details and meanings about proper names, prophets, priests, kings, queens, tribes and nations, along with trees, herbs, flowers and the list goes on. Many times, there’s a message in the meanings of proper names, in this way names also tell a story in God’s word. The depth is awesome.

    Bullinger’s Companion Bible

    Bullinger’s Companion Bible feature’s, The King James Bible text, with structures critical and explanatory notes with 198 Appendixes. In the 6th appendix he explains the figures of speech and idioms that are specially noted of the time of the writing of our Lord’s word. This Bible provides self-explanatory notes to greatly aid the serious Bible student in gaining the most possible from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, languages and a great many notes from the Massorah are also included. The amount of the overall information provided is vast. References are given when the English language does not convey the full intent of the original languages.

    Antiquities of the Jews, by Josephus

    Antiquities of the Jews was written in 50 A.D., Josephus had access to many documents in the libraries of the temple of the Israelite’s and the Roman libraries, before the fall of Rome.

    The 4-Volume Green’s Interlinear Bible

    Green’s Interlinear Bible feature’s the complete Hebrew and Greek manuscript in English and in the Hebrew and Greek languages. This book also includes the Strong’s Concordance in the text and the Massorah for those students who would desire to look directly at text contained in the Masoretic and received texts. The Interlinear Bible remains the best reference tool. You will see the Hebrew writings in Hebrew, and English with the explanations from the Massorah.

    The Massorah

    The Massorah’s original text itself had been fixed before the Massorites were put in charge of it. This had been the work of the Sopherim (from Saphar, meaning, to count, or number). Their work was ordered by our Father Himself to Ezra and Nehemiah, in the Old Testament, it was to set the text (scriptures) in order after the return from captivity in Babylon, we read of it in Nehemiah 8:8, and Ezra 7:6 +11. The men of the great synagogue completed the work. This work lasted about 110 years, from Nehemiah to Simon the first, 410- 300 B.C., and was also carried on by the Massorites, throughout all the Old and New Testaments.

    The Massorah is called, A Fence to the Scriptures because it locked in all the words and letters in their places. It does not contain notes or comments as such, but facts and phenomena. It records the number of times the several letters occur in the various books of the Bible; the number of words and the middle word; the number of verses and the middle verse; the number of expressions and combinations of words, all this work, not from a perverted ingenuity, but for the set purpose of safeguarding the sacred text, preventing the loss of misplacement of a single letter, or word of the Holy Scriptures.

    The truth from God’s word has been kept safeguarded from those who would want to distort the word, or the meaning of the original manuscripts, handed down by the king line and priest line of Israel. Which is to say, the children of Jacob, the grandson of Abraham and Sarah, through Isaac their son. They are the promised seed that would be as many as the sands of the sea and the stars of the sky, uncountable. Not that they were better than anyone else, far from it in most cases, but God would keep the bloodline pure from Adam and Eve, until the time for Christ to come through them, to be of the king line and the priest line, through Mary, His mother. Believe me, most of the Israelites defied God and worshiped idols anyway.

    I know the truth of what our Father had to say to us His children in His pure word. When you see something in parenthesis it means the word in the English is not the word in the manuscripts and I am correcting the translation back into the true word of God and explaining it into our English, without losing the exact meaning.

    Just by simply studying with The Shepherd’s Chapel you will learn all the knowledge of all these scholars. I cannot describe the feeling when you fill yourself with God’s true word. It has set me free from false teaching and the traditions of men and the hour of temptation. You can get truth through the teachings of the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. If you read in Revelation, chapters 2+3, these two churches are the only churches Christ is pleased with when He returns, check it out, it’s in there, read it yourself. The first church Christ says to them, You have left your first love. Do you know what that means? I do, and I will tell you.

    You can go to,, and download the original King James Bible, with the James Strong’s Concordance right there in the text and just by pointing to the numbers above every word of the scriptures, the information in the Strong’s will pop up and you can see for yourself into the original manuscript’s meanings and all the translations of every word in the Bible. At this same site you can also download the Smith’s Bible Dictionary too. And for more information, you can also down load all the 198 Appendixes from Bullinger’s Companion, King James Version Bibles, then you’ll find his valuable information,

    When you have the verses explained to you truly, you find the simplicity that is in Christ, 11 Corinthians 11:3, and every piece of the puzzle fits so easily together, and it is so totally awesome and easy to understand. The knowledge is like honey over the buds of your mind.

