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Thoughts on Depression: Lessons from My Journey
Thoughts on Depression: Lessons from My Journey
Thoughts on Depression: Lessons from My Journey
Ebook55 pages51 minutes

Thoughts on Depression: Lessons from My Journey

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Billy Graham once said in a sermon, "This civilization will go down as the age of anxiety. Previous generation feared death. Our generation fears life." Depression and anxiety violate our society on a daily basis, and Christians are not immune from this attack-though I do believe that Christians are offered the greatest tools to fight back in the battle. This study is extremely personal to me. Not only have I struggled with depression, I also bear scars in my heart from wounds I received in spiritual combat on the battlefields. There were days I fought valiantly and days I set weeping and did not fight at all. But I have learned that scars are evidence that you were wounded but that you also survived. I am still in the battle, and I hope that by the grace of God, I am wiser and much more strategic in my warfare against this particular attack that the enemy often thrives in. I still do not win every battle, but I am learning, and I have not given up. As you read these pages, my prayer for you is that you find strength and a God-given determination not to give up either. Victory is mine, saith the Lord, and you are not alone. Look up, my friend, and take heart. We are more than conquers in Christ and our redemption draweth nigh.

Release dateOct 29, 2020
Thoughts on Depression: Lessons from My Journey

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    Thoughts on Depression - Nicole Smith

    I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down:

    why should the work cease whilst I leave it, and come down to you.

    Nehemiah 6:3

    Depression and Anxiety

    Learning How to Fight

    Did you know in the King James Version of the Bible you will not find the word, depression? But what you will find is many other words that are synonyms or descriptive words that you plainly see describe this state we call depression. Here are a very few—downcast, brokenhearted, troubled, miserable, and despairing.

    Every civilization has had words they used to describe this age-old struggle. You may have heard your grandparents or great grandparents make comments like he is in low cotton, she is really down and out, or now they are singing the blues. What are they describing? Someone who is discouraged, despairing, or depressed. Depression is real. The feelings are real. The pain is real. The burden of heaviness is real. It causes some people to clam up, others to lash out, or many to be irritable and moody.

    The real fact is that depression does not play fair. We often think of it as a mental, emotional, or spiritual struggle, but it does not respect those boundaries. It can even lead to literal physical effects! Another way that depression doesn’t play fair is that it will often create a feeling in you that will cause you to want to curl up and quit, when in all actuality, we are going to learn that is when you need to gear up and fight.

    This brings us to the question, Who battles depression?’ I like what one man said, Depression affects all different people—people who have enough and people who don’t, people with great jobs, people who are unemployed, people who are famous, and people who feel like nothing.

    So, if you ever have or presently are facing depression or discouragement, just know you are not alone! Have you ever thought to yourself, If I were really saved, I wouldn’t be depressed, or if I were more spiritual minded, I wouldn’t feel like this?" Kick that lie out the door! All through the Bible, you read of great saints who fought this battle of depression. David says Psalms 13:1–2, How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? Forever? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily? How long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? Job says in Job 3:11, Why did I not perish at birth and die as I came from the womb? Job 3:26 says, I have no peace, no quietness, I have no rest but only turmoil. Job 10:1 says, I loathe my very life, therefore I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul.

    The list could go on. These are just two examples. These verses do not describe men who are jumping up and down with excitement; on the contrary, these guys have broken and heavy hearts. Even John the Baptist, who was the cousin and forerunner of our Messiah, Jesus Christ, faced a season of great discouragement when he was put in prison. He sent his own men to find Jesus and ask Him if He was really the one or should they keep looking for another. Our loving Lord recognized John’s despair and helped him with an answer of confirmation.

    Charles Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers, pastored one of England’s largest churches and wrote countless sermons and books that are still read and studied in Bible colleges today. He did so much for the cause of Christ and spreading the gospel, yet this man battled depression in a mighty way.

    So, what am I trying to tell you? You are not alone! I personally believe that no one gets thru this thing called life without taking a sip out of the cup of depression. Many people will deal with different seasons of it. For others, they will be like Charles Spurgeon, and it will be an on-going battle. But we are going to study and learn together how to fight! Remember, salvation is not an exemption from the battle. It just guarantees that you win the war! Never forget that statement! Yet maybe

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