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I Am That I Am
I Am That I Am
I Am That I Am
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I Am That I Am

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The Civil War and the years of Reconstruction had finally ended. The small town of Tuskegee, Alabama, had quietly adjusted to the changes. I Am That I Am takes us to this demure town. Just when the scalawags and carpetbaggers ceased their tumultuous attempts to reorganize the South, a more sinister enemy appeared. The endless stretches of cotton flourishing during the hot days of summer abruptly ended. The ominous boll weevil with its insatiable appetite threatened the economy of the South. The white cotton was now brown and dying on the vines. Sarah, once a part of the antebellum gentry, proved to be a staunch ray of hope for both her family and her neighbors. One neighbor in particular was the equally resolute paradigm of Southern love and hospitality. This neighbor was Zachariah, a kind and humble soul who was raising his two granddaughters, Elizabeth and Mary. When Dr. George Washington Carver came to the recently opened school for Negroes (as the African Americans were called in those day), he found the help given by people such as Sarah and Zachariah, a refreshing reminder of God's providential hand. Even more surprising was the tenacious love of the people that transcended any color barriers that many would assume existed. Dr. Carver, a botanist, soon found the rare yet simple solution to the boll weevil epidemic-the tiny insect called the beetle. If only Sarah could find a solution to the dark and mysterious cloud that seemed to aggrieve her daughter-in-law. If only Zachariah could solve the mystery of the disappearing food from the barn.

Release dateFeb 19, 2019
I Am That I Am

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    I Am That I Am - Minnie Jackson


    I Am That I Am

    Minnie Jackson

    Copyright © 2018 Minnie Jackson

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2018

    All scriptures are taken from the King James Version.

    ISBN 978-1-64424-532-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64424-533-0 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28


    Iam more than a concept, more than an idea, more than a signpost, more than a metaphor, more than a motif, more than an image, and more than any man can dream, think, or imagine. I cause trees to grow and produce fruit, but nothing produced me. I caused man, animals, and all living things to procreate and give birth to their own kind, but I alone am the one uncreated and unprocreated being before I chose to birth myself. I am! All creatures, men, beasts, and plants eventually die, but after I laid down my own life in death, I am! I am before I was born, and I am after my death. I am that I am!

    I am that. I am on both sides of life and on both sides of death. I am God, immutable, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. All authority and all mastery are in me. I exist, period.

    Time is my token of grace for the visible world, a world that I prepared for man to enjoy me and to know that I am real. Even the lesser creatures, placed in the realm of time, by instinct, will both fear man and depend on man for survival. This is not by chance or by might or superiority in the visible or materiality of man’s flesh, for all flesh is as grass. Time has been created by me, the great I, to awaken in man his reason for existing, which goes beyond time.

    Holiness in man, divinity in man, and eternity in man is my presence in man. My presence has no beginning and no end, but in man, I have given myself a beginning and an end. In man, I give grace to myself and love to myself. I give to man the same by grace. Time has been given to man, along with all that exist in time, to show man why he pleasures me so. Man is not a mistake but a chosen vessel carrying the fullness of heaven and the fullness of earth. In man is the place where the eternal God, the spiritual reality of all that exist, breaches the illusionary flesh with its outward ways of the external senses and brings to life the inner man.

    I declare the end from the beginning, decreeing all things for my glory. I gave myself a mother, a body, brothers, and sisters. I also gave myself a childhood, sleep, hunger, thirst, tears, and a choice to do good or evil. But love refused to bend, refused to turn away from the cross. Love put in place every instrument, every vessel, and every effect for a just cause. Love turned from self but clothed himself in flesh and joined himself to man to die that man might live. I am love; I yoke all of creation to my eternal purpose that my elect shall see the celestial glory of heaven.

    I am that I am, unchangeable, immortal, and infinite, subject to none but myself. I am absolute, I am perfect, I am the blessed one. The anointing flows from me; I am the source of light, love, beauty, perfection, and life. I am truth, I am holy, and I am indispensable. I am pure, unblemished, self-existent, sovereign, and I unconceived. I am the logos, pathos, and ethos; my power is without measure. I am the trailblazer, the everlasting path going before all.