    My book is written to the seekers of truth and the poor in spirit, that they may be lifted. To the lost sheep, that they may find their true way home to our Lord. Our Father is a loving Father, that owns everything, including you, but He wants your love. Do you want His love? Your inheritance? The choice is yours.

    Matthew 7:14, Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, (eternal) and few will find it.

    Hosea 4:6, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because they have rejected knowledge, I will also reject them, that you shall be no priest to me: seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your congregations.

    This is not a book you can just scan through. Almost everything I talk about, that happened to me and others I came in contact with, happened for a reason and that reason is, most of the time revealed in later chapters. Think of it as a lesson to study and there’s going to be a test, and I’m giving you the answers to the test before you have to take it for real. And you do have to take it, for real. Your very soul is on the line. You want to be ready for what’s coming up from the spiritual realm. You are going to learn more truth from our Lord than you could imagine.

    Psalm 119:105+106, Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep your righteous judgments.

    Ephesians 1:5, Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.

    A Very Special Thanks

    To Christ Jesus, and our Holy Father, for the guidance they have given me through their Holy Spirit, every step of the writing of this book and I dedicate it back to Them, to bring you home to Them.

    And a special thanks

    To my son Jeremy, without him this book wouldn’t have been possible. And my very good friend, Jackie Ruby, for all her help and advice. And to Linda, for reminding me by saying, the devils in the details! Now the book is even better.

    I highly recommend these two books that are fiction, but are so true, as to the many ways Satan’s demons interfere with your everyday life and your nightmares.

    Piercing the Darkness and This Present Darkness, by Frank E. Peretti, published by Crossway Books, Westchester, Illinois.

    Seek you the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the righteous man his thoughts: and let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.

    Isaiah 55:6+7

    In Memory of my beloved son, Kerry, it was my pleasure to be your mother and fellow servant of our Lord, as a voice crying in the wilderness…

    This book is God’s

    pearls of wisdom

    From the churches of Smyrna & Philadelphia Rev 2:7-11 Rev 3:6-12

    From the

    Original King James Version Bible &

    The Original Manuscripts

    All Glory be to God, Now & Forever Amen

    Let the words of my mouth

    and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, oh Lord, my strength and

    my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

    Chapter one

    My First Glimpse Behind the Veil from This Side

    All my life, I have always tried to make our Lord proud of me and to make my momma and daddy just as proud. I used to follow my daddy around all the time like a lost puppy and never say a word. He would turn around and look down at me and I always had this huge smile on my face. He would smile back at me and I’d get to see the twinkle in his eyes.

    One day daddy took all of us little ones into the living room, he sat in his big chair and opened this huge white book with gold trim. It was bigger and more beautiful than any other book in the house. He began to tell us little ones the story of our Holy Father that we had in heaven, who loved us like he did. He told us about our Fathers Son Jesus, who lives in our hearts, and He hears all our thoughts and prayers. I remember it like it was yesterday.

    As the words came from my daddy’s heart, I was so happy he knew where I was before I came here to be with him and momma. I was so happy that he loved Them as much as I did. As he spoke, I was having flashbacks, I saw vivid memories of what it looked like in heaven, even our Father and the Son, sitting on their thrones together. I had never forgotten the warmth of Their love. It was very easy to see Them in my mind’s eye and the floor of fine crystal-clear glass and squares of gold dust with stars under our feet and all around. I felt so loved there, my only surprise was that my daddy was talking about our Father. It was so beautiful to see the love in his eyes when he talked about our Father and Jesus. It made me love my earthly parents even more. The Lord allowed me to remember the time I spent with Them before I came here, because of my deep love for Them and He was going to use me, to help others that need to hear my message.

    I realize this is hard for anyone to believe, but I believe the Lord allowed me to remember this important fact of my life, before I came here to earth, so I could tell you of Them and Their love for you.

