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Words & Choices, These are the Issues of Life
Words & Choices, These are the Issues of Life
Words & Choices, These are the Issues of Life
Ebook243 pages3 hours

Words & Choices, These are the Issues of Life

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Rex digs deep, beneath the surface of superficial understanding of our behavior to show how, VITALLY IMPORTANT, and POWERFUL, the 'words and choices' we use are throughout our lives. Man is a free moral agent created by God to make these choices. GOD'S WORDS and His PROMISES guarantee BLESSINGS applied to our lives. Our words and choices, often idle, corrupt, and selfishly motivated, serves an idle, corrupt, world, void of Godly understanding. Corruption breeds corruption... God's Holiness and God's Righteousness, given freely by Him to ALL believers, produces balance, and "good fruit" in our lives. It's our choice, blessings, OR curses. These choices shape our thoughts, belief system, daily walk, our character, and, ultimately, our FINAL DESTINY...Heaven or hell!

Release dateMar 29, 2019
Words & Choices, These are the Issues of Life

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    Words & Choices, These are the Issues of Life - Rex Fritchey



    & Choices,

    These are the issues of life

    Rex Fritchey

    ISBN 978-1-64471-468-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64471-469-0 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2019 Rex Fritchey

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books, Inc.

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576


    There are many books available to read today—fiction and nonfiction. I often wonder if the authors of books I read are writing fiction or of something he/she knows from experience. Rex is writing from experience. He has been led by God’s Spirit to write and to share what God has revealed unto him. As Rex’s pastor it is my joy to share him with all who desire to dive deeper into their relationship with Almighty God. Read this book and then with a note pad, pen, and your Bible, go back and reread. You will be blessed.

    Stephen P. Bowe

    Grace International Ministries

    I have been a pastor for thirty years and I have never met anyone like Rex that has such a deep passion to teach to the body of Christ about, end time prophecy. He has taught over forty years and his passion has grown deeper and deeper each year to which his love for teaching this topic is greater now than it ever has been. Rex has a deep understanding that most people don’t get and he has a way of bringing it across so that it’s not confusing but very enlightening to the body of Christ. Anytime I have an opportunity to support Rex and his teaching to the public or to the body of Christ it’s my honor.

    Pastor Robert N. Akers

    Living Waters Fellowship

    Dear brother Rex, I feel honored when you asked me to write critiques on your writings that you are sharing so generously to the whole world. Let me confess that this is the first ever critique I am writing in my whole life, so please accept my apology if anything goes wrong. I have been studying your writings and then sharing them in my congregation and in some other congregations as well. These writings are eye-opening for the people who do not understand the times of God and are also very relevant to the situations the whole world is facing today. I have seen many people changing after they heard these teachings. Many have given their lives to Jesus. All human beings are in a state of war from the day they are born till their death. As Christians, we understand this truth when we study your writings. You have very clearly related the past, present, and near future of the world and church. This is the times for church to wake up. Your writings are helping the people to wake and know what is about to happen in the world very soon. I will continue to use the writings for my personal growth as well as for the benefit of my congregation. May God bless you and continue to use you for His glory.

    Lead Pastor Saleem Bashir, whose ministry is in LaHore, Pakistan

    Rex Fritchey has written a must-read primer for anyone considering to read a good book, which lead us to our decision making for a good choice. All readers will be glued to this book especially the section of the End Times…which is the passion of Rex, he being teaching the End Times for very long. Reading this book will make you learn from a good teacher of the Word of God, you’ll enjoy and knows about the second Coming of Jesus. Can’t miss Words and Choices.

    Hector Gomez,

    Associate Spanish Pastor, First Baptist Church of Lehigh Acres, Fl.

    DOM Spanish Baptist Association Royal Palm, fort Myers, Fl.

    Director, Florida Baptist Theological Seminary, Lehigh Acres Center.


    Dear Bro. and Sis Fritchey:

    Victory in the name of Jesus is the result of answered prayers. May God bless and keep you throughout your trials and tribulations. I pray that the Holy Ghost will anoint and protect you. May the blessings of Jesus be yours through the writing of this book.

