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The Book of Love: Point by Point
The Book of Love: Point by Point
The Book of Love: Point by Point
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The Book of Love: Point by Point

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The Book of Love: Point by Point

Our country is full of famous quotes by the trailblazers that have made this country great. As a result, we all live by quotes in one form or another. From love to heartaches to sorrow and pain. It may be good advice from your mother, a dear friend, or someone famous, but in the end it’s all the same—a quote about how to live your life. Although you may find yourself or your situation in a number of these quotes, they are not intended to be about any one person, but about love in general. Each one is a short story in itself and may answer many of your heartfelt questions about love and life. When it comes to love, everybody has a mountain to climb and a devil in the details. After reading and reliving these moments of truth, I’d like to ask you this question. You have to honestly grade yourself, “On a scale of 1 to 10, what grade would you deserve on the grand stage of love?”

“The Old Country Church” is a short story about change in the church. It’s filled with its own “good, bad, and ugly characters.” Since this country is made up with change, I suppose it’s a good thing. However, in this case, I have my doubts. I think you will be left with the thought, “There must be a better way to reach our goal!” If you were the pastor, what would you do about a troublemaker in your church? I’ll leave the answer up to you since some people look at the greater good differently than I do. In the meantime, love a lot, be happy, and love yourself first.

Frank James Houchin Jr.
Release dateJan 31, 2020
The Book of Love: Point by Point

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    The Book of Love - Frank James Houchin


    The Book of Love

    Point by Point

    Frank James Houchin Jr.

    Copyright © 2019 Frank James Houchin Jr.

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2019

    ISBN 978-1-64531-384-7 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64531-385-4 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    From the beginning of time, mankind has been in search of true love. It’s like looking for that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Love is the one true virtue everybody needs for a better life. It’s a driving force that will not be denied. When it’s great, it’s wonderful, and when it’s lost, it’s one of the most disastrous feeling a person can have. During my lifetime, I’ve seen many sides of life, from saints to sinners and practically everything in between. However, the sadist of all is the snapshots of life’s other side, the poor downtrodden person that gave it their all and lost. As I write these quotes, it’s like painting a picture of love at its best and lowest points. Although, to the point common sense advice, it’s a reminder that there’s more to life than happiness. Success will make you happy, but it can’t make anybody love you. In my humble opinion, it’s love, not wealth, that makes the world go around. Some of the greatest lovers in the world have had their moment of truth in a love affair. In the end, from a rich man to a pauper, it’s all the same. If a love’s worth having, it’s worth fighting for. In praise of brevity, these quotes are thought-provoking and make a point. Although you may find yourself or your situation in a number of these quotes, they are not intended to be about any one person, but about life in general. Each one is a short story in its self and may answer many of your heartfelt questions about love and life. When it comes to love, everybody has a mountain to climb and a demon in the details. After reading and reliving these moments of truth, I’d like to ask you this question: If you had to honestly grade yourself, on a scale of 1 to 10, what grade would you deserve on the grand stage of love?

    On your journey through the book of love, and since life is so short, I encourage you to take pleasure in the beauty and love of all your family and friends. From me to you, a wish for peace, prosperity, good will, and good health throughout your lifetime. Peace and love be with you.

    A beautiful woman is absolute proof that God loves mankind. Without the beauty in women, the world would be rather dull and lifeless. There’s nothing more precious in a man’s eyes than a beautiful woman.

    All women are beautiful and very charming in their own way. Each woman is different with their own style of beauty, charm, and wit. You must love them the way they are—it’s a package deal.

    A smart diva with beauty and style is simply magnificent. Men desire smart, successful, beautiful women. However, beauty is more than skin deep when you consider the heart.

    There’s nothing more appealing to a man than a smiling lady with charm and beauty. A beautiful lady will light up a man’s soul with just a smile. If you’re lucky in love, it’s pure magic.

    True love from the heart is a rare gem. Since love seeks love and goes where love lives, the more love you have, the more love you will attract straight from the heart. A young lady with a loving heart will steal yours.

    True love is unshakeable and undeniable when it feels right. Love is one of the most unstoppable forces on the planet. A relationship is doomed without it. How sweet it is when you find the right lover.

