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A Traveled Journey
A Traveled Journey
A Traveled Journey
Ebook71 pages49 minutes

A Traveled Journey

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About this ebook

This book is the true experience of the spiritual journey of a young woman who was always searching for the Creator. She was naive and not yet versed in the hermeneutics and exegetical understanding of God's Word: the Bible. She experienced many religious denominations, always thinking she had found the truth until the Holy Spirit spoke into her spirit and called her. She was receptive; she answered and truly believed she was led and is being led by the Holy Spirit.

Release dateNov 29, 2022
A Traveled Journey

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    A Traveled Journey - DIME (Deep in My Evangelism) aka Lorna Wright-Bovell


    To my family

    My mom, Pearleta; my daughter, Marleshia; granddaughters, Tara, Jada, and Esmé Dove—the most important women in my life; and the loving memory of my sons Marlon and Marley who were in my thoughts as I rewrote this book




    Chapter 1: Reflecting, Reminiscing

    Chapter 2: Laura’s Travel

    Chapter 3: In America: The Reunification

    Chapter 4: Trouble at the Door

    Chapter 5: A Change: A Period of Wilderness

    Chapter 6: Found

    Chapter 7: Acceptance

    A Brethren Spiritual Journey



    Thanks to the most gracious Yehovah God (Yahweh), Yahushua the Christ and Savior, and the blessed Holy Spirit that has kept me in the right frame of mind for over sixty-four years and has led me to write and rewrite this book.

    To M. Douglas who first brought the Holy Spirit to my awareness; the Freedom Hall family, in particular, Bishop Riley, my first shepherd/pastor who afforded me the venue and tool to search and embrace a spiritual and theological journey; Dr. Williams, my professor, dean, Hebrew and Greek teacher who, under his tutelage, encouraged me to write testimonies and spiritual poems; Evangelist Cole and all my religious affiliations: the Catholic institutions that first shaped my belief in a Creator; the Rastafarian family who impacted on my moderate dressing, naturalism, and conscious diet; Jehovah’s Witnesses family whose teaching is still an aspect of perseverance that positively impacts on most of my beliefs to this present day; the Church of God Seventh Day Pentecostal; Pastor Daniel and the Grace Church of God 7th Day; and finally to Pastor and Evangelist Sangster who typed and read this book.

    Chapter 1

    Reflecting, Reminiscing

    Laura was born into a home that embraced the Catholic faith. Although her dad was of the Anglican faith called the Church of England, she never set foot in that place. She had undergone christening and given a saint’s name (Joan) as a babe. She had confirmation and accepted Holy Communion as a young girl. Laura attended Catholic churches and schools in her youthful days. She loved participating in the month of May celebration, singing songs of praise, hailing the Blessed Virgin Mary as was the custom of the Catholic schools in her native country. Laura knew all the names of the saints, knew the Beatitudes, the Apostles’ Creed, the Our Father’s Prayer, also known as the Lord’s Prayer, found in Luke 11:2–4. Laura loved reciting the Hail Mary prayer; she also knew the components of the rosary, a chain comprised of beads with a cross affixed to the end of it, used in praying.

    Wednesdays were special for Laura during her primary school days; she had catechism class where the Bible was read, and religious euphemism was taught. Laura was privileged to visit the convent. She loved to hear the nuns in their moments of praying, which sounded like singing. There was such awe about the surroundings of the convent, just like that of the Catholic churches she attended. She just knew at a very young age she wanted to be a nun. Her thoughts back then were that nuns and priests were holy and special people, and they had a special dialogue and relationship with God. Imagine a priest listening to your sins and going to God on your behalf. That was big in the sight of young Laura, and she wanted that special relationship with God. Yes, she knew she wanted to be a nun.

    Things began to change when Laura was attending an all-girls Catholic academy / high school. She had met young girls of different religions. Some girls wore no chains nor earrings; they were just bare, plain-Jane, she would say to herself. They were called Pentecostal and spoke in an unknown tongue. Laura befriended them because they were different, but she wanted no part of their religion. One outstanding incident Laura remembered was when she had an enlightening encounter with a Rastafarian, one who believed in all things natural (no facial makeup, no perm or pressing of one’s hair). This Rastafarian also appeared quite knowledgeable concerning the Bible; he quoted many familiar scriptures. After that initial meeting,

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