    I implore all to read about one woman’s praise of who I am and what my elect is like. Look at what she was not only to her family but to all objectively, the elect and all creation. According to what I have revealed about this woman and her family, look at all that is yet to be revealed to all men according to the power of the Holy Spirit.

    So draw near and glean whatever the Spirit shows, whatever sunshine comes through. Let truth peek through the shades of old traditions, prejudices, and religion. The best of books fall far short of the Book, the Holy Scriptures, the book of the living whose author is the living God. The arrows of grace shall pierce every heart that reads this book.

    Chapter 1

    The Lord God

    The Son sat at his Father’s right hand, the fruit of the womb of the woman.

    How long must I sit here beside thee, my father? asked the Son.

    Until I make all your enemies your footstool, replied the Father.

    You mean forever, don’t you, Father?

    The day will come when you shall appear before me in all your glory as mediator between me and all who are washed in the blood of the lamb. You are blessed forever, my Son. All of them who curse you will be clothed with shame, and their own confusion will be their garments. But you are appointed to comfort all who mourn, to give them beauty for ashes and your life for their death. The tender eyes of the Son reflected the pain of knowing he would suffer.

    O my Father, is there another way?

    No, my Son, there is no other way.

    The Son whispered, Nevertheless, not my will but thy will be done. He rested his head on his Father’s bosom.

    The ancient and the young rested in heavenly bliss, where love poured out for each other from the depths of eternity. Where was eternity? Eternity flowed from the two where there were no beginnings and no ends, no beginnings of life and also no ends to life. Then God created the heaven and the earth.

    The spirit of God began to stir, moving deep in the belly of the earth. Soon the living waters poured out into the deep, and the formless void and the faces of the Barth appeared. The Father and Son sat together on the banks of the water as the Spirit continued to move.

    They sat as the Spirit caused the earth to begin to take its form. Out of the vast and endless blackness, a form appeared, first with no order to its shape. As the Son watched, a wavering ball of matter began to wobble like a young lamb, recently born. The Spirit hovered about as a mother hen hovering over her sickest chick. Suddenly the earth began to consume the whole pit like a plug in a black hole. Suddenly the Son began to quake as the Spirit went into the mass. The mass began to glow as the Father called light into being.

    The Son saw now with perfect clarity. The earth was in travail, filled with life, carrying seeds of every kind. The sun shone around her like a woman’s shawl, and a crown of twelve stars sat upon her head. Her feet rested on the moon, and in the midst of her, a tree appeared. It was the tree of life with twelve different fruits and its healing leaves to bless the earth.

    Suddenly a dragon appeared, cast down from heaven, and another tree appeared. On this tree were the fruits of lust, which man would begin to crave. As men began to multiply, there suddenly was born in the little town of Bethlehem a son of a virgin, the incarnate only begotten Son of God.

    As the Son of God looked upon the son of man, his very life, the core of his being, departed from the Father and went into the baby. He was carried by the mother to a manger while still in her womb. The young mother, barely more than a child, squatted over the unhewed stone, a depressed stone used to feed the animals.

    Like the star in the east, everything that appeared on the earth would point to the Father’s beloved Son. He is the firstborn of the dead, the Lord of the harvest of redeemed souls. He is the fruit of the incorruptible seed, bringing many sons to glory. The soul that sins shall surely die, and through death God welcomes man back to paradise to walk together in the cool of the day. Not only that, but God and man also would come to earth in a sinless vessel, having the form of a man. He willingly laid down his life by taking into his sinless being the corruptible nature of man. He consumed the sin that so easily beset man who persistently attacked him, troubling him on every side. The Son came into a hostile world, allowed hostile men to attack him, falsely accuse him, and nail him to an old rugged cross.

    Why did the Son agree to the Father’s plan? The darling Son endured the pain to bring many sons to glory. The soul that sins shall surely die, and through his own death, God welcomed man back to paradise to walk together in the cool of the day. Not only that, but God and man also would forever be together, never to die again. In Christ, the God-man, heaven came to man to take man to heaven.

    The Son, in his earthen vessel, watched as his vessel grew. At the age of twelve, he traveled to Jerusalem with his kindred. As the pilgrims started back to Nazareth, the parents of Jesus realized Jesus the lad was not among them. Three days had passed, and they were in deep consternation. The group turned back toward Jerusalem. They found the one who was lost in the temple. It was in the temple that truth was lost, and it is in the temple that truth is found. What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you? (Corinthians 6:19a).

