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Never Take Your Life
Never Take Your Life
Never Take Your Life
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Never Take Your Life

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This is a book of thoughts and many stories about suicide and living with depression by a woman who died and came back to life. I am that woman. Among the subjects I mention are brain chemistry, body chemistry, financial hardship, terminal illness, love, sex, alcohol, street drugs, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, post trauma stress disorder, anger, fear, body language, mega-vitamins, nutrition, music therapy, meditation, prayer, and vibrations in the universe. The stories and experiences are from my own life or my knowledge.

When I heard a television news report on current statistics of suicide, it caused me to have a panic attack. There is a suicide in this country every twelve minutes. It was stated that twenty-two veterans a day commit suicide. My daughter committed suicide. Other persons I knew committed suicide. I am keenly aware of difficulties that lead to suicide.

I give you information throughout this book on steps to prevent this action. I would not have written this book if it were not for my concern over our epidemic of suicide. This writing is an attempt to give you new thoughts on why we have this happening. I found some unusual facts in doing research on suicide. Reports state more rich people commit suicide than poor people. Also, four times more men commit suicide than women. My purpose is to give you more insight into problems leading to depression that causes suicide.

Release dateFeb 15, 2021
Never Take Your Life

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    Never Take Your Life - Shirley Ann Rich


    Never Take Your Life

    Shirley Ann Rich

    Copyright © 2020 Shirley Ann Rich

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2020

    ISBN 978-1-64801-631-8 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64801-632-5 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


















    I actually finished writing this book on February 2, 2020. This was four days before the February 6 advent of coronavirus, causing a lot of deaths in this country. There may have been other deaths earlier and have been many, many since. It is February 6 that stands out as the beginning of a pandemic in our country. As February progressed, I came to realize how serious the situation had become. I began to listen to President Donald Trump’s daily task force briefings. The president said suicide, depression, and drug addiction would increase in this country because of the coronavirus crisis. I thought it was a coincidence that I had just finished a book on these very topics. There is information in this book based on material that has appeared elsewhere in another form. Much of this information has resulted from the many books I have read. Stories and experiences are from my life or my firsthand knowledge. I give you information throughout this book on ways to prevent depression and suicide. These are steps that I have taken myself. If you decide to follow my path for any reason, it is your decision. I am not responsible for your decisions or for the steps you take from gaining the information in this book. This writing is an attempt to give you new thoughts on why we have so much suicide in our country. Oftentimes, I repeat myself in trying to get a point across. Sometimes I have a strong opinion on a subject. These opinions are from my own life experiences or observations. I do have opinions on why more rich people commit suicide than poor people. Also, why more men commit suicide than women. In our society, I don’t see enough action being taken to prevent one suicide every twelve minutes. I can only hope to start the conversation.


    Emergency Steps

    If you feel like committing suicide, hurry and do what I say. Take one or two aspirin. Aspirin is an antidepressant. Drink a glass of juice or soda drink with sugar. Your brain needs sugar. You have to quickly change your body chemistry. Now locate or go to the drugstore and buy a strong laxative. At bedtime, take the laxative by the directions on the package. This laxative should work by morning. You need to empty the toxins and poisons out of your body.

    These chemicals keep going back into your bloodstream. You are doing this to help take yourself out of depression. Once your body is out of depression, your mind will begin to clear up. Now eat nothing but fruit for the next two days. If you cannot make it on fruit, then add a little Greek yogurt. Do not drink any coffee or consume caffeine drinks for these two days. Do not drink alcoholic beverages during this time. Your body makes its own natural alcohol. Fruit fasting will increase this production.

    While you are changing your body chemistry, you can begin to work on your mind. Listen to two hours of classical or soothing music every day. This should be music without singing. It could be manifestation music on YouTube. Or any violin and cello music which are best for changing brain waves. You should be hoping to go into a state of Theta brain waves, which is like daydreaming.

