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Regarding JoyAnna Marie
Regarding JoyAnna Marie
Regarding JoyAnna Marie
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Regarding JoyAnna Marie

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JoyAnna didn't have a perfect life growing up. She's a survivor of the unspeakable horror that happened to her as a child. Her first husband was an abusive drunkard, who constantly cheated on her. She trusted no one. JoyAnna felt like giving up. She wanted to end her life. She felt as though she was worthless. After having the strength and courage to leave, she found her way back to God.

After giving her life back to God, she met Mark. JoyAnna's life had been pretty close to perfect since she married Mark. She had everything going for her--an almost-perfect husband, great kids, and a job she loved. As a world-renowned evangelist and missionary, many people knew who she was. She was well loved.

She knew this new mission trip would lead to danger, but no one believed her. Her best friend, Elizabeth, thought she was being ridiculous. JoyAnna wanted to stay home, but she knew she must go. Then in an instant, JoyAnna's life was turned upside down.

JoyAnna lost sight of who she was and of even who God was. With everything that had happened that one tragic night, she had lost her identity. She must now figure out how to love and find the true meaning of forgiveness again in order to heal.

JoyAnna was angry, lost, and confused. But God--

Release dateSep 24, 2022
Regarding JoyAnna Marie

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    Regarding JoyAnna Marie - Rhonda Cross


    Regarding JoyAnna Marie

    Rhonda Cross

    ISBN 979-8-88540-518-8 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88540-519-5 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Rhonda Cross

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    About the Author

    For everyone who feels that God has been distant.

    For my children, bonus children, and KC, never forget that God and I love you as far as the east is from the west. Don't give up on God. He hasn't given up on you.

    For my church family and friends, thank you all for encouraging me along the way.

    For my husband, the man of my dreams, my Hosea, my bear, thank you for your patience with me. Thank you for believing in me when no one else did. I love you every day!

    Chapter 1

    Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.

    —Corrie ten Boom

    The view from the window on the plane was a remarkable sight to see. JoyAnna loved flying during a sunrise. Nothing took her breath away than staring at a beautiful violet sky filled with pinks, oranges, and purples. She was marveled by God's great masterpiece. Normally, staring out the window, looking at the ocean, would make her feel sick, but this time, she felt as though she needed to take it all in and let the scenery soak in. Between the violet sky and the deep, crystal-blue ocean, she could not thank God enough for all He has done. It amazed her that after seeing all this, still, some people do not believe in Him. " Thank you, God, for this perfect, beautiful Monday morning ," she prayed to herself.

    JoyAnna had been on many mission trips before—why was this one giving her a nervous feeling in her stomach? She could not help but wonder why she was feeling this way. After all, she knew that first and foremost, she was protected by God—she was His child. Second, she was on a mission trip with her best friend for the first time together. JoyAnna remembered the words her husband said to her after she kissed him passionately before boarding the flight. He was always so great at reassuring her that everything would be fine. Remember whose child you are, Joy. God has you, and everything will be just fine.

    Mark was not like most guys; he was a very passionate person. He took care of her like no one else did. Mark was her biggest supporter and best friend. JoyAnna did not have to worry about anything, neither did she have to do anything. Mark did everything for her, including taking care of her and their nine children. Mark had three children from his previous marriage. JoyAnna also had three from her previous marriage. Together, with the help of Elizabeth, who was their surrogate, they conceived triplets. Two girls and one boy. The girls were identical. The only thing JoyAnna had to focus on was her ministry; Mark did the rest. They did everything together, except mission trips. Coming back from war had made flying hard for Mark. She understood that and supported him and his decision. She knew that he would still be there, praying for her across seas.