    As the procession headed again toward Nazareth, Mary was pondering the words of Jesus in her heart. Her Son was present in each of them even as he sat in the temple. He was with the Father even as he walked the earth. In life he was with them; in death he was with them. When he rose, he was with them. Jesus transcends time and the physical body that exists only in time.

    Jesus, the source of all that exists in both the physical and the spiritual world, was always with them, even before she carried him in her virginal womb.

    Revelation 1:7 states, Behold he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindred of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

    Revelation 1:17–19 states, "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me fear not, I am the first and the last.

    "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

    Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.

    Acts 5:32 states, And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

    Acts 20:22 states, And now, behold, I go bound in the Spirit into Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall be fell me there.

    If anyone on earth knew without a doubt who Jesus was, it was Mary. In her son, God walked among them, lived with them, ate with them, and talked with them. In her son, God became subject to them, became equal to his brothers and sisters, and even served them as though he was a mere servant. Like his brothers, he was a Hebrew of the Hebrews, circumcised on the third day, kept the feasts and the Passover. Like his brethren, he lived according to Jewish laws and followed Jewish traditions.

    But one day, Jesus became a man and put away childish things. One day Jesus walked in the full stature of a man. He was the man among men; he was the God-man, incomparable, capable, and ready to be about his Father’s business. The fullness of time was fully come to restore the broken walls.

    Before he gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, he had already fulfilled them. When the rich young ruler approached him, the law of truth and love confronted the lying tongue and deceitful heart. The rich young ruler wanted to know what thing he lacked that would give him eternal life—the omniscient God of all knowledge who heard Hannah’s prayer, Talk no more so exceedingly prideful, let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed (1 Samuel 2:3).

    The rich young ruler waited as though Jesus would say he lacked nothing. But Jesus said, Sell all that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shall have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me (Matthew 19:21).

    A certain lawyer asked Jesus, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus said unto him, What is written in the law? He answered, Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself. Jesus responded, Thou hast answered right: this do and thou shall live. What was Jesus teaching? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    There is nothing man has that he has not received of the Lord. There is nothing God asks man to do that he has not already done. He is the uncaused first cause, the example, the enabler; all sufficiency is of God and not of the things of this world. Why? Because everything that is of the world has an origin from another source.

    In all of the world, everything has a source or origin. Only two Spirits are in the world. When Adam sinned, his spirit became enslaved in the spirit of the devil. When God cursed the ground for Adam’s sake, the whole world fell under the dominion (spell) of the devil. He became the overlord who rules and reigns in the lords of this world. But where the Spirit of the Lord of Lords is found, freedom from the bondage of sin is found.

    The rich young ruler’s sadness in being asked to separate from his possessions by selling them and giving to the poor revealed the spell that he was under. He was unable to become willing to let go. He loved the things of this world more than he loved God and neighbor and therefore was giving up the right to eternal life.

    All scriptures are given for rebuke, inspiration, edification, and instruction. Jesus is the light shining throughout scripture. He is the voice speaking throughout scripture. He is the living Word. Jesus was also saddened for he loved the young man. Jesus sadly remarked, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. Jesus saw the young man’s trust was only in his uncertain riches, the very things that would never cross the threshold into eternity.

    Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt (Matthew 6:19a).

    Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liveth and obideth forever (1 Peter 1:23).

    The Son had sat from all eternity, looking into himself, the prophetic Word. As Mary brought forth her firstborn son, the angels had already caught him up to God. As she laid him in a manger, he was in the bosom of the Father, sitting with God on his throne. He watched from heaven as the sons of men stumbled about as blind men. He saw rich men with moth-eaten garments lying in graves. He saw fancy apparels waxing old, leaving men miserable, wretched, and naked, having nowhere to hide. He heard David calling him Lord centuries before he was born.

    Jesus is the apex of scripture; every promise and every prophesy is fulfilled in him. Every testimony of the prophets converges in his coming to earth in visible form. The pattern of scripture is without error. As the devil is sealed in evil and darkness, Jesus is sealed in holiness and light.