    Be blessed, my brother and sister,


    Bishop C. Cunningham

    I have been fortunate to enjoy the friendship and loyal fellowship of Rex Fritchey in our church for many years. Rex is a modern-day messenger who is committed to reaching all who will hear and receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Particularly as it pertains to the End Times. Rex and his wife Sarah attended our church for over twenty years. They were always faithful in their attendance and financial support as well as committed teachers in our life group classes. Their ministry in mentorship will reap eternal rewards for the many whose lives they have invested in. Rex is a teacher. It’s what gets him up in the morning and his purpose in life. Rex is tireless in his study and writings concerning the condition of the world and what the Bible says to expect as we draw close to the second coming of Christ. We are indebted to the Rex Fritchey’s of this world. His focus on the prize helps keep others on track for the kingdom. I truly appreciate his ministry.

    Pastor John Baschieri

    Lead Pastor/ New Life Assembly


    Sarah was an integral part of this project. I want to thank her for filling in the gap while my time was taken with producing this book. Without her understanding, love, patience, and providing the proper atmosphere for writing this book, it would not have been possible.

    Thanks to my mother and father who instructed me in all the areas of fife. They brought my attention to how far off the mark the world really is. Had they not been sensitive to this, I doubt that I would have been either.

    Thanks go to Jaime Hernandez and his lovely young family. They provided me the positive feedback, dialogue and prayer to help see me through this venture.

    I thank Doris Lochmiller for providing the home nursing care that both my Mother and Sister require. This allowed me the freedom of mind to write this book.

    A great deal of credit goes to Pastor John Baschieri of New Life Assembly Church, Lehigh Acres, Florida. He feeds his congregation, not only the Milk of God’s Word, but also a balanced diet of the meat of God’s word. Pastor Dan Betzer of First Assembly Church, Ft. Myers, Florida, a master historian and excellent teacher and Pastor that expounds the Full Gospel of God.

    Thanks for the encouragement and fellowship to all my Christian friends at the New Life Assembly Church in Lehigh Acres, Florida who fully understand the timing and the warning contained within the message of this book.

    In Christ Jesus,

    Rex Fritchey

    From the Author

    My favorite book of the Bible is Proverbs for it reveals God’s wisdom and how we are all to apply it in our daily lives in order to circumvent problems…to be an overcomer…and to live as God desires that we live.

    God wants above all things that we prosper and be in good health but that isn’t possible unless we operate by God’s methods.

    God created each of us in his own image to fellowship with him and to do good works. He expects us to think, speak and do as his model for our life (Jesus) did. God operates in faith, truth and love in all that he is and all that he does. He has a method that he uses that he wants us each to use, because his methods work…and because God purposely designed us to live his way.

    It is when we choose with our own free will to not do God’s will for our lives that we automatically bring curses upon ourselves and we each ultimately pay the price for our rebellion and disobedience.

    I want to make it absolutely clear that I am no expert in God’s methods. I want to please God in all that I think, say, and do, but I frequently miss the mark, as I am sure we all do.

    I have no special credentials for even writing this book. My family and children go through the same trials and have the same obstacles to overcome as your family. God gave me a personal revelation that when I grabbed hold of it and applied it…my life changed dramatically. It was at this time that the Holy Spirit prompted me to share this revelation with others.

    Basically, the revelation involves sowing and reaping, as Galatians 6:7 reads, Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

    I’ve known for all my Christian life what that Scripture means but God gave it a new twist for me. It was revealed to me that God’s Words sown in my heart will produce a great harvest. How do I get God’s Words sown in my heart? By putting that word there and choosing with my own free will to let the word take precedence over my words…and the world’s words. One I started storing only these words in my heart they soon saturated my thought pattern. Once this happened it became clear that God’s words all contained blessings, and that the world’s words contained mostly curses. I then chose blessings over curses and my life has never been the same since.

    I soon listened with a different ear to other people when they spoke than before. The Holy Spirit quickly revealed where many people (including Christians) were missing the boat in achieving God’s blessings and much of the problem centered around CORRUPT and IDLE communication…nonproductive words!

    This opened up a whole new approach for me and my wife as we started approaching His Word as the primary instrument for receiving blessings in our lives. It isn’t enough to just know the Word, for we must be doers of the Word, as well. Many believe that to mean strictly acting on God’s Word with good works. It does mean that, but more basically, doing God’s Word mean speaking God’s Words, just as he does, to sickness, finances, for peace of mind and all of the other mountains in our daily lives. God’s Words spoken out of our mouth, in faith believing, will produce the same results as if GOD SPOKE IT! Like words beget like words. Like seed produce after their own kind, and WORDS ARE SEED! I know that this all appears too easy, and that it sounds very simplistic, but it is the simplicity of this revelation that is the key to unlocking God’s blessings for our lives.

