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The Alphabet Kingdom
The Alphabet Kingdom
The Alphabet Kingdom
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The Alphabet Kingdom

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Imagine that you can't leave the place where you live, it is cursed, and somehow you need to end the curse. All your friends and family have been taken by the curse, and slowly the population is disappearing. In this imaginative story, we are introduced to a kingdom cursed by an evil witch, a wizard who can't do spells, and a blind princess. What could possibly go wrong?In the Alphabet Kingdom, a young girl named Abby sees her home dying. One by one each person is taken away and turned into a book. One day, Abby finds herself talking to a blind princess, little knowing that one simple conversation will lead her on the adventure of her life. Abby decides to not sit around and wait to be turned into a book like her parents and many more had been but to send for help. With time running out, Abby and her new friends travel around the kingdom to find the four items which will save the kingdom and break the curse. Will they be in time to save the kingdom? Will evil once again rule? Or will Abby and her friends be successful in their quest?

Release dateMay 2, 2022
The Alphabet Kingdom

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    The Alphabet Kingdom - Savannah Steele


    The Alphabet Kingdom

    Savannah Steele

    ISBN 978-1-63961-594-0 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-63961-593-3 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Savannah Steele

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    For the stories that cannot get out of my head, here is one that did.

    List of Characters

    King C—King Chris is a kind ruler who is happily married to his lovely queen.

    Queen J—Queen Jane is a gentle ruler with a kind heart and devoted to her two children and her husband.

    Prince R—Prince Romen is the eldest of the two royal children. He is always well dressed, and he had to help rule the kingdom when his parents were no longer able to.

    Princess M—Princess May takes after her mother with her kind heart. She is blind, but that doesn’t stop her from seeing the real you.

    Mr. S—Mr. Sam is a friendly farmer who helped watch over Abby when her parents were so cruelly taken by the spell. Of course, he does more than Abby will ever know and would like to keep it that way.

    Ally—Abby is a young girl who is desperate to save her family and the kingdom. She gives her trust easily and takes the adventure of her life with a few new friends.

    Mr. Fog—Mr. Fog is actually a bear who had the misfortune of making the wrong person mad, and now he is stuck separating the cursed kingdom from the rest of the world.

    Gibson—Gibson is an elf and thinks highly of his skills. When he is given a job, he gets it done.

    Henry—Henry is a dwarf, he’s strong and has seen many battles. He tends to keep to himself and watch instead of talk.

    Phillip—Phillip’s bright-red hair is the least of his concerns. Even though he’s had many problems of his own, he didn’t hesitate to help Abby when she needed it.

    Zackarea—Zackarea is an evil witch who likes to hold bitter grudges against anyone who crosses her or anyone who gets in her way. She’s not picky about that.

    Chapter 1

    A Is for Abby

    Once upon a time in a faraway land, where not everything was what it looked like, there was a small kingdom. The people who lived in it were not human or elf or anything anyone has ever seen. No, they were special people who were only the size of a couple of feet. The men folk were quite taller than the women of the land. That was normal for them. The flowers, trees, snow, leaves, and almost everything around them were what we call normal sizes, but the animals were smaller for them, and in their own little way, they lived.

    It was ruled by Queen Jane and King Chris who loved their small kingdom and would do anything to keep it safe and happy.

    They were young and did not know how true the old stories that they were told when young, so when an old woman by the name of Zackarea showed up in their kingdom and started causing trouble by telling the future and fortune and ruining the lives of their beloved subjects, they took action and had her arrested, which was not to her liking.

    That night when they were fast asleep, the witch sneaked into their room and put a spell on them.

    The queen woke up as the witch finished, and she heard her warning whisper through the night air: No longer will names be welcomed here. Until you can break the spell, you will be stuck in time and stuck in life. No one will ever know that you existed outside your little kingdom, and no one will ever know if you do not break the spell. Each month, a person under your ruling will turn into a book, and once you get down to the last twenty-six letter names, you will only have three weeks to break the curse, or you will forever be books that never existed.

    Allow me to take this moment to explain that due to respecting the spell that Zackarea the witch placed over the kingdom, I will now be referring to King Chris as King C and Queen Jane as Queen J and most all the other characters by their initials of their first name. Because if one speaks a name of someone who belongs in the kingdom, then they would become the next person to be taken by the curse. If you wish to see their full names and a little about them, please turn to the index of this book. Just make sure not to speak their names aloud, or you too may be a victim of the terrible spell that now cursed the kingdom.

    Everything that the witch said came true. The poor Queen J went crazy watching her subjects get turned into books every month. King C could not bear watching or remembering either, so he simply gave up on remembering and never remembered another thing.

    Time passed so much in fact that no one could remember a time when the curse was not there.

    King C and Queen J had two children. The oldest was Prince R and the youngest was Princess M. Princess M was blind but was as sweet as she could be. She had blond hair and gray eyes. Some thought she could see into the future, but that was mostly rumors.

    Prince R was dashingly handsome and started ruling the ever-shrinking kingdom. He was tall, had blond hair, had a sweet smile, and had muscles that were quite the lady magnet.

    My story, though, is really about a girl—a girl named Abby Green.

    She was born in this cursed kingdom but not really in it. She lived on a milk farm and had neither father nor mother. Sadly they had been affected by the curse and were now two gray-colored books on a forgotten bookshelf deep in the castle walls.

    Abby lived alone. No one bothered to check on her, and when her parents were taken away, she was sixteen, so there was no need to bring anyone else to the farm.

    There was only one cow, a one-bedroom cottage, and one small barn to keep her cow in.


    A year had passed, and it was a bright summer day. Abby was out letting her cow graze in the forest when, all of a sudden, the sky cracked like lightning, there was a bright-blue light in the sky, and then just like that, it was gone.

    There goes another one, Abby whispered, looking up at the sky and wondering who it was this time.

    She shook her head and pulled on her cow’s rope till she began following her.

    It was market day and Abby was going to sell all her dairy products.

    It was a long walk to the market, but Abby enjoyed walking, looking around, and hoping that one day the spell would lift.

    Abby arrived in no time and soon had all her dairy products set out on a table and waited for customers to come to her.

    Like always, Mr. S, who was a nearby farmer, was selling some fresh fruit at the table next to hers.

    That cow of yours sure is putting out a lot of milk lately, Mr. S said, tossing over a red apple to Abby. I have one too many. Take it as a sample. He winked.

    Abby laughed and shook her head.

    Mr. S was always looking out for her, one way or another. He was the only one that really seemed to care that her parents had both been taken by the spell.

    Today Mr. S was wearing a straw hat, red-and-white checkered shirt, dark-blue overalls, and sturdy brown boots.

    Abby did not know his name at all, except that it started with an S.

    Thank you, Abby said, placing the apple in her apron pocket.

    Her brown hair began being tugged by the wind from the loose ribbon that she had hastily put on that morning.

    Just then the sound of trumpets came through the air. The crowds of people were silent as the grave. They parted in two as Princess M walked blindly on the cobbled road. She wore a pink gown with gold trimming.

    Please go back to your business, she said, waving her hand to the crowd. I’m only here to meet a friend.

    The crowd went back to what they were doing, but Abby knew every one of them was wondering who the friend of Princess M was.

    Abby was counting out the few gold coins she had been given by a customer when a soft voice interrupted her.

    Is that milk I smell? the voice asked.

    Abby almost dropped her coins when she saw who it was: Princess M.

    How on earth did Princess M smell the milk? Abby did not know, but she did not like the way the princess’s eyes seemed to look into her soul.

    I do have fresh milk, Abby said, handing the princess a small wooden cup filled

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