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My Songs to God: Shiraya el Elohim
My Songs to God: Shiraya el Elohim
My Songs to God: Shiraya el Elohim
Ebook62 pages23 minutes

My Songs to God: Shiraya el Elohim

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No green. No growth. No life. Intense heat grilled the land. And soil turned to dust, no hope. This microwaved earth called out for help, for rain. Yet like the creeping beetle on the sand, time crept slowly.

A drop. Another drop, then many drops. God poured hope upon this desert death. And the rhythm of the rain brought a joyous sound! A bloom of one, then two, then many people grew into a mighty orchestra of life. Like a symphony of sound, thoughts, and emotion, King David and others wrote their psalms. Our lives are wonderful music that can bring hope to us and praise to Almighty God.

I think I began writing sonnets because it seemed a poetic form with a great rhythm and lyric quality. Early on, I discovered that one of my favorite books, Psalms, meant songs of praise or hymns. In Psalm 40, the writer tells us: …the LORD put a new song in his heart! The God who weaved us in the womb will give us a new song, a song of love and peace. Yes! He can! Hallelujah! The God of Creation sent His Son that we might have life and might have it to the full! He wants to give us new songs. Even songs in the night. In the sorrow. I hope you will find joy and healing in these songs. I did.

Release dateMay 6, 2021
My Songs to God: Shiraya el Elohim

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    Book preview

    My Songs to God - Bruce Hammer

    He Gave Me a New Song

    He heard my cry, foundations trembled—shook,

    And soaring on the wind and through the clouds,

    God raised me from out of mud, and took

    Me, lifting me, uncovering the shrouds.

    He put a song inside my heart and soul—

    A Mighty Waterfall—sweet melody!

    His healing Love, His Kindness made me whole.

    The LORD composed a song that set me free.

    Dear Friend, I hope you will enjoy these songs:

    I want for you an inner voice that’s sweet,

    Speaking to your broken heart, healing wrongs

    And grief, where notes of love and joy might meet.

    Precious soul, I’m wishing you a rendezvous,

    Where you will know God’s Love is True.

    Our Friend

    He came in springtime looking for a house.

    Believing, knowing God would make a way.

    Alone, he struggled, looked and found a spouse.

    Light red, this sparrow came to us in May.

    Chased off at first by bigger birds, so mean.

    But with a mate, now chased them all away!

    The sparrows stayed and built a life serene…

    I saw the Father’s beauty on display.

    Since our Creator cares for such a friend,

    Will God Most High not care for you and me?

    Across the Earth, His Love will heal and mend.

    The Savior hears our cry for help—our plea.

    Far greater than the sparrow is our worth;

    God gave us glory, honor and the Earth!

    I Saw a Drop

    Upon the leaf of green I saw a drop;

    Before the dawn, the roses in their nest;

    Upon their leaves the water beads did stop.

    The rising sun sent light and heat to test.

    Some big, some small, and some I did not see.

    The drops began to sparkle, dazzle, preen—

    The water diamonds happy they were free!

    Light left its tent—the sun shone on the scene,

    —A plethora of precious shining jewels—

    Original in shape, in place, design:

    A stretching liquid comet bent the rules,

    And water necklace, water carpet

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