    In purity, he scrutinized all that he had made. He saw a world that had rebelled against their creator. But the tenacious band of love that flows from the very throne of God allowed for no breaches. None could escape. The prophetic band of grace would rope God’s enemies to witnesses of grace, totally breaking fallow ground. Vessels of wrath would become vessels of praise and worship. The divine gardener would plant them as trees of righteousness. He would stabilize them as a carpenter smooths out the rough edges of hewed furniture, and he would hew them into the full prophetic pattern of grace and truth. The divine carpenter is the Lord of lords.

    The Son is the timeless Lord over all creation. He is Lord over all the kingdoms of the earth. He sits on the great white throne alone. He is the judge at the bema, and he is the Lord over the church.

    He is the ruler over both the righteous and the unrighteous. It is his authority acting through the saints, and the anointing is the authentic seal of his Lordship. He is the Christ, the Christos, the anointed one. He rules and reigns over the new creation, the new heaven and the new earth. He is the resurrected Lord who resurrects the dead in the earth.

    Like a mighty fortress, the Spirit moves through all creation, sealing God’s claims and driving the enemy out. spiritual seals had deeded the territorial rights of the garth to the new Adam. Before dominion was placed in Adam’s hands, the Lamb had already been slain. His authority was already established without repentance. It was no accident that two trees were placed in the garden of Eden.

    God loves with an everlasting love, a love that has no beginning and no end. In the eternal data bank of heaven, the heavenly scroll of prophecy rolls out and then back again. The Lamb has already broken the seven seals. The Lord Jesus Christ knows every prophecy written on the scrolls, for out of his mouth flowed all prophecy. The prophetic sword is hovering over all creation.

    In the one eternal being is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three are the one eternal thought. They do not think on many things but on a single eternal thought that forms into a visible expression. The thought is immutably glorious and sustaining, for all creation is kept in that thought. In the three who are one, there is one eternal mind sealed in perfect unity with one eternal essence. When one is known, all three are known. The inverse is also true—if one is not known, none are known, for the three are indeed one.

    The heavenly pattern is demonstrated on earth in the different modes of operation in the body. The Spirit baptizes man into Christ, and Christ brings all to the Father whom the Father has given to the Son. In the earthly body, the feet are operated by the same mind that operates the hands, eyes, and mouth. The same God that made man made man’s feet, hands, eyes, and mouth. No one body is operated by two different minds. No member of the Trinity is controlled by another mind, but the entire Godhead has the same mind.

    Two Spirits control the seen world and the unseen world. Where one Spirit is in operation, it becomes evident which Spirit it is. No man speaking by the Holy Spirit can call Jesus accursed or can say that God is unfair or did wrong or cannot control his creation. No man can say that Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Spirit. No man can say, under the power of the Holy Spirit, that one man is above another. This includes a race of people or the gender of the person. Knowing which Spirit is the controlling Spirit in man helps to understand the madness or sanity in the world, which Spirit is controlling is the paramount factor that compels all that is done. The Spirit is the invisible deed, the act that is seen in the visible world.

    God is Spirit, and the resurrected Lord has returned to the Spirit world. Neither God the Father nor God the Son are controlled by an alien spirit. The two Spirits in the world are not equal because only the Holy Spirit is eternal. The eternal Spirit was carried to the earth by the eternal word. The eternal word became flesh. The eternal being that took on flesh has always rested in the bosom of the Father. God is the Trinity, regardless of which mode of operation is at work at a given time, he is Trinity as he walks among men; he is Trinity as he speaks through his word; he is Trinity sealed in the new creation, that is, in Christ.

    As the Son looked into the sphere called time, he saw an elderly scientist hunched over a table with many bowls filled with various solutions. At the same time, he saw a figure with the form of a man talking to multitudes stretched over the face of the earth. The multitude was of all languages and races, but on their lips was the same—Lord! He saw the young and the old alike, bowing and paying homage to the form.

    The Father studied the Son, seeing in the Son’s eyes the same scene below; the scene was locked in the sphere of time like a movie on a cylinder screen. The Father looked beyond the Son of Man and stared deep into the soul of the elderly scientist. Sitting in the very core of the man were the Father and the Son. In heaven, as the Spirit of God enveloped them as a tent surrounded its occupants, the Father said to the Son, As long as man walks the earth, we shall always have a remnant to inhabit and bring to the light. The Son added, Of our kingdom, there shall be no end. The word of the Lord has gone forth. And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent (Luke 4:43).