    When God our Father and Christ first created us, we were all in heaven, face to face with Them both, we were created as young adults. We were fully aware of who created us at that moment when our lives began and we opened our eyes for the very first time ever, millions and millions of years ago, before the dinosaurs. I could remember everything about that first moment and held it close in my heart. I loved Them both the moment I first saw Them, in all Their majesty and beauty. Their beautiful nature within Them shined so bright and was so pure and so awesome. I could see and feel their feelings of love and Their emotions. I could see Their personality and I could see Their goodness, it was so awesome and overwhelming, Their mind had no end. They were both of one mind and one Holy Spirit. Exactly the same. I’ve never seen that even in twins, there is always a difference in each individual but not between our Father and Jesus the Christ. I never wanted to be far from Them, I sat there just off to the left side, where I could still be close, but yet hiding from all the rest of the souls They were creating together.

    I don’t remember even talking to anyone, I was extremely shy and totally in amazement and love with our Father and Christ Jesus. They were all I needed to be extremely happy, I needed nothing else. After seeing tons and tons of souls created, over and over, and most of them as soon as they opened their eyes, they would fly off and explore the creation, leaving the creator behind. There was no gratitude in their hearts and no love for the God that just made them. I remember I was sitting on the floor by the throne of the Father, while He created more and more souls, and it just popped out of my mind to the Father, You’re making too many. Like an innocent child would say. Our Father looked down at me sitting by His feet and laughed and smiled at me, I smiled back and took in all His love and in my mind, I heard Him say, You have none understanding child. Then He smiled and I saw the twinkle in His blue eyes. These memories were like vivid movies in my mind, even as a baby, along with the knowledge He gave me of Himself and His heart and the knowledge of common sense and an overflowing heart filled with love for Them. They were all I wanted out of the life that they had given me.

    All my adult life, whenever I would to talk to a newborn or a child up to three years of age, I would mention God or even say Jesus telepathically to them and I’d get an instant reaction back. I was getting into my car one day and this woman was also getting into her car, she was carrying a baby boy about eighteen months old in her arms. I telepathically shouted, Jesus! That little baby turned his head in a flash and with wide eyed surprise he looked straight at me and smiled. I love to remind children where they were before they came here. I would tell them I knew what they were going through in this little heavy body and how in heaven they could fly all over with the angels and each time the baby’s eyes would light up; they’d smile and they remember heaven. I can see their thoughts and feelings and they knew exactly what I said to them, and we would instantly bond, because they knew, I knew what they were thinking and feeling. Try it, it works, mention God and Jesus, remind them of the angels singing in heaven. If you can look behind their eyes you can see the knowledge of a full-grown soul inside of them. Just look at this young baby and try to see inside her mind, she’s an old soul in a new body and still has the power to read your mind. This is Asanti, she was so aware of her abilities, we both took advantage of it. We would just look at each other’s eyes and see each other’s thoughts.

    Babies can understand you a lot more than you ever thought possible, they’re still able to read your minds and feel your feelings up to the age of two or three. And without you reminding them of heaven and developing these abilities in them, their abilities will fade, and memories will fade, until they won’t remember anything. Most people have no memory of their childhood, much less the time they were with our Lord Jesus and our Father before coming through this flesh body. God put us here so we can have a new beginning in this earth age. That’s right a whole new beginning, this is our second chance to please God, or go to the devil.

    In the beginning was the Word of God, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Jesus is the Word of God, John 1:1- 14+Rev. 19:13. All things were made of Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness can’t comprehend it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

    John 1:7-14, This same John came as a witness of the light that all men through him might believe. John was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light. Jesus Christ was the true light, that light’s every man that comes into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Christ, to them He gave them power to become sons and daughters, even them who believe on His name. Jesus Christ was born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld Christ’s glory, the glory of the only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.

    God’s Word should be on our minds and on our tongues and finding out His will for our life should come first and foremost in our lives, and not the things of this world. This world age is fading fast, our lives are short lived and time is always running towards the day of our judgment. James 4:14 Life here is as a vapor.

    The Lord made us to forget the past in His Kingdom, for reason of a new start for us. He gave us free will to make the choice, to love Him, or not, and we have the choice to do good, or evil. God won’t interfere in that choice and that’s why He’s silent, especially when we only call on Him when trouble comes. If you’re in Him every day and walk in His ways, He is with you and in your everyday life, then His Light shines from your soul through your eyes. If His Spirit truly rules over your life and the path you follow is His, carefully written in His Word, then your good to go but you have to understand His Word to know how to follow His will for our life.