    Now think of some type of artwork you enjoyed doing as a child. Artwork causes the hands and eyes to work together. This type of hobby is almost as good as meditating for giving your mind a rest. Try to spend at least thirty minutes a day doing this artwork. This is to give your mind a break. Playing video or computer games may do this for you. Now you have taken the emergency steps. You have taken your body out of depression. You have temporarily slowed your mind down from the rush of thoughts. Now is the time to reach out for help.

    You have to talk it out. You have to speak the words out loud. You must say why you wanted to commit suicide. You have to tell someone the reason. The person you are going to tell needs to be somebody you like. They could be a pastor, an older relative, a mentor you choose, or a best friend. The important thing is you say it out loud to some caring person.

    You need to say out loud, I was thinking about committing suicide.

    The person will say Why?

    Let’s think about the usual reasons why someone wants to commit suicide. Reason number one is a serious money problem. Reason number two is you have a life-threatening illness. Reason number three is your lover or spouse has left you. Reason number four is you have severe mental depression you don’t understand. Reason number five is you feel trapped in a situation with no way out. Reason number six is you feel overwhelmed by a combination of the above five reasons.

    Later on, we will discuss in detail each of these reasons for committing suicide. Right now, we are going through the emergency steps to stop the action. We will soon pinpoint which is your reason. If you are following my instructions, by now you have the emergency steps underway. You have changed your body chemistry, slowed down your thinking, started with meditation artwork, and found a caring person to be your listener. We will call this Part One of the Emergency Steps.

    Now comes Part Two. First you must come off the two days of semi-fasting on a fruit diet to a more regular diet. It would be best if you change to a vegetarian diet. Meat can cause mental depression. This is because of the chemicals used to process the meat. Also, it is more difficult to digest meat than any other food. If you do not know how to change to a vegetarian diet, this may help.

    Think of going to a Mexican restaurant and ordering everything on the menu without meat. Tell them you are a vegetarian. They have plenty of dishes without meat. You will notice their menu has a lot of rice, beans, vegetables, salsa, and guacamole. At home, you can add more foods to those on the restaurant menu. The additions should be any vegetables, fruits, nuts, soy foods, and cereals. If you absolutely must eat some meat, it’s best to choose fish or turkey.

    Now that your body is out of depression, you need to continue to slow down your mental patterns. Listening to classical or instrumental music will help to stop thoughts. The brain waves are Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, which are like musical tones. Delta is a deep sleep. Theta is light sleep or daydreaming. Alpha is quietly awake and calm thoughts. Beta is very awake, fast, and active. Gamma is very fast with connection to the super-conscious. Chances are you have been in a state of Beta brain waves for too long. You need to move into Alpha or Theta waves to give your mind a rest. Music will take you into Alpha waves. Possibly, music can take you into Theta brain waves, which is the best place to be at this time. If you have to buy headphones for listening, it will be worth the purchase.

    You need to meet often with your listener care person. It would be good to meet with this person once a day. This is until you feel the crisis has passed. You should continue to discuss the reason for why. First of all, you need to realize nothing is ever as bad as it seems. When you break the problem down into the smallest possible pieces, it will seem easier to overcome. Research each small piece of the problem. Perhaps there is information you did not know.

    Let’s say your problem is money. You owe the IRS $3,000 from a business gone bad. You have lost your job. Your car has been repossessed. Now you have been evicted from your apartment. This is a combination of four situations. You must get help from other people. If you do not have a charming personality, this is the time to improve. You must say Please, Thank you, and Can you help me please? Ask relatives first, friends second, and a church pastor third. You must concentrate on having a place to stay. Focus on this one need first.

    You have got to work with the universe in solving the pieces of this problem. Your subconscious mind is connected to the universe. The subconscious mind works differently from your thinking mind. The subconscious mind takes in pictures and tries to make the pictures happen in real life. It is like a continuously running video recorder. It works on pictures in your mind and pictures that your eyes see. You need to stop overthinking in Beta waves. Let your mind slow down into Alpha waves. Then your subconscious mind will suddenly deliver a message to you. It will give you an idea of something you can do to solve a piece of the problem.