    The Holy Spirit hovered over the scientist in his laboratory. George Washington Carver had come to Alabama at the invitation of Booker T. Washington. Dr. Carver had gone about the towns and counties, observing the plight of the people, both black and white. There, in the midst of the segregated South, he saw the hunger and thirst among all the people.

    We must do something to help all the suffering souls, Booker T. Washington said to Dr. Carver.

    It’s got to be quick for they are dying before our eyes, answered Dr. Carver. He rose from his chair and disappeared for days. He wandered from town to town, village to village, farm to farm before finally returning to Tuskegee, Alabama.

    Carver had brought with him samples of cotton and other crops that grew in the Deep South. As he traveled about, introducing himself, the hospitality of the people impressed him greatly. Even though they had very little for themselves, they insisted on giving him something. Sometimes it was no more than a hoecake or flapjack with a glass of water. Every now and then, he feasted on a plate of collards and bread baked in the oven of a wood-burning stove. Many a family, both black and white, would wrap a little snack in a handkerchief and give it to him before bidding him farewell.

    The Father and the Son started at the same scenes unfolding in the same pair of eyes from which both of them looked. The same eyes had guided thousands of quails to the congregation in the wilderness of Sinai. Those eyes had shown Caleb and Joshua the land flowing with milk and honey. Those eyes continue to lead into unknown situations, among friends and foes alike. They are there at gravesites and hospital beds, prisons, jails and psychiatric institutions, and lands of floods, droughts, wars, and earthquakes. They are there leading and guiding. These eyes are the Spirits of God that go to and from over all the earth.

    The earth was cursed for Adam’s sake. It wasn’t long after Adam and his wife were sent out of the garden that they noticed a completely different habitation from the garden. The earth contained briars and thorns, accidents were common, mistakes were the norm, and the path of life was a mere path of lies and deceit. The couple had no clue of how to make things right; they were clueless as to who were friends and who were foes. Soon the greatest enemy of all was born. Cain was born.

    When Eve felt the first nausea, Adam wrung his hands in helpless anguish. When Cain was born, Eve was breathlessly ecstatic. She was sure God’s prophetic words would soon be fulfilled, and the family would all go back to Eden and be blissfully at peace. Soon Abel was born, and Eve waited for God to call them back to paradise.

    When news came that Cain had picked up a stone and slain his younger brother, Eve wondered, Was Abel the seed of the serpent? After all, his head was bruised and Cain was now a wanderer. Surely all that wandering has indeed bruised his heel many times over, thought Eve. The earth began to fill. The pattern of good and evil was the norm. When Eve gave birth to Seth, she remarked, God hath appointed me another seed in the place of Abel. The name Seth means placed or put. The name Abel means breath. The name Cain means given. Eve could not conceive of a world without end. In the fullness of time, a son would be given to the world. Seth, like Abel, had breath in his nostrils, and he, too, eventually died. But in the Son to come, they would live forever and have their being. God’s prophetic scroll was unveiling. The eternal lambskin would not rot in the grave, truth and grace would be revealed, and praise to the Lord would burst forth.

    The one and only true God made everything perfect from the beginning and included every law that governs nature and man. All other gods are simply building upon the foundation already laid. All other gods are simply covering over or trying to tear down or change the existing creation. These gods are either manipulating others or deceiving themselves. They are thieves trying to gather to themselves what belongs to the one true God. In becoming wise, they became fools attempting to realign the perfection already in place. When Adam violated the one law governing man, God, whose mercy flowed freely and the ground for Adam’s sake, Adam could never make the earth perfect again as it was in the beginning. Adam could not make the earth into a sinless paradise.

    Love is the perfect law of liberty; love is manifested in obedience to God. Through his disobedience, Adam displayed his lack of love toward God as well as the absence of his ability to please God in the absence of love. Man is not free to worship God if they do not love God. No man has ever loved God outside the grace of God. Grace is God’s ark, where only God’s love abides. The ark is spiritual, where human love and human perfection cannot enter. Only souls cleansed in the blood of Jesus—that is, those souls born from above through the work of the Holy Spirit—can enter.

    In the dark night of the soul, God’s love brings serenity and peace. In green pastures and beside still waters, the soul rests patiently. In the middle of deep despair and agonizing grief, the soul is gathered to the eternal soul, where sweet peace is found. Mercy flows freely from the very heart of God. The Spirit from above is the dominating power that defeats all powers. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty; walls come down flat when the Spirit begins to move. The same Spirit that formed dirt from nothing will also declare mute all that try to unilaterally occupy God’s property.

    Many who belong to the Lord are still unaware of their true ownership. Even while they were yet sinners, Christ died for all whom the Father had given to him. For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

    To Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, a son was born, and Seth gave him the name Enos. Adam had lived 130 years when he begot Seth. After Seth was born, he eventually began having sons and daughters, and his father also. But the blessed hope, the glorious birth of the Lord Jesus, would come through the line of Seth. There would be many distinct genealogies vigilantly recorded by the holy men of God. But the genealogy of Jesus would come down unblemished, unfeigned, and undeterred. Endless debates and foolish speculations would vanish, never able to subvert to the lineage of God’s Son.

    Abraham saw the promise of God as not just beginning with Isaac and for the Jews only; he saw an all-encompassing Son for all people for all time. All along, God was unveiling his prophetic plan. Everything created was to show the Lord Jesus, the one who was both all God and all man. All along, he was unveiling the double coming of the Son, the first time as Savior and again as Lord.

    From the book of Genesis, the book of beginnings, God created double, the heaven and the earth. From the beginning, the first Adam, who was earthly, appeared and the last Adam, who is heavenly. From the beginning, God’s immutable plan for a new creation in Christ was set in eternity. Through the first Adam, the seed of the serpent began to multiply across the earth. Through the last Adam, the seed of the woman much more began to spread.

    God caused the earth both to fight against man and to lure man. God put enmity between the serpent’s seed and the woman’s seed. God ordained woman to be saved in childbirth. In the midst of every wickedness imaginable, God will always have a remnant to call upon his name. Everywhere sin abounds, grace much more abounds.

    The uncaused God began creating by bring entities into being, the heaven and the earth. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—coequal and coeternal—caused all else to have a beginning. Time had a beginning, the universe had a beginning, and the Son would redeem all that had a beginning, all except two. They were the two that came from heaven. The Son who came down did not heed to be redeemed, and the old dragon was condemned already before he was cast from heaven.

    God’s Son saw all things divide; there were two of every kind of animal. Soon Adam became two separate beings, male and female. In the midst of the garden were two trees, the tree of life and the tree of death. The Son watched as the serpent attempted to curse Adam through subtly.

    By cursing Adam, he would be cursing God if by chance Adam was the Son—that is, the Son he had tried to devour. As soon as the Son was born in the child that would rule all nations, God caught him up to his throne. When Adam became a curse, the serpent immediately knew that he was tricked. Adam was not the Son; Adam was deadlocked. Adam was now an accessory in the devil’s first cause by foul play. Adam had renounced God and declared his independence from God. Adam realized too late that he had been tricked, tripped by his own evil desire, the fantasy of being equal to God. The kernel of corn had taken root, ready to spread over the earth’s landscape.

    The walk of man through the valley of the shadow of death had begun. The Son leaned closer in the Father’s bosom. The beginning of man’s passage from earth to heaven had begun. The Son saw the glory at the end of man’s sojourn under the sun. He saw the new Adam, the blessed Adam, returning to the Father, immortal, divine, holy, righteous, and perfect. Through him, in him, and by him, the new man, reborn from above, will crush the devil’s head.

    The Father and Son guided the eyes of the scientist as he worked alone in his laboratory. Dr. Carver carefully tested and retested his serums. Sickly plants springing into healthy plants goaded him on. Day after day, he tested and mixed and measured. Plants dead and dying soon filled the laboratory. The scientist rose early to begin his work, and he worked late into the night.

    One day he rose, the cotton fields themselves had become the barometer of the power of the finished work. Everywhere he looked, he saw white Fields all over the landscape. Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest (John 4:35b).

    The Father and

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