    The reason we’re here on this earth, in this earth age is to make the choice to pass through this life as a servant and a light of the Lord in this world of darkness and sin, or not. You either come back home to Him at the time of your death of the body and the beginning of your everlasting life in the spiritual realm, or not. You could be left out of the Kingdom of Christ throughout the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth as it is in heaven. It’s that simple, right or wrong, it’s all up to you, you have free will to choose the right path, or the wrong path. You plan for your future in this life, may you more importantly plan for your eternity. Will it be with God, or will you be blotted out? Will you be counted as a sheep, or a goat on your judgment day?

    The Lord has blessed me so much, because I was allowed to remember heaven and the place just behind Their thrones. When I was sitting on the floor by Their feet I could stand and walk just one step behind Them, and I would be in this beautiful place. There were marble floors and tall marble columns of gray blue, with streaks of a darker blue and light blue running through it. It was so beautiful; it was wide open like a courtyard. I would stand there, and I would look out over a beautiful scene of what it looked like on earth, from on top of a mountain in Paradise. Although I had never been to earth as yet because I had never left our Lord and the Father to fly away for any reason since the day I was created. Much less for that little blue, green and white ball floating out in space, or to go on any other journey away from Them. Nothing or no one out there could be better than what I already had. I was content and at peace and very happy just to have Them in my life always and forever and remain close to Them.

    The Lord Jesus came to me there one day. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes and so lovingly told me,

    I have to send you away for a short time, but you will be back, and everything will be alright. He smiled, and He said, I will always be with you. I started to say, no, but before I could get it out everything turned white then darkness consumed me, but I felt warm and safe and I trusted Him. He had said He would always be with me, so I knew I wasn’t alone. I kept the communication lines open to our Lord Jesus and our Father, and those memories in my heart in the darkness of my mother’s womb I retained an adult mind. But I guess I was afraid of coming out, I was in there for ten months and weighed ten pounds and twelve ounces. Momma said she had to give me a haircut as soon as I got home from the hospital.

    My first traumatic experience here was looking up at my family looking down at me in my crib for the first time. I told the Lord I was cold and very afraid. I was looking face to face with all these people looking at me and I was in this little helpless body. They didn’t look so happy to see me, and I wasn’t thrilled about seeing them either. I was afraid of what they would do to me. I hadn’t spent any time with the people God created, I thought He made way too many. I never wanted any of them to even notice me over in the corner. And now I was looking up at my four sisters and my momma and no one was smiling. They were all thinking, Another kid, bummer!

    Your babies can also feel, and see your emotions, because we were all an open book in heaven, nothing was hidden from the Lord, or each other there. And that’s why you should never talk baby talk to your babies, just speak normally and they will understand you, they have that ability. Babies just can’t talk with their mouths yet and by the time they can talk, they forget the natural ways of heaven. We start over in this life a new creature in the Lord, sinless before God, not with the sin of Adam and Eve, that’s not God’s style.

    I could see my family’s thoughts, like a little movie that showed me the things that crossed their minds and how they felt about what they were thinking. I thought this was as natural here, as it is in heaven. At that time, I thought my thoughts were opened to all the people that saw me as well. I always knew Jesus and our Father were here with me and They knew my every thought and feeling, I felt like I was always in their hearts as well. Even when Satan showed his face, I knew God saw every second of what Satan did to me with his terrifying visions, but now I’m thankful for them, because it was important for me to learn in this earth age, before Christ’s return. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven. He will return to stay.

    I had four sisters at this time in my life, and one older brother. My momma is a great lady, she always took good care of the house and us and raised us with God and the church. I will always love her and daddy for that experience.

    But momma felt so overwhelmed, and my heart went out to her always. I never wanted to give her a hard time. My sisters were hard to deal with and there were so many of us, it was total chaos. As soon as I could crawl, I found peace and quiet inside the closets all over the house. I would sit in there for hours. I watched them walk past me, I would be sucking on my bottle and watch through the crack in the door. They would be calling my name, looking everywhere for me, but I’d only come out for momma or daddy. No one was upset that they couldn’t find me, and they didn’t even notice I was gone for hours at a time.

    I knew I was never alone in that closet; Jesus and our Father were always with me. If I hadn’t had them with me, I would have been way to scared to sit in the darkness alone. They were my protection, and I knew that with all my heart. I’m not saying we had a regular conversation like we share on earth. I talked to Them about my love for Them and how much I missed Them, always asking when I can come back home? They were mostly silent. I knew They heard my every thought and when They did want to say something, I heard Them loud and clear. Sometimes the booming voice of the Father and other times the soft voice of Christ, always with love and instructions, or things to do for others who were at the same time praying for help, or it was a lesson I needed to learn.

