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The Mystery of Iniquity and the Coming of the Lord: The True Israel
The Mystery of Iniquity and the Coming of the Lord: The True Israel
The Mystery of Iniquity and the Coming of the Lord: The True Israel
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The Mystery of Iniquity and the Coming of the Lord: The True Israel

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From the beginning of time, Satan has desired to rule mankind as God himself. This book starts in the garden of Eden and ends with the coming of the Lord. It is a step-by-step progression of truth that explains how this "mystery of iniquity" was laid out in order to complete this diabolical plan. Guaranteed to be an eye-opener to those who have been deceived by deception.

Release dateMar 11, 2019
The Mystery of Iniquity and the Coming of the Lord: The True Israel

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    The Mystery of Iniquity and the Coming of the Lord - Randy Howell


    The Mystery of Iniquity and the Coming of the Lord

    The True Israel

    Randy Howell

    Copyright © 2018 Randy Howell

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2018

    ISBN 978-1-64350-675-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64350-676-0 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    The following is a series of books gathered together into one for the purpose of summing up the necessary scriptures in order to make you, the reader, aware of the false teachings that are presently in our church world today. If ever there has been a time in which the world must become aware of the truth, it is now. The purpose of the truth is and always has been to expose the darkness of spiritual error that rests solely on the shifting sands of deception. Let us therefore take heed to God’s Word, giving diligence to the truth that is set before us, giving gravity to the weight and matter of its contents, endeavoring with all might to make our calling and election sure.

    Book 1

    The Truth About the Rapture

    Chapter 1

    The Prophecy to Satan

    "And I shall put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" (Genesis 3:15). Here, my friend, is the first prophecy issued from the mouth of God. It was a prophecy issued against Satan. God was saying that a warfare now existed between the seed of the woman and the seed of Satan. This warfare would produce someone who would inflict a very serious blow to the seat of Satan’s authority. In other words, someone was coming from the seed of the woman that would bruise the head or seat of authority of Satan. This was an indication that a redeemer was coming to reclaim and regain all that was lost in the garden of Eden. It came at a time when Satan was carefully orchestrating his plan to be like the most high God. Satan was attempting to be God, and because of his desire to be God, he was cast out of heaven from the presence of God himself. There wasn’t room in heaven for more than one God, so Satan took the first train out courtesy of the mighty hand of God. He had been exalted by his own pride through the spirit of self-exaltation, and he began to desire the worship of God’s own creation.

    He said, I will exalt my throne above the stars of heaven, I will be like the most high God (Isaiah 14:13). Now that was all it took to cause God to have Lucifer cast out of his presence and down to the earth. But Lucifer still adamantly held to his plan, and that plan was to be worshipped as God. He said to himself, If I cannot be God in heaven, then I will be God on earth. I will cause God’s creation to worship me instead of its creator. I will be their god, and they will worship me. His only desire was to be in a position where he could receive the worship that God rightfully deserved.

    Now Satan, being a master of deception, knew very well how to carry out his plan. He knew that if he could get Adam and Eve to fall, that through their downfall, all of mankind would be under his authority. No longer would they be true worshippers of God. Instead they would be doing the will of the one responsible for bringing them under the bondage of sin. Now when Satan came to Adam and Eve, he caused them to fall; and when they fell, they became sinners. Now Satan was their master, and the entire human race was now under the penalty of death. Not only had Satan become their god, he had stolen from God the thing that God rightfully deserved, and that was the worship of his own creation.

    Now notice very carefully, friend, how the devil deceived Eve. The devil came to Eve with the purpose of using the very thing that had caused him to fall, by entertaining a spirit of self-exaltation that would exalt oneself equal to or above God. Notice very carefully the following.

    He first came to Eve and said, Yea, hath God said thou shalt not eat of every tree of the garden? This was carefully said in a manner that would cause Eve to consider what the devil was saying. She considered it because it was a question to be answered by truth. Eve had to reply because the truth was that God did not say that they could not eat of every tree of the garden, only that they could not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. All the other fruits of the other trees were permitted to be eaten thereof. It also aroused her curiosity. He was trying to start the conversation off by making Eve admit what God had said to her so he could dispute it with a lie that would entertain and gratify Eve’s own natural desire to be more like God herself. It was also grounds to twist the truth and cause Eve to look at the commandment that God had given her and Adam in a different perspective.

    He went on to cause Eve to see his point of view by saying to Eve, Thou shalt not surely die. The reason is because that God knows that in the day that ye eat thereof, then you shall be as gods knowing good and evil. He was telling Eve that she would be a god. That desire to be a god, or like God, our creator, was the same thing that caused Satan to fall. It was a spirit of self-exaltation. The amazing thing dear friend is that Adam and Eve were already created in the image of God. They were already like God. Satan had caused Eve to deny her identity in God, which was through God’s will and power, and then caused her to try to be like God in a way that made her like him, condemned! But Adam wasn’t deceived; he knew better. Adam sinned because he chose of his own free will to follow his wife. The only way for Satan to get both of them to fall was to deceive Eve, and because of Adam’s love for his mate, he would choose to follow Eve.

    Have you ever wondered why mankind was created with a will to choose? The reason is because if man could not choose to reject or accept God, then he would be God himself. If man had no will to rebel against God, then he would be God because only God is bound by his Word. Now from the standpoint of predestination, all those that God foreknew to be saved were saved by the fulfillment of the works of Jesus Christ in death, burial, and resurrection. So the choice of the foreknown believer cannot be overturned. Yes, it is true that we had a choice of whether

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