    JoyAnna knew from the time she was eight that she wanted to be a missionary to help women and children in America and overseas. God told her in a dream that she would be a mother to thousands, and she was. At the age of forty, JoyAnna had already accomplished more than most of her friends her age in a brief period. She did not have the best childhood growing up. There was sorrow after sorrow, but the one thing she was certain of was that God loved her and she was going to conquer remarkable things through Him. She never gave up; she kept pressing on. JoyAnna worked hard for the things she had; although she may have not been the smartest or the prettiest, she had more grit and passion than most.

    You have been very quiet, JoyAnna, what is on your mind? Elizabeth asked.

    Elizabeth and JoyAnna were best friends who were completely opposite from each other. Elizabeth, unlike JoyAnna, was outspoken and bold. When Elizabeth preached, fire would fall down from heaven. She was an anointed woman of God and could pray like nothing else. JoyAnna was blessed to have a friend like that in her corner. JoyAnna was excited that Elizabeth was joining her on this mission trip, with everything Elizabeth had been going through lately. This was the first mission trip Elizabeth attended with JoyAnna. The last six months, Elizabeth had not been herself. She had been distanced, keeping to herself, and even had stepped back from preaching as much. It worried JoyAnna, but Elizabeth swore she was okay.

    This mission trip was different than the others—a disaster had struck Turtka. Many churches from her denomination went to help.

    Elizabeth it's nothing. JoyAnna tried blowing the conversation off. I am really happy that you are on this trip with me though.

    Joy, you know, you have never been good at lying. What is really going on? You held Mark before we boarded like it was going to be the last time you will ever see him again.

    I have this feeling I can't shake off, like something bad is about to happen. I feel like no matter how many times I pray for peace—the feeling of unsettledness will be there haunting me.

    Elizabeth took JoyAnna's hand then began to pray for peace. Remember John 14:27 (NKJV). ‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.'

    JoyAnna placed her head on Elizabeth's shoulders. She needed to hear those comforting words from her friend. I have missed you, my friend. Thank you for coming with me.

    Elizabeth wrapped her arm around her friend and remained silent. Elizabeth was also raised in church—church was basically all she knew. Elizabeth's father pastored a large church in northern Florida with capacity to sit over two thousand people. Everyone knew who she was and respected her. It was not hard for her to move up on the ladder, unlike JoyAnna who had to work for it. Elizabeth had never really strayed from church until recently. She had an exceptionally good support team—the women in her church. These women loved her and supported her. They helped her dad raise her after her mother passed away from cancer when Elizabeth was two years old. The church had always been good to her. They were there for her when her mother passed, during her rebellion teenage years, her graduations from high school and college, and when her husband passed away. It was hard for her to imagine what JoyAnna went through with her church. She was sexually assaulted by the associate pastor, and the church covered it up. Elizabeth could not fathom what JoyAnna must have gone through and felt.

    The day JoyAnna walked in the church, whom Elizabeth was the associate pastor of, she knew there was something special about her. The head pastor and his wife, Abigail, agreed with Elizabeth. They knew there was something about JoyAnna—that God was going to accomplish wonderful things through her.

    JoyAnna was scared to death the first time she attended the small country church. She had not been in a church since she was kicked out of her childhood church. JoyAnna left her abusive husband of ten years and moved to the country. Her husband had forced her to become an exotic dancer; it was his way to control her so he could sleep with other women. JoyAnna hated dancing. Finally, with the help of God, JoyAnna found the strength to leave him and dancing. She wanted to start over and do what she was called to do. Elizabeth was with her every step of the way. Elizabeth watched JoyAnna grow from a shy, quiet, pushover, people pleaser to a bold, beautiful, strong woman of God. Elizabeth, JoyAnna, and Abigail lead the women ministries like no other. Together, they were strong, powerful, anointed women ministers of God. Tag team preaching was their strongest suite.

    When the disaster hit Turtka, churches from all over were ready help. David and Abigail approached JoyAnna and Elizabeth to set up a disaster relief team. Of course, JoyAnna was all for it and ready to go. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was a bit apprehensive. With the help of two other couples in the church, the team was ready to go. Mark really wanted to try to go

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