    I knew how to fly in my spirit body, even as a baby and I would often fly out of my body and check out the house. When it was quiet and the coast was clear, I would fly back into my waiting flesh and go out into the kitchen looking for a snack. daddy always had sweets hidden and they had my name on them, Little Debbie snack cakes.

    When I got a little older my daddy built this huge closet across the whole sunroom, it was great, and I loved it. It had three doors into it and it was made of cedar, it smelled so good. I had a little table in there and I sat on one of the bags of clothes that were out of season. I would build them up in front of me like a wall and crawl behind it and sit in my quiet spot. I spent most of my time in there, staying out of all the fighting and yelling in the house, and even when it was quiet, I still preferred to be alone with the Lord. When the fighting started, I would sit there thinking, how come they’re acting that way Lord, don’t they know that’s not right? He didn’t answer that question for me, but I could feel, He didn’t like it either. God put the knowledge of right and wrong in my heart and common sense. I have free will too, but to me that meant I was free to do Gods will and live forever with Them. God’s will is so perfect, peaceful and innocent, all I ever wanted to be was peaceful and innocent in Their eyes.

    No one ever found me if I wanted to hide, but when it was quiet, I did come out and play. I would go over to this one cabinet in the kitchen and take out the pots and pans. I would sit on the big cooking pot and drive with the lid, I would pretend to drive to church. I would have the bench pulled out and used that for the communion railing. I would make little hosts out of smashed bread and cut them with the lid from the cooking oil. Sometimes my younger brother and sister would see me setting up everything and they would play with me. My little brother played the part of the priest and we girls would receive communion from him.

    When I got a little older, or as daddy would say, I was knee high to a grasshopper and when my daddy was home, I followed him everywhere he went. I knew the others would leave me alone when he was home, because they stopped all the fighting and disappeared. They were afraid of him, because they had been fighting all day, and my poor momma was worn out. Daddy was the ruler and king of the house, and when you were really bad you got hit with his belt. I loved him, and I was always good, so I never had to fear him. I knew I was safe from the other kids with him by my side.

    He had a lot of repairs around the house to do and I was his little helper. He would even take me fishing with him, I was the only quiet child he had. We could sit for hours without a word, just floating in that small boat or sitting on the shoreline. There were a lot of smiles, and so much love between us. He was a great guy, and a friend to everyone he met, everyone loved him. He would carry on a conversation with a total stranger and become his best friend for the short time he spent in their lives. He could go on and on making them laugh or talking about some heavy truth about his life. He would always give good advice and then make them laugh before he left them.

    After church, and after Sunday dinner, daddy would take out his harmonica and start to play. He would sing songs to momma, and us. Sometimes he would take her in his arms and dance her around the living room and sing to her as they danced. I love my momma and daddy so much; I was so proud to be their daughter in this life. We were raised in the Catholic church, so momma had to keep having kids until her bio- clock stopped, or they would refuse to let her receive the sacraments. She had seven girls and two boys and one miscarriage.

    My parents took us to church every Sunday, at St. Paul’s Catholic Church. And when we started school at St. Paul’s Catholic School, we went to church every morning before class. I felt at home in His holy church and somehow closer to heaven. But that nun in my classroom was as mean as the devil, and I was stuck with her for two years. Nuns say they’re Christ’s bride, but I knew God and Christ, and let me tell you if you’re going to, talk the talk—you have to—walk the walk. God told us not to hurt his little ones, or it would be as if you would be tying a millstone, that’s a 350-pound stone used to break down the grain, around your neck, and throw yourself into the sea, as far as Jesus is concerned. I knew even as a first grader that it was so wrong to hurt anyone, especially a child. In later year’s I would find it is written in God’s Word, Matthew 18:1-10, the same in Mark 9:42 and Luke 17:2, check it out.

    Matthew 18:1-5, At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus saying, who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, truly I say unto you, except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven. (That is to be humble, pure, innocent, forthright and honest with total believe and faith in the Word of God as a trusting child.) Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. And who so shall receive one such child in my name receives me.