    This is a three-part book that has (1) spiritual insights for Christians and teachings lessons from the Holy Bible.

    God says in Hebrews 5:13–14, For everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. ‘But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.’ God further states in Hosea 4:6 that My children perish for a lack of knowledge."

    The author teaches how to acquire skillful use of God’s Word, through practice and use. These skills are absolutely essential in manifesting God’s Blessings from heaven to earth.

    Part 2 of this book examines God’s end-time prophetic calendar. It explains in easy to understand language the prophesy we are currently living out and therefore fulfilling what must happen before the beginning of a new era can start.

    We are truly in the last days of God’s Master plan for this phase of our existence; it is not a time to fear, however, and more of us need to be reading the last Book of the Bible to receive the blessing that goes with reading it. God does not give a special blessing to any other book in his Holy Bible. Why? Because, in his infinite wisdom, he knew his children would avoid this last book because of the spirit of fear…afraid to see into the future and what the future holds for mankind.

    The symbolism found throughout Revelation is, not the primary issue, but the message of Revelation is, and that message is that Jesus Christ is coming again, in Glory and Majesty, with his Saints and he will reveal himself, to the world, and become its reigning King! Every other thing that happens in Revelation is subordinate to this message!

    Part 3 of this book goes into the world’s secular issues and reveals the Satanic forces that are at work (all the time) to putrefy God’s Creation.

    God works on our heart to develop our faith and dependency on him, thereby giving him all the Glory.

    Man has a free will and we each choose whom we will serve. It all starts with thoughts, then our words predetermines our actions, which predetermines our character, which predetermines our eternal destiny. Our words and choices do. Indeed, form the ISSUES OF LIFE, referred to in Proverbs 4:20–23.

    There are a number of items the author repeats several times for emphasis and a reminder to the reader that faith cometh by hearing (and hearing, and hearing) and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17).

    A portion of this book was written to be a teaching aid to develop skillful use of God’s word…another portion of this book was written to understand end time prophesy because we’re currently living it as it is written. The last portion of the book is informational and all the issues discussed, have spiritual roots; so therefore, the solution to these issues must be dealt with spiritually.

    This book was not intended to be looked at as a formula, or the only approach to understanding God’s Word.

    We thank the Holy Spirit, and I dedicate this book to the Lord and give God all the Glory, all the honor and all the praise.

    With love,

    Rex Fritchey


    Under normal circumstances a notable personality might be asked to provide some insight into the contents of this book or to make laudatory remarks about its author. In doing so sales might be increased by bringing the popularity of that person to be associated with the book. However, the message of this book speaks for itself—no further credibility need be established than that of the Holy Spirit. The truth contained herein is inspired by God himself to bring glory and teachings to the body of Christ, in the final hour.

    No other acknowledgement need be made than the acknowledgement of him, the author and finisher of our faith—and the guiding force behind this vital message.

    It is my prayer that people who commit themselves to teaching and studying the Bible will read this book with anointed eyes and hearts. May the message of this book be one that reaches from deep to deep—and Spirit to Spirit.

    A servant of Christ,


    Bishop C. Cunningham

    The Holy Spirit whispered to me before we started this whole process. He told me that this book was going to fly, for its TIME had come. It was a long, arduous, labor of love wherein God spoke what He wanted in HIS book, through me, His yielded vessel. What God starts, God finishes, for it speaks His TRUTHS, His promises, and His WILL.

    I do, at this moment in time, VOICE this declaration of prophecy to be true, and that it WILL come to past, because God’s WORDS will NOT return unto HIM, void, for they will ACCOMPLISH THE PURPOSE for what HE intended (Isaiah 55:11). We KNOW God’s WILL and HIS DIVINE PURPOSE for Words and Choices and that none should perish, from a lack of knowledge, wisdom, or understanding. Secondly, The Father COMMISSIONS the Body of Christ, that THIS GOSPEL, shall be taken to all the nations of the world, and then, THE END SHALL COME. That’s OUR responsibility. We work together, in harmony, and in AGREEMENT, to achieve this holy and righteous goal.

    We further declare that God’s Anointing on this book, God authored, will have such an

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