    Later in this book, I will tell you true stories of how my subconscious mind saved me over and over again. You may suddenly think of a place to stay. Then you may think of where to apply for a new job. If you get out of Beta waves and relax into Alpha waves, your subconscious will give inspirational thoughts of where and how to get help. New ideas will begin to flow. You can start rebuilding your life.

    So what if your serious problem is a terminal illness? First of all, terminal illness in not terminal unless you let it be. Your conventional doctor is not going to tell you about naturopathic doctors with cures. He is not going to tell you what they are doing in India or the Himalayan Mountains to cure this illness. He is not going to tell you about all the herbal teas and herbs that will cure it. You have to let the universe tell you. Conventional medicine can only go so far. Prayer will put your mind into Theta brain waves faster than meditating or music. If you are a Christian, begin to pray to God from three to five times a day.

    Meanwhile, research the nonconventional methods for curing your illness. You can research on Google or in a public library. While you are praying and researching, begin to eat one small jar of mushrooms every day. Buy mushroom capsules at your local Walmart or drugstore. Take the mushroom capsules by directions on the bottle. Mushrooms are a known cure for illnesses, even cancer. The most important mushrooms for curing illnesses are Reishi, Maitake, and Shiitake. There is a very good combination formula on the market. Try to include mushrooms in dishes for your main meals.

    Also try eating one can of asparagus every day. This is a superfood known to cure illnesses. Try to eat a strictly vegetarian diet. Replace white sugar with honey. Avoid heavy fats. Use a lot of extra virgin olive oil. Smart Balance has an olive oil butter substitute. I will talk more about nutrition later in other chapters.

    If you follow the above instructions, continue with prayer and music therapy, then you may begin to improve. Do not allow negative thoughts to come into your mind. Do not associate with negative people. Try to stay in Alpha or Theta brain waves. By following this path, the universe will deliver answers to you. Reason number three for committing suicide is your lover or spouse has left you. If you were not in an intimate physical relationship with this partner, there is no need for grief.

    You should not want to end your life over a dating partner. No matter if this was a deep relationship or a casual one, the best way to get over it is the same. Get into a relationship with another partner as soon as possible. We call this rebound love. No matter what we call it, the point is it works. The need to love and be loved is the greatest force on earth. Out there in the universe, whoever you are looking for is looking for you. There is someone looking to be loved as much as you are looking to be loved.

    How do you meet this person? The first choice is to go to a church singles dance or party. Another choice is to be attending seminars given at colleges and clubs. Also, you can become a volunteer for charities and organizations. Join clubs and groups that benefit the community. Whoever you are looking for will probably bump into you at a social event. You can try meeting this person on social media. Possibly, you might meet someone at work. Once you find this new partner, try not to make the same mistakes you made with your last partner.

    The best way to maintain a relationship is talk about the other person more than you talk about yourself. This just works. We could go into a long discourse about why it works. The fact is it does. Put the other person first, and they will not leave you. Give them reasons to be in your life, and they will be happy with you.

    Reason number four is a severe mental depression. You would not understand your depression if you know nothing about brain chemistry. We have talked about the electrical waves in your brain, which are like musical notes. Now we need to bring up the chemicals in your brain. These chemicals cause the release of hormones in your body. Some main hormones are adrenalin, cortisol, and melatonin among many. Four important brain chemicals are serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, and norepinephrine.

    Serotonin causes good moods and good feelings. Dopamine drives you into actions which bring pleasure and reward. This is the favorite brain chemical. Trying to release dopamine in their brains is why people use illegal street drugs and opioids. Glutamate affects your memory and ability to learn. Norepinephrine causes your response to stress and fear. Norepinephrine causes the hormone cortisol to be released when you are under stress or feeling fear. Too much cortisol for too long causes memory loss. If you are in a state of stress or fear too long, you may forget important facts.

    This memory loss will cause you to make bad decisions. These brain chemicals are called neurotransmitters. They work by sending signals from one nerve to another. One group of these chemicals is calming. Another group stimulates activity. An imbalance in these chemicals causes all of the mental illnesses plus other mental diseases. A healthy diet, exercise, and very little stress will help maintain a balance. When your brain chemicals are out of balance, you are going

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