    Matthew 8:6-10, But who so shall offend one of these little ones which believes in me. It was better for him that a millstone was hanged about his neck, and that he was drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe, unto the world because of offenses. For it needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes. Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.

    I have nothing against nuns, I loved Saint Theresa. She was called, the little flower of God. She was a nun, and I took her name in my conformation service, when I confirmed my baptism as a baby, and my allegiance to our Almighty heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.

    One day my momma was singing in the choir at this old woman’s funeral service, it was only she and one other lady singing. They were standing in the front of the church just off to the side, and when they had stopped their song, they were waiting on the next part of the mass to start, when the whole church heard a choir of angels singing from the balcony of the church. Everyone turned to see, no one saw any bodies to go with the voices, but they all heard the angels sing that day for this wonderful old woman. She was 100 years old, and she had always prayed that the angels would sing at her funeral, when she passed over into the spiritual realm. Momma said the angels sang in a different language, she couldn’t understand what they were singing, but they all sang so perfectly together, it was the most beautiful song she had ever heard.

    I wished so much I could sing to the Lord like the angels, but I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket if I held it with both hands. I wanted more than anything to play the piano, I didn’t like the organ much, but I loved the piano with its clear and sharp notes that filled the air and stimulated my mind and made my soul soar. I wanted to send our Father and Jesus, songs from my heart, it was all I prayed for. After all the thanks and love was said, I’d pray for a piano. I didn’t know what else to pray for yet, I was six.

    I was eight years old, in the second grade, when I was finely able to receive my first communion. The body and blood of Christ, in the form of bread and wine, just like the last supper, the night before Passover, when He became the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb, when He died on the cross for our sins. I was so happy; this was the most important day of my young life. I would finely receive our Lord’s body and blood for the first time and join in His sacrifice on the cross for my sins.

    The church was filled with white flowers and big white ribbons all around the altar and all along the pews. There was a long white paper lining the aisle in the center, it was so beautiful. And the girls were all dressed in white dresses with white veils on their heads, like little child brides at a spiritual wedding to Jesus, to be in Him, and He in us. The boys were all in blue suits and bow ties. We all sat together in the front of the church, the girls on the left and the boys on the right.

    This is my sister Donna wearing the dress I wore the following year, and my second-grade picture, so you just have to picture it on me.

    I loved every moment of the mass and I was so thrilled to take part in His Sacrament of Communion. I felt the presence of the angels, and there was a frosty white light all along the top of the church, mostly above the altar. I knew that God our Father and Jesus were sitting on their thrones, floating just above that altar. They were watching us, and it felt like all of heaven was rejoicing, as all his innocent children came to His throne for the first time, to join in His salvation and eternal life with Him. In my heart it also meant, to become Christ’s bride. I didn’t think the church meant it that way, but every fiber in my being became Jesus’s bride that day. If the nuns could do it, so could I. In my mind, I poured out all my love for Them, and thanks for my life, and for everything on this earth and in heaven that our Father and Jesus had given us. Then I told Jesus I was marrying Him, if the nuns can do it so could I, besides I was a lot nicer.

    Philippians 4:4-9, Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, rejoice. Let your moderation, (which means in this case in the Strong’s Concordance, Moderation—1933 mildness, gentleness, and patience) be known to all men. The Lord is your right hand. Be careful for nothing (careful—3309—anxious) but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. Finely brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue (Virtue—703—excellence) and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do these things: and the God of peace shall be with you.

    It was finely my turn to kneel before the cross of the crucified Christ, and taste the host, His body, that was given up for the sins of the world. The priest put the bread in my mouth, and gave me a sip of wine, the blood of Jesus Christ. I became one in His sacrifice that day, and I was thrilled from my head to my toes. I promised to be faithful to Them first, before anything in heaven and on earth, and I thanked Them for my momma and daddy. I loved them so much, they were perfect in my eyes. I promised my life back to God the Father and his Son, Jesus. I asked Them to show me the way every day of my life here, so I could find my way back home to Them. And I thanked Them for always being there with me through this life and the next, forever and eternally.

    Then I looked up at the statue of the blessed mother holding the baby Jesus, she was looking at the baby in her arms. I looked at her and began to talk to her in the words the angel Gabriel said when she was told she would be the mother of God, "Hail, Mary, (Hail means, hello.) you are

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