    You’re really in love when the love of your life lives in your heart. More often than not, when you follow your heart, life is on your side. However, there are times when the mind disagrees with the heart. Since only one person in ten has a satisfied mind, real love is hard to find.

    If true love was something you could capture, would it be wise to keep or set it free? If a person doesn’t give their heart in the spirit of love, don’t waste your time. It’s a fact: you can’t force someone to love you because you think you’re beautiful or handsome. Both partners must feel the urge together, because love captures the heart.

    The best place to be is in the loving arms and thoughts of the one you love. However, being in love might be the best feeling. Nobody can truly explain how good love feels; you must experience it for yourself. Therefore, the best place to be is in the arms of love.

    True love is silent and pure. A romantic kiss puts it into action. Nobody has to tell you if you’re in love. It’s usually plain to see, especially in men—they act as if they’re the luckiest guy on the planet. However, women feel it more. You can see it in their smile and feel it in their kiss. There’s nothing more radiant than a lady in love.

    When you find true love in life, nothing else seems to matters. On a personal level, when your love life has taken a giant leap forward, it’s like hitting the big time. Remember, true love isn’t a fairy tale, so stop looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect.

    Sometimes the road to happiness is paved with heartaches. This happens when two hearts collide and going in different directions with love stuck in the middle. Only you and your partner can make the difference in matters of the heart. It’s a two-way street. Make sure you’re on the right road.

    Hoss, there’s two times in life when it’s absolutely necessary to be cinched up tight. When you’re saddled up with true love and when there’s a posse breathing down your neck. Both rides have their ups and downs.

    Real love is an eternal flame that grows sweeter with time. If you find that never-ending love that seems to last a lifetime, consider yourself lucky. The odds of first love being eternal are against you. Remember, lasting love seeks its own level.

    Real love has no time limit and happens within the twinkling of an eye. An awestruck person can’t feel the sting of a heartache. It’s beyond their comprehension when they fall in love. Nothing else seems to matter until they are faced with the cold hard facts; they are not loved the same way.

    Being in love is like being under someone’s spell. It feels good when it’s right; it’s that loving feeling. You may be obsessive, compulsive, and do crazy things. Take senseless risks and have endless thoughts about the love of your life. It’s truly amazing.

    Unconditional love makes one look good on the outside and happy on the inside. One of the happiest times in a person’s life is knowing you’ve met your love match. Nothing else seems to matters when love is at its best.

    A real friend will stick and stay through high and low tides in life. The rest are like a piece of driftwood; they come and go. It’s hard to beat a trusted friend.

    Although we’ve all heard it said many times in life, nothing is perfect. However, throughout my quest for perfection, I truly find that Jesus Christ is the true example of perfect love.

    A brilliant diva with radiance and charm will steal your heart. She’s intellectually attractive and not afraid to just be herself. What’s not to like in the hottest woman of your dreams?

    Hoss, when you think you’re the perfect lover, step back and take a second look. You’re in for a big ole-fashioned horse laugh. Remember, you can’t fool a woman.

    The power of a hug is shared energy and a gift of love from the heart. A hug provides the loving reassurance that warms the heart and makes us feel better. It simply tells us that everything’s going to be all right.

    So you think you’re really in love? Is there enough evidence to convict you of love in the first degree? If it’s real love, it’s wonderful. However, if it’s lust, better think again.

    To find love, you must first love yourself. To seek love, first love big in your heart and it will show. Believe in love and it will find you.

    When ole Cupid plays the tune of love in your heart, listen to your subconscious mind. First logical impression will usually define the moment.

    Real love is a special elixir that awakens the soul and makes one crave for more. It’s a lucky kind of feeling.

    True love is one of the best feel-good moments in a lifetime. It makes one feel happy even when the chips are down.

    Laughter and smiles are the key to being attractive. Somebody will love you for it. Nobody likes an old prune.

    There’s an incredible potential inside you just waiting to break free. Get in touch with your true self. Find the real pluses and minuses that work. Then luck will smile on you.

    When